A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 149: Arriving at Smith city

Chapter 149: Arriving at Smith city

Alex's eyes became cold because of the feelings of guilt and anger that had surfaced in his heart. Guilt at causing such massive-scale destruction and anger at the cultivators that forced him to unleash the power.

He had told them then that he would obliterate their families if they carried on with the evil thoughts in their minds. And since they did, their families he shall wipe out.

Like he once told Brandon and the boss of the assassins that he, who is The Punisher will slay every targets he sets his eyes upon. That every creature he gazes at with killing intents is doomed for eternal damnation.

But right now, he has a low cultivation base. So he can't do anything to them. But later in future, he would come back to fulfill what he promised.

He left where he was and headed back to the inn. Luckily, the inn wasn't in the path of the destructive sound waves. He has glad.

When he settled down, after forcing his mind to become calm, he began his cultivation of the soul.

With eyes closed, he tried to perceive soulforce energy. But he couldn't. It was very difficult.

After many hours, his eyes snapped open.

"The hell! How am I supposed to cultivate soulforce energy. This is bad" He said sadly.

Not giving up, he closed his eyes again and then stilled his mind. Then he sent his awareness out into the world. But just like before, after many hours, he detected nothing.

With a deep frown, he opened his eyes.

"Well, I would cultivate the soul later. Let me get to other things" He said.

Then he went through the near-imnumerable, enormously-sized heaps of treasures he inherited from his father.

As he scanned the storage-space using his consciousness, a sliver of it arrived before a beautiful, silver-colored sword. He looked at this sword for a moment and couldn't help but be amazed.

The sword was giving out a faint, rippling power of sharpness. He looked closely at the sword and saw that it didn't have any voidstone affixed in it. He became surprised.

'How's this possible?'

With no voidstone plugged into any socket which was absent in the sword, it was able to produce a slight, palpable aura of sharpness. He wondered why this was so. Then he arrived at a deduction that the materials used in making the sword were probably perfect-quality, extremely-rare materials; minerals to be precise which are able to give out the raw power of sharpness. That they must have been saturated with primordial swordforce energy (sword originforce energy) which transformed them into the material used to craft the sword.

Then with a thought, the sword appeared in his hand.

He recalled that this was the sword his uncle gave to him then as 'gift'.

The sword in Alex's hand was The Purifier's sword. He had always ignored it whenever he went through his dad's massive, treasure-artifacts heaps for one thing or the other.

But today, he looked at it and was deeply impressed by the exotic materials used in making the sword. He didn't know the kind of materials used in making it, but he believed that it would be exceedingly rare to discover.

"But why did he give me as a gift?" Alex asked inwardly.

Sometimes, his uncle usually behave mysteriously to him. Now he couldn't fathom why he gave it to him.

"Well, since he said it's a gift. Then it must have some really special things it can do. My uncle wouldn't give me some useless items as gift" Alex said as he thought deeply.

He grasped the sword and waved it.


The unseen but perceptible aura of sharpness continuously put out by the silver-colored sword clasped in his hand caused the air before him to slash apart.

The part where Alex slashed at became dark. This was because it was now devoid of matter such as air molecules and dust. The sword had created a dark-colored vacuum zone.

"Cool." Alex said with glittering eyes.

Wielding the sword, he felt he would be able to slash apart any attack sent at him.

Then he really felt like cultivating swordforce energy. Of all his energies, only the strengthforce energy was exceedingly tyrannical as a type of primordial realm-energy had blended with it and increased it destructive output.

He thought that if he studied, comprehended and cultivated swordforce energy, he would have another tyrannical energy to use for an attack.

Being an energy that has one of the greatest offensive power in the world, he felt that once he cultivates it to a very high stage, he would be able to tread everywhere in the near-endless sea of worlds in the realmverse. No one would be able to stop him as he would slash apart divinities and demons in his path. All would tremble and bow before him.

But he laughed when he thought of this.

He laughed because he thought of the increased reduction in his cultivation speed. Just trying to cultivate a new energy would radically lower his cultivation speed.

Alex wouldn't dare cultivate another energy now. He was okay with the ones he had cultivated. The only ones that he wanted to cultivate which wouldn't have a negative impact on his cultivation speed were soulforce energy and duraforce energy, also called treasure-armor body-transformation energy.

Since they were of different types of cultivation. He could cultivate them independently and not experience a reduction in his cultivation speed as the former was for cultivation of the soul while the latter was for cultivation of the body.

He returned the sword into his dad's spatial necklace and added it to the small heap that he had built which he would use for the danger-filled adventure he was about to set out on.

Then he closed his eyes and began to cultivate.

- Few weeks later -

Alex who sat with a closed eyes and a still mind as he tried to harmonize with soulforce energy was in a large-size ultivehicle that was flying towards Smith city.

The ultivehicle has had all seats occupied. So it had finally taken into the air.

As it flew, Alex who could multi-task tried comprehending the mysterious soulforce energy which he couldn't harmonize with yet and listened to the discussion of the people in the ultivehicle. He was doing two entirely different things at once.

But he wasn't strained. In fact, he could do more.

He listened to the conversation of these people and smiled inwardly. But when he remembered the thing he did which put a lot of people out of homes, his smile vanished and was replaced by killing intent.

The people around him and to the rear of the ultivehicle were talking about the calamitous power that wreaked havoc in their states and even in other states. It was something as mortals that they had never experienced before.

"Two gods were fighting" One said confidently.

"How do you know?" Someone asked with a smirk.

"Because I was fucking there." That person that spoke earlier replied. Then he continued "I hid slightly far away during their battle so I could witness their epic fight and recount it to people. It was a really intense battle. They were simply out to kill each other. Then one that wore a blue cape embellished with seven crowns used his ultimate attack I think. He pointed at the god he battled with and released a terrific, divinity-slaying, dark power. That god couldn't stand the power. He exploded into pieces. While the god that unleashed that devastating power vanished back to the heavens. I guess"

"Sharrap! Your story is complete bullshit! I was there when that phenomenal power was unleashed. It was two demonic experts fighting over a rose-red, crystal cube. The stronger one who looked tall and wore a black robe released that dreadful power against his opponent, annihilating him mercilessly" another said.

In this manner, many versions began to ring out from people and this caused Alex who was initially brooding over his actions to laugh inwardly.

These people were simply wonderful and funny.

He couldn't believe all that he was hearing.

If he wasn't the one that produced the power, he would certainly believe them. They were so good at crafting false stories. But he was enjoying it.


A few days later, the ultivehicle arrived at Smith city.

"Finally. I am back" He said excitedly.

He had missed home.

But Alex wouldn't go home to see his uncle. It wasn't time yet. He was just here for the legacy and then he would leave to continue his journey.

When he came down from the ultivehicle which had landed in an ultivehicle garage, he marched happily into the street.

Then with eyes that shone with unbridled curiosity, he asked some cultivators in the entry stage whom he met standing somewhere and discussing.

"Hello guys. How are you doing?" He asked.

"We good." One of them replied amiably.

"Cool." Alex said. Then he continued "I just arrived from a faraway state. I am a rogue cultivator like you guys. While I was in the ultivehicle, some people were talking about some primeval expert's legacy. What legacy is that and where is this legacy? I want to know about it"

"Oh! That legacy. It has been up for weeks now and hasn't even given sign of availability. Many Saint stage cultivators have gathered round it, awaiting the day it would become available to everyone of them. But now, they feel highly frustrated and very vexed since the doors to the legacy acquisition ground hasn't opened yet. No one knows what is causing the delay. And for you to know, many of them are not from our world. They are from higher worlds who have come to fight for the legacy. But just holed up in this world which has nothing to satisfy them with made them pretty angry. They are taking this anger out on people. They have turned the mortals into their slaves and are oppressing the many weaker cultivators of our world that live there. Lot of people have migrated away from that area for the time being out of fear of being killed by these higher-world, saint-level cultivators as their impatience which have now turned into fury is continually on the rise. These guys could lash out at any of us and kill us in the process. And no one would dare try to say anything. Not even our states-master" one of the five people Alex went to meet to ask for the location of the legacy replied.

"Really? That is truly bad for the people leaving around there. I better steer away from that place. Maybe I should mind the business I am here for. But folks, in what direction is this legacy? Please pardon me. I am just the inquisitive type" Alex said.

"Well, it's west of here. But it's thousands of miles away." Another person replied.

"Hmm. Thanks folks. Those proud guys should continue with their despicable ways. All I know is that the divine god of punishment would visit them soon. Then they shall pay for what they did to those mortals." Alex said.

Then he gave his gratitude and left this group of people.

As he walked away, his heart became filled with the emotions of anger.

These people were actually slaving the mortals in his state? Then he would teach them a lesson.

Alex doesn't know the people who were now slaves to those saint stage cultivators. But because he grew up in this state, he loved it and everything in it. So he wasn't happy with what they were going through.

Besides, being an empathic person, he could understand what those people were going through. He felt really bad for them.

If Alex became a pretty powerful person in future, it was this state that he would guard the most because it was the state he was brought up in.

Alex then decided in his heart that when he went there, he would try to know those cultivators who indulged in the filthy act of forcing people to become something that's against their wish.

Although he wouldn't do anything to them whilst still outside the temple. When they got into the temple, he would try his best to punish them for their wicked acts. He would try to inflict serious injuries on them using the treasures he had gathered. He knew wouldn't be able to to do much with his one-minute, super-powered body transformation. But with multiple, deadly treasures, he would make sure they forever have the fear of 'The Punisher' in their hearts.

"You terrorize and oppress people because of your cultivation stage and identity? Then you fiends should be ready to be showered with severe punishment. For ten thousand years to come, you wouldn't forget my name. And if my name is mentioned before you, you would cough out blood in fear and terror"

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Author Note:

Hello dear readers.

I want to beg you for something.

--] Could you guys please give me a review?

A reader of my book gave me a review. Although it was quite harsh, it was tremendously helpful. I was able to know what the flaws in my book were {= In the chapters before the premium ones}.

The criticism has helped me a lot. And using it as reference, I will try to remove the flaws in my work by altering some things in the previous chapters.

The thing is I as a writer can't detect the flaws in my own book. I don't seem to have that ability. Even if I go through it as a reader, I would still see it as good or perfect. The flaws it would have would become invisible to me because it's my author brain working.

Therefore I can only leave it to you readers to help me point out those flaws and help me make the book a better one.

So using the points of what the reader complained about, I will change some things in some of the previous chapters {the unlocked chapters}.


I'm sorry for putting this announcement in the chapter itself and not in the author's note. This is because the author's note wouldn't be able to contain half of all that I mentioned above.

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Thanks for reading and for the love and support you all shower upon me. I feel very blessed to have you fantastic guys around me.

- Thank you, and remember to keep safe!

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By the way, the new books I mentioned about in the previous chapter are now visible on my profile. You could check them out if you want.

--] Please, don't forget to to vote.



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