A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 227: Lightning cultivation I

Chapter 227: Lightning cultivation I

Alex heard the rampant thundering booms from the sky and his mind spun in terror.

The ultimate of them had revealed itself, and was ready to strike him.

Then he recalled the methodology that he said he was going to study to cultivate lightniforce energy.

This methodology which was the 'Great Empyrean Seven-Hues Lightning Methodology', was a very tyrannical trinity methodology as it cultivation, battle and movement techniques were simply, extremely powerful.

It was this energy that he once said he was going to cultivate after he left the mansion for the valley so that he could hone and develop his battle skills. But since he wasn't where thunderstorms took place to cultivate the energy which was also called electriforce energy, he simply forgot about it, and then cultivated other energies. 

The methodology, as it was named, was a cultivation methodology that allows one to cultivate electricity or lightning. And mastering the skills listed in the methodology, one would be able to shoot solid constructs of electricity, summon and manipulate electricity or lightning from the sky through the 'lightning evocation' ability they would gain by studying the methodology. 

The methodology which was divided into seven stages which included: Lightning Adept, Lightning Reverend, Lightning Emperor, Lightning Sage, Lightning Celestial, Lightning Godlord, and Lightning Grand Venerate, were the realms or stages one would attain in the cultivation of electriforce energy using the unique methods that it possessed. 

While the 'seven hues' in it name corresponded to the stages mentioned above. When one cultivated the specified energy, the energy cultivated takes on different hues. At the first or basic stage, it is red, and down to the last or ultimate stage, it changes from red to blue, black, purple, indigo, violet and finally to golden. 

To cultivate lightniforce energy, one must absorb it from thunderclouds in thunderstorms. That's why the methodology, apart from being tyrannical due to it powerful plethoric techniques was tyrannical and deadly in the form of it cultivation. One could simply be destroyed from being struck by the most chaotic cultivation energy in the realmverse. 

Ninety-nine percent of cultivation experts will rather cultivate other forms of realm-energies. This was due to the fear of permanent cultivation crippling or instant obliteration by the arcing berserk energy. It could totally destroy their energy channels (force-arteries) and render them crippled or totally decimate them. So they avoided it and cultivated other energies. That was why cultivators of this energy, just like body-cultivation experts, were very few in number. Only the extremely daring and courageous ones would try to cultivate an energy that seemed to want nothing but their destruction. And that was what Alex was going to do right here in this place. He would employ the cultivation method of the lightning methodology so that he could absorb the tribulation-lightning energy and turn it into his own energy.

If it were normal thunderstorms, it would have been easier for him to cultivate lightniforce energy. But since it was lightning that came from a Beyonder-type tribulation, it would be extremely difficult for him. However, Alex didn't care. Difficult or not, now that there was the opportunity to cultivate the energy, he would seize the chance to do so. He wouldn't let the incessant, tribulation-lightning attacks frighten him.

With a calm smile in his face and radiating the aura of readiness and unyielding resoluteness, he awaited the bolts to descend from the large, black clouds that had formed in the sky and rampantly strike him.

Not long, a single, three feet-thick bolt of black lightning shot down from the sky and struck him.



Alex screamed out loud as the single bolt that descended from the tribulation cloud that had formed in the sky knocked him with immense hardness to the ground that it formed a deep pit, and delivered excessive electrical currents to his body which resulted in intense stinging and burning pain that racked his entire body.

Still on the ground and loudly groaning in pain as the vicious, black electricity arcs roamed about on his body, he quickly employed the absorption technique of the deity-grade lightning methodology. Then at the same time that he utilized the methodology's energy absorption method, he unleashed his body's powerful ability which was to rapidly and tremendously absorb every form of energy that he targeted. 

As soon as he did all these, the electricity arcs which moved violently about on his body began to surprisingly move into his body through his pores. They were drawn by a powerful, strange force that came from the center of Alex's energyhouse.

Crackling like dry woods in fire, they flowed down his runes-enhanced energy veins to his energyhouse where they merged into one and condensed into a cube-shaped, black crystal of lightning realm-energy. The cubic energy crystal which was formed from the compaction of the essence of the lightniforce energy was however little in size. It was as small as a grain of sand. It would need to be infused with more lighniforce energy to be able to grow large in size. 

Not long, with dual deafening booms ringing out from the peculiar, jet-black thundercloud in the sky, two ten feet-thick bolts of black lightning descended from it and struck Alex who was in the crater in the earth.



Strongly and heavily impacting Alex who was in the wide and slightly deep crater, the crater's uneven floor shattered apart in a ripple-like pattern upon being hit when the bolts struck Alex. And Alex who was the receiver of these tremendously heavy, electricity-composed obliterating attacks, coughed out several mouthfuls of blood and sustained multiple external and internal injuries in the process.

Alex's skin should have slashed apart into pieces or totally ripped away, and his bones shattered into tiny bits due to the lightning bolt attacks that were extremely dense in form or structure. But after going through the engulfing, powerful attacks of the previous tribulations, his skin which was tough to a certain little degree was made significantly tougher.

Just like body-cultivation experts who absorbed duraforce energy from the realmverse, an energy that strengthened and toughened their bone marrows, arteries and veins, organs, and hardened their fleshes and bones to make them extremely strong and impervious to damage, but went through a lot of pain to achieve their degrees of impermeability to physical damages, the tribulation-attacks that enveloped Alex's figure which sought to destroy him also did the same. 

So, due to the devastating physical attacks that he was subjected to, his body's flesh and bones became more durable and resistant to damages. The tribulation attacks that he was faced with simply made it seem like he was undergoing a body refining, strengthening, conditioning and tempering process, just like the ones body-cultivators went through which was extremely painful and traumatizing. 

Therefore, by continually tearing and grinding away the flesh of his body, and breaking the bones in his body into thousands of fragments which rapidly healed in the next instant, his body was made to gain an increase in it degree of resilience and toughness. His initially tough body was now made more tougher and harder because of the continually repeating cycle of destruction and reformation, which was the same process that body-cultivators passed through to make their bodies astronomically tough and impervious. 

Just through the continuous, cyclic process of flesh and bone decimation and their quick regenerations, which was a body tempering process, their bodies would attain a certain degree of hardness. But the toughness level of their bodies depended on how long they could last in the pain that they would be inflicted with upon body-cultivating. 

Therefore, due to his body which was greatly tempered and intensely toughened by the earlier tribulation-attacks that he was faced with, he only sustained some minor external and internal wounds. Then the rampaging, wild arcs of black electricity that pulsated about on the surface of his body were pulled into his body and channeled to his energyhouse where they infused into the black cubic crystal of lightning that had formed in there.

When the intense stinging and burning pains that he was inflicted with instantly vanished because of the pulsing electrical arcs that moved about on his body were then pulled into it and channeled to his energyhouse, Alex, who ignored the pains from the little wounds that he had sustained from being struck by the dense and solid attacks composed of lightning, tried to stand back to his feet.

Once he did so, he quickly produced a healing pill which he abruptly swallowed, then he got ready for the other enormous, electricity-constituted attacks that would soon be launched from the colossal, pitch-black, tribulation-lightning cloud in the sky.

A few seconds after he swallowed the body recovery pill and experienced accelerated regeneration, three large bolts of black-colored lightning shot down from the tribulation thundercloud towards Alex at tremendous speeds. But they each shot out at different times.



The first one struck Alex hard that it knocked him deep into the ruined floor of the crater, seemingly trying to deepen it.

The second one arrived and tyrannically struck Alex whose body was stuck by many feet in the damaged floor of the crater.



Alex couldn't help but screech again in pain as he was impacted by the powerful, extremely dense bolt of electricity which pushed him deeper into the ruptured floor of the wide crater.

Then the third bolt which was dozens of folds larger and more dazzling in blackness than the two bolts that went before it, struck Alex who was looking bloodied and felt totally helpless in the ground. Then once it impacted him, and since the massive, black-colored thunderbolt came with a lot of momentum and struck out with great heaviness because of the high density that it possessed, it caused the earth for many dozens of meters in a rectangular area to tremble, and then caused the eruption of a powerful, earth-sweeping wave which possessed incredible destructive force and rushed into every directions to seemingly reduce into bits all things in it path.

This lightning bolt-attack which possessed a high degree of solidness and struck out with tyranny, simply shattered Alex's body, but not that it caused it to explode into mists of blood. It only successfully broke all the bones in his body which then jutted out of his skin and caused Alex agonizing pain again. Then bright red blood could be seen oozing and spurting out like fountains from the places on his skin where the bones which formed the skeletal framework of his body stuck out from.

With red, enlarged eyes due to the intense pain that he suffered, Alex who continually employed the divine-tier absorption method mentioned in the Great Empyrean Seven-Hue Lightning Methodology that he studied, and released the vast-scale pulling power of his divinely body, quickly absorbed the wild and berserk electricity arcs that moved about on the surface of his body into his energyhouse. Then the electriforce energy which constituted the black electricity arcs that flowed through his energy meridians, infused into the black lightning crystal in his energyhouse, it size increased from that of a grain of sand to that of a fingernail.

After swallowing  a few powerful, healing and vitality pills which made him to quickly recover, he looked into himself. 

Then seeing the unencouraging, tiny growth of the lightning crystal in his energyhouse, Alex steeled himself and prepared to absorb more destructive lightning from the tribulation thundercloud.

With a determined gaze that erupted the unbridled intent to absorb and devour the essences of all things in the realmverse, he stretched both hands out to his side. Then with golden swordforce energy gushing out like furious streams from the both of them, the large amounts of sharpness-energy that had erupted from his hands, rapidly condensed and abruptly shaped into large, curved swords.

Now wielding the similar energy-swords like a veteran, twin swords-user, he prepared to attack the immensely-sized thunderbolts that would descend soon from the sky with insane lethal power. He was ready to slash them apart and absorb them into his energyhouse to make them his. 


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