A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 95: Incoming storm

Chapter 95: Incoming storm

Alex looked at him.

"Alright." he said.

Then he tore off his shirt to reveal his upper body.

Immediately he did that, his upper body was shown to everyone. And they are all gawked. What came to their heads was 'Is Alex also a body cultivator?' But they couldn't understand no matter how hard they thought about it.

Alex's pectoral muscle although was lower in size to that of the burly boy. But it was very impressive for his age. It wasn't excessive and was well-defined. It was the type that would affect the minds of the opposite sex. Just seeing this finely built part of his body would give them the burning desire or cravings to commit amorous deeds with him. He was simply hot looking.

Also, his abdominal muscles, also called 'six-packs' and then his oblique muscles; the muscles lining the sides of his abdominal muscles looked like they were carved by a sculptor. He simply had high definition abdominal muscles as his abdomen looked ripped beyond comparison.

Besides, both his chest and abdominal muscles appeared like metal as they lustred in the sun. The shininess they produced gave everyone the feeling that they were looking at a torso forged from metal.

Topless, with a beautiful flawless skin, he was bathed by the light of the sun and he looked spectacularly dashing.

Then at the center of his chest could be seen a mystifying colorful pattern. This pattern which looked like a birthmark further added to his devilishly charming appearance.

Elena, who was looking at Alex's upper body with an indescribable emotion in her eyes was fighting the impulse to move closer to him and rub his chest and feel his ripped abdomen. She tried hard to resist the naughty thoughts that rampantly flashed in her head.

Not only Elena felt this way, every other girl on the field felt like running towards him and feel the muscles that looked like they were sculpted from steel.

The guys became very envious. Same with Jake. He was gawking at Alex's beautifully toned muscles that shone like steel. Then he began to wonder how Alex was able to have such steamy-looking muscles as he had never seen Alex do bodybuilding exercises before.

But he wouldn't know that Alex was able to achieve this because of the mutated strengthforce energy that he always channeled to his muscles from time to time to augment his physical strength.

Being an energy that it itself had been mutated to a high degree as a type of originforce energy had partially melded with it, it gave tremendous boost to Alex's physical strength anytime he infused his muscles with it.

Therefore, saturation of his muscles with this energy would cause them to begin to self-develop at a rapid rate.

The muscles permeated with the energy would start to grow quickly in size and density automatically. Alex doesn't need to do workout exercises with the aim of building his muscles, they would develop themselves for as long as the energy remains in them.

Therefore, Alex could achieve this astounding musculature because of the energy.

The brawny boy who was looking at Alex in awe began to applaud him. Then he asked "Fine muscles. But what's the use of fine muscles when it's incapable of producing power?"

Alex shook his head upon hearing this.

"You want to see my strength?" He asked with a grin.

The boy nodded.

Alex then clenched his hand into a fist. Then he punched the ground heavily.


A thunderous sound rang out when his punch was delivered to the ground. The instant his fist connected to the ground, a tall wave erupted from the point of collision and swept outwards in all directions with a powerful might.

When the wave was produced, it heaved large amount of dust into the air. This caused the field to suddenly darken as light from the sun couldn't penetrate through the thick layer of dust suspended in the air.

The boy in front of Alex was knocked backwards by the wave. But then, despite his huge body size, he forced himself to turn in the air. He landed back to the ground with his leg sinking knee-deep into it.

He did that to hook himself to the ground as the force produced by the wave upon impacting him still acted on him.

After sometime, he regained control of his body as the backward force acting on him vanished.

Alex, upon seeing the phenomenon he had caused had his eyes begin to glow in cyan. His eyes emitted this cyan light because he deployed his wind control power.

So, using his wind-manipulation ability, there was a sudden movement of air currents and the large, floating layer of dust dispersed causing the field to be illuminated again.

Once light returned to this place, the glow in Alex's eyes receded and a smile hung on his lips.

The brawny boy then stepped out of the small holes he made into the earth with his legs. Then he moved closer to Alex from a distance of dozens of feet. That was the distance he was knocked to by the wave.

When he appeared in front of Alex, he asked "I see you are strong too. But you are not a cultivator of the body. How are you able to achieve such physical strength?"

"I am sorry. That's an information I will tell no one. Haha" Alex replied with a chuckle.

"Hmm. Well, I now see you as a quasi-body cultivator. How about we fight? With fists like barbaric brutes? I have always wanted to have a good fight of fists with a body cultivator." The boy said with a confident smile.

Once 'fight' was mentioned, everyone became happy and excited. It had been a while they ever saw a good battle. Especially between Alex, the renowned battle genius of their academy and a formidable opponent.

Alex looked at the boy with a smile and nodded. He too wanted to know how powerful a body cultivator was. He had read that they were terrifying experts. At a very high stage, they could punch the air and this air would rupture worlds.

He had read of one such body cultivation experts. His name was 'The Strength Empyrean'. He was a doctor by profession but was a terrifying body cultivator. He ruled over many great worlds (greatverse).

He could clap his hands so hard that he would create a world-trembling sonic boom. The boom would affect the air, transforming it into immensely devastating, rampaging wind currents.

This air, because of the vast destructive strength it now possesses would move on to splinter worlds.

Just the boom produced from his clap made the air astonishingly powerful. What if he punched the surface of the planet he stood upon? Alex once asked himself this question when he came across the material.

But he also knew the answer to his question which was that all life would cease to exists. Both mortals and gods of all stages he believed would be wiped out.

Besides, one of the feats of The Strength Empyrean which he read about in a book titled 'Record of Amazing Cultivators', was that he had once used his index finger to shatter a world-sized energy-attack carrying more than a hundred quadrillion tons of force.

Even the planet-shattering wave of energies that resulted from the collision of his finger and the energy-attack couldn't knock him back by an inch. He effortless withstood it with no injury appearing on his body. His body was astonishingly tough.

Apart from the tyrannical strength that he possessed, his body was nearly-indestructible as he could easily withstand engulfment by a cataclysmic wave of energies possessing tremendous damaging power. Every other god-experts would be instantly annihilated.

That was another incredible feature of body cultivators. Apart from strength, they possessed powerful bodies that can withstand energy-attacks without the use for an armor. As their comprehension and cultivation of the energies increased, they could turn their bodies into powerful, peerless-grade, god-tier divine armors.

Those were the terrifying attributes they were known for once they got to a high realm of comprehension of the profoundness of the energies.

The energies they cultivated to achieve these were duraforce energy and strengthforce energy. The duraforce energy, also called flesh-invincibility energy or treasure-armor body transformation energy was an energy that when infused into the tissues would fuse with them and make it hard.

But this came with a great deal of agonizing pain as it alters the cellular structures of the tissues. They would bleed greatly as the tissues undergo a vast rearrangement.

This reformation manifests as tears, cuts, shreds and breaks on their skin. Apart from the restructuring to toughen their flesh, the tissues would gain some metallic characteristic which were hardness and density. They became very hard and highly dense.

It's an energy more powerful than diamondforce energy.

While the strengthforce energy increased their physical strength to great levels. At a great level, they could pull planets out of their orbit and literally throw it trillions of kilometers away at supersonic speed.

Alex with his knowledge of so many energies recorded in notes which his dad left for him, had always wanted to cultivate this duraforce energy. He admired body cultivation experts' astonishing physical strength and the shocking body toughness they possessed.

But he hadn't had the time to cultivate his body as he was being chased here and there. Also, he was pressed for time, he wanted to quickly ascend to the next cultivation stages.

But Alex seeing one in front of him made him very glad that he wanted to do battle with the burly boy.

Alex no longer looked at the boy before him with disgust but with admiration. He adored him for the great, excruciating pain he went through just to increase the toughness of his body.

But now that he wanted to battle with him, he knew that the battle would be tough as he wouldn't be using any of his overpowered energies but only his physical strength.

Yet, he believed that he would be able to fight the boy as his muscles had long been enhanced to a great degree. So, even without his mutated strengthforce energy, he would still erupt with amazing physical strength.

With all these thoughts in his head, he guessed he didn't need to back down from a battle that would delight him.

He looked at the burly boy and made a 'come' gesture with his fingers.

Then with a roar like angry primitive beasts from the bottomless pit of an abyss, they both ran towards each other and sent out their fists.

Their fists connected and a deafening boom rang out. This boom sounded like when dozens of thunderbolts struck the earth at once.

The instant their fists met, a powerful wave of energy erupted from their fists and moved in all directions, knocking both of them backwards.

This wave was so powerful that the earth beneath the point of collision of their fists cracked, with large fragments of it being shoved into the distance by the force the rampaging wave moved about with.

Alex was knocked further into the distance than the brawny boy who regained his balance after dozens of feet.

Standing where he landed, he became excited. This was his first time battling a worthy opponent.


Somewhere in a hollowed cave in a desolate valley.

"Jennifer and that foolish Damon. You guys wouldn't be safe for too long. A great storm is coming at you all very soon."


Then a loud sinister laugh rang out disturbing the tranquil atmosphere of this region.


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