A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 170: Olivia's battle prowess II

Chapter 170: Olivia's battle prowess II

If they didn't want to kill her before because of the institution that she was from, now, they wanted to. She had hurt and harmed their pride.

The instant these intentions surfaced in their minds, large masses of myriad energies began to erupt from the men.

One of them produced a large amount of frostforce energy which was light blue in colour. This was a type of realm-energy that can be utilized to create ice, frosts and bring about changes in the surrounding's atmospheric temperature; it can cause snow to form rapidly and fall. While the other two Sky Lord stage cultivators produced large amounts of demonforce energy and slaughterforce energy. The demonforce energy, also called abyssal entity creation-transformation energy gave the cultivator power to give non-living things (inanimate objects) life and was dark black in color. Its ability was similar to the animateforce energy that gave objects sentience (awareness) and intelligence. Although the demonforce energy gives consciousness too, the objects permeated or infused with this energy takes on hideous forms and have a berserk, violent and baleful aura emanate from them. They would seem and feel evil or demonic. While the slaughterforce energy, also called butchering energy, gave a cultivator the power to reduce opponents into pools of blood and bits of flesh. Once struck by the energy, one would turn into pieces. It was like a wisp of this energy consists of vast, indeterminable amounts of unseen, boundlessly-sharp blades.

The massive mass of frostforce energy condensed and shaped into a massive, blue-colored crystalline claw. The instant the energy formed into a claw, it shot towards Olivia at a high speed.

As it cannoned towards Olivia at a distance in the air, it left a wide trail of frost in the air. Then these fell to the ground as ice crystals. Even the ground below the trajectory path of the attack gradually became encrusted in ice.

When this energy first appeared, it brought about an excessively cold temperature. The temperature of the surrounding instantly plummeted to a very low degree.

Olivia where she stood didn't perceive the great decrease in the surrounding's temperature. She couldn't detect it because of the flame that protectively enveloped her body.

While the mass of demonforce energy that had gushed out from one of the Sky Lord stage cultivators caused a large area of earth below it to crack, then they were pulled in large amounts towards it. The energy surprisingly partitioned, condensed and shaped into fourteen large, corporeal statues, after they have fused with the large fragments of earth that had gravitated towards them. These statues were sentient, but unspeakable volumes of evil screamed off their dark-colored eyes. Also, they yielded a dreadful, ominous aura. They seemed like bloodthirsty creatures from the bottomless abyss. Erupting the intents to end anything that possesses life and immerse everything in chaos and absolute darkness, they looked towards Olivia and gave off shrieks that seemed like the cries of banished evil souls filled with resentments for the living, they shot towards her in the air at amazing speeds. If one looked at them, one would see that these dark black statues had ancient inscriptions in them. These inscriptions pulsed with a fearsome power of demonic rebirth and spawn.

Then when the slaughterforce energy erupted from the last Sky Lord stage cultivator, Olivia suddenly saw nothing but blood in her vision. Also, she felt an overwhelming painful sensation that seemed like thousands of knifes were stabbing into her bodies. And this was just by looking at the blood-colored energy.

These men didn't actually exercise constraints in the discharge of the powers they gained from the cultivation of the realm-energies they cultivated. They knew that their men were around, but because they were furious and wanted to kill Olivia, they released their powers without restraint.

Many of their men who were scattered about watching their battle and waiting for an opportunity to rush into the village to go grab who they were after couldn't withstand the invisible waves of power emanating from the energies that were released by the men. They froze, both in body and soul, becoming solid ice. Because of the power of the demonforce energy that invaded their bodies, they became completely black in color and frenzied that they seemed like angry and berserk, dark-skinned, bloodthirsty humanoid creatures from hell. While the power of slaughter of the slaughterforce energy instantly reduced them to bits of flesh and mists of blood.

Once Olivia saw the fearsome, myriad energy-attacks materialize and shoot towards her, she quickly stretched out her hands at them. Then more pyroforce energy gushed out from her in great amounts. This condensed into massive blades and wings that shot like arrows towards the incoming killing attacks.

Olivia had employed an attack called "Slaying Wings and Blades of Fiery Chaos"

Boom! Bang!...

The massive attacks unleashed by the Sky Lord stage cultivators were impacted by the blades and wings. When they clashed, waves of energies erupted and traveled into the distance in all directions.

Olivia and the three men were knocked backwards by the powerful waves that were released upon collision of their attacks.

Olivia smashed into the earth far away and produced a muffled groan. Not only her, the men too were launched away like spears into the distance and crashing into the earth at the distance.

Olivia quickly flew out of the hole she had made into the earth from her fall and quickly delivered an attack at the Sky Lord stage cultivators.

'Ancestral Violet Emperor of Burning Skies'

Olivia quickly employed a powerful battle method of her powerful, fire-elemental physique. Her body began to glow and a crown appeared above her head. Also, a figure appeared behind her. The illusory figure was majestic and grand in appearance. Once she activated the blood-related ability, she uttered "Heaven Burning Destruction Stomp"

While still afloat at a great altitude in the air, she raised her left leg and stomped the air with it.

When Olivia raised her left leg, the enormous violet-robed figure behind her raised it left leg too. Then when she stomped that leg at the air, the figure did the same, smashing its enormous left leg into the air. It imitated what Olivia was doing.

The enormous figure behind her was behaving like a sentient entity. It was actually the figure of the founder of her Firecloud family and resides in her blood as a power of her physique. Not only she had this ability, the other members of her family also had this ability too. They could summon the image of the Ancestor of their family, and once it appears, it gives all their attacks a tremendously great buff.

It incomprehensibly knew what Olivia was was about to do and so mimicked her.


A loud explosive sound rang out as Olivia's leg and the figure's gigantic leg stomped the air. The earth which was about eighty feet below her actually trembled because of the power produced. It intensely trembled and then cracked.

When Olivia stomped the air, a thirty-feet tall, orange-violet wave of earth-melting flame which possessed a great scale of ruination power surfaced.

This wave of energy, moving with a kinetic force to reduce mountains to rubbles, swept out towards the Sky Lord stage cultivators and caused the earth in its path to turn into magma.

When the Sky Lord-level experts saw the wave, they quickly produced energy screens to protect themselves from it.

Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!

Their shields shattered and they were sent flying by the terrific wave. They were knocked far into distance and collided into the earth, cratering it. Still, they dragged along the cratered earth into the distance.

Since they were wore powerful armors, they were protected from the mountain-crushing energy wave. But their organs suffered the most from the kinetic, solid impacts and from high-degree serious burns. Large cuts could also be seen in them. These were caused by the shocks transmitted to them when the wave impacted the armor they wore, causing grievous internal wounds.

But as experts at the Saint stage, their fast recovery powers kicked in and then their wounds began to heal up.

The wave lost it power as the energy that constituted it dispersed, returning calm to the region. Except that great amount of dust filled the air which had erupted from the cracked, large area of earth. The whole place darkened as sunlight couldn't get through.

The figure possessing great power as it had the degree of comprehension of Olivia's ancestor when he was still alive, the battle-method she used had it destructive power multiplied by an enormous factor.

Alex at the moment couldn't help but be deeply astonished.

Still floating in the air, Olivia had green veins bulge from her temples and blood stream down her ears and nose. But she endured the agonizing pain and focused on it instead.

Right now, she was in a state of urgency. She needed to quickly end this men.

Then she deployed some of the powerful techniques of the physiques which she had understood.

[Godly Flaming Whirlpool]

[Raging Dance of the Burning Heavens]

[Blazing Sovereign Slash]

The remaining several hundreds of large fiery blades floating in the air came together and began to move in circles at a great speed. It formed something like a whirling funnel. Then it raged towards the men producing the feeling that it would cut and shred everything in its path to bits.

The wings which were now a thousand times their initial weight shot through the air like arrows towards the men, but in a rather chaotic manner. Their form was disorderly. There was no pattern except that they just shot from every angle and at different speeds. This was the second battle-technique.

Then for the third, a large, luminous, dense blade of fiery energy which had quickly formed shot out like a cannonball towards the men.

As the blade shot through the air, it unexpectedly transformed into a massive, compacted beam of fire elemental energy that was thousands of feet wide.

The moment Olivia deployed the various battle-methods of the physiques, she grunted as a crushing headache suddenly inflicted her. 

This was because she greatly overstrained herself throwing out those terrifying attacks.

When the Saint-stage cultivators saw the numerous frightening attacks coming at them, their faces turned grave.

With a thought, treasure-weapons appeared in both hands. Then they totally discharged all the energies in them.

At the same time, with an understanding that what they were about to do next could pose a great problem to their cultivation in future. They drained themselves of every energy in their energyhouses and channeled them along their energy meridians to their palms.

It was a risk they were taking because their energy meridians could rupture or ruin due to the overwhelming amounts of energy suddenly moving through them. This could prevent them from continuing their cultivation in future.

The energies that erupted from their energyhouses and treasure-weapons transformed into massive fearsome attacks that blazed through the air towards the attacks unleashed by Olivia.

Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!

The attacks collided and multiple explosive sounds rang out. These sounds were instantly accompanied by massive rippling energies that moved in all directions, ravaging everything in their path. These huge energy ripples possessed high degrees of devastating power. Then spreading far and wide in all directions with great destructive capacity, they engulfed the three Sky Lord stage cultivators and reduced them to bits. 


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