A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 54: He's caring

Chapter 54: He's caring

Alex saw this and his heart shook really bad.

He had just unintentionally used the destruction-power of the eyes on the woman.

But if the god-eye's abilities weren't sealed. Jennifer, the massive academy and everyone in it would instantly turn into dusts.

Alex quickly looked into his spatial necklace and brought out a golden pill. It was a peerless-quality saint emperor-stage regeneration pill.

He dashed over and put the pill into Jennifer's mouth. Then he prayed in his heart that she would be fine. Or he would have just eliminated this senior who actually didn't mean him harm, as she only did those to teach him a lesson that he should never be rude to his seniors, in any way at all. 

But his actions were totally unnecessary.

He thought he had fatally injured Jennifer whereas it was just external and internal bleeds.

Being at the saint emperor stage, she had a fast regeneration ability that she could heal from these injuries in no time. It was nothing serious, but because he was scared that he had greatly harmed her. He gave her the pill.

She was still marveling with her mouth wide open at the power Alex produced from his eyes when Alex rushed towards her and inserted a gold-colored pill into it. She was caught off-guard by this.

By the time she would come back to reality, she had swallowed the pill.

The instant the pill got into her body, her bodily regenerative capacity was increased beyond the usual. In a second, the wounds all over her body, external and internal healed up.

She looked at Alex in shock again. Then she vanished from here to her quarter.

Alex was surprised by her action and became worried. Had she gone to tell the others about his ability?

He left her office and went to his room. He must find a way to leave this academy this moment.

- Jennifer's quarters -

Jennifer at the moment had an unsettled mind. A man had never come very close to her, talk more of touch her face.

But this boy did it and she felt an electrifying sensation when his fingers touched her lips.

She knew why he did this, because he saw she was bleeding profusely and so gave her a healing pill.

"Hmm. So he's actually quite caring." She said inwardly, understanding another of Alex's abilities.

Then she recalled what happened in her office and felt this boy was a product of some greatly powerful people. Perhaps they put him out there to gather experiences.

She took off her blood-stained clothes and went to take a shower.

Alex at the moment felt very heavy in his heart. He needed to leave here. But he would never be allowed to leave the academy unless they were tasked to do something or assigned on a mission.

While feeling heavy in his heart, the hairs on his body stood at their ends again. They were reacting to something, which was an invisible presence. And that was Jennifer's saint-sense.

Alex was surprised. "Why? What's happening"

This was the second time. He didn't know what was causing this.

"Alex, come to my residence." Alex heard a female voice in his head. This was Jennifer's voice.

He heard her voice in his head and shook.

What does she want from me again?

Then following the directions to her residence, he got there. He then entered when the door swung open for him by an invisible force that acted on it.

He saw the charming, adorable young woman on her couch smiling at him.

"Come here, Alex. Come sit beside me" She said with a warm smile in her face. And when Alex got to where she sat, she immediately said "Alex, I am totally sorry for what I did to you then. I didn't mean to be so wicked. But you should understand that you should never be impolite and rude to your seniors. So I gave you a slight punishment to brush up your morals. However, I am sorry for that and ask that you forgive me." Jennifer said with honestly in her tone.

'Slight punishment?' He asked inwardly.

But he was tremendously surprised that she actually apologized, an high-rank cultivation expert for that matter. She had thrown away her pride just to apologize to him. When he thought to here, he then apologized too with sincerity in his tone. And since she had apologized to him first, he felt that she wouldn't take any drastic action against him again.

"So where are you from?" she asked after she stood up to serve Alex tea. Alex wanted to reject it but when he saw the look in her eyes, he quickly accepted it and gulped it all down.

"My parent are no more. They died in a battle. I now stay with my uncle." Alex replied.

Jennifer's eyes glowed. So I guessed it partially correctly. His parent must have been experts that probably lived in a Greatverse. Then because of a war in which they unfortunately lost their lives, his uncle brought him down here so he can live without the fear and terror of living there in the Great world. She said inwardly.

She was fifty percent correct in her assumptions, except they fought a war with planetary invaders and were extremely powerful. They were the strongest experts in the world.

"So sorry about your parent" She said.

She also knew what it meant to not have one's parent by one's side, who would do their best to give one the love, affection, security and everything that one would ever want.

Alex nodded his head. "It's okay."

Then she sat beside Alex again.

"Do you have a drawing of them?" She asked. 

"Yes, I do." Alex replied. 

Then he produced several scrolls that had his parent drawing in it.

Jennifer unfurled the scroll and when she looked at it content, she couldn't help but be awed.

She saw the painting of his parent, they were simply like celestial heavenly couples. They were extremely striking in appearance. Especially the woman, she was so beautiful.

But somehow, she could feel feel the power possessed by this people just from the painting alone. The painting seemed to radiate their power.

This was the first time in her life she would experience this. These caused awe and veneration to set in her heart.

"Powerful experts. No wonder their son is abnormally powerful" she said inwardly in an amazed tone.

Then she looked at Alex and looked back at the painting in the scroll. Then she smiled.

And that why he's so handsome. He takes completely after his mother, like a perfect duplicate of her, except that he has masculine features.


Someone knocked on the door.

Then Jennifer told Alex to keep away the scrolls. When whoever was at her door leaves, she would resume her looking at the painting.

There was something in those paintings. They affected her overall comprehension of the methodologies that she was studying.

She didn't understand why and how this was happening, but she felt she was close to understanding the mysteries of the battle methodologies that she was studying.

She could feel her apprehension level of the methodologies rising without her doing basically nothing.

"I am truly blessed to have met this wonderful boy." she said inwardly with excitement and delight in her heart.

"Come in" Jennifer said impatiently from within.

Then the door opened and a beautiful female instructor came in. She was surprised to see Jennifer sit so close to a boy.

"What are you here for Jane?" Jennifer asked. "I am here to discuss on something with you. I first went to your office but it was locked. So I felt you should be in your living quarter"

This woman called Jane was also an instructor in the school. She looked at Alex and asked. "Who is he? What's he doing in your residence?"

"Well, it's none of your business. Let's see privately so we can discuss what you came here for" Jennifer replied. She didn't like people poking nose into her affairs.

Jane smiled. Then she looked at Alex in the eye. "He is very handsome. Your little boyfriend you wanna train?" she asked teasingly.

Jennifer shook her head with a sad smile in it.

'Oh heavens, everyone's nemesis is here!' she complained aggrievedly in her heart.

"And if he is not, I can make him mine and train him for you." Jane said with a glow of adoration in her eyes for Alex's stunning look, and with a tease in her tone. Of course, she wasn't serious about what she said. She was just the exceedingly playful type that liked to prank and kid all the instructors and students in the academy. Also, she wasn't the kind who was very serious with cultivation seniority. If it were her that Alex spoke to in that rude manner, she would just laugh it off and seriously beg him to tell her.

Jennifer couldn't take Jane's kidding talks anymore. Therefore, she quickly stood up from Alex's side and went to meet Jane, and then dragged her to a room to discuss about what she was here for.

As for Alex, after many minutes of sitting and feeling bored, he stood up and began to walk around in the living room, looking at the many pictures hung on the wall. 


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