A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 47: Jennifer

Chapter 47: Jennifer

"So, would you join or not?" she asked in a serious tone. Alex saw that her smile had vanished and was replaced with seriousness.

He didn't want to offend the female expert before him or he might regret it. Taking a deep breath, he said "Yes, I would join." Once he agreed to join, the female expert gave a beautiful smile. Jake also smiled.

Finally, he accepted.

Why Alex accepted was because he was in a very far away state and didn't know if his uncle's sense was powerful enough to observe all that was going on here. 

"So, what favour is it you need from me exactly? I am too weak to do anything for you. You are in the saint emperor realm while I am just in the mid-phase entry stage. What help would I be able to possibly offer? He asked in a curious tone.

The female expert looked at him with a smile then shook her head. "Well, there is nothing bad in letting you know since you would be working for me. I am an instructor at the Black Dragon academy. I had a bet with an instructor during a competition that took place in the institution. It was a battle between geniuses at the condensation stage. The boy I placed my bet on lost the match and so I lost the bet. What I used to bet is something I hold very precious to me. Don't blame me, I just used it to bet since I didn't have any other thing of value that could match that the other person produced for the bet. Besides, I believed the boy I placed my bet on was going to win. Because according to my calculations, he was stronger." she replied.

"Okay. But it's a competition at the condensation stage. Am in the mid-phase entry realm, I would be knocked away with a single blast. Besides, are you having a re-bet?" Alex asked. "Well, something like that. What I used to bet initially came in three pieces. I used one to bet and now I am using the other two pieces to re-bet." she replied.

"Wow. So much trust in me. What if I lose the match. What if you are wrong about me?" he asked. "My instincts isn't wrong this time. Your attacks could match that of someone in the late-phase or peak-phase condensation stage while in the mid-phase entry stage. I wonder how you are able to do that." she said.

Alex smiled. He couldn't say it's because I have slivers of divineforce energy in my energy-attacks. "So, you guys organized a re-bet in the academy? Wouldn't that be illegal? Is the academy in support of this?" he asked many questions at once in a curious tone.

"Yes, we did. Funny isn't it? Well, I told him to give me time. Since I didn't think any other student in the academy would be strong enough to defeat the person he would bring for the re-bet match. My plan is to enrol a student into the academy who I believe is strong enough to defeat that person. You are that person kid. You are very strong and skilful. Only you can help me win the match. As you asked, it is legal. The academy is in total support of this as they see competitions as something to develop the students." she replied.

"What about the lady who owns that inn? Those guys may come again to disturb her. And this time, with no one there to help her out, they may destroy her property and do bad things to her." Jake said. He had been left out of the discussion.

She paused for a breath, then she said. "Alright, I promise to do something about that. Enough with the questions. Time to go". Alex and Jake nodded.

She produced a tiny flat disc which she threw to the floor. On activation, it expanded from it very little size into a massive disc that spanned many feet in diameter. It was flight-treasure in the shape of a disc.

"Climb on" she said. Then she jumped onto the disk that had begun to float a few feet above the ground. Alex and Jake did the same.

When they climbed atop the disc, the disc shot towards a particular direction at a very high altitude. It blazed through the air like a rocket carrying them to where the academy was located.

The academy which was thousands of kilometers away was reached in half an hour using the treasure. She could fly at a speed many times than this without the treasure. But because she wanted to deal no damage to the boys because of the great speed they were moving at, she opted to use the disc instead of dragging them along by pulling their arms.

When they got to the academy, the disc they were on slowed down in speed. Then it flew over the institution's gate. It dropped to the ground in the academy.

Alex and Jake got off it. The female instructor who remained afloat in the air by her power of flight waved a hand and the disc shrunk back to it previous tiny size. Then a formless power emanated from her and wrapped around it, pulling it towards her. She then kept it away.

"So, come with me." she said with a smile when she dropped to the ground.

This was Alex's first time in an academy. He was surprised by how majestic and impressive it was. He could see many large and tall, imposing buildings.

At the time they arrived, the students were still having classes on cultivation. So they met no one on their way as all pupils of the school at different cultivation stages were in classrooms receiving lectures on cultivation.

The lady expert then took Alex and Jake to where they would register to officially become students of the academy. After they finished registering, of which the female instructor paid their enrolment fee and school fee for that year. They were given uniforms, notebooks, a scroll containing the rules and regulations of the school and other miscellaneous items.

"Here is where you would be staying" she said as she handed over two wooden cards to Alex and Jake. Inscribed in it were the numbers of the room they would be staying.

"All your expenses would be covered by me. So prepare yourself, in a week's time, we would be having the match and the whole school would be watching. I believe my instinct won't let me down." she said.

"Senior, what if we need anything, how do we contact you?" Jake asked. "You don't need to contact me. Like I said, all expenses would be covered by me. That includes your feeding, your accommodation fee, just about everything that needs to be paid would be handled by me. All I just need is an exhilarating performance from your friend which I trust he would deliver" she replied looking at Jake.

"Okay. But what of cultivation resources and manuals and ..." before Jake could finish saying what he wanted to ask her, she rudely cut him off "You ask too many questions, see you in a week's time." she then flew away.


- Jennifer's office -

A knock was heard on the door.

"Come in" a female voice replied within

Then a tall, handsome man came in. After locking the door, he smiled at the lady he came to see in here, then said. "I heard you brought in two students after your three weeks of gift hunt. So, how wonderful are they? I hope they would be able to withstand a little attack from John or you would become a laughing stock in the entire academy."

This was the office of the female instructor that brought in Jake and Alex for enrolment. Her name's Jennifer and she looked like someone in her twenties but she was way older than that.

Every cultivator would always look far younger than their age due to absorption of any energy from the world. It's only if they are unable to break through to the next cultivation realm they start getting old as their skins would start to wrinkle and fold and their hairs would turn to grey or white.

But if they are able to achieve breakthroughs, one could be a hundred million years old and look twenty or thirty.

Jennifer is an incredibly beautiful lady and she had a greatly appealing figure. Although she looked slender and somewhat frail as she looked so delicate and fragile that she should be handled like an egg, the power sleeping in her body at the moment could cause vast devastation to anyone at her cultivation rank and above her's if awakened.

Jennifer looked at the man she was having a re-bet with and smiled. "No. They won't. It's you who should be worried if your boy can handle a slight push from them." she said confidently.

"Oh, what confident tone, we shall see then. Just keep that treasure for me, when the match is over, I would come to collect it." the man replied and laughed.

"Micah, I am sorry you would be so disappointed" she replied with a smile. This man, called Micah smiled back as he shook his head. Then he left her office.


Alex and Jake had already seen the room they were given after many minutes of searching.

"Alex, I don't think you have ever been to an academy right? This is another experience for you. Everything is not about battle and so on. You would meet a lot of people in here, especially girls. I am sure you don't have a girlfriend, do you?" Jake asked with a mocking light in his eyes.

Alex looked at him and shook his head.


"I know it's another experience on it own. I get to meet a lot of people and understand them. But... but... Forget it. And to your last statement, I do have a girlfriend, her name's Kat.. Uhm, Deborah." he replied.


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