A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 232: Astria, the world that formed the realms

Chapter 232: Astria, the world that formed the realms

Alex shook at the message that appeared in his mind.

Very quickly, he asked the voice that spoke to him. "Who are you?!"

"I am Johnny Cloudwalker " A male voice replied in his head.

"Just how did you get into my mind? Are you a body hijacking soul-entity?"

"No, I am not that. I am here to support you in your quest to becoming an invincible, supreme conqueror of worlds." The male voice replied.

"What bullshit. I don't even know what you are. You better get of my body or be prepared to be utterly destroyed" Alex threatened.

"Alex, calm down please." The male voice said. Then it continued "I will make things easier for you"

"Long before the thousands of realmverses that you know now formed, there only existed one great world we called 'Astria'. In this world, we had trillions of all kinds of tribes and races that possessed different types of abilities living together. Not that we actually existed together in harmony since we fought almost everyday for who the supreme tribe or race was. It was rather a chaotic world were the strongest preyed on the weak and hijacked or seized territories. But this world was also an highly, technologically-advanced world where powerful experts who could cultivate energies, body, soul and bloodline could seal up their consciousnesses in interdimensional items or objects, which would then act as systems for their successors. Some incredibly powerful experts that knew that they would die soon would send their powerful consciousness into vastly sophisticated technological devices. These devices which were seventeen in numbers were the Evolvers, Enhancers, Accelerators, Energizers, Object-Teleporters, Runers, Attack-Augmenters, Enchanters or Bewitchers, Evokers, Warpers, Demonizers, Mind-Controllers, Zombie-Transformers, Disruptors, Substance-Emitters, Soulbinders and Spellweavers. So, the terrific experts would send and seal up their consciousness in any of these devices. Then any of these devices that contained the consciousness of the mightiest expert in a family, would be given to the strongest and most powerful geniuses in that family." The voice said.

Then it spoke further "However, due to the interminable chaos, our world was driven to the brink of collapse. With so many experts dying from the unceasing, world-shaking battles which resulted from the unrestrained usage of terrifying weapons that utilized voidstones and contained many terrifying arrays, our tremendously massive world shattered apart into thousands of fragments. Same with our solar system, it crashed upon itself and imploded. Now, the millions of fragments of our world that scattered away in every direction in the void were what formed the thousands of realmverses you have learnt about. The fragments had simply turned back into worlds that myriad of races could inhabit. So, that was how the thousands of realmverses that you have today formed from a single world. And if you look at how large your realmverse is, which is only but a fragment, you should understand that the world Astria, where I came from, was extremely large in size."

Alex's eyes glittered with shock and marvel.

"So why are you the World Domination Ultimate Support system, and what are its functions?"

"Good question! Now, when the chaos and disorderliness became too much. Out of fear for our world exploding into smithereens, I, as the High Chief of the Negaria race, brought many top-ranking experts of other races and tribes together. Our intention was to create a peerless system, one which was a fusion of all the devices. We wanted to create an unparalleled system that would make the host whose body it would inhabit, the most powerful or strongest in our world. We wanted this host to be the one who would use his or her unmatched, alarming devastating power to unite every territories or regions in my world." The voice replied.

Then it continued "I know that you are surprised on how I was able to summon many experts in that chaotic world. Actually, I was able to do so because the many experts that I called, also had the feeling that our world might explode soon if the unending, calamitous battles that took place didn't stop or cease. Therefore, after putting together all our mental and physical resources, that was how we built the system, one that would support the host in ascending to a level of power where he or she would possess the ability to unify all territories. We wanted the system to simply turn the host into the most powerful person in the world. However, many months after its painstaking creation, the world which simply couldn't take the terrible devastating shocks that resulted from the collisions of the numerous experts' apocalyptic-level attacks during their battles, exploded with a big bang into pieces" The voice replied.

Then it continued "So the system whose alternate name is the 'Empyrean Sovereign Creator system', is the fusion of the seventeen advanced technological devices which are the Evolvers, Enhancers, Accelerators, Energizers, Object-Teleporters, Runers, Attack-Augmenters, Enchanters or Bewitchers, Evokers, Warpers, Demonizers, Mind-Controllers, Zombie-Transformers, Disruptors, Substance-Emitters, Soulbinders and Spellweavers. Each of these have their specific functions. For example, the Evolver and the Enhancer. The former would allow the host whose body the system inhabits to evolve, while the latter simply increases the host's base abilities, such as the physical senses and so on. You would get to know more about the functions of each of these devices when you start to accept and fulfill quests given by the system. You would certainly see for yourself very soon"

"Hmm." Alex uttered with a smile surfacing in his face.

Then imagining how glorious his future would be, he said to the voice.

"Thanks for selecting me to be the host of this system"

"Haha. Kid, no need to show appreciation." The voice said. Then it continued "Actually, when we finished building the system which was in the shape of a prism, and then thought of who to give the system to, we realized that there was really no one worthy of the system. Therefore, we decided to create a clone. One that was modeled after someone and then engineered to perfection. Since I was the one who brought up the idea to create the strongest system, the clone which we jointly created was modeled after me." The voice said.

Then it continued "But the major reason why we tried to create a clone in my form was because of the astonishing powers that I possessed; because of the insanely powerful race that I was from, which was one of the top three races in the trillions of races in that world. So, as the highest-ranking member of the Negaria race, a small-populated race that possessed nigh-indestructible, triple-armored crystalline body, twelve pairs of enormous, eternally-regenerating, extremely resilient, glowing sharp wings that were formed from the life and vitality, body and soul essences of our enemies, and ultimately, the power to attract and devour the essences of everything and every energy that we came across, the clone was built in my form. However, we couldn't get through with this as our world which was the near the brink of a total collapse, finally shattered into fragments. But just some moments before our world would blow up into bits, I, who was always ready for the worst, quickly sealed my consciousness into the prism which was the system, and then sent it out of Astria, my World, into the void. I did this with the hope that someone who was worthy, after everything that would take place, would discover the prism and activate the system after it bonds or fuses with them."

Alex now he understood.

Then a thought popped up in his mind that his mom should have been solely responsible for the system that was now in his body. She must have discovered it during one of her adventures through the void to the many uncharted or nigh-inaccessible regions of the realmverse, and thus was penetrated by it before settling in a part of his body.

His eyes glowed in comprehension when this train of thought ended.

Then before he could speak, he suddenly remembered what the voice said, 'That the race he was from was the type that possessed the power to devour the essences of everything and absorb energies, no matter their level, whether normal or primordial energies".

Then his heart shook!

'Don't just tell me that I have a power of that perverse race!' He screamed inwardly with trembling excitement.

So that he could clarify this, he hurriedly asked the voice "Are you the one that gave my body the power to be able to rapidly absorb and tremendously expel energies, and not be destroyed by them?"

"Yes, I was the one." The voice said.

Then it continued "When the device got into your body, I immediately infused my genes which were stored in the gene preservation compartment in the prism into your body. My aim was to mutate your body using my racial genes so that it would possess part of the power of my race. And to my unbounded gladness, my intention was hundred percent fulfilled when the genes that I transmitted into your body, increased the grade of your energy veins, and didn't cause them to develop serious, irreversible problems. But apart from that, I, who possesses the unlimited arcane power to draw every energy from the world and absorb them, created runes of various powers in your body. Some I lined along your entire energy veins to prevent them from snapping or breaking due to the overly tremendous flow of energies in them. Then one which is my near-boundless power of devouring, was condensed into a single gigantic rune that can be found at the center of your astronomically vast energyhouse. It was this mystical rune of devourment primal power that helped you to absorb every energy that you would ever come across, keeping you safe from extremely dangerous energies. Anyways, that's all I have to say. So kid, I am only here to help you ascend to the zenith. Besides, it's your life. I won't interrupt in anything that you do. I am only here to lead you to greater power. I have had my time which I certainly enjoyed. It's time for yours. " The voice replied.

Alex nodded.

But he was tremendously excited within.

This was a great, custom-made luck.

Alex then asked "Why didn't you appear until now?"

"That's because you weren't ready to dominate the thousands of realmverses. You were limiting yourself, your vast potentials, to only this realmverse. But when I perceived your intent to conquer all realms, I immediately appeared." The voice replied.

"Hmmm! Cool" Alex said.

Then he recalled the other two systems that his parent told him about; the Beyonder Library system and the Gene system.

He didn't know where to get them, but he would definitely look for them. He must have them too before other people could get them.

"The Sae-Uhl race huh? You bitches don't know what's coming at you."


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