A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 153: Battle

Chapter 153: Battle

This infuriated the Saint stage cultivator very much. He didn't like the way Alex referred to himself as his daddy.

"Blazing Fiendkiller Palm"

Sending a palm out and uttering that at the same time, he discharged large amount of fire elemental energy that abruptly condensed and shaped into a bright, red-colored palm that gave out intense heat which was in excess of several thousand degree celsius. Radiating extreme-degree heat in all directions, the palm moved forward at a great speed towards Alex.

Alex at the moment had already transformed.

At the center of his forehead could be seen a star which gave out a colorful brilliance. Then on his entire body which now seemed like it was forged from real, solid metal and was now looking taller by many feet, were hundreds of anciently, profound symbols that emitted visible ripples of astral power.

A dazzling, multicolored aura of unprecedented power continuously emanated from his now super-powered body and this caused the air for hundreds of meters around him to churn.

From the rampantly appearing hundreds of air swirls, violent gale sweeps to the extremely chaotic, rampaging movements of destructive air currents for about hundreds of meters around Alex, made it seem Alex was the primordial god of wind and summoner of storms.

This phenomenon was generated by a particular physique which Alex produced when he focused on summoning a super-powered body that controlled and manipulated astral energy. It name was "Supreme Fate-Rebellion Doom-Preaching Starry Physique"

The instant he transformed, the great-intensity heat emitting from the massive, red-colored palm in all directions reached his side. But it did virtually no harm to his now solid, metal-looking, tall body.

Just only witnessing this, one would have the feeling that Alex's metallic body had an unfathomable degree of imperviousness to any form of physical damage since the entire earth around them for hundreds of meters and hundreds of feet deep turned into bubbling, boiling magma in a flash.

Alex who had changed from his normal human form to a seemingly godly form upon seeing the Saint stage cultivator decide to attack, now floated calmly above the unnatural magma produced by the vast-degree temperature emanating from the fearsome, fiery attack of the Saint stage cultivator which was purely composed of saint-tier pyroforce energy.

Although, only by virtue of the flight-power available to a Saint stage cultivator which was now available to Alex because of his peak-level, saint-tier physique could he hover in the air with unfaltering confidence.

Then spreading his hand wide as his eyes radiated extreme coldness, he sent out his own attack at the massive, red-colored, fiery palm-attack shooting towards him at a great speed.

"Rebelling Hundred Stars Sky-Cleaving Palms" Alex uttered, deploying one of the many god-level battle techniques of the supreme-class, saint-tier physique he evoked.

The instant he mentioned the technique, like it were a powerful magical spell, tremendous amount of starforce energy that seemed to want to connect to the heavens and stretched in all directions into the far distance, instantly appeared around Alex, enshrouding his figure which floated above the magma.

This shocking quantity of energy had actually been drawn from the realmverse's vast astral layer by the rapid, near-boundless, energy-gathering passive ability of the physique. It was behaving like a top-grade energy-synthesis array. But more, since it was a supreme-class one. So it was right for it to instantaneously produce a seemingly boundless sea of astral-energy.

When the energy surfaced in an astronomical quantity, with each slivers that constituted it colossal volume emanating blinding brilliance and marveling power, it mysteriously instantly partitioned and rapidly condensed into a hundred solid palms of astralforce energy which spanned a thousand meter in size.

Then when they formed, they shot towards the incoming attack and collided into it heavily; with a momentum that would produce the feeling in anyone that they wanted to shatter all in their path to smithereens.


The fearsome attacks met and a loud boom sound rang out which was instantly accompanied by a destructive wave of energy.

Since Alex's attack was produced from one of the most powerful energy in the realmverse and was powered with the comprehension of the god-level battle method, it possessed far greater power.

Shattering his opponent's energy-attack, the hundred enormous hands formed from energy shot towards the Saint stage cultivator at great speeds.

Frightened by the powerful attacks which were cutting through the air like cannonballs towards him, the Saint stage cultivator wrapped himself with his energy which he quickly discharged from his hands. Then he shot into the hot magma to the far depth of it. He did this to evade the tyrannical palm-attacks Alex sent out. To him, it was better to suffer in the large pool of magma than be struck by the palm-shaped energy attacks that would cause his instantaneous death.

His evasive plan worked as the palms shot over the magma and into the distance. But since Alex was mind-linked to them, he made the hundred energy-palms loose their forms as their perfect, solid structure instantly developed many faults in accordance to his will, then they cracked and exploded into smithereens, with the energy that composed them returning to the realmverse.

He decomposed the energy-palms so they wouldn't attract too many saint stage cultivators as the palms could continue shooting forward into the distance, and would only disperse when they run out of energy.

Seeing that the saint stage cultivator had dived into the massive pool of magma to evade his overwhelming attack, Alex who was starting to feel intense dizziness and a head-splitting type of pain rack his soul quickly shot up to an altitude in the air and aimed his palm at the pool.

"Widowmaking Rebellion Palm of Oblivion" Alex muttered. He was using another of the many physique battle-techniques that were available to him.

The instant he mentioned that, the physique produced a summoning power that drew a vast amount of energy from the realmverse's astral layer. Then it abruptly condensed and shaped into a massive, extremely solid palm that spanned hundreds of miles wide.

Immediately the energy transformed into an enormously-sized, crystalline palm that gave out great brilliance, then driven by Alex's will and intention, the solid palm of starforce energy shot down to the pool the Saint stage cultivator was in.


The palm which was many times larger than the pool smashed into it with with a great momentum; a momentum that gave one the feeling that it was the palm of a furious divine god as it seemed to want to smash and reduce everything to bits.

The earth trembled violently from the impact and large volumes of magma splashed very high into the distances, then landing on the earth in those faraway places.

The palm had pressed deep into the earth with nearly unstoppable force at that targeted spot that a thousand feet-deep crater could be seen. Then a gigantic web-like crack could be noticed around the massive and deep crater. Hundreds of deep cracks which blossomed from the colossal web-like crack that resulted from the tremendously powerful impact of the palm with the earth, extended into the far distance, about thousands of feet away.

When the palm struck the earth, Alex who was managing to endure the intense, agonizing pain inflicted on his soul by the mystical, physique-producing symbols, and tried hard to maintain his clarity of mind till his powerful killing move would successfully annihilate his opponent, suddenly blanked out.

Then he fell from the air into the crater which was more than a thousand feet deep.


His unconscious body smashed into the earth very hard and all the bones in his body broke, leading to severe fractures and dislocations.

If not for the defense-purpose robe that protected his body as it absorbed many of the impact-force generated upon Alex's body colliding into the deeply-cratered earth, he would have blasted into bits with the ferric smell of his blood lingering in the air.


When a tremor shook the land as a result of Alex's super-strong battle move, many saint stage cultivators who were in that area noticed this and flew insanely fast to where the tremor happened.

Their plan was to slay the deeply exhausted and battle-worn saint stage cultivators, then get points which they would use to draw closer to the final or last stage of the deathly competition for inheritance of the ancient expert's legacy.

Actually, they all thought it was a death-involving competition. But it wasn't.

Before the huge palm Alex produced would smash into the Saint stage cultivator who went to temporarily hide at the bottom of the magma pool, just for the sake of evading Alex's first overpowering, absolute-annihilating strike, a spatial transference power manifested in the depth he was at as space warped and distorted around his figure, then he vanished from there to a safe, non-battle zone. This simply meant that he was out of the competition.

A moment later, the numerous saint stage cultivators who were alarmed and hurried down to where they felt an intense battle to the death was taking place, got to where the crater was and flew down to it depth. Then upon reaching the depth, they could only see a single unconscious body.


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