A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 100: Hey cutie

Chapter 100: Hey cutie

Next day...

"Alright. It's time for you boys to move out of my residence." Jennifer said looking at Alex and Jake.

"Instructor Jennifer, can we please stay for a month and then we would move out?" Jake asked with a pleading tone.

"No" Jennifer said.

Jake looked at Alex, and the look he gave him passed a message that he should say something.

Understanding what Jake's gaze meant, Alex turned his head to look at Jennifer. Then he asked "Instructor Jennifer, can we please stay a month more? Please"

Jennifer smiled.

"You think your cute, pleading face will get to me? In your dreams. You both are leaving today. But I will get you a new place. One, more comfortable" she said.

Alex gave her a slight frown.

Jennifer only smiled. Then she moved closer to him to ruffle his hair. She then came out of their room and headed to hers.

Many minutes later.

When Alex and Jake were done bathing, they wore their uniforms and headed for class.

Since Alex had broken through to the condensation stage, he could now enter the lecture block for students at that stage.

So he went with Jake to class.

But his mind was unsettled. His mind stirred because he would see Elena in class and he doesn't know how he would face her. But when he remembered the kiss, he smiled.

When they got to their lecture block, Jake brought Alex to the hall where they would be having their first class which was cultivation. Unlike in the entry-stage lecture block where their first class was weapon-making.

After they entered, they went to get a seat. Alex sat down and began to look around. He was searching for Elena but he didn't see her.

Just then, she came in through the door and when Alex turned his head over to see who just entered, their eyes jammed.

Alex's mind could almost shoot of his body. He managed to give her a smile while Elena winked at him and went to get a seat.

Alex started to feel like he was suffocating. He was taking in short breath and at a rapid speed.

Jake noted the change in Alex's breathing pattern and asked with concern in his tone "What's wrong?"

Alex quickly replied "I'm fine."

"You sure? Come on man. Tell me the truth. I have never seen you like this. What's wrong?" Jake asked again.

"I don't know too. But I would get over it soon" Alex said.

"Hmm. Pull yourself together then. The instructor would be arriving anytime soon." Jake said.

Alex nodded. Then he tried to calm himself.

A few minutes later..

The instructor that would teach them about cultivation came to class.

Immediately he entered, he looked at his students and greeted them which they all responded to. Then as he looked around to see if everyone was in class, he caught sight of Alex and became shocked.

"Alex, what are you doing in my class?" He asked with deep surprise in his tone.

"Wait. You have broken through?" He asked again.

"Yes sir. I have broken through" Alex said with a smile.

"Good! But your cultivation speed You were in the mid-phase entry stage few months ago but now you have broken through to the condensation stage. That's very quick" he said.

Alex only nodded with a smile.

He couldn't reply saying it's because I have tens of thousands of peerless-rank, energy-producing pills for all cultivation ranks, and because I took many earth-rank pills, pills meant for an expert in the earth adept stage without exploding into bits because I have a powerful body as it was able to withstand the great amounts of energy released when the pills melted.

"Well, it's good to have you here. So introduce yourself properly to the rest of us" The instructor said.

"Alright. My name's Alex Blaze Star" Alex said out loud when he stood.

"Good. You can have your seat. Now I will start today's class" The instructor said and took a pause. Then he continued "What is cultivation?"

Everyone raised their hands except Alex. The instructor noted this and said "Alex, I don't see you raising your hand. You don't know it?" He asked.

"I know it" Alex replied.

"Alright. Now tell us anything you know about cultivation" The instructor said.

Alex was trying to be low-key as possible since he he just got here. But now, he was focused on.

"Damn! Must you pick me? I think I should raise my hands next time" Alex said inwardly.

He wasn't happy the instructor called him to answer the question. Then he felt maybe the man was trying to test his intelligence.

'He could have probably heard of my intellectualness from other instructors and so want to test my ability' Alex thought inwardly.

Then he stood up to answer the question, with a promise in his heart that he would not bring down the instructor's rating of him.

"A-hem" He cleared his throat. Then he said "Cultivation is simply harmonizing to a type of energy in the world. After entering into harmony with it, we can now begin to absorb it into our energyhouses." Alex replied.

"Good. Class, applaud him" The instructor ordered.

Then sounds of hands clapping rang out as thousands of students in the large hall began to clap, but with disinterested eyes.

"Alright. It's okay." the instructor said telling them to stop clapping. Still looking at Alex, he asked "Alex that was good. I felt you didn't really understand the topic but you actually do. So, this leads me to my next question. Can you explain how cultivation works?"

"Okay sir." Alex said. Then he continued "When one enters into a state of harmony with a particular energy, the energy which exists in the incorporeal state around us becomes corporeal. That is, it materializes around us because we have entered into attunement with it. Actually, the energies do not really materialize around us. What happens is that we can see and feel them because we have attuned our sensory perceptions, the physical senses and other types of senses we have available to them, to their forms and the frequency they vibrate in. They only become visible or noticeable to others when we employ a cultivation method to pull them into our body for absorption."

The instructor smiled and nodded his head.

"Good." He said.

Then he brought up a new sub-topic for the subject and began to teach them.

Alex listened attentively, and so did the rest of the students. Only Jake wasn't as he was looking at a girl far at a spot in the hall towards his left.

That was the girl that poured food on his head back then.

Although, anger could be seen in his eyes, there was also another form of emotion that surfaced in them. And this emotion was desire. He wanted this girl and would do anything to get her.

He made her his goal because of what she did to him. But not the type to get to her for revenge. He loved the girl and so he wanted her.

An hour later..

"Alright. Time's up. You can leave the hall to the next hall for your second subject of the day." The instructor said and left heading back to his office.

Immediately he left, everyone packed their writing materials and kept them into their storage-treasures. Then they left the hall to the next hall which was on a higher floor.

As Alex was packing his things and got ready to leave the hall because of Elena, she arrived at his side. A beautiful smile blossomed in her face.

Before Jake could say anything, Elena said "Hello Jake. Could you please give me and Alex some privacy? I want to have a few words with him"

Jake was surprised.

"Sure" He said.

Then he left the hall.

Elena then turned her head to look at Alex who was trying to avoid her gaze.

"Hey cutie" She said with an affectionate smile.


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