A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 146: Harnesses Power of Destruction I

Chapter 146: Harnesses Power of Destruction I

Following the body smells of the men and dashing at a speed enhanced by his strengthforce energy which gave him the peak speed at which an heaven adept stage cultivator could fly in the air, a moment later, he got to where they were.

The two men had actually hidden themselves in an abandoned house that was dilapidated. The house looked very old and many cracks could be seen in it structure.

Since his Heavenly Mystery Revealment eyes was still on, and now that he understood how to apply the ability of the eyes, he willed the eyes to see through the walls. Then the eyes produced a form of power that caused the walls to fade away in Alex's vision. Not that the walls faded away, they were still there. But they disappeared in Alex's vision, allowing him to see into the building.

Once he did and saw the men hiding in there. He gave a smile.

'You think you can escape from me The Punisher?' Alex said inwardly.

Then his mind shook at what he just called himself. He had subconsciously given himself an alias which he called 'The Punisher'.

He wondered why that kind of name came to his head.

Alex then recalled what his mom said "... In your journey to become the strongest cultivator, slay every adversary that would come your way without batting an eye. Be kind and generous to those that need it. But be cold, ruthless and wicked to those that deserve it. Be a dazzling light of solace and hope for those that are weak and oppressed and a dark cloud of judgement, tribulations and destruction for those who are Sinister, vile and evil."

He smiled.

"The Punisher it is"

Alex liked the name and agreed with himself.

Then refocusing on the task before him, strengthforce energy began to erupt from his palms. As the energy discharged from his hands, they gave out the power of might. This caused the building which had an initially weak structure to abruptly collapse.


It collapsed upon the two men in the building.

But before the house collapsed on them, the two men rapidly generated energy shields to protect themselves from the collapsing walls of the building.

A few moments later, they pushed away the rubbles that had gathered on their overhead energy shields and stood to their feet.

They knew that the collapsing of the building was unnatural. When they were in, they suddenly felt a type of power that gave them the feeling that it could split the sky and sever the seas. They had once felt this type of power back when Alex fought with the twenty earth adept stage cultivators. They had witnessed that power then. And now that they felt it again, they knew who produced that power.

With gloomy faces, they pushed away the large heaps of rubbles around them and walked forward to meet Alex.

"You are the quite the tenacious one, aren't you?" Brandon asked.

"Well, you tried to kill me. Since you failed, It's my turn to kill you." Alex replied.

Brandon's eyes widened with shock.

"You are that The Devourer?" He asked.

"Yes. Enough spoken. It's time for you pricks to go on an unending journey in the death-world"


The man beside Brandon scoffed.

"Unending journey? Who the hell do you think you are? Master and Ruler of the Deathverse?" The man asked.

"No. I am The Punisher. Anybody The Punisher sets his eyes upon is doomed for total damnation" Alex replied with great confidence radiating from him.

"Haha! I see" The man responded.

Then there were flashes of colorful light as treasure-weapons appeared in the hands of both Brandon and the man beside him. Then the long, sharp-edged weapons grasped in their hands began to glow as the arrays in the voidstones affixed into the bodies of the treasure-weapons began to generate some forms of realm-energies. Then they tried launching the energies that had gathered in them as attacks at Alex.

When they initially produced the treasure-weapons, they began to move in slow motion in Alex's eyes. This was because Alex's eyes were now saturated with speedforce energy. It heightened his perception of the speed of everything around him. So they began to move in slow motion in his eyes.

Just before they could send energy-attacks at him, the strengthforce energy that Alex had produced which he used to bring down the abandoned, dilapidated building abruptly turned into dozens of energy blades that began to give out a blinding and beautiful, blue splendor from their sharp-pointed edges.

"Lesser Hundred Golden Nova Blades" Alex said, uttering the name of his newly created attacking technique.





The dozens of blades shot out at great speed the instant Alex uttered the name of the attack and rained in on the men from head to toe.

Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!...

Since the blades moved with great momentum, after pelting the two men, they lifted them off the ground and into the distance where they were impaled them to the earth.

Then when Alex broke his mind-connection to the blades, they lost their solid form and shape and the energy that composed them returned to the realmverse.

Alex, when he saturated his feet with strengthforce energy, jumped towards the place where the heavily gashed, lifeless bodies of the two men were.

When he landed, he immediately removed from their spatial rings and stored them into his mom's spatial ring.

Then he looked up at the sky and said with a smile "Ladies and gentlemen, I think it's high time you stop hiding yourself away in the night sky and appear before me like people of dignity and valor"

"What a sharp mouth!" A voice boomed out from nowhere, responding angrily to what Alex said.

Then many people, close to a hundred appeared very high in the air and looked down at Alex like he was an ant.

"Who are you to talk to us anyhow? Do you know who we are?" A middle-aged woman asked in an infuriated tone.


Alex grinned haughtily.

Although he was faking the raucous, haughty laughter of his, he did it so well they wouldn't know he was acting it. He was simply a good actor.

The people floating in the air then looked at Alex with intense coldness in their eyes. They didn't like how a junior in cultivation was lordly before them. He didn't even try to respect them for who they were. One would know this from the way Alex laughed away what the middle-aged woman said in an haughty manner. It simply showed he had no respect for his seniors in cultivation.

Then they waited for his response to know where he is from and if it was right for him to speak at them in such disrespectful manner and laugh at them like they were nobodies.

"You want to know where I am from? I am from the Punisher society." Alex said proudly.

The people in the air furrowed their brows. They had never heard of such before.

"I have never heard of this society befo..." One of the people floating in the air was talking when Alex rudely cut the person off, saying arrogantly "How will you nonentities know of such a prestigious society. It's a stealth organization that eradicates evil in the world. We mustn't see or hear evil. We would simply annihilate it"

The person cut off by Alex felt terribly embarrassed and then seriously angered. Just when he would act against Alex, someone beside him told him to hold up. Then this person gazed at Alex with a cold glint in his eyes and said "Is that why you should be rude to your seniors? Since you weren't trained properly by your organization. We would train you here. But before we do that, I have a question to ask you. Many moments ago, we saw you fight twenty earth adept stage cultivators with your flimsy cultivation base which is in the mid-phase condensation stage. You overwhelmed them and killed them. But one spectacular thing we noted about you which deeply amazed us was that you were able to put out great amounts of different energies instantly. How were you able to accomplish that?"


Alex cackled like a demon.

"What's your damned, inglorious business with my supplement-battle method? Since you want to know, I will tell you. It's a method we call the 'Unmatched Energy-Erupting Geyser, Body-Transformation' method. It's a rapid-energy discharge technique formed by the terrifying founder of our great Punisher Society, Lord Alex, who is also known by us as 'The Grand Celestial Golden Tyrant Punisher'. So do you dare to ask me to produce it?" Alex replied in an haughty manner and grinned.

He hoped his lies and acting got to them. He didn't want to use the vast-scale devastating powers his parent prepared for him on this people. He felt that he would be simply wasting it.

Alex wanted to use them on immortals or divine-class cultivation experts. And not on some great saint and saint emperor stage cultivators. That would be a tremendous waste of his parent's mighty, multiple-continents disintegration power.

He hoped that they would fear him and the unreal society he claimed to come from and back off.

The people in the air thought deeply for sometime. Then they observed and scrutinized Alex well for changes in his body. But they didn't detect anything wrong with him. He simply wasn't scared. Rather, he radiated haughtiness and extreme pride. Also, his confidence seemed to be towering. Then they felt that, although they hadn't heard of such society, it was real and that it had really powerful members they didn't want to annoy or aggravate.

Just Alex being a mid-phase condensation stage junior was enough to prove that point to them, that the society would have terrific and fearsome senior cultivators as Alex, a junior with such low cultivation base could put up a good fight with twenty higher-staged cultivators and still overpoweringly kill them. It showed how excellent and frightening the higher-rank members of the society would be.

But they wouldn't know that Alex's confidence which continually increased without bound was because of the exceedingly immense, destructive divine power his parent left for him. Also, he had the grand god-eyes of true destruction.

He had known one of many things about this particular god-eyes from studying the vast information the old man he met in the eye-pocket dimension passed to him.

Alex realized this when he was busy organizing things for the adventurous journey he was going to embark on. He carried out all these preparations to have many protections against experts he can't face which he would meet in his two-year journey.

So back then in his student residential apartment when he was preparing himself for his adventure, he discovered that the god-eye contained a planet-sized treasure-weapon that could unleash a vast and near-boundless power of absolute ruination and destruction. Also, he had figured out that it was a 'Marvel-Weapon'. It was one of the most spectacular offensive treasures in the whole realmverse. But right now, the entire power of devastation that could be produced by the weapon was sealed. He wouldn't be able to unleash them.


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