A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 167: Battle

Chapter 167: Battle

As the powerhouses waited, along with the Saint stage cultivators that came from the organizations they were from for the legacy, a large, silver-colored sword suddenly appeared.

When it appeared, the powerhouses furrowed their brows with fear setting in their heart. This was because they knew the sword. Although they hadn't seen it with their actual eyes before as the Silver-Violet Sword Banisher was a cultivator of the very old generation as he had existed countless eons of years before them. But his legend had been passed down from that time till now. So they knew about the three swords that he used.

As soon as the sword appeared, a large beam of swordforce energy shot forth from it into the horizon.


The now invisible, spatial-trapping formations that the powerhouses had set up to prevent the treasure-temple which would have a control-entity from escaping trembled heavily, then shattered in the next instant.

That was an attack of the Silver-Violet Sword Banisher called "Barrier Banishing" attack.

Once the formation shattered with a sky-shaking explosive sound, another ray of swordforce energy shot into the sky.


A gashing sound rang out as a large slit was made in space. Then the temple shot into the slit at a speed many times greater than the speed of sound with the enormous silver sword directly following behind it.

The instant the numbers of formations the powerhouses laid to restrain the Silver-Violet Sword Banisher's temple shattered into smithereens in one strike and then shot into it to make an escape from them, they too then shot into it to chase after it before the gash made into the fabric of space would heal or they would definitely lose it.

They too flew really fast as they chased after the temple and began to send attacks. But the temple which was a treasure forged by enlightened, venerable grandmasters of treasure-artifact forging would definitely possess powerful defense and offense-purpose mechanisms.

The large temple began to emit a colorful light which enveloped the temple and transformed into a resplendent sphere of sword originforce energy. Then the mouth of a massive cannon appeared from a large orifice at the center of the temple's rectangular-shaped base and shot off an enormous, solid beam of focused sword originforce energy; about hundreds of thousands kilometers wide, a billion times denser than steel and moving at a speed that approached three-fourth of the speed of light at the powerhouses. So one could imagine the amount of destructive power that the concentrated sword-energy would unleash.

Seeing the massive sword energy shoot towards them, so as defense, they produced treasure-weapons and launched colossal, solid beams of various cultivation energies at the beam shooting towards them.


Once the beams collided, many massive spheres of brilliant, colorful light surfaced before vast, rampaging floods of destructive, colored energies rushed out from their point of impacts in all directions.

Since they were too many, about thousands of them, not all the energy beams they sent out were canceled. Many weren't impacted by the accelerating, enormous beam of origin sharpness-energy and therefore, they moved onward at great speeds to collide into the temple.

BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!....

This sound rang out rampantly as the massive attacks struck the visible, sphere-shaped energy field put out by the temple, causing it to tremble hard. Although it cracked in numerous places, but the cracks rapidly healed. The mechanism producing the defensive energy field was powerful, but there was an extent to which it could withstand the torrential attacks.

Many moments later, with a loud bang, the shield shattered and the unceasing attacks unleashed by the cultivators impacted the temple, causing it to shake.

The beam discharged by the temple's energy cannon shattered all the attacks in it path and continued into the distance. It could have killed multiple cultivators, but them being veterans that had gone through a lot of battles, evaded the beam before it would strike them and continued flying at tremendous speeds towards the temple. They couldn't let it escape from them. They wanted to leave with the person they were told about and learn how he was able to do that. They believed that the key to many secrets of the realmverse lied within the person's body. And of course, the temple-spirit would do it best to evade them so it would escape with Alex.

Hot on the tail of the temple, they launched fearsome attacks at the temple. Sounds rang out and the temple shook like it was going to shatter apart the next moment. But the temple was one that a lot of rare and excellent, durable materials was used in building it. So it wouldn't shatter or crack from the massive number of energy beams that impacted it.

Alex who was within the temple was frightened to his core by the intense trembling of the temple. He was greatly worried that the temple would blow into smithereens because of the rain of powerful energy-attacks and he would be killed in the process or if he doesn't die, he would be taken away. And this was a battle he couldn't partake in. It was way above him.

Actually, the cultivation experts after him were not true powerhouses of glorious establishments and organizations in Greatverses, Oververses and Underverses. They were people from vassal forces or simply errand boys, sent by people who could be referred to as Ancients, people who possessed calamitous power; power to totally ruin multiple small worlds with a wave of their hands. If these Ancients came by themselves, it would be nigh-impossible for the temple-spirit to escape.

However, Alex chose to trust and believe in the treasure-temple's imperviousness to damage and it evasion ability. It was the temple of a great primordial expert in which millions of rare, extremely tough mineral resources and near-indestructible metals would be used in forging it. Besides, the cultivators weren't that powerful to cause any form of damage to the structure of the temple. Even a slight mark on the surface of the temple wouldn't result from their attacks.

The massive sword which was following behind the temple began to glow, then it suddenly discharged thousands of three hundred meter-wide, silver-colored beams of sword originforce energy at the thousands of myriad energy-beams that were shooting towards the temple, unleashed by the cultivators' treasure-weapons.




Many loud bang sounds rang out as the opposing energy attacks clashed. But the beams of sword originforce energy, which were actually one-fifth the size of the opposing energy-beams actually shattered the attacks they collided with and continued onward into the distance towards the cultivators.

Despite having insignificant sizes, they disintegrated the energy attacks they clashed with. For primeval cultivators, size sometimes don't really matter, it was their stage of comprehension of profundity of an origin realm-energy and it quality (density). The beam of sword originforce energy shot by the sword possessed the understanding of the way of the sword up to the Primal Cosmic Exalt level; a stage just below the Supreme Alpha Eternal stage. Therefore, it continued forwards, towards the cultivators with extreme damaging power.

The cultivator's eyes narrowed as they quickly dodged the beams shooting towards them like bolts of energy released by an unparalleled god of destruction. And since their concentrations had been broken, they didn't know when the treasure-temple produced a spatial displacement power which manifested in the form of ripples that caused space to distort and enable it to vanish, appearing in another continent in an instant.

The thousands of cultivators as they chased after the temple suddenly sensed great threats to their lives.

Suddenly, they saw a massive, blue fireball shoot towards them. It was like the sun as it was unimaginably massive in size. This was the power of an Ancient!

With great frights screaming off their gazes, very quickly, they produced energy attacks that they shot at the fireball and backed away very quickly at the same time.


The blue fireball exploded and a tremendous amounts of blue pyroforce energy swept out with a great destructive force; the kind to desolate large worlds. Only the blast wave released from the explosion was powerful as it knocked the cultivators thousands of meters away. But they were wearing defense-purpose clothing or the powerful blast wave released from the explosion of the enormous fireball would have reduced them to bits.

Then when they regained their balance, they saw a man in the far distance looking at them coldly.

This person was Alex's uncle, Houston.

Seeing that the temple was having issue with throwing the cultivators off it tracks, he decided to appear.

The cultivators didn't know who he was, but since he had tried to attack them, they would retaliate. Their numbers and treasure-weapons gave them great confidence. Therefore, energy gushed out from them in great amounts. Then the enormous masses of myriad cultivation energies which had discharged from their palms rapidly condensed and shaped into massive swords, halberds, spears, staffs and so on. The instant they formed, the attacks which were as large as continents shot towards Houston at extreme speeds.

While the others that studied battle methodologies which imitated beast forms had their energies transform into massive beasts with fully-stretched wings which were so large that they seemed they would wrap around a mountain several times. When these formed from the energies that they cultivated, they shot towards Houston at astonishing speeds and with the power to pulverize quarter of small worlds; one-fourth of mortal worlds.

Abruptly, the image of a gigantic, dark blue cauldron appeared behind Houston. Then vast amount of energy gushed out from his body and converged in front of him, abruptly turning into a massive, blue-colored cauldron that emitted waves of terrific heat and a pressure that might reduce continents to dusts.

"Firmament Burning Cauldron strike" Houston said inwardly. Then instantly, the cauldron shot towards the attacks launched by the cultivators in the far distance.


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