A Failed Idol’s Rise to Bottom

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

The air froze in an instant. Lee-Gyeoms expression is also frozen.

According to Lee-Gyeoms personality, Su-gyeom would say, Are you crazy? and then say, Oh, its okay. Its okay. Its done. I knew youd say that, do as you please

However, it was an unexpected silence that actually came. At this point, Su-Gyeom also felt something was wrong.Su-Gyeom rolled his big eyeballs around and looked around.

Hey, Im kidding, but wouldnt I be too ashamed if you looked at me like that?Su-Gyeom mumbled, fiddling with his backside in embarrassment. However, Chaigyeom still stared at Sugyeom without saying anything.

Hey, hey, why are you looking at me like that? Im just kidding Oh, Im sorry. All right, I wont play this kind of joke. Well, it could be between men. Youre more conservative than I thought

When embarrassment flooded in, Su-Gyeom eventually blamed Lee-Gyeom. Even though he knew that there was nothing wrong with him, he couldnt handle the shame, so he needed a place to blame.

Song Su-Gyeom.


Youre really

Oh, I see. Im sorry

Su-Gyeom raised his voice at Lee-Gyeoms words. He was ashamed of himself, and he hated Lee-Gyeom because he thought he said something he shouldnt have, and he blamed himself for saying something so serious.

There was a mixture of emotions.Su-Gyeom, who had no way to express his emotions that came up at once, only pouted his lips.

Dont say that anywhere.

Oh, I wont. I wont. And Im saying this because its you.Im not going to do it anywhere else

I wont do it unless Im crazy.

Su-Gyeom responded with a more serious look on his face. Then, Lee-Gyeom opened his mouth as if to say more.

Oh, thats enough. Dont say it. But Su-Gyeom was faster. He didnt think it was a good thing to hear, so he quickly cut him off. Lee-Gyeom closed his eyes and sighed deeply, whether it was because he thought it is ridiculous or he is angry.


Hmm? Su-Gyeom opened his eyes wide at Tae-Wons silent call.

He doesnt know what he will say, but he quickly decided that it would be better to talk to Tae-won a hundred times than to continue the embarrassing conversation with Lee-Gyeom.

Su-Gyeom looked at Tae-Won, thanking him for calling him at this moment.

Dont say that anywhere else.

Oh, Hyung! Im not going to do it! Whats wrong with you, too?

When even Tae-won, who believed in him, criticized him, Su-Gyeom wanted to go back to the past and block his mouth.It was just a light joke, but he didnt know that there would be this much aftermath. If he had known, he would never have done such a joke.

At the same time, it was unfair. Are they saying that the same members cant even joke around like that?

He is not really going to kiss him, he is just saying.

He really cant kiss another member, unless he went crazy.In addition, he is told not to say that anywhere, but he said that because Lee-Gyeom is his partner, how can he play such a prank on others?

He was almost disappointed that everyone thought that he had sin, so he had to stop.

Only say that to me. Tae-won added coldly to Su-Gyeom.

Su-Gyeoms eyes widened in surprise at the words, and soon burst into laughter. It was a smile of relief. He thought he was criticizing him for saying unnecessary things, but he seemed to be playing a joke like himself.

Su-Geyeom was relieved only after hearing that.Oh, whats this? Its so funny. I was scared!

Why are you scared?

I was scared because you were so serious. I guess you dont know, but its scary when youre serious. Do you not know?

When did I say I was serious? Anyway, you should promise.

Oh, okay. Ill play this kind of prank only on hyung.Su-Gyeom, who was completely relaxed by his words, smiled brightly. He tilted his head to see if there was anything.

Drink it.

However, Su-gyeoms worries did not last long. It was thanks to the long-awaited permission of Lee-Gyeom. Although he still looked dissatisfied, he eventually allowed him to drink as he wanted.

Oh, my god. Ill order before you take it back.Su-Gyeom didnt even ask if it was real. It was because he was worried that Lee-Gyeom would withdraw what he said after asking again.

Do you need anything?

Alcohol! Uh, you know, lemon-filled liquor.


Yes, yes! Thats right! Ill have six cups of that. I also want raspberry wine.

Su-Gyeom naturally ordered two high balls and raspberry wine for his share.It was a long time ago since he tasted it, but anyway, it was sweet and delicious alcohol.

In fact, after U-PITE was disintegrated in the air in his previous life, Su-Gyeom lived a pretty friendly life with Soju.

Unlike when he was a celebrity who only drank sweet alcohol, bitter soju was a better life.

Although soju didnt suit his taste very well, Su-Gyeom didnt have a better alcohol than that at that time. At least thats what he thought then.

Su-Gyeom laughed bitterly in the past that suddenly came to mind.

Whats wrong with you?

A bitter smile was only flashed on his face for an instant, but Yoo-Chan seemed to have managed to see it. Su-Gyeom shook his head lightly at his worried voice.

Nothing, said Su-gyeom,

Yoo-Chans dark expression didnt brighten up. The brief bitter smile still seemed to bother him.

Su-gyeom, who felt sorry worrying him, smiled.

Hey, its really nothing. I guess Yoo-Chan likes me a lot, right? Seeing you worry about me like this much. Hyung is very touched. Our Yoo-Chan thinks of me a lot.

Dont treat me like a child.

Oh, what do you mean like a child? Are you serious? Su-Gyeom opened his eyes wide at Yoo-Chans words.

Of course, he had to mix mischief with the way he spoke, but he never tried to treat Yoo-Chan as a child.

I didnt mean to tease you. It was his own consideration to ease his worries.

Youre lying.

Oh, I cant. Im a person who cant do that. Su-Gyeom once said something similar to Yoo-Chan. He had reassured him, who was anxious, saying that he was a person who could not even say things he didnt want to say.

It was similar to him now.

Su-Gyeom tried to soothe Yoo-Chan by recreating the memories of that time.Fortunately, Yoo-Chans expression brightened a little, perhaps because Su-Gyeoms efforts paid off.

Su-Gyeom was relieved only after seeing the change.

Hyung,where is it?

What is it?


Tail? Han-Sol suddenly said silly things, so Su-Gyeom tilted his head. Why is he talking about the tail all of a sudden? It was a flow of conversation that he couldnt even understand.

[They meant his fox tail, remember how they told Su-Gyeom is a fox, foxes/gumiho usually have hundred tails]

Yeah. I think its about a hundred tails, but I cant see it.

Oh, what are you talking about!

Su-Gyeoms worries were overshadowed, but Han-Sols words were nothing more than slurred noises

Su-Gyeom looked at Hansol with all his heart and soul because it was a waste to think about it.

However, Han-Sols expression was only serious.

Why would I have a tail?

Its weird that you dont have one.

What do you mean, everyone knows except hyung.

Everyone knows except me?

As soon as Su-Gyeom made a sound, he thought he heard a knock. An employee appeared with the ordered alcohol.

He was still curious about what Han-Sol meant, but Su-Gyeom, was in a hurry to drink decided to put aside the rushing curiosity.

Two glasses are mine.

I know. I knw it. Lee-Gyeom responded plainly and lifted two high balls and placed them in front of Su-Gyeom.

Su-gyeom was impressed by the welcome highball appearance he had seen in a long time.

Aiyaaa, long time no see.

If you throw up on my back again today, youll die.

Okay, Ill keep that in mind.Su-Gyeom answered calmly because it was not enough to apologize a hundred times.

Then he slowly began to empty his glass so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past. However, drinking slowly was not enough to solve the problem. Despite his efforts, Su-Gyeom, who had a weak drinking capacity, soon became like a puppy.

Yi-Gyeom would be changed to Lee-Gyeom, I asked my friend and she said its Lee. We are both not expert in Korean language but she is more advanced than me so Ill believe her. If anyone is willing to give me raws then it would be highly appreaciated.


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