A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 200: Beast of Five Elements

Chapter 200: Beast of Five Elements

Olivia smiled.

Then she said in a disgusted tone "What a grand thief"

"What?" Alex asked.

" You heard me" Olivia said.

"Why would you call me that?" Alex asked.

"Why wouldn't I call you that? Why steal? Go get your own" Olivia said with a disdainful smile hung in her face.

"Ugh!" Alex groaned. Then he continued, as he questioned "Why must you always antagonize me, Olivia?"

"Well, because I love you" Olivia said.

Alex heard this and gave a happy smile.

At least, now she said that she loved him. Not that she hated him.

"But don't be too happy mister. I can flip the switch real fast" Olivia threatened with a mischievous smile hung in her face.

"Alright ma'am" Alex said and gave a salute.

"So how exactly are you going to steal the beast without alerting them? There would surely be theft alarm systems put in place to prevent theft of their heavily prized possessions" Olivia asked.

"I know. That is why I am not going for the elemental beast that he mentioned yet. What I want to do now is to silently enter the treasure rooms that they have and stow away all the treasures that they have kept or stored in there." Alex said. Then he continued, as he stated "Sure that they would have all sort of treasures as it's an organization. One that I totally believe would rob wealthy merchants and raid treasure houses. So, since they can steal, I can steal from them too." Alex said.

Olivia shook her head with a smile hung in her face.

"Haha! Trying to justify your actions now, right? So you are seriously going to steal treasures too? What makes you any different from them? Besides, you have this palace that would absolutely have tons of at least, supreme-quality treasures. So you don't need to steal from these guys. Although you are right that the organization would have large amounts of all forms of treasures, it would be at most average-quality treasures. So you definitely don't need them" Olivia said.

"Nah. You are wrong, Olivia. It's an organization. They would have heaps and stacks of treasures and cultivation manuals of good qualities. Also, they would have piles of good-quality pills of all sorts. So, I am going to take them all because of a futuristic plan that I have in mind. Besides, this place would be leveled to the ground. The treasures, methodology manuals, other sort of books and cultivation pills that they have stored would be destroyed in the process. Therefore, taking them away is right. I am not trying to justify my action, Olivia" Alex said.

Olivia shook her head with a smile hung on her lips.

"Alright." She said. Then she continued "How are you going to accomplish that?"

"Let's just observe for now. Until the treasure-vault is open could we have the chance to steal their treasures" Alex said. Then he continued "Let's go round the organization to study the mechanisms that they have in place. Who knows, since it's an organization, they could have some serious arrays put in place that would give us a tough time"

"Alright" Olivia said as she nodded.

The palace remained afloat in the air, concealing itself in another layer of space. Then the occupants in it which were Alex and Olivia, listened to every bits of information that they would need so that they could successfully rob the organization stealthily, and then bring it buildings to the ground as rubbles and ashes.

- In the hall -

"Jared, come show me the beast. I want to have a look at it" An old man said.

"Alright, uncle Liam" Jared said.

Then Jared stood from his throne and led his uncle to a large underground room in the building that they were in. While he was doing this, the palace that Alex and Olivia was in, moved along with them to where the beast was kept.

When they got there, they saw a tall, black gate. And on this gate could be thousands of frightful engravings. Engravings of all kinds and forms of monstrous creatures could be seen on it.

Jared then used the telekinetic power available to him at his Great Saint cultivation stage to push a large, circular button at the center of the gate.

Once he did so, a screen appeared before him. Then on this screen could be seen complex symbols. If one studiously observed the symbols that were on the screen, one would notice that it was a puzzle. That is, the symbols could be arranged to form a large pattern. Those were gate-entry symbols.

Jared touched the screen and began to move the symbols to different corners and areas of it one after the other. Not long, the symbols were made into a complex pattern. Once he created a pattern using the symbols, there was a loud metallic sound that rang out as the gate swung open.

"Alright, uncle. It has opened. We can go in now" Jared said.

"I see. As careful as ever." His uncle, Liam said.

Then they stepped in. When they got in and walked for some time, fifteen minutes to be precise, they came across a large beast that seemed like it was in a deep slumber.

"Here's the beast uncle. A beast that has control over the five elements. A marveling creature of battle. Once this beast totally heals and awaken, and then grows to a stage where it would bring about a vast storm of destruction, that day, I would be feared by all. On that day, our organization which has been in hiding for a long time would appear in the world." Jared said, looking at his uncle.

"Hmm." His uncle, Liam nodded. Then he asked "Jared, Where did you get the beast from?"

"Well, it was during one of my adventures. I went into a place that no man would ever think of entering. In there, I met death. But because of my will to live, unyielding perseverance and tremendous luck, I came out alive" He said, in a prideful tone. Then he continued "It was in an underground cave in a mountain. When I first entered, there was nothing there. But after walking for a long time, carefully observing my environment for hidden, dangerous or instant-annihilating elements, I entered into an unseen, membranous layer of something. I have a feeling that it was a spatial layer. My conclusion is because, the instant that I unknowingly entered it, I was transported through a vast tunnel that had all colors of light. Then I appeared in a new location that I can confidently say was another world. Although it was beautiful, the air there was toxic to me as I began to choke. Besides, I started having strange growths on my body. I guess that the air, or something which I didn't know about that exuded from surfaces of things and saturated the air, was the culprit of the tumor-like growths on my body. It was after trying my best to stay alive as I kept walking and walking, using my energy to form a shielding screen around myself to protect my body from the harmful, gaseous-phase elements, that I came across the elemental beast in it terribly injured state. I think that it was involved in a battle with other beasts or some creatures that lived in that unknown region. Then I kept the beasts into my storage bag and moved on to find a way out for myself. Just at the point of death, as the poisonous air had filled my lungs, after decomposing my energy screen, I came across a being, a masculine non-human expert. It was he who brought me out of there. And when he brought me out using his teleportation powers, he told me that it was a place that I shouldn't come to as will or tenacity wouldn't help me keep my life. That I should only come there when I was powerful enough. At least, I should have teleportation powers before barging into there"

"Hmm. So that's how you would have died and I would be here exceedingly worried about you. Anyways, if you want to go there again, I can accompany you, since I have teleportation powers." His uncle, Liam said.

"Haha. Certainly. I would go there again since you would accompany me. That place is much more beautiful than our world. And I have a feeling that all kinds of materials would be found there. Materials that wouldn't be found in our own world. Just like this beast before us. Although the resources taken from there might prove to be harmful to us, but once it's refined, and then consumed, we could experience total body transformation and even rapid jump in our cultivation levels. If my theory is right, in no time, we would dominate this state. Then the region and the continent" Jared grinned and said.

"True" Jared's uncle, Liam said with eyes that began to glitter upon Jared saying domination and absolute fearsome power.

Alex who was within the palace heard all that Jared said and wished that he had teleportation powers. He actually wanted to visit that unknown region too. But he knew that he was too weak to do so.

He had suddenly developed this thought all from the things that Jared mentioned about in that unmapped place that was like a world in it own.

He had a feeling that he would definitely come across things in there that would absolutely help him grow at a shocking rate.

Then he looked at the beast and couldn't help but be astonished again.

"What a beast" he said.

From what he could see about the beast, he noticed that the beast was crystalline in appearance. It seemed like it was carved from ice. Except that it body was transparent as one could see within it, and it crystal-like skin was sky blue in color. Then within it crystalline body as it was transparent could be seen five different glows of light. These glows moved about it in body like shooting stars. Therefore, due to this phenomenon, the creature looked beautiful and colorful as the multi-colored brilliance emitting from it immense body made it look like it was emitting rainbow. And this would give anyone that saw it the feeling that it was a rare beast of light. A beast of colorful radiance. A beast that belonged to the divine god of luminance and infinite colors. 

Upon noticing this, Alex arrived at a conclusion that the resplendent glows emanating from it body were cores of power that allowed the beast to control the five elements. And he could guess that the elements that it could control were fire, water, earth, air and wood. He arrived at these because of the colors of scarlet, blue, yellowish-brown, cyan and green that it produced which corresponded to the elements mentioned above.

But when he studied the beast's exterior further, he could see wounds on the body of the beast. These wounds were deep as they ran from the surface of it body into it body.

"Let's leave. I have seen enough" Jared's uncle, Liam said after being astonished for some time. 

"Alright" Jared said.

Then they left, with the palace that Alex and Olivia was in moving invisibly behind them.

- In the Azure Beastsman palace -

"Now that I have memorized how to arrange the symbols into a pattern to open the gate, I have achieved one of two things." Alex said, looking at Olivia. Then he continued with an uninterpretable smile in his face "When I realize my second objective, this boy is coming for you, Elementaria"


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