A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 33: Adventurers guild

Chapter 33: Adventurers guild

It was a pretty massive place. People came in and out, coming for missions or to request for their prizes after successfully completing a mission.

Now that he would be thirteen, he looked a bit taller than before or he would have been sent away like a rat without mercy.

He went to the mission's room, and requested for a mission. But the person he met there denied him because he had a low cultivation level.

After dragging it out in an argument with the mission assigner for some time, he was finally given because of the intervention of someone higher in position in the guild. Besides, he was creating a scene.

They had to do something to appease this small angry god.

He thanked this person and left after he had penned his name in the mission register book.

The mission he registered for was to bring back the cores of hundred greyback silver-furred ape.

This mission was rejected earlier because the greyback silver-furred ape were in the rare-beast cultivation rank and this was a cultivation stage that was equivalent to the condensation stage.

Besides, they had really thick hides, powerful physical senses and were pretty intelligent.

It was like sending Alex to his death but Alex knew what he carried within him, the power he possessed.

Not that he was overconfident, but because of the confidence swelling in him as he had begun studying other cultivation manuals.

And now, he had studied about ten of these methodologies and had cultivated their respective energies to the mid-phase.

Besides, the quality of his energy was such that it could rival that of someone in the condensation stage.

Also, his attacks were amplified to a level by the slivers of divineforce energy in all his energy-attacks.

This made him believe that only someone in a stage or two stages higher than him in cultivation were his true opponents.

He felt it was just a matter of time before they won't be seen as his opponents again even if they were three ranks higher than him.

The greyback silver-furred ape can be found on the peaks of mountains on the sides of a valley when one moved towards the south.

These was really odd of them. But it was because they enjoyed a particular fruit from trees growing there, that they migrated there en mass and made there their home, settling there. They are really large in numbers as they flourished there.

Alex went there via an ultivehicle that he paid for and this action of his had caused greedy eyes to look in his direction, but they were lost as they couldn't figure out where he was going to. Only if they went to the ultivehicle garage to ask for his information but such information about him wouldn't be given out.

He was dropped many kilometers away from the mountain ranges bordering the sides of a valley located in the south.

Then it flew away, going back to the garage.

He didn't climb up to the mountain peak. He first wanted to battle with the beasts he would see.

His wish was granted.

After walking for sometime, he heard beasts snarling towards him from far, they had picked up his smell.

Not long, they appeared in his vision, kicking up dusts as they rushed frenziedly towards him.

These had come out from a cave at the foot of one of the mountains here.

"Time for battle" he said.

Then his eyes shone with passion for battle. He wants to train himself to become more adept at using the battle techniques of the battle methodologies he studied.

Suddenly, a bolt of black lightning shot towards him.

He executed a evasive footwork and dodged the black bolt of lightning.

This was an energy-attack by the beasts called blackthunder wolves and there were about fifty of them in this pack.

Just as he dodged that, he saw hundreds of black bolts of lightning shoot towards him.

His eyes widened, he immediately slid over the ground with his entire back dragging across it.

Once the bolts shot over him, with his back still on the ground, he slammed his fists which glowed in cyan energy hardly on the ground and strong air currents surfaced which propped him back to his feet.

This was done through discharging cyan energy from his fist in the fashion of a blast. It caused wind gales to abruptly surface beneath his back and push him up to his feet.

"My turn" he uttered.

Quickly, darkforce energy erupted from his palms and coalesced into a spear.

It was dark in colour and radiated overwhelming feeling of gloominess. It filled one's heart with sadness and despair.

This was just an ordinary attack, an energy spear he formed from darkforce energy. He was able to cultivate this energy through studying the "Buthering Fiendgod Darkness methodology". This was one of the legacy cultivation books he received from the Azure Beastsman.

He clasped the spear tightly and threw it out at one of the beasts. The energy spear shot through the air whistling like an arrow before it impaled a blackthunder wolf.

But the spear didn't stop there.

It pierced through eight more behind it, killing them. Then the arrow continued into the distance.

The blackthunder wolfs became enraged and began to glow. Electricity crackled around them.

Then suddenly, they each unleashed a large stream of bolts of black lightning at Alex.

Alex's eyes suddenly glowed in purple light. This was because he moved speedforce energy from his energyhouse to them.

This was an energy he cultivated from 'Great Spectre Movement methodology', a duality methodology that focuses on cultivation of speedforce energy.

The moment this energy permeated his eyes, the bolts became pretty slow in his vision. He was awed but he recovered just as quickly from his dazzled state.

Since they were shooting towards him in slow motion, he saw the gaps between the energy-attacks unleashed by these beasts.

Then he ran into one of this gap and moved through it, making sure not a spark touched him or it might spell his doom.

When he came out of this gap, his eyes reverted to normal but then it suddenly turned very dark and a tiny, scintillating purple light could be seen at their centers. That light was from his pupils.

He gazed upon the beasts, and briefly, the vision of the beasts changed.

They appeared in a world lying in total ruins. The sky was inky black and three massive suns that formed a triangle could be found in it.

These suns were purple and radiated intense purple brilliance which dyed everywhere purple.

The earth was black but dyed purple partially by the intense purple light bathing everywhere in it splendor.

Many, seemingly bottomless craters could be found in the earth. Then extremely chilly black winds blew up from these craters.

They compacted and shaped into colossal hideous beasts that moved about roaring ragingly.

It was like these beasts possessed a mind of their own.

The beasts were terrified. What was this place.

It was like an isolated, desolate world. The atmosphere here was greatly gloomy.

Anyone who appears here would think of it as the end of him or her.

Everything was barren, black and purple, and full of fathomless pits that fierce, black windy monsters crawled out from.

This appeared briefly before it vanished.

Alex had just employed an illusion-battle technique 'Dark-Forlorn World', from a group of technique called 'Dark Phantasm Eyes' in the "Butchering Fiendgod Darkness Methodology" he studied back in his uncle's house.

He was able to drag the minds of the multitude of beasts into this illusionary world.

But this only happened briefly before the vision vanished, with his eyes returning to normal.

The technique wasn't able to last for a long time as the winged blackthunder wolfs were all in the condensation stage and were many in number.

The technique wouldn't be able to last because of such great numbers but it would work excellently if there were just five or six of them.

As it was an integral battle-technique, that brief time they were sensorially numbed had given Alex an opportunity to deal massive damage on them.

As they were lost in that unreal world, darkforce energy and pyroforce energy erupted from his entire body in great amounts. It was like his body was engulfed by an enormous flame that had hues of black and crimson.

Stretching a hand out to his side, the dual energies continuously discharging from his body were pulled to that palm and quickly condensed into a large blade colored black and crimson which he grasped like a real weapon.

This blade was extremely dense, and it was like it was something forged from a real metallic material.

Since pyroforce energy was weaved in with the darkforce energy, the black energy blade shone with a bright crimson light and radiated great heat.

This heat was extremely powerful such that it caused a large area of ground illuminated by the crimson luminance to begin to fume.

This blade possessed great size; it spanned dozens of feet in length and was six feet wide, and it had a mass that would astonish even gods. They would wonder how this boy had the strength to carry such.

The blade, which he named 'Blazing Splitter Blade of Rebellion' was something he came up with when he understood the techniques of the 'Butchering Fiendgod Darkness' methodology and 'Great Conflagration' Methodology back at home.

He had invented the technique.

It only took him a few seconds to produce the blade. And this was just the time he needed.

Once the beasts came back to their senses, when their vision of the real world returned, Alex had already dashed to their midst at great speed as he was propelled by an unusually strong wind gust.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Many slashing sounds rang out as he cut them one by one into halves.

Nothing could hinder his momentum, he was like a merciless god of slaughter.

When he was done butchering them, all that remained was their blood on his body and the halved lifeless bodies of the beasts littering the ground.

"Cool!" he uttered loudly.

His own invention of a technique was pretty powerful.

But it didn't let this get into his head, any other genius would be able to come up with their own self-invented techniques from comprehending the techniques of the methodology they studied.


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