A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 1: The Journey Begins.

Chapter 1: The Journey Begins.

He woke up surrounded by mist and glass shards; he was confused as he looked around. Suddenly a voice rings out in his mind.

[Master has now got possession of a new body. The system will start combining with old memories.] the system informed.

You Xi Wang blurts out, "Who are you? Where am I? Hey!!!! Is anybody there?"

[Master, relax a bit, you know, you'll hyperventilate even in the soul form.] the system answered.

"Who are you?" he asked.

[I am a piece of your soul which gained sentience when you were despising yourself for being a piss-ant failure and the world for being a mean bitch] the system replied with a mocking spirit.

"WTF! Hey, what gave you the right to speak to me like that you shit bricks!!!" You Xi Wang was already confused and this mocking voice irritated him.

[Since I am a part of your soul, I am you, idiot, stop abusing yourself and listen up. You are going to feel the pain now, but endure or you might die] system's tone was filled with contempt.

Saying this, the merger of memories started as You Xi Wang felt like being jabbed in his mind and he doubled over the misty floor and started rolling around.

After 2 minutes, which for You Xi Wang equaled to 2 lifetimes, the pain stopped, and he stood up, shaking as his face was pale. He asked, "Say, how did I come to this world?"

[Finally, some decent language, well master since you despised that old world in your sleep and created me, I thought I should thank you by taking you out from there so we came to this world in the multiverse. I do not know where it is located so forgive me as I cannot provide any more details given my strength is not that high.] the system answered sarcastically.

"But how did you decide we should take over this body?" You Xi Wang questioned.

[The old owner of this body also had an emotional surge in his soul energy which resonated with me, so I came here hoping to see an entity just like myself, bound yet free, but unfortunately, the amount of energy was too low his soul shattered but couldn't gain sentience as different parts. Thus, since we needed a body to start a new life, I took over this one.]

"So, you mean to say I would have died as well if my soul energy was low when you came into existence that time?" You Xi Wang paled more when he thought about this.

[In short, yes master, but luckily you had enough vigor. This process can only be done successfully by rarest among the rare and is purely coincidental, so don't guess too much and don't ask too much as I cannot tell you, not as your pitying dumb brain will understand anyway.] You Xi Wang was mocked again.

You Xi Wang stood there in silence, thinking about what he should do. In his old life, he was a 26-year-old guy who had a loving family, but he let his small achievement get to his head and when he realized what this, it was already too late, his parents had passed away and his brother became busy with his own life, leaving him alone and that's how he started hating himself for being a loser who didn't have the guts to try one more time and make it right until it was too late.

You Xi Wang decided at this moment that he will try to stand up again. To reach the pinnacle of this world. He asked the system, "How do I get out of this mist?"

[Close your eyes and loosen up master, you will wake up and all the best]

You Xi Wang instinctively nodded as he listened to the instructions, he was a big lover of web novels where the protagonist will get a boon called system to help him become the big shot, and now that something similar happened to him, it made him somewhat excited and happy.


After a few moments in SILICA CITY HOSPITAL, critical care unit ward number 006, in a piece of capsule-like medical monitoring equipment, in the room with white walls lay a lean boy with black hair is known as You Xi Wang, he was 178 centimeters tall slightly muscular physique.

His parents named him Xi Wang, which stands for hope in Mandarin. His father You Liangxin and mother Chen Limao were both computer engineers and core formation realm practitioners, they had a successful business and were reputable people who were honest and benevolent, but two weeks ago, when they were returning from a business meeting, their car had an accident and both of them passed away leaving only You Xi Wang and his sister You Zhichi, her name means to support in Mandarin.

They were both loved but You Xi Wang being the youngest was pampered by everyone in the big You family, he was a humble boy, polite to everyone disregarding their status, but his parents were like his oxygen since birth he was never away from them even for a day, and when he heard they passed away in an accident, he fell into a shock and fainted, his sister rushed him to the hospital and stayed there until the doctor sent her away saying 'that her brother will only be more upset if he saw her in this condition'.

A nurse wearing a sky blue and white knee-length one-piece uniform entered the ward to check on You Xi Wang's condition. As she was looking at the monitor You Xi Wang slowly opened his eyes and the monitor beeped signaling the nurse, she pressed a button on the monitor and the capsule opened with a click.

The nurse said to You Xi Wang "please lay on the bed while the doctor responsible for you comes over to perform some checks and I will inform your family to come,"

You Xi Wang smiled at her and replied in a soft voice "thank you" and walked to the bed to lie down. The nurse had a slight tint on her fair cheeks as she noticed You Xi Wang's sculpted features. In the capsule, he was wearing only shorts to cover his genitals, so she passed him a garb like a garment before leaving the room.

A few minutes later a woman wearing a white overcoat with a light pink shirt which had white flowers over it and blue jeans with a pair of sneakers matching her shirt entered the room. The woman had big sparkling hazel eyes, a small yet sharp nose, and petal-like lips with shoulder-length shiny dark brown hair and eyebrows as if created by a curved stroke of a paintbrush.

You Xi Wang was shocked as he watched her come near as she spoke with a smile on her face.

"Finally awake, are we little one?"

You Xi Wang pursed his lips and replied in annoyance, "I am not little." this was an instinctive response because he had just finished merging with memories of the other You Xi Wang and was still adapting.

The woman chuckled and introduced herself, "Hello, I am Dr. Susan Watson, I'll be looking after you. We will run some tests now and wait for your sister to come over, and if you clear the tests you get to go home, do you have questions?"

You Xi Wang replied, "I will follow your instructions doctor, please lead the way,"

As she turns with a satisfactory smile You Xi Wang ogles her ass which, despite the overcoat, looked tantalizing enough and walked out the room for his test


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