A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 202: Jared rages

Chapter 202: Jared rages

Space warped around him, and he was transported back into the palace which then shot at extreme speed to the underground room where the crystalline, glowing beast was.

On reaching there, Alex appeared again. Then using his emotions as a stimulator, he produced a physique and used it telekinetic power to push the button at the center of the gate.

Immediately after he did this, a transparent, blue screen of light appeared before him. In this screen could be seen many abstruse symbols.

Once the screen appeared, Alex got to work.

Since he had seen Jared operate the entry-authorization password screen, and had studied how he did so to produce the pattern-type password to gain access into the room, he began to move the symbols, one after the other until he arranged them into a large, complicated pattern.

Once he moved the last symbol to form the complete pattern on the screen, the screen vanished, and a metallic sound rang out. Then the gate opened wide, giving him unrestricted entry into the room.

As soon as it opened, Alex quickly rushed in.

In there, he saw the beast and couldn't help but marvel again. This time, he saw the beast upfront. Not like when he looked at it from a screen. It simply looked beautiful with the numerous colorful glows emanating from it body. It seemed like the originator of rainbows.

Then when he forced himself out of his deeply astonished state, he quickly produced a beast storage bag which he activated by sending a sliver of his perception into it.

Once he did this, a formless power that caused space to distort, erupted from the beast storage bag and enwrapped the object that Alex targeted, which was the beast that he called Elementaria.

Then when it was engulfed, it teleported because of the spatial transference power that enveloped it, appearing in the beast storage bag.

Alex reverted to his normal body and was transported back into the palace. Then the palace shot away from the building, appearing outside of the organization.

- Few moments later -

Another member of the organization who went out on a raiding mission came to the place where the things that they robbed from people or pillaged from treasure houses were kept.

Upon reaching there, he discovered that there was no one there and that the gate was wide open. He wondered what was happening as his brows furrowed.

Then he silently and cautiously went in to know what was really going on. But only to discover the dead body of the guard that always stood at the entrance of the room that they were in, lying in a small pool of it own blood.

Upon witnessing this, the man's blood began to churn as extreme fear came over him. Also, his skin became sheet-white. Then he began to slowly back, dreading what was in the room that he couldn't see. Then when he looked up from the corpse to look at the room as he slowly backed, he discovered to his horror that the room was empty.

Although he hadn't entered here since he started working at the organization, but he knew that there was supposed to be a thousand tons of treasures, cultivation resources and minerals here, stored in either storage vessels or storage instruments. But now, nothing could be found. The room was virtually empty.

This discovery greatly terrorized him as he quickly rushed out of the room and darted to the top floor of the towering building.

Upon reaching there, he went into the hall that the higher-ups of the organization usually held their meeting.

But this time, there was no meeting. Only Jared who sat on the throne and was surrounded by scantily clad women that moved in circles around him, singing and dancing, shaking their butts and bouncing their boobs sideways to a music that was being played by other completely naked women.

Then one with a large busts and butts sat on his thighs and fed him small pieces of fruits, and at the same time, rubbed his chest and pinched one of his nipples.

Jared's nipple was pinched hard by the woman that he moaned in pain. But he enjoyed it and then retaliated by slapping her busts and grabbing her ass which he aggressively pressed.


When the man that came back from a raid got to the hall that Jared was in, where he was totally enjoying himself, he pushed the doors wide open and shot into it.

Jared's eyes narrowed in anger and extreme displease from the sudden entry of one of his men into the hall that he was having fun. While the women who were fully nude or partially naked and danced around him in an erection-giving dance, grimaced and then shot away to their respective rooms in this particular hall.

Once the man got in front of Jared, he knelt with a knee on the floor and brought out his fist which he clasped.

"How dare you barge into the hall in such manner? Give me a good explanation for your action or you would lose your life here" Jared said.

"Master, I apologize for my behavior. I just had to as it was urgent" The man said.

"Urgent?" Jared asked.

"Yes Master." The man responded.

"Then speak" Jared ordered.

"I came back not quite long from a successful raid with my colleagues. Then I went to the room where we would give the treasures and sapphirstones that we looted from treasure houses and finance institutions to the guard who would take it in and register our mission as accomplished, and for a reward from you. But when I got there, I didn't see the guard there. Also, the gate into the loot storage room was wide open..."

The man was talking when he was suddenly interrupted by Jared who asked "There was no guard at the door and the gate was open?"

"Yes Master." The man said. Then he continued "When I entered to know what was going on, I saw the corpse of the guard that I was looking for, a-and... and that the room was empty"


Jared's eyes suddenly glowed in unbounded fury from what he just heard.


A loud slap sound rang out and blood splattered everywhere. This blood that splattered everywhere also splashed on him too, dying his robe red and staining his face, making him look like he showered in the blood.

Then the body of the man that knelt before him which was now headless, and had blood gushing out of it like a fountain, collapsed to the ground. Before it could be seen bits of brain and fragments of skull.

Jared had emotionlessly bursted the man's head with a tyrannical slap.

Without wiping off the blood on his face away, he got up from his throne and went to the room where his men usually kept the loot that they got from their marauding missions. And surprisingly, he didn't seem to be in a rush. He just felt that the person who did this wouldn't have gone too far. Besides, he had his powerful uncle who would take care of things for him.

But as he was walking towards the room, he suddenly remembered something. Then he made a dash for the underground room. That was the room where he kept the elemental beast.

Upon reaching there, he saw to his dismay that the room was empty too. The deeply slumbering elemental beast was nowhere to be found. Then flames of anger began to burn unbridled in his eyes.


He roared in fury.

Once the furious bellow sounded out, everyone in the organization were shaken to their cores by this scream that seemed to radiate extreme wrath. Then they began to wonder who shouted in such manner and why.

In the next second that Jared roared, space warped around his powerfully-built figure and his uncle appeared.

Looking at Jared, he seemed like a beast that shouldn't be taunted. His eyes were red and his expression gave one the feeling that he would do the unimaginable if provoked. Also, despite not feeling sick or being in intense pain, green veins bulged from every area of his body. This showed the degree of how angry that he was.

His uncle knew that Jared wouldn't reply him in this form, so he went in to see what he saw that brought him into this state that he was currently in. And when he did so, he too couldn't help but scream out angrily.

Then his voice shook the whole building.

"Everyone, gather here NOW!!"

Then like rats that were being chased by a mighty eagle, the entire members of the organization, including the higher-ups, arrived before Jared.

They saw how their Master looked and became worried to the extreme. In this form, he could start killing them one after the other without batting an eye. And they, who were weak before him, could only close their eyes and accept their fate to be slaughtered like defenseless rams.

Jared's uncle, Liam, looked at them and then asked "Do any of you know about this?"

The men looked at each other as they couldn't understand what he was saying.

Then one of the higher-ups braved up and asked "Ghostblade Lord, about what? We don't quite understand"

He asked to comprehend the question that they were all being asked by Jared's uncle, Liam, who also went by the moniker, 'Ghostblade Lord'.

"My boy discovered in a highly dangerous zone, a grievously wounded beast that could project powerful attacks of numerous elemental energies. It was kept here in this room, to slumber till we caught the little girl that could produce complete healing using light. But now, the beast is nowhere to be found. So I ask again, if you know anything about this, it's best you come forward and confess, so that your sins may be atoned."

Everyone that were gathered here had their mind reel in deep shock.

So their master had such a powerful, formidable creature.

But they didn't know anything about it disappearance.

Liam waited patiently for sometime. But seeing that no one came forward. He said "I see that no one stepped forward to say anything. I guess that we are all innocent of the accusation I made against you all"

Then he asked in a faked perplexed tone, after taking a slight pause "So, did the beast which was born without wings, unexpectedly sprouted wings and suddenly fly away with it, even as it was slumbering? Or suddenly awoke, developed a new type of power and then vanished from here, appearing in a new region. Eh?"

The low-rank and high-rank members now didn't know what to say. Then they became worried and then fearful for their sweet, sinister lives.

It was true that the wingless beast couldn't suddenly grow wings and fly away as it was slumbering, and neither could it abruptly awaken from it deep, hibernation-like sleep and then vanish from the spot where it was, appearing in a new location.

So what really must have happened?

How did the beast get missing from where it was kept to slumber till it totally recovered?

But there was no other answer except that someone must have come in to take the beast. It couldn't be an outsider. It would be definitely one of them. One of the members of their organization. And this couldn't be done by the low-rank members. But by the high-rank members. Only them should be able to pull such a feat because of the various methods that they have in their arsenals or at their disposals.

Thinking in this direction, everyone looked at the higher-ups. While the higher-ups looked at each other too, seemingly suspecting one another.

Jared who was on the ground with an exceedingly furious expression in his face, gazed at the high-rank members of his organization. A sinister light could be seen emitting from his eyes.

While Jared's uncle, Liam, also stared wickedly at the high-rank members.

"I give you bastards three minutes to produce the beast, and come kneel before me to have your souls cleaned for the sinful act that you have committed"


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