A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 13: Meeting Dr. Susan again.

Chapter 13: Meeting Dr. Susan again.

Meanwhile, You Xi Wang ran towards the maglev parking, Robert followed him as he knew his young master needed to go to the hospital. You Xiwang noticed that You family private parking had a lot of maglev cars, some were luxury sedans, some were lean looking sports cars, he pointed at a car and he asked Robert: "Robert, who owns this car?"

Robert thought for a bit and said: "Tenth Madam, You Naixin, young master,"

"Okay, I will ask her if I can take her car, it seems to be quick." replied You Xi Wang as he tapped the wristband on his left wrist. A holographic interface appeared in front of him, he was so fascinated with it, he forgot his main motive and started fiddling with it, a snort rang out and his train of thoughts was derailed by system's voice: [Master, you are acting like a toddler again. Did you forget what I told you earlier, I will take over your soul if you lose your mental composure?.]

You Xi Wang hurriedly called You Naixin who agreed to his request, but asked him to come back soon.

Robert opened the passenger seat door for You Xi Wang and he went to sit in the driver's seat. The car hummed lightly and floated in air steadily. After a deep breath, Robert pressed the accelerator, and the car zoomed as they moved. They reached the hospital in 15 minutes, half the time they used last time.

While they were on their way, You Xi Wang has already called Dr Susan: "hello" a soft but lazy voice sounded from the other side of the call.

The call system was very sophisticated as well the wrist band had a pumpkin seed-sized detachable ball, which was to be placed in the ear while a powerful microphone embedded inside the band can transmit your voice without you placing the wrist band near your face.

"Hello Dr Susan, this is You Xi Wang here."

"The handsome little one, eh? Why did you remember me?" there was a bit of energy in her voice now.

"How does an eight inches long gash on my chest with blood dripping from it sound?" he replied a bit sarcastically.

"Sister Wang, prepare an emergency kit and ambulance we need to retrieve a patient," she had already started giving instructions to the nursing staff.

"Hey! Wait, I am already on the way to the hospital stop making a fuss," You Xi Wang replied in a rush.

"Oh, well then. Sister Wang, get the emergency ward prepped, the patient is on his way." she talked to him and instructed her subordinate at the same time.

"I'll wait for you here, then, You Xi Wang." and the call disconnected.

It only took them two minutes to be done with the call.


You Xi Wang alighted the car and asked Robert to not worry and find him after parking the vehicle. He entered the hospital after passing on the instructions to Robert and was attended by a nurse who brought him to the emergency ward where Dr Susan was waiting with a look of anticipation on her face. She was wearing her white overcoat underneath it was a black frock with floral print, her legs beneath her knees were exposed and looked stunning paired with black leather gipsy sandals wrapped around her small feet making her look adorable and stunning at the same time.

"You are here, take off your shirt and lay down inside the capsule fast, you have already been bleeding for over twenty minutes, how can you be so careless?" Dr Susan instructed him.

"Well my granny pressed some of my acupoints as soon as she got a chance and the bleeding stopped but it started again in the car" he replied as he took off his shirt and headed to the capsule but the Dr stopped him and asked him to take off his shoes and jeans too, as they both had some amount of blood on them which might contaminate the capsule during the treatment.

You Xiwang did as she told him and lay in the capsule wearing nothing but underwear when the nurses looked at him, they all had a faint blush on their cheeks as he looked like a god. The Dr noticed this, and she waited for them to turn away as she continued operating the capsule, but after ten minutes she saw these nurses having no intentions to leave and were staring shamelessly, she got pissed and hissed to them in a low voice: "Leave here you, shameless women, save some patients."

The nurses left reluctantly, but they still sneak winked to You Xi Wang inside the capsule who looked away as if he did not see their actions, this made the nurses giggle as they thought he was a shy person. The Dr saw this and asked him with an amused smile, "Why did you ignore their invitations?"

"Honestly?" You Xi Wang didn't reply to her question, but asked one of his own.

Dr Susan looked at him and only nodded. She understood he was asking her whether she needed an honest answer or just joking. You Xi Wang saw this and smiled softly which dazed her a bit and said; "How can I even consider them when I am targeting you? The prettiest Dr I have ever seen."

His words were cheesy while his tone was soft. Dr Susan was dazed because of the effect his tone created over her before she could even react, she heard him say: "how about I say a poem to express my emotions for you, Susan?"

"Really now? Okay, go ahead and if you can impress me, I might give you a chance." Replied Dr Susan amusedly.

"As she walked into my life with her hair swaying around.

I wanted to be with her, even if we are hell-bound.

The spark in her gaze lit up my soul.

When she smiled at me, I wanted to give my all.

Now, as she stood there wrapped in the shimmering light.

I want to protect her smile with all my might.

Will we ever be together? I ask you, Oh gods above.

No matter what you say, I will love you to heaven and above."

These lines shocked Dr Susan, she never expected him to write something like this for her, and a faint blush emerged on her face, she turned her face away and said lightly: "You take rest, I will come and check on you later." she turned and walked away without looking back, but she heard You Xi Wang say: "Okay, Susie, I will wait for you forever."


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