A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 114: Like this?

Chapter 114: Like this?

When Alex's super-powered body returned to normal, the mass of dark energy that saturated Karen's body lost it connection to the physique and so left her body returning to the realmverse. Then Karen got control over her own energies. But she couldn't do anything as she froze where she stood.

Alex embraced her and said into her ear.

"Please stop all these. I am sorry if you felt I took advantage of you. I thought you liked me because you always gave me those smiles and winks. But I guess it wasn't so. Please, I beg for your forgiveness. Besides, am tired of these battles, I would like to leave now. I have been gone for too long"

Then he pulled out of the embrace and walked away with hope in his heart that Karen wouldn't try to unleash more attacks at him.

He had walked far a bit when he heard her voice

"It's okay. I was just the one taking things too far. Actually, I like you. Because of your naivety. You are so simple, innocent and sweet. You are like a river that has not been contaminated with the filth of this world." She said.

Alex unexpectedly froze in his movement. An astounded expression could be seen in his face. Then he turned to look at her.

Once Alex turned to face her, she gave a smile and continued "You are a simple-minded person and a really attractive one. It is these attributes of yours that drew my attention towards you, I think. And you are pretty powerful. I have never seen someone possess more than two physiques. But you exhibited three and this deeply amazed me"

"Okay. So you have forgiven me now?" He asked.

"I think" Karen replied with a smile.

Then Alex said "The condensation stage isn't your real stage. You are in the saint stage."

Karen smiled as she had let out the cat out of the bag. But she wasn't fazed.

"Maybe." She said.

"Why did you hide it?" Alex asked

"Well, for nothing really. I just wanted to experience school life again" She said.

"Hmm. How were you able to do it?" Alex asked like his interest was piqued.

"I was only able to do this through an energy called obscureforce energy. I used it conceal my actual cultivation base. It would obscure all senses from detecting my true cultivation base" She said.

"Okay. But that's a very good way to successfully infiltrate an organization. Since you are at the saint stage but lowered your cultivation level to the condensation stage using obscureforce energy, you must have a motive in mind. Maybe you actually came for me because all you ever did was try to grab my attention." He said as he put himself on guard and slowly backed away from her.

Karen smiled.

"Hmm. You are smart. Anyways, don't think like that. I only came to relive school because I missed school days. Though I am not from this institution, I only came to experience it again. You know, all the fun and excitement. So don't tell anyone. I would also keep the secret about your ability to produce three physiques. We can be good friends that would go on adventures together and even fall in love" She said in a teasing tone with a playful smile appearing on her face.

Alex was astounded. But not lowering his guard, he asked in an unbelieving tone.

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because I would have killed you or would have dragged you to places you would not like to be. But I didn't" Karen replied.

Then she continued "Another reason is I am impressed with you. You defeated me in the many battles we had. No man has ever beaten me in battle before. Not even expert of higher cultivation stages. And I once made a vow to myself that only the man that can beat me in battle would I truly belong to. So, that's why I now like you very much and want to be your good friend. Until you can defeat me in battle at the same cultivation level would I become yours to handle anyhow"

Alex became dumbfounded because of what she said.

Not discussing further on what she said.

He asked "How were you able to defeat expert of higher cultivation stages?"

"Like this" Karen said with a wicked smile.

She saw this an opportunity to do what she had always wanted to accomplish since the beginning of their battle.


She vanished from where she was and appeared before Alex.

Alex who was shocked tried to move away from her. But before he could, a finger that glowed in violet-crimson shot towards his chest.

This finger emitted that color because it contained a particular energy.

Once it penetrated through his chest and into his body, she released the glowing energy contained in the finger into his body.

She pulled out the finger and looked at Alex who had begun to tremble as a result of the energy moving in his body.

Alex began to shake as a great sexual urge took over his body.

He had no control over this overpowering feeling of sexual desire that pervaded his mind and made his body very hot from sexual excitement.

Then veins bulge all over his body as he tried hard to resist the booming, unceasing chant of 'sex' by hundreds of different voices in his head.

Then in his vision was a paradise-like place. This place looked like the kind of place deities would live in. It could simply be described as an heavenly realm.

But in this place could be seen hundreds of naked busty and voluptuous women that stood at the apex of beauty. They were greatly bewitching. Presenting their large busts and bush to him in a sexy dance, the urge in his body intensified and a red color appeared on his flawless white skin which spread and grew deeper in tone. His brain signal also started to misfire.

At this point in time, the organ at his groin region had stood very firm and had began to leak out a sticky liquid.

"That is how I was able to kill those powerful experts. The energy moving in your body and causing you to have this feeling is sexforce energy. As an energy that causes great sexual excitement, it would turn males into sex-thirsty crazed beings. They would never be able to think straight until they lay with a female. And a good thing about this energy is that they would never be attracted to the person who put the energy in them. Except that person want to have it with them. So, it's an energy that enables a female to overpower a stronger male. Tyrannical right? Haha. But what's really surprising me now is that you haven't surrendered to the energy. You are pretty strong. Well kid, It's best you succumb to the interminable chants of sex rocking your soul to it depth or you would run mad and go after members of the opposite sex whom you would ruthlessly rape to satisfy yourself. And there would be no cure for the madness once it comes up. It's eternal insanity and extreme insatiable lust for anything female-looking"

Karen's voice suddenly rang out.

After Karen said this, Alex then knew that the only way to cure himself of the feeling was to do some dirty things. But he wasn't fine with that option. He felt he was still young to do such a thing. And who would do it with him? 

"Any other way? I beg you!" He cried out.

"Another way you say. Well, that's left to you to find out." She replied with a grin.

Alex still trembling felt the heat in his body climb up again. His entire organs at this moment started to burn within.

He screamed in pain but tried hard to withstand the intense heat that seemed to want to immolate all his organs, and at the same time resist the urge and voices that incapacitated his body and mind.

But there was nothing he could do against the effects produced by the energy as his body was totally paralyzed and his soul continuously barraged with dirty thoughts that prevented him from thinking straight. Every nerve of his body was flooded with titillating sensations.

"Would you like your body to return to normal?" She asked.

"Yes please" Alex hurriedly said. The pain he was experiencing because of no outlet to release the sensation that had built up in his body as his body burned within was too much for him to bear. It was unbearable and traumatizing.

"Okay. There are only two ways to remove this energy. One is by kissing. Since it is my energy, I am linked to it. I will take it out of your body through your mouth during the kiss. Second is to have sex with you. So which do you go for?" Karen asked.

"The first option" Alex immediately said.

Karen smiled. She was enjoying the way Alex's body trembled and twitched from the intense sexual urge that pervaded his senses and entire body.

"Well, you are far too younger to me. I can't go with that." She replied

Alex became gloomy. He didn't know what to do again.

Then he resumed his fighting against the urge which could turn him into a ravenous sex-hungry wolf anytime soon.

He wanted to regain control of his mind and body without her help.

He just couldn't go with the last option. And he didn't know the reason why.

Very soon, the burning sensation he felt in his body intensified greatly.

He couldn't take it anymore.

"Second option!" He roared

Karen's brow raised.

"What? Me with you? That's even worse. I can't have sex with someone who is far younger than me. So that's another no. I guess you would have to deal with it yourself." She said with a grin and began to walk away from the place.

Alex became speechless at this. He didn't know what to do again.

He could start to hear voices whispering random things in his head. Then he began he feel that he was going insane.

"Well, I can't leave you like this in this place right?" Karen's voice rang out again.

Suddenly, Alex felt an unseen force wrap around his body. Then this force lifted him towards Karen who stood in the distance.

Once he got in front of her, the unseen force that enveloped Alex's body vanished and then she took her lips into his.

She tried to retrieve the energy she put into Alex's body through kissing.

With her link to the energy, she forced the energy strands wherever they were to move up Alex's energy meridians to his mouth.

But to her shock, she found out she couldn't. And so the kiss became a long one.

With their lips interlocked together, she focused on the energy and compelled it to leave Alex's system. But there was an invisible influence in his body that prevented her from doing so. The influence was so strong she couldn't gain control over her own energy in his body.

Not long, her link to the energy broke apart and the energy went into his energyhouse where it began to circulate in there like it was his own energy.

Karen was deeply astonished.

"What was that?" she muttered inwardly.

Then when she came back to reality, she realized Alex's lips were still locked to hers. And this was for like fifteen minutes when she struggled to remove the sex-inducing energy rampaging in his body.

She quickly removed her lips and pushed him away to the ground.

"I think you are fine now" She said with a light of marvel in her eyes. She still couldn't believe what just happened. A small fraction of her sage-level sexforce energy was already revolving under some influence in Alex's energyhouse.

At this point in time, since the energy generating those urges had left his body and had gone into his energyhouse to settle, his body rapidly recovered. The burning sensation as well as the numerous compelling voices in his head vanished.

A second later, his body became fine as the whiteness of his flawless skin returned.

Alex stood from the ground and said "Thank you"

With a smirk in her face, she said "Hey, don't get any ideas because I kissed you that long. I am not into kids. In fact, anything male-looking"

Then with a smile blossoming in her face, she continued "Well, your lips were yummy. So I think I enjoyed the kiss and may come for it another time. I am leaving now. You should leave too and go take a nice, long shower. You look disgusting"

Then she left by flying away.

Alex looked at himself and smiled wryly. His trousers was very wet. It was like he peed on himself.

But this was because of the continuous secretion of liquid from the organ at his groin region which was made erect by the things he saw and the intense sexual excitement he felt which caused great pleasurable sensations to surface in his body and cause it to tremble and twitch without stop.

He produced Nojraagon and said to it "Play time is over Nojra. We gotta return. Someone came and ruined the party. Sorry. But we would get another place to train again very soon."

The beast didn't growl. It just gazed at him.

Alex couldn't understand the gaze but took it as a look of unhappiness. So he just smiled and returned Nojraagon into the beast bag. Then he prepared to leave this place.

He focused on the earth and transformed. Then he shot back to the academy's field from under the ground by rapidly creating large tunnels which he passed through.


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