A Divine Farmer

Chapter 18

C18 – The Golden Couple

Zhang Xiaoloong glanced down at his attire. While it wasn’t exactly dirty, it did have a slightly worn appearance, not exactly fitting for a gathering among the well-off.

Yet, he couldn’t really be blamed for it. The thought of attending a party had never crossed his mind before.

With a sigh, he shook his head in resignation. If he had known what he was getting into, he might have declined the job. Now, he found himself in need of a new outfit. He wasn’t sure about the prices in this area, though.

As they ruminated on this, the duo had already entered a clothing store.

The salesgirl recognized Chen Yaru and approached with a smile. “Miss Chen, are you here for your dress? We have it ready for you. Please come and try it on.”

“Yes, and please assist this gentleman in finding a suitable outfit,” Chen Yaru replied. “Ideally, it should complement my dress.”

The salesgirl was about to respond when Zhang Xiaoloong seemed to have swallowed a mouthful of spicy peppers. He coughed and hastily declared, “Miss Chen, I’m not changing. If that’s not acceptable, you should find someone else.”

Before anyone could protest, he was already making a swift exit.

“Hey…” Chen Yaru was flustered. She rushed over and clung to his arm. “Why… won’t you keep your word?”

“Well, I really don’t want to change,” Zhang Xiaoloong muttered, noticing that she had no intention of letting go. He leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “Miss, please understand. I only have a total of five thousand yuan on me. What kind of store is this? A single piece of clothing costs more than ten thousand yuan. If my dad finds out, he’ll break my legs…”

Chen Yaru was momentarily taken aback by this revelation, then burst into laughter. “Regardless, you can’t just leave. Besides, I’m getting you an outfit as a gift. What are you so worried about?”

“Then it becomes even more implausible!” Zhang Xiaoloong furrowed his brows slightly.

Initially, he thought he’d offer a little assistance, but for a small favor, if someone wanted to gift him clothing worth thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan, he couldn’t accept it.

“Why can’t I do this?” Chen Yaru pouted.

As a beauty, she was accustomed to receiving gifts from others. Men usually flocked to her. But this time, the roles were reversed. She was eager to buy clothes for the man, yet he was vehemently refusing.

If the young masters and gentlemen of Qingyang City were privy to this, they’d likely be seething with anger.

“No means no. I can’t accept your gifts anyway.” Zhang Xiaoloong attempted to leave once more.

Chen Yaru clung to him even tighter, clutching her chest firmly. “You’re not allowed to go. If you try to leave again… if you do, I’ll cry, and you’ll see it. I’ll let everyone know that you’ve mistreated me!”

Sensing the softness on his arm, Zhang Xiaoloong felt a bit awkward. He glanced to the side and noticed numerous waiters observing them, some even whispering.

His hearing had become remarkably sharp; despite the distance and their hushed tones, he could still hear clearly. Those shopgirls regarded him as a fortune hunter playing with Chen Yaru’s affections, and they sympathized with him. This situation left him feeling helpless, like he wanted to cry but couldn’t shed tears.

“Alright, if you keep this up, we’ll be like pandas in a zoo—surrounded and gawked at.” Zhang Xiaoloong offered advice.

“Then you’re not leaving?” Chen Yaru showed no signs of relenting.

“Certainly,” Zhang Xiaoloong conceded. “I don’t have the money for clothes right now, but once I have the means, I’ll repay you.”

Chen Yaru, though slightly miffed, was content that Zhang Xiaoloong had agreed to stay, so she didn’t press the issue. She instructed the shop assistant to take him to try on the clothes.

She, too, headed to the changing room to don the dress she’d previously selected. As she admired the attire’s intricate details in the mirror, her eyes suddenly brightened. Zhang Xiaoloong, now clad in his new attire, had appeared.

The finely tailored suit accentuated his slender and immaculate physique. The delicate bow tie added to his air of elegance. What’s more, Zhang Xiaoloong possessed an otherworldly grace. He resembled a dreamy prince charming from every girl’s fantasies.

Not only did Chen Yaru feel this way, but Zhang Xiaoloong himself was taken aback by his transformed appearance. He could hardly believe that the person in the mirror was truly him.

“Do you like it?” Chen Yaru’s voice flowed like gentle water, her eyes radiating with ardor.

“It’s alright,” Zhang Xiaoloong responded nonchalantly. Although the attire was undeniably handsome, he found it slightly uncomfortable to wear.

“Absolutely dashing…” The shop attendant who had helped Zhang Xiaoloong select the outfit had stars in her eyes for a moment. She quickly regained her composure. “I mean, Miss Chen and your boyfriend make a splendid pair. They’re like a match made in heaven!”

Chen Yaru flashed a sweet smile. “Please process my payment.”

After departing from the clothing store, Chen Yaru continued to drive, though her gaze repeatedly gravitated toward Zhang Xiaoloong, causing him to wonder whether she might accidentally steer the car into a wall.

Thankfully, such concerns proved unnecessary. In a short while, the car came to a halt before a lavish villa.

Zhang Xiaoloong stepped out of the car, showing no inclination to open the door for Chen Yaru. Despite being the top scorer in the college entrance examination, it appeared he hadn’t yet grasped the art of chivalry.

Chen Yaru didn’t mind. She offered a gentle smile in his direction, then delicately linked her arm with his as they entered the villa together.

The doorman, naturally unfamiliar with Zhang Xiaoloong, found himself in the dark. Yet, with Chen Yaru by his side and Zhang Xiaoloong’s demeanor, it was evident he hailed from an illustrious background. The doorman extended a polite welcome.

However, the doorman’s gaze covertly strayed toward Chen Yaru. Her close and affectionate manner with Zhang Xiaoloong surprised him. He contemplated whether it was necessary to report this.

“Yaru, you’re here. I’ve been eagerly awaiting your arrival.” A warm voice emanated from inside the door, accompanied by a young man in a suit, his eyes bearing a hint of mischief.

The doorman breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed he wouldn’t need to report anything.

“Wang Changyu, I’ve reminded you countless times. We’re not that close. Please address me as Chen Yaru, or Miss Chen,” Chen Yaru remarked, casting a brief glance at Zhang Xiaoloong as if to preempt any misconceptions about their relationship.

Wang Changyu’s expression shifted. It wasn’t Chen Yaru’s words that bothered him—she had always been aloof with him. It would have been unusual if she’d been amiable from the start.

Nonetheless, the presence of an unfamiliar man by Chen Yaru’s side irked him slightly.

“Alright, alright, Miss Chen Yaru, I concede my error,” Wang Changyu conceded. Although he entertained these thoughts privately, he didn’t dwell on Zhang Xiaoloong. Instead… truth be told, I’d been eagerly awaiting Miss Chen’s arrival today because I wanted to extend my apologies. In various ways, I admit I’ve caused Miss Chen considerable inconvenience in the past. I promise… there won’t be a recurrence in the future. I hope Miss Chen will grant me the chance to be a regular friend of yours.”

“Hmm?” Chen Yaru had anticipated a drawn-out confrontation, intending to introduce Zhang Xiaoloong as a buffer. Little did she expect Wang Changyu’s sudden change in demeanor.

According to Wang Changyu’s character, it wasn’t very possible!

Could there be some other ghost?


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