A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 52: Horrified

Chapter 52: Horrified

Then she sent her sense in. The moment her sense penetrated the door, the back of a perfect naked body was shown to her.

Her eyes glittered. "Flawless skin". That was came to her mind.

The person in the shower room was Alex.

An instant after her sense got in, the hairs on Alex's body stood. Alex was surprised. "What's going on with my body again?" He asked inwardly.

He was scared an ultra-physique had appeared and that he would unknowingly send off a powerful attack if he carelessly moved his hands.

So, due to his experiences about ultra-physiques, he kept his mouth shut and didn't try to wave or perform any hand gestures. He became very careful and cautious of every movement. While checking his body out to see if there was any physique.

But he didn't know the hairs on his body were just having a reaction to the presence of something in the shower room.

After remaining still for a while, he saw that nothing happened and that there were no patterns or symbols on his body or his body changing color and becoming hard like steel.

Then he broke his stillness and continued to shower.

Not long, Alex's front was shown to Jennifer who gasped at the sight of what protruded from his body.

She abruptly pulled her saint-sense out and deactivated it.

Her face at the moment was red from embarrassment. Now she saw what she didn't want to see. She blamed herself for doing that.

Many minutes later, after she had regained control of her mind, she sent out her sense again. She felt he must have come out of the shower room.

When her saint-sense entered the room, she saw Alex on the ground cultivating. Since he was under her saint-sense's sensory range, she shot an invisible ray of energy from where she was at him.

The ray of transforce energy penetrated into his head and transformed into the message-thoughts that Jennifer had compiled for him.

The message was thus, "Come to my office this moment."


Alex shook when her voice sounded in his head. Since the message carried with it an urgent tone, he hurried up to his feet, left the room and dashed to nowhere...

He became confused as where to go.

He didn't know the direction to her office.

Then her voice sounded in his head again, directing him to where he should take to get to her office.

When he got there, before he could knock, the door opened for him and a female voice sounded from within, "come in."

Then Alex stepped in and locked the door.

When he looked on to see the female instructor that had called for him, he couldn't help but be awed by her beauty again.

"So, I heard you got into a fight with a boy called Kenneth?" She asked with a serious tone. "Yes, but he picked on me first. I am sorry if I have caused you problems in the academy on my first day. Those boys just couldn't take their eyes off me" he quickly replied.

He thought he had somehow land this instructor in trouble by fighting in the dining hall, a place meant for eating.

"Well, you have indeed caused me problems but it's not related to your brawl, in any way. Did you ever think why one of the boys suddenly picked on you?" she asked.

"Yes, I feel one of the seniors must have pushed him to enter a fight with me." Alex replied. "and how do you know that?" she asked.

"Well, when I was fighting Kenneth, I felt a restrictive force come upon me. I couldn't move and could only take a beating. No one would be able to put out a restrictive force until they got to the heaven adept stage, so I felt it was a senior in that stage that did that to me." Alex replied.

"Alright. So, how were you able to break out of it?" she asked in a surprised and curious tone.

"Uhm.... I... I... Uhm, I don't know. I just felt the restrictive power placed upon me disappear. Perhaps the senior putting out the constrictive force stopped releasing it." he said.

He couldn't say how he was able to break out of it. He forbade himself from telling anyone this. That's why he never wanted to come to an academy in the first place. It was just to avoid trouble like this. Just his first day and he was already exposed.

What if he spent a year here? His life would be upside down. He would be chased by all men and women so that they could know his secrets, as they would see him as a key to uncover the mysteries to greater power in this world.

"Really? Come on, Alex. I am not a kid. You should hear what you just said. Is that possible? Why would the senior putting out that inhibitive force suddenly remove it away. He or she wouldn't have produced that limiting force just to remove it away later. Since that senior was probably doing that to make you take a fierce beating, then he or she would have done so till the end, leaving you at the mercy of Kenneth who was your challenger at that point on time. So, quit your falsehoods-telling and just tell me how you were able to do that" Jennifer said amiably. 

Alex's mind reeled. What has he actually gotten himself into? Even if he rejected her invitation back in that place, he believed that he would be forcefully brought here as there was no chance he would be able to resist the power of an expert at the saint emperor realm.

"Alright." Alex said, as he tried to rapidly think of what to say to her in his mind.

Then he quickly spoke when he felt that he had come up with one. "I... I come from a family... Uhm, in my family, we have this... this ability to resist the restrictive force put out by an expert at the heaven adept realm. It's an ability that we are born with" Alex said.

But then, he shook his head as what he said now made no sense to even him.

"Alex, why do you persist on lying? If you continue to lie, I would have no choice than to force the truth out of you." she said.

"Instructor, why are you making this hard for me? I don't want to tell you or anyone. You should remember that I am just here because I want to help you do something. When I am done, I am leaving." Alex suddenly said in a harsh tone. Then his eyes widened in shock and fear. He had just actually spoken rudely to an instructor who was at the Saint Emperor realm. And cultivation seniors at this stage, who had pride in themselves because of the rank that they have worked so hard to reach and try to surpass wouldn't like to be rudely spoken to by some kid who could be considered as an ant to them. 

Jennifer's friendly and warm gaze became harsh that Alex's heart spun in terror. Then with a cold smile in her face as she looked at him, her eyes abruptly changed to violet. The instant Alex gazed into her intense violet eyes. He saw himself at the bottom of an extremely massive hole in the earth. Then he saw that he was surrounded by many towering dark grey skeletons. There was black-red fire floating in their large empty eye sockets.

They cackled loudly such that their cackles sounded like sonic booms and caused the air to vibrate intensely.

This shook his ear drums so much they could explode, and his organs, so violently they could rip into shreds. However, it was only an illusion. But it felt very real, and this caused Alex who was the recipient of the illusionary effects to cough out a mouthful of blood due to the devastating vibrational effects of the air on his body, which was only an illusion.

Then he saw drops of blood everywhere on the ground in the large hole that he was in. He was taken aback. Then he looked up and saw that these drops of blood were falling from the sky.

He saw that the sky and the clouds had turned blood-red. Then rain began to fall torrentially from these clouds. This rain was red in colour and smelled like blood. It was like that because it was real blood falling from the clouds.

Very quickly, the massive hole he was in which spanned millions of meters in depth and length was quickly filled to the brim with blood and began to overflow.

Alex at the moment was trying his best to swim to the surface in this sea of blood, but he was knocked deep back into the blood sea by violent tidal waves that had suddenly surfaced. Besides, the blood-red sea that had mysteriously quickly formed from the heavy downpour of blood from the sky was so unbelievably cold that it caused his organs within to freeze. But this too was an illusion. All that Alex felt and saw were unreal. 

Alex shrieked miserably in pain.

This was too much for him. He couldn't withstand it anymore. He knew this was an illusion but it felt so real and was exceedingly terrifying.

He wanted out. So he quickly apologized with sincerity in his tone to Jennifer for his rudeness and outburst moments ago.

"Please, I am sorry. Senor, please, I am in pain. Please cease the illusion. I promise never to be rude again" Alex shouted in a begging tone.

But his pleas didn't get to her. Instead, they made the violet glow in her eyes intensify.

While knocked deep and about by the tidal waves of the violent blood sea, a massive, emaciated shark-like beast appeared at a far distance in the blood sea and began to swim towards Alex.

This beast was so huge it spanned tens of thousands of kilometers.

Alex saw this immense, hideous aquatic beast and tried to fly out of here to the land using his wind-power. But he couldn't. There was no air, and a sudden suppressive power was preventing him from doing so.

The shark-like beast roared in the sea of blood and this roar shook Alex's soul greatly that it caused him to cough out another mouthful of blood. Alex was beginning to look pale at this moment.

The cold was tearing his body apart and the roar just a moment ago could cause his soul to disperse. Alex felt tremendous pain racking his body from the powerful and frightening illusionary elements and effects generated unceasingly by Jennifer who was exceedingly angry at Alex's rude behavior.

She was like, bringing him here didn't mean that he could talk rudely or harshly to her. They weren't age mate or cultivation-level peers. She was his senior, and not just a senior, a high-ranking one, at least for this world. 

Alex saw thousands of these shark-like beasts, the same size as the one he first saw. They were shooting towards him like a torpedo through water.

Once they got to his side, one opened it mouth and bit him. Just as the claw-like teeth were just an inch away from his skin, they vanished and Alex saw himself in a terrifying thunderstorm.

The thundercloud was extremely vast that it spanned the entire sky. Then lightning bolts that took the form of dragons and phoenixes, and were really massive in size that they would measure up to thousands of kilometers began to fall to the ground around him.

Then the degree of horror that Alex felt greatly heightened to immense proportions.

Once these massive bolts of lightning in the forms of dragons and phoenixes impacted the earth, extremely large craters instantly formed in the places that they struck, immediately resulting in the abrupt release of towering, devastating seismic waves.

Then scarlet and dark red blood rose up from these craters formed by the lightning bolts and shot like a large column to the sky.



Shrieking, terrified ghostly cries emanated out from these columns of blood. These cries were accompanied by booming evil cackles.


A loud, ear-deafening explosion occurred and the earth and everything in it shook. Once this powerful, earth-trembling blast sound rang out, the sky shattered like glass, revealing a pitch-black dimension.

In this pitch-black dimension, Alex saw an immense maw of a primitive beast. Only its maw could be seen. He couldn't see the rest of it body. Within this maw were several other maws that were snapping close and open.

Then he felt an attractive force on his body, he was being pulled into the maw of the unseen beast.

His eyes widened in fear as he screamed it out in terror.


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