A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 172: Nailah

Chapter 172: Nailah

Alex's eyes shone with perplexity. He couldn't understand how a mortal was able to manipulate light to cause healing.

"Can I see the girl?" He asked.

"Okay" Olivia said.

Then she stood and walked out of the hut with Alex following behind her.

They got to the hut and saw a little girl, about seven years in age, sitting on a stood.

She had short hairs and was chocolate-skinned.

Although she sat calmly, fear was evident in her eyes.

"There she is" Olivia said looking at Alex.

Alex nodded and approached the girl while Olivia stood where she was. When Alex got to her side, he squatted and said "Hi". The girl responded with an "Hello". But Alex could sense fear in her tone.

"Why are you fearful? You have got a protector. She is strong, she will defend you from any and every form of harm" Alex said, trying to eliminate the fear in the girl's heart.

The girl began to sob.

"I know... I know that I have a great expert who will protect me. But if one day she is overwhelmed? She is only one person. She might not be able to repel them forever" The little girl said.

"Hmm." Alex said.

Then he turned to look at Olivia and asked, "Why don't you take her far away from here?"

"Alex, I can't do that. If I do so, what about the rest of the villagers? They would slaughter them like birds. I will continue to protect them, all of them till the storm subsides" Olivia replied.

Alex exhaled, then nodded.

"Okay." He said.

Then he looked at the little girl and asked "What's your name?"

"Nailah" The little girl responded.

"That's a beautiful name you have got there, Nailah. Don't you worry anymore over your safety and that of the people in your village. I will join her to protect you. I am very strong too. I once fought a million people and I brought all of them down" Alex said.

Nailah smiled.

"That's it. That's the smile I want to see. The rest of your days will be full of smiles as you have gotten the strongest protector in the universe. I promise that no harm will come to you." He said.

The girl smiled again and then nodded.

Olivia who stood behind him beamed.

She knew that Alex was only joking to make the girl smile. But something in her heart made her feel that Alex could do it. She still clearly remembered how he dominated their battle then at the Red Lotus cave with the beasts. He was overwhelming. And then, she was older than him and even had a higher cultivation stage. He saved her and colleagues then from the beasts and from the Scarlet Flame academy students, and now, he's here again, to provide help. She was glad he was here. At least, she got another powerful ally to assist her. She believed in his battle power.

Alex rubbed the girl's hair and stood to his feet, then he left the hut with Olivia following behind him.

When she came to his side, Alex said to her "Such a cute little girl. What of her parent?"

"Well, her parent are no more. Her father who was the chief of the village was brutally killed by those men that chased Nailah into the jungle. Her mom too is dead. I pity her very much. But the little girl has a strong heart since she didn't break down from the traumatizing memories of her parent's death." Olivia replied.

"Hmm. It's truly pitiful. I feel for her. Do you have an idea how the bastards came to know of her unique ability?"

"That's what I don't understand too. But that's of little concern. The main thing now is to protect her so that she wouldn't be abducted and forced to do only who knows what" Olivia said.

Alex nodded.

"So when you are done here, what would you do next? What's your next plan?" Alex asked.

"Well, continue my adventure. I have to break through to higher cultivation realms and know more about the world by visiting so many wonderful, exotic places before I return to the institution" Olivia said.

"Cool! Well, me too. I want to break through to higher cultivation realms and know more about the beautiful and marveling parts of the world before I return to my institution" Alex said with with a broad smile surfacing in his face.

"Alright, that's a great thing to do. And I want to ask, why are you in the peak-phase condensation stage and at the same time, in the mid-phase condensation stage?" Olivia questioned in a bewildered tone.

Alex smiled. He knew she was gonna ask.

"Well, I cultivate a lot of energies. That's the reason why. Many of them are at the peak-phase condensation level, while the few others are at the mid-phase condensation level. So as mentioned, that's why my cultivation base appears to be in the peak-phase condensation stage and at the same time, in the mid-phase condensation stage" Alex replied.

Olivia shook her head in awe.

"Okay. That explains why you have a low cultivation level. But a lot of energies? You are now a Beyonder, an abomination in cultivation. You would be haunted by powerful and severe tribulations before every breakthroughs." She said with concern in her tone.

"I know. But I am not dreadful of it. They should come. Nothing can stop me. I will sever them and absorb them." Alex said with great confidence radiating from his tone.

Olivia's eyes widened in astonishment.

Those were tribulations that only one out of thousands could survive. Besides, that one person that survived it could be rendered useless or put into a vegetative state for years. Only someone with a will that can overpower the will of the world could survive those.

Olivia didn't speak further, she only wished him the best in her mind.

Then she proceeded to ask him in a curious tone "By the way, how many energies do you cultivate?"

"Well, sixteen" Alex replied with a smile.

Olivia's eyes shone with deep amazement.

She shook her head and no longer asked him questions about himself.

"Alright. Alex, let me take you to the hut you would stay in" Olivia said.

Alex nodded and then followed her there. Some moments later, they arrived on front of a small hut.

"Alex, this is your hut. Is it okay? I could change it if you don't like it" Olivia said.

"Nah. It's okay. Thanks Olivia" Alex said.

"Don't mention. I have to go back to my hut to go meditate and then resume my comprehension." Olivia said.

"Alright. Good luck with it." Alex said.

Olivia nodded and walked back to her hut while Alex walked into the hut he was given to stay in.

Then he sat in the cross-legged position on the ground. But he wasn't trying to meditate or comprehend. He looked into his mom's spatial ring and withdrew a beast storage bag. Unsealing it, Nojraagon flew out of it. It was still little, but it had grown bigger than before.

"Hello Noj, been a while" Alex said with a smile as he communicated with the little dragon like it was a human.

Then he produced pills, beast growth pills and threw it at Nojraagon which leaped into the air and caught it, then swallowed it.

"Should we go out for you to practice your flight ability?" He asked


Nojraagon roared.

Alex didn't understand it roar, but he took it as a yes.

Then he carried the dragon and walked out of his hut. He continued to walk forward until he had given some distance between himself and the huts of the villagers before he stopped.

"Alright. Nojraagon, it's time for you to learn how to fly. I am going to throw you up soon. Get ready." Alex said with a smile.

Then permeating his arm muscles with strengthforce energy which increased their density to extreme levels and now granting him great strength, he threw the dragon many feet into the air.

Reaching about sixty feet above the ground, the dragon then tried to move it wings so that it could fly. It was unstable in the air as it tried to control itself. But after sometime, it was able to balance itself. Then it began to fly.

Alex was delighted seeing the dragon fly.

During the past few months, it had grown. And it was a divine beast, so it would grow really fast. Besides, Alex always threw one or two beast growth pills into the beast storage bag to accelerate it development.

After flying for a long time to get used to it flight ability, it flew towards Alex who caught it in his palm.

Alex then lowered it to the ground and rubbed it head.

With a broad smile in his face, he asked "That's good of you, Nojra. You did well. Would you like to hunt for beasts? I know that you are still little and weak, so I would follow you to the jungle to help you hunt for beasts that you can feed on. What do you say?"


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