A Barbaric Proposal

Chapter 31 - Betrayal

Chapter 31 | Betrayal


* * *


Rienne’s voice grew in confusion and embarrassment.

[Rienne] “What…..No, it’s not like that!”

[Black] “It’s not?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

But Black didn’t hesitate to talk back, his lips parting easily to speak.

Their minds were on completely different things.

All Rienne wanted was to prevent Nauk from being torn apart by war, but Black truly believed she was making all of these terrible lies just to save her old love’s life.

[Black] “Like I said, I don’t trust you, Princess.”

For some reason, those words hurt more than a thorn under one’s fingernail.

[Black] “Do you still want me to keep him alive?”

[Rienne] “………..Yes.”

But even if he didn’t believe her, she couldn’t back down.

The Kleinfelder’s eldest son could not die. No matter her personal feelings on it…. Even if she thought things might be better if he did, Rienne could not allow it to happen, no matter what.

[Black] “Then I will.”

[Rienne] “Ah……”

The relief instantly rushed in.

When Rienne instinctively looked up at him, Black’s eyes narrowed like a blade.

[Black] “But I want something from you.”

[Rienne] “What—”

Suddenly, Black grabbed Rienne’s arm and pulled her towards him. She felt his lips brush up against her ear, his words seeping into her earlobe as he exhaled harshly against it.

[Black] “You’ll be sharing a bed with me tonight, Princess.”

[Rienne] “What…..that’s….”

Then, as quickly as he grabbed her, Black let go of her arm—as if he had no intention of hearing her response.

[Black] “Bring that thing. Bind him and lock him away.” (1)

[Mercenary] “……Yes, sir.”

The mercenaries all glanced at each other, seemingly confused as to why they were told not to kill someone like this, but they nonetheless followed orders.

Besides, Black’s expression didn’t invite any questions. He looked so angry everyone felt they’d be liable to get seriously hurt if they dared to ask him.

[Black] “Take the Princess to the castle. I’m going ahead.”

[Mercenary] “Oh….uh, you’re leaving first? Are you alright to ride with those injuries?”

Leaving behind the astonished mercenaries, Black strode quickly towards his horse and climbed up on it.

[Black] “Go!”

Dun, dun, dun!

The dark horse carrying Black disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye.

[Rienne] “. . .”

All Rienne could do was stand there and watch as his back moved farther and farther away.

It hurts….

It still hurt to hear him so plainly say he didn’t believe her.


* * *


[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh…. Princess! What happened to your clothing!? What’s happened?”

By the time Rienne returned to the castle, the sun that was once rising was now setting.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Didn’t you say you were going alone? What’s going on….?”

And of course, Mrs. Flambard was completely speechless.

It was understandable though. Anyone would be shocked if someone who was simply leaving to give food to an old man returned covered in dirt, being escorted by three mercenaries.

[Rienne] “It just turned out this way. I’d like to wash up. Is there any water left?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Of course, you can use mine. I’ll prepare some clothing for you to change into. Please, head inside.”

[Rienne] “Thank you, ma’am.”

Rienne turned to the mercenaries.

In reality, these men were not there to escort her. They were monitoring her. Today’s events only served to show the Tiwakan mercenaries that Rienne was a woman capable of betraying their leader and running away.

She wasn’t about to make any kind of excuse towards them, but that didn’t mean she was going to accept their watchful eyes without a word.

[Rienne] “I think you’ve taken me far enough. I’d like to rest now.”

The mercenaries looked at one another, one of them eventually opening his mouth.

[Mercenary] “Do whatever’s comfortable for you. We’ll be here until we’re told otherwise.”

[Rienne] “The castle is safe. Having an escort here is excessive.”

[Mercenary] “Our Lord might have a different opinion.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

As she expected, they weren’t going to listen so easily. Rienne let out a small sigh.

[Rienne] “Then please sit. I’ll inform you ahead of time if I intend to leave again.”

[Mercenary] “Don’t worry about us. We can handle ourselves.”

[Rienne] “…….Well, alright then.”

Rienne didn’t say anything else and entered the bedroom. Mrs. Flambard waited for a long time, still wondering what exactly was happening.


As soon as the door closed behind Rienne, Mrs. Flambard spoke up.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess, what’s going on? Why are they suddenly acting this way?”

[Rienne] “Hah…..

Right then, all the exhaustion Rienne was enduring suddenly caught up with her. She lost all strength in her legs as she lifelessly sank to the floor.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Ah, Princess! Are you alright!?”

Fear seizing her heart, Mrs. Flambard took Rienne’s hand with a look of surprise on her face.

[Rienne] “Just a moment….. I’d like to sit…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “But don’t sit on the floor. Here, use a chair.”

[Rienne] “My clothing will only dirty it. Having to clean my dress is already too much…. We already have too much work to do.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “. . .”

The woman looked at Rienne’s incredibly defeated expression and sat down next to her.

[Mrs. Flambard] “What happened?”

[Rienne] “…..It’s…”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Do you not wish to speak of it?”

[Rienne] “No… I don’t want to hide anything….”

….I’m sorry I have to tell you this.

Rienne didn’t know why it hurt….but it did.

[Rienne] “The Kleinfelders tried to kill Lord Tiwakan.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What?”

Mrs. Flambard was so shocked, she almost screamed. The moment she realized how loud she was, she placed a hand over her mouth.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Did they really? Then did he…..did he die?”

[Rienne] “No.”

Rienne’s face darkened. All those emotions she felt when she was told Black had died came rushing back in, tumbling around in her heart like boiling water.

[Rienne] “But he’s hurt. Badly.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Goodness…..But if the Kleinfelder family was responsible then why is he so upset with you, Princess?”

Hearing that was a surprise.

[Rienne] “How did you know Lord Tiwakan was upset with me?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Those men he sent with you seemed angry.”

[Rienne] “They weren’t angry. They weren’t harsh in the slightest.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Really? They seemed different from how they were treating you yesterday.”

[Rienne] “Is….that so?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “So they did, in my opinion.”

Rienne was starting understand what she meant.

The Tiwakan mercenaries were entirely different from how the rumors described them.

People always said they were beasts parading as men, with so many terrible rumors circulating about their deeds. But Rienne had never personally witnessed anything like that.

Even though they were angry with her, though their tone had become a bit rough, they still treated her with respect and were never rude.

I suppose that’s all because of him.

Because that man was always so kind to her.

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan thinks I conspired with Lord Kleinfelder.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What?”

Her eyes widened so much it looked as though her eyes were about to pop out.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess… Don’t tell me you….”

[Rienne] “Of course not.”

Rienne quickly nipped the seeds of doubt in the bud.

[Rienne] “I swear I had nothing to do with this. Attempting something like that while the Tiwakan occupy the castle would be incredibly foolish.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Yes! Why would Lord Kleinfelder try something even a five year old child would understand is stupid?”

[Rienne] “That’s what I want to know. I don’t understand how he could he be so rash.”

As Rienne recounted the events, explaining how Rafit kidnapped her and forced her into a carriage all the way until Black’s arrival on the scene, she could hear Mrs. Flambard utter words of shock to herself.

[Mrs. Flambard] “…..I suppose misunderstanding the situation is only natural. After all, Princess….. he believes you to be carrying Lord Kleinfelder’s child.”

[Rienne] “Yes.”

Rienne buried her face in her lap.

[Rienne] “When I said that… I held no regrets…if it meant protecting what’s important… It’s just…..”

Taking a breath, the air hitched in Rienne’s throat.

[Rienne] “……..It’s too much.” (2)

It felt like someone had her heart in their grip and was squeezing it as hard as they could.

She held so many doubts about that man herself and yet, for some reason, him saying he distrusts her in turn caused such a pain in her chest.

How long must we doubt each other like this?

Will this cycle…ever end…?

[Mrs. Flambard] “Then tell him it isn’t so, Princess.”

Rienne kept her face buried and weakly shook her head.

[Rienne] “It would be pointless to do so now.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Then you’ll just have to repeat yourself, again and again, until he believes you. A broken trust is not so easily repaired.”

[Rienne] “But what difference will it make?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What makes you say that? Aren’t these misunderstandings causing you pain, Princess?”

[Rienne] “Yes…. but simply clearly them away doesn’t mean everything will be alright.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess….”

[Rienne] “It isn’t as though I can so easily ask him to trust me, so I have no choice but to maintain the lie into the future.” (3)

[Mrs. Flambard] “Why do you have so little faith? Couldn’t you just be honest?”

[Rienne] “But how? Even now, I still need to keep my monthly fever a secret.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “. . .”

Rienne, who was hiding her dangerously pale face, slowly pulled her head up.

[Rienne] “Enough. I need to wash up now.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Princess…… you can stay here longer.”

Mrs. Flambard said this instead of saying Rienne looked unwell.

[Rienne] “If I stay here, I may never leave so I must move while I still can. I’ll clean up now, so please prepare my clothing.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “……Please wait a moment. I will get the water ready.”

Mrs. Flambard leapt to her feet and headed towards the bathroom before Rienne could respond. Perhaps she was worried Rienne would refuse.

[Rienne] “Everything’s fine.”

Rienne whispered to herself, watching Mrs. Flambard’s back.

[Rienne] “Really.”

Despite this haggard feeling inside of her, everything was truly fine. Rafit Kleinfelder was still alive, as was Black.

Nauk was safe, which meant it had to be alright.

[Rienne] “…..Though there is one thing that isn’t.”

Nauk’s safety came at a price. One Rienne needed to pay.

[Black] –‘You’ll be sharing a bed with me tonight, Princess.’

Remembering that, Rienne felt a chill move through her body at the sound of Black’s voice cutting into her mind.

No….It’ll be fine. The wedding is still a few days away…….so it’ll be fine.

Black wasn’t the sort of man to speak empty words, and yet Rienne was desperate to believe he meant otherwise.

[Rienne] “No…it’ll be alright. He isn’t the kind of person to force something like that.”

But the more she denied it and the more she tried to convince herself, the thought only echoed even louder in her head. Fearing the weight of it would keep her down, Rienne quickly shook it away and stood up.

I’ll feel better once I clean myself.

She just felt a little sick, so she couldn’t help but worry about the night ahead.

Everything will be okay. It has to be.


* * *


To avoid what happened before, Rienne barred both doors leading to the bathroom before taking off her clothes.

Disrobing, Rienne turned towards the water basin in front of the mirror. The sight was more pitiful than she would’ve thought.

[Rienne] “This is…?”

Decorating her right arm and trailing down her elbow, all the way down the side of her body were various blue and red bruises. It must be where she’d gotten hurt when she was being forced into the carriage.

[Rienne] “I got cut here. No wonder I felt it stinging earlier.”

Feeling a sense of despondency set in, Rienne surprised even herself as a low laugh escaped her.

[Rienne] “He’s no help at all.”

The man she had once trusted as a lover had now become an incredibly troublesome and heavy existence.

[Rienne] “Not one bit.”

Rienne whispered to herself about Rafit, getting to work clearing the blood off of her arm. The blood had already started to dry, so the process was a little painful.

[Rienne] “That person…… he’s hurt too, isn’t he?”

Black had gotten so terribly hurt that the fabric of his clothing was wet with blood. Considering even his subordinates were worried about him riding a horse, it might be even worse than she thought.

[Rienne] “Did he get himself treated?”

He said he would return first, but he hadn’t come back to the castle yet. Rienne felt herself getting worried, wondering where he was and whether or not he was feeling well.

At some point, her feelings towards him strayed away from repulsion and fear. Instead, the sadness, anxiety, gratitude, and regret were taking up more seats in her heart than not.

But this was something Rienne was not aware of.

I hope you’re not in too much pain.

Rienne swallowed hard, concentrating on cleaning her wound.

But just as she was distracted with finishing getting the blood off of her and cleaning up, that’s when it happened.


The once barred door crashed open. The iron holders meant to keep the bar in place immediately tore off from the sheer force of the push.

[Rienne] “……!”

Rienne jerked her head in the direction of the noise.

And that’s when she saw Black. He was staring at her, his face as stiff as a statue.

* * *

T/N: (1) He uses language in reference to Rafit that’s more indicative of an object, rather than a person.

(2) lit “too cramped/tight”. This could be a double meaning for the literal tightness in her chest and the more figurative weight of her lie.

(3) they use the word “계속” here twice, lit. “to continue (something)”. Using it twice in a row is usually done for emphasis, likely illustrating Rienne’s hopelessness that the situation is unavoidable.

astral comment: We’ve officially entered angst-filled territory, if we weren’t there last chapter already.

ghost comment: Truth is important, but the drama is feeding me


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