A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 30: Deborah

Chapter 30: Deborah

Alex rolled his eyes at him.

"Now that you have excessive cultivation manuals, I want you to be selective. Don't just study all, study the ones you feel makes sense to you." Houston said and Alex nodded.

This was right, he just couldn't learn all. There were just too many of them in his possession.

He left his uncle's room and went back to his room. He sat in the cross-legged position on the shiny, tiled floor and thought of all what his uncle said.

Then he thought back to the dream about his father when he was battling those beings called Sae-Uhlians.

He remembered he had abstruse patterns in his eyes. It was those patterns that allowed him to see what was going on in all those worlds, they gave him an all-seeing vision kind of ability.

Then he thought that eyes must be one of the eyes of those great experts his father brought for him.

He closed his eyes and tried to summon any of those special god-eyes.

He didn't know if it would work, he just wanted to conjure up any of them and see what their powers were, bear witness to them.

He focused on his eyes but nothing happened. He didn't give up. He continued to try.

Few hours later, anciently mystical patterns suddenly appeared on the surface of his eyes.

He felt a strange sensation in his eyes when the patterns manifested. Already understanding a bit of his body's vast abilities, he quickly stood up and walked to the front of a large mirror in his room.

He looked at the mirror, but before he could look into his eyes to see anything.


The mirror shattered apart. The sudden explosive sound frightened Alex which made him back away very quickly.

On the tiled ground could be seen countless shards of glass.


He heard a knock on the door.

"Alex. It's Kate, open up". A female voice rang out from outside.

"This is Kate's voice" Alex said inwardly. He couldn't be wrong about her thin, charming voice.

Then he looked at the mess he had put his room in. He opened the door and went outside locking the door.

"Hey. How are you doing?" He greeted and asked.

"Bad. Since you came back, you didn't come to look for me. And what's up with you, where are you going to? Let's go into your room to discuss" Kate said.

"Bad? I am sorry if I made you feel so. I was chatting with my uncle. I was filling him on the experiences I gathered during my first time out of the city, if not I would have come to see you. We can't go into my room or you could get injured. There are lot of mirror fragments on the ground. Let's just find someplace else to discuss" Alex said.

"Okay. Let's go to my room." Kate said.

Alex's eyes widened, "Your room?" he asked.

"Yep. Anything wrong with that?" she asked.

Alex's heart started beating fast.

This was his first time being invited to a girl's room. "Nothing's wrong with that" he said.

Then Alex was grabbed by the hand and pulled.

On their way to Kate's room, they met an older girl who also worked in the house.

Alex on seeing her quickly withdrew his hands and his heart started to beat wildly. "Hey Debbie. How are you doing?" he asked.

Why Alex's heart started to beat fast was because, of all the beauties in the Houston house, the one who terrorized him the most was this girl he called Debbie.

She always loved to touch and rub him in an affectionate manner.

She would caress his face, rub his lips, pull his ears, press or pull his cheeks and so on.

Although these were done in an affectionate manner, the touches were still like torture to him.

This was because, in her presence, he couldn't help but have his blood heat up and have his mind journey far.

She knew about this and yet, she continued to do so.

It was like punishment.

But he still loved being around her.

Debbie looked at Alex's flushed face and smiled.

'What a little baby. Such naivety and cuteness.' 

She came very close to him and the perfume emitting from her body caused Alex's face to flush the more.

"I am good. Long time no see. You just abandoned all of us, me especially. Anyways, I can't blame you. I heard you were cultivating. So, how's it going? Leveled up yet?" she asked and smiled.

Deborah or Debbie, as Alex called her, was an eighteen-year old beauty. She was gorgeous in looks and was always gorgeously dressed. She worked here with her mom trying to raise cash for herself and to support her mom.

She was beautiful, as well as smart and enterprising. After learning fashion designing, she went into clothes business. She bought clothes materials and converted them into clothes that people bought from her. Because of she was from the Houston house, people who came into the Houston estate to buy clothes would usually come to her.

Another reason was because her clothes were cheaper than others but their qualities were great. This was because she had a large shop in the estate and was rent-free; she paid no money for rent.

"No. I am still in the middle phase. It's because I have been slacking off in my training. I should be in the peak phase by now if I were in seclusion." Alex said trying to impress her.

He wanted her to have a good opinion of his cultivation talents.

She nodded and then turned to face Kate. "Kate. Where were you dragging him too?" she asked.

Alex's mind shook greatly, he now felt really embarrassed.

"I was taking him to my room. He said his room was in a mess. So I tried bringing him to mine." Kate replied.

Deborah nodded with a smile. "Alright. Let me leave you two lovebirds to go do your thing." Debbie said playfully.

"Lovebirds?!" both Alex and Kate questioned in an embarrassed manner.

"Sure! See the way you guys are behaving around each other. Everyone knows that you little kids are into each other." Debbie said and laughed.

Alex's face became ugly from embarrassment. He couldn't conceal it anymore.

Then Debbie continued. "I am sure your uncle knows too" she said in a teasing tone.

Alex's face swelled.

She saw how she had ruined his handsome look. Then she laughed. "Don't mind me. I was only teasing you guys. You can be on your way now." she said.

Then she placed her palms on Alex's face and rubbed it, his lips inclusive with her thumbs and left.

Alex's face was flushed pink. It took a while before it returned to it color.

He took a breather and said to Kate with a smile. "Let's go" he said.

Kate nodded.

She concealed the jealousness that had blossomed in her heart from appearing in her face.

She became jealous and angry from the way Deborah touched Alex. But she couldn't retort and could only observe.

- in Kate's room -

"So, you said we should come to your room to discuss. What do you want to discuss with me?" Alex asked.

"It's about the methodology manual your uncle gave me. I have practiced but I haven't gotten the hang of it." Kate replied.

"Nah. Come on Kate, you can't be a cultivator in just a week or in two weeks. You just have to keep practicing" Alex said.

"Okay. I would do just that" Kate replied.

Then they fell silent. Feeling awkward, Alex broke the silence "So is that what you wanted to discuss with me?" he asked..

"Not really. Alright, tell me about your adventure. Tell me the things you saw, tell me about the people you met, the beasts.. Just everything" Kate replied.


- Alex's room -

Alex was back in his room after speaking with Kate for more than five hours recounting his experiences to her.

By now, his room had been cleaned up and was well-arranged. He cleaned it up himself. He always didn't like calling any body to clean his room for him. Most of the time, he cleaned it himself. No worker in the mansion nor his uncle could guess the reason why.

Sitting on the bed, he pulled out a thin book titled "Weapons". He wanted to go through the entire information recorded in this book, then he would use that knowledge to understand treasure-weapons and sort out all the nearly innumerous weapons in his parent's vast inventories.


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