A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 72: Mother water dragon

Chapter 72: Mother water dragon

These were beasts that could cause damage to the soul. They were beasts that had ability to attack the soul.

He didn't know what species was here. But he believed they weren't powerful enough as their soul-shredding roars wouldn't be able to do anything to the souls of everyone here. They could be rank-2 beasts. So he thought.

Then he produced a sword in his hand. He wasn't going to create energy-weapons like he did back then in the valley where he met Michelle.

He didn't know if the instructors from the academies were watching everything that was going on. If he created such, they might want to ask him how he came to know about that.

Also, he produced a ordinary weapon. He couldn't bring any weapon from his parent's storage-treasures as they were all supreme-rank and peerless-rank treasure weapons with multiple sockets for voidstones.

He knew they would come after him to ask how he got his hand on such treasures. They wouldn't leave him until he produces the location of where he got it or until he produces all the treasure on him.

Looking like an ordinary student, he was ready for the beasts. He employed his physical senses to the maximum and entered the ultra perception state.

The instant he entered it, his sense of hearing and smell which could detect sounds and smells from miles away became augmented by a factor of ten.

No movement escaped his senses.

He closed his eyes and using his sense of hearing, he could create a mental view of everything around him for a distance of ten miles.

He became surprised that he could do this too.

So many abilities. He said inwardly in an excited tone.

He felt like a child god as he had so many uncanny abilities.

Then he began to walk without fear of anything as he could see everything in his mental vision based on his powerful sense of hearing.

As Alex walked about in the forest, someone far in the sky could notice everything that Alex was doing.

Being a powerful expert, nothing Alex did escaped his vision. He saw how Alex's chest glowed and then a sword appeared in the air. This surprised this expert greatly.

Normally, cultivators use spatial rings and spatial belts to store treasures. He had never seen anything like this before in his life. He smiled that he was actually right. That a powerful treasure merged with the boy.


He laughed wickedly in his mind.

Although he was right about a powerful treasure merging with Alex but it was just a spatial necklace owned by Alex's dad with the storage space to store small worlds.

This particular storage treasure and that of his mom merged with his body, appearing as patterns on the surface of the skin in the part of the body they fused with. Anytime Alex summoned a thing, they would glow softly.

His parent did this so Alex's items would be safe with him. If he was unconscious, someone could take the spatial rings on him and leave. That was something they couldn't afford as it contained all their lifetime accumulations and that of million others which they gathered for their dazzling divinely son.

But something shocked this expert more.

This was because Alex had his eyes closed yet he walked like they were wide open. He was able to avoid large stationary object which were trees in his path.


The expert screamed in his mind.

"Such a powerful treasure. If I have it, I would be able to study it and unleash more power. Then my plans will come to fruition. Only heaven knows what type of treasure that merged with him. It could be the treasure of a deceased divine adept-category cultivator." The expert said inwardly in an excited tone.

Then the man waited in the cloud. It wasn't time yet to strike.

"Yes, wander off. Wander away from those people and come to me. Haha. Come to this expert" The man said inwardly as he monitored Alex.

Alex, not knowing someone was watching him, moved like he had eyes on all sides of his head.

He was able to do this as when wind blew by the trees, the leaves on them fluttered and generated a sound that was nearly imperceptible. But he could hear them, then he took those sounds and used it to draw up an image of the trees in his path and around him.

So in this manner, he avoided the beasts that appeared in his mental vision. He thought doing this would not allow him to showcase his fearsome combat abilities.

But how wrong he was. Just by closing his eyes and walking, he had been quickly spotted out.

Many minutes after the first soul-shaking roar sounded, another sounded.


But this was more powerful than the previous one as it caused all the students to have tremendous aches in the heads. It felt like their heads wanted wanted to burst open.

A network of green veins appeared on their heads as they struggled against the roar that seemed to want to rip their souls apart.

But Alex was exempted.

When he heard the roar, his soul only shuddered for a bit. Then he focused on his heightened sense of hearing as he tried to trace where the roar was coming from. He traced the roar to the east to a small pool, as it appeared in his inner vision.

He was surprised that the beast putting out that sound was actually in a pool.

Then a thought struck him.

"What if it's the water dragon egg?" he asked inwardly.

Then he began to make calculations and deductions in his head at an amazing speed. He arrived at one which was that since the roar was from within the pool, then it must be the egg of the water dragon and that it had hatched.

His eyes shone with excitement.

"A baby water dragon! I must get it. I would make it a pet. Awesome. Haha" Alex said in his mind in an elated tone and laughed happily.

But just as he was about to rush there, he suddenly paused in his actions as another thought struck him.

"What of mother water dragon. She could still be around and would be a divine beast that would kill me with a gaze".

He thought hardly for sometime.

"As Deborah once said, once an opportunity present itself, I must do everything in my power to make use of it. Let me go there and check it out. And if it turns out to be a dangerous exploration, I would immediately leave there" He uttered I'm a solemn tone.

He was slightly confident in his evasion skills against a divine beast. Now that he had identified how his mutated strengthforce energy works, he could apply them to his muscles so they could transform into powerful and dense muscles to generate force that would probably allow him run at the speed of a heaven adept-stage cultivator in flight.

Besides, he could control the air by deploying the strong evasion methods in the wind trinity methodology he studied which would be powered by divineforce energy.

He smiled when he put these two things together in his head.

If he knew about the other application of strengthforce energy then when he was being chased by instructor Jennifer, he would give her a good tough time in catching him and probably escape. So he felt.

Then he dashed towards there at high speed. Pushed by powerful gale-speed air currents he got to the location of the pool.

When he arrived in that area, he stopped dozens of feet away from the pool. Then he began to approach it cautiously.

He got to the pool and saw that nothing came out to harm him. This was because he was expecting mother water dragon as he called it, out of protection, to fly out of the pool in rage and attack him.

After waiting for a while, he looked into the pool. He could see nothing as it was too deep.

What unnatural pool is this? So deep.

He recalled his amplified sense of vision. Then he exercised his will on his eyes to see further and he did.

Actually, he unknowingly activated the heavenly mystery revealment god-eyes or star-gazing eyes. Golden abstruse patterns could be seen in the eyes.

The instant it activated, his vision suddenly enhanced to the extreme and in a second, he could see what was at the bottom of the pool.

The pool was actually extremely deep that it depth could be fathomed to be fifteen thousand kilometers deep.

So Alex saw the bottom using that eyes. He was shocked by this but became deeply shocked by what he saw.

It was a massive blue dragon that stretched for thousands of kilometers and was hundreds of miles wide.

It looked really fearsome in appearance.

"This must be a divine beast" Alex muttered inwardly with a heart that suddenly had it tempo speed up.

He felt it must be this beast that created the pool in here.

It looked unnatural and unordinary.

With a heart that had begun to thump wildly. He felt he needed to get away from here very quickly.

But just then, he noticed wound scars all over the dragon. The wounds were really numerous and looked grievous.

It was like the beast had a great battle with another beast or maybe a cultivator.

At the moment, the beast seemed to be sleeping to probably recover from it many, deep wounds.

Alex couldn't imagine the pain this beast would be going through. He suddenly felt pity for it. Then he looked around and saw a large egg at that bottom.

His eyes glittered.

"Dragon egg!" he screamed in his mind.

"But what gave off those roars? What's it the egg or this beast? It seems to be sleeping or it's probably unconscious. Do I go in there to take the egg? But it's deep. It's not like I can swim underwater like a fish"

Alex began to contemplate if he should go in or not. Even if he could swim underwater, he couldn't trust his movement speed in water but he could on land.

As he thought hard of what to to do, the eyelids of the gigantic water dragon beast suddenly snapped open.

Then it gazed at him.


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