A Barbaric Proposal

Chapter 15 - Don’t Move

Chapter 15 | Don’t Move

* * *

[Mrs. Flambard] “Well, would you look at that? It’s in much better shape than I thought it would be.”

Mrs. Flambard mused out loud as she opened up the wooden trunk, covered with years’ worth of dust.

[Rienne] “Yes, I agree.”

Rienne brought Mrs. Flambard with her to the royal storage, a room filled with the relics of times past. Among them was a trunk containing a few of her father’s belongings. Rienne had already sold the majority of valuable objects, but there was one thing she left untouched.

Her father’s old wedding attire.

[Rienne] “The embroidery is still intact.”

Rienne said to herself as she ran her fingers over the once regal fabric.

[Mrs. Flambard] “But why is this still here? I thought you did away with most of the previous king’s old things.”

Mrs. Flambard cleverly skirted around saying Rienne had sold them because they had no money.

[Rienne] “I just thought it would be a waste to get rid of it. It’s very well made and I have good memories of it…. But wait…”

As she was talking, Rienne suddenly quieted.

Rienne could have sworn these were the clothes her father wore when he was wed….so why could she clearly remember her father wearing them?

Rienne looked at Mrs. Flambard with a confused look on her face.

[Rienne] “This is my father’s wedding attire…right?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “It looks similar to something worn at a wedding, but to my knowledge that outfit was for a different occasion.”

[Rienne] “A different occasion?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “His coronation, perhaps? Regal clothing like this is usually saved for such special days.”

[Rienne] “Was his coronation…. after I was born?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I believe so, yes.”

[Rienne] “Oh, that’s probably why then…”

Why I could never bring myself to sell it.

Again, Rienne swept her fingers over the fabric. Even after so many years, the embroidery still looked elegant and shined brilliantly under the light.

[Rienne] “Even the buttons still look the same.”

The intricately made buttons were designed by stitching together rubies and pearls and they still held their shape. Somehow, Rienne felt extremely lucky that these clothes were still left behind, even after everything else was slowly given away.

Looking at it, it would be perfect for a wedding.

[Rienne] “We just need to adjust the size a bit.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Once we wash it and iron it, it will shine like brand new.”

Luckily, Mrs. Flambard was an expert when it came to mending and fixing clothing. Rienne turned to the woman, her voice filled with both a sense of gratitude and regret.

[Rienne] “I didn’t think you’d agree so easily.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Me?”

[Rienne] “I thought you’d try and tell me not to give something so precious to that man.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “If I keep mentioning it, I’ll end up hurting myself.”

Mrs. Flambard had a bitter look on her face.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I know this wedding will happen no matter what I say. But still, this is your wedding, Princess, so I’ll do what I can to make it nice. Rather than allow that barbarian who knows nothing of manners to show up however he pleases, it’s better if we take things into our own hands. He may be a beast on the inside, but I’ll do my best to make sure he looks like a proper groom on the outside.”

Rienne smiled, leaning her head on Mrs. Flambard’s shoulder.

[Rienne] “You’re going to make me cry.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What is it?  Did I say something bad, Princess?”

[Rienne] “No. It was nice to hear.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh, Princess…..”

Mrs. Flambard blushed in embarrassment. From just those words, Rienne could tell how much the woman cared for her and how worried she was.

[Rienne] “I don’t think he’s that bad.”

Mrs. Flambard just listened, gently running her hands through Rienne’s hair.

[Rienne] “I know things started off terribly. That’s something I’ll never be able to forget, but it’s just that sometimes I get to thinking…that he doesn’t treat me so badly.”

Unlike Rafit, the person she had once trusted as a lover, Rienne really felt as though that man was different.

[Rienne] “He cares whether or not I’m hurt….”

Rienne would never be able to forget what he did just to check if she was injured.

[Rienne] “And he seems like he would be boorish, but he’s really not.”

That’s why I don’t hate him. I should, but for some reason, I just don’t.

[Rienne] “And… when he came to get me today….”

Feeling a swell of emotion beat in her chest, Rienne quietly swallowed her tears. Mrs. Flambard was very near to her heart, but she couldn’t tell her what happened. It was enough to shock Rienne to her core, but Mrs. Flambard was a kind and gentle woman.

It would completely destroy her.

[Rienne] “…I was really relieved.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “….I see. Then he should be allowed to wear this.”

Mrs. Flambard patted Rienne’s shoulder.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Besides he isn’t terrible to look at, even if his character is a bit questionable.”

The comment made Rienne laugh out loud.

[Rienne] “You mean to say he’s handsome?”

Mrs. Flambard had never said anything like that about Rafit.

[Mrs. Flambard] “What sort of question is that? Is there a law saying barbarians can’t be handsome?”

…Well, I can’t blame her for thinking that way.

When Rienne first saw him, she was completely taken aback by his appearance. Almost to the point of disbelief.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I think this will suit him well, Princess.”

[Rienne] “I think so too….”

Rienne and Mrs. Flambard smiled at one another.

[Rienne] “Then I’ll go take his measurements.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’ll mend these clothes as soon as I’m finished with your mourning dress.”

[Rienne] “I’ll help you once I’m finished.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “If you’d like, Princess.”

After that, Rienne left to get Black’s measurements.

* * *

Meanwhile, Black was with his men in his quarters.

There weren’t that many of them, maybe three or four people, but because they were all such giant men, the room felt cramped.

In that tiny room, Black’s figure stood out the most. Even in a group of tall men, he was still the tallest, but he wasn’t bulky like the rest were. Instead, he looked slim yet muscular.

Rienne recalled the words of Mrs. Flambard when she said she thought that man ‘wasn’t terrible to look at’.

Is it because he looks different from the others…?

Perhaps it’s because he stands out so much among his people…that you can’t help but be a little fascinated.

[Black] “Was there something you needed?”

Rienne didn’t realize how much she was staring until Black called out towards her.

[Rienne] “…I just wanted to discuss the matter of your wedding attire with you.”

Black nodded at Rienne and then turned to his men.

[Black] “Leave us.”

[Mercenaries] “Yes, sir.”

He didn’t have to, but he told his men to leave the room all the same. Rienne’s mind was so preoccupied that she didn’t even notice it was out of consideration for her, who was still very nervous in the presence of the other mercenaries.

Now it’s just us….

Instead, she was thinking about how she was stuck alone in a room with this man again. Whenever that happened, they somehow always ended up kissing.

[Black] “Speak.”

Black pointed towards an empty chair near the bed and Rienne sat down as she looked up at him. Rather than lying on the bed, he just sat there, wearing only half of his shirt—exposing the side with the wound.

He’s not doing this on purpose, is he?

He had to know what he looked like when he did that.

Rienne shook her head, driving away such inappropriate thoughts. It was too much to think about. Instead, she had something else she needed to talk about.

[Rienne] “I was thinking I’d prepare your wedding attire myself, Lord Tiwakan. I know it doesn’t amount to much as a gift, but it’s all I can do to show my sincerity right now.”

[Black] “You don’t have to force yourself.”

[Rienne] “It’s nothing.”

Even if Rienne wanted to force herself to do something more, she couldn’t. The royal treasury was quite literally empty and after the funeral tomorrow, Rienne would be even poorer.

[Rienne] “I’d like it if you could wear the attire of the previous King rather than a completely new set of clothing.” (1)

[Black] “. . .”

A strange silence filled the room after she said that.

[Rienne] “…If the idea displeases you…”

[Black] “That’s not it.”

Black shook his head, making Rienne feel as though the earlier silence was just her imagination.

[Rienne] “Then I’d like to take your measurements.”

[Black] “You mean right now?”

[Rienne] “Yes.”

Then Rienne pulled out what she had borrowed from Mrs. Flambard.

It was a tape measure made from a leather strap. It had a scale of numbers etched into it, showing the wear of having made so many royal garments in the past.

[Rienne] “First let’s do your upper body. Stretch out your arms, please.”

[Black] “. . .”

Black stared at Rienne for a moment before carefully opening up his arms.

As he sat on the bed, Rienne approached him and dutifully took his measurements with great care. She took the numbers down for his wrists first, then wrist to elbow, then elbow to shoulder.

Now that his shoulders were done, she needed to measure the roundness of his neck.

[Rienne] “You can put your arms down now.”

[Black] “. . .”

Just as Black lowered his arms, Rienne wrapped the tape measure around his neck—suddenly becoming aware of why he was so quiet.

….We’re really close. Too close.

In order to take the measurements she needed, she was basically pressing her body into his, wrapping her arms around his neck. He was still sitting down while she was standing, their heads slightly bowed towards one another.

This was the same position he was in when Rienne kissed him first.

The moment she realized that, Rienne’s eyes immediately gazed down towards his lips. He was so close she could almost reach out to them.

I should have asked Mrs. Flambard to measure him instead.

Rienne was fine when she was measuring his arms, but the moment she moved to do his neck, suddenly her body wasn’t moving the way she wanted it to. It was like she was frozen in place.

I didn’t think…it’d turn out like this.

Suddenly, Black’s soft voice warmed Rienne’s ears.

[Black] “I’m confused right now.”

[Rienne] “Confused…?”

[Black] “Is this part of our promise?”

[Rienne] “What?”

Rienne raised up her head. The tape measure was still wrapped around Black’s neck, with Rienne’s hands gripping the two ends as they overlapped.

[Black] “You promised you’d desire me, too. I was wondering if you’re trying to tell me something right now.” (2)

[Rienne] “No, this it…”

Rienne was so flustered she couldn’t even open her mouth properly.

She wasn’t doing any of this on purpose. She was just trying to take his measurements so she could mend the wedding attire…..

[Black] “Are you?”

[Rienne] “No… that’s not what I had in mind….”

[Black] “Is that so?”

She wasn’t thinking about that at all. At least not before.

[Rienne] “…..Yes.”

Black played with Rienne’s fingers that were holding onto the tape measure around his neck instead of saying anything back.

[Black] “So this wasn’t about your promise…You really just want to take my measurements….”

He pulled his hand back and the moment she felt his touch retreat, Rienne held back a sigh.

[Black] “Measure, then.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Rienne inwardly sighed and read the tape measure.

[Rienne] “That’s finished.”

She thought measuring his neck would be the most difficult part, but the moment she realized his chest measurements were next, she realized it was only the beginning.

[Rienne] “Raise your arms again….”

As Rienne held the tape measure in her grasp and moved herself lower, she suddenly quieted as Black interrupted.

[Black] “Is my chest next?”


[Black] “That must be difficult.”

Of course it is.

[Black] “What do you need me to do?”

…That I don’t know.

Even if he were to keep his mouth shut and stand as silently as a tree, Rienne still wouldn’t be able to measure him comfortably. No matter what he did, she’d still be a little unsettled.

She’d still be nervous.

Because the person she was measuring was this man of all people.

[Rienne] “Just stay as still as possible.”

Rienne tightened her lips and lifted up the tape measure again. There was no helping how nervous she was, so she just had to get it done quickly.

[Rienne] “Don’t move. I’ll finish as fast as I can.”

[Black] “. . .”

Looking at her, Black let out a low sigh as he stood up and straightened out his arms. Rienne took the tape measure and wrapped it around his chest, unable to shake this persistent feeling.

The feeling that she was just hugging him.

Obviously when measuring someone’s chest, the position you end up in is going to be similar to a hug.

But what was wrong with that? That’s just how it was. This sort of thing was going to happen more and more in the future, so Rienne knew she couldn’t afford to be shaken by it every time.

I have to get used to him as soon as possible.

Rienne pulled her eyes away from Black, checking the numbers on the measure.

[Rienne] “Now for your waist.”

But as soon as she was finished, Black grabbed her wrist.

[Black] “Can’t you do it slowly?”

[Rienne] “Excuse me…?”

Rienne unconsciously looked up at him.

[Black] “I don’t like standing still.”

….What is he talking about….?

He pulled Rienne’s hand back and placed it on his chest, cupping the back of her head with the other as he gently stroked her hair.

[Black] “You really don’t like it when I move?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

* * *

T/N: (1) The exact wording Rienne used was Black’s “predecessor/prelude/the one that comes before”, i.e the previous King.

(2) This can also be written as “sending signals” or “giving a sign”– basically he’s wondering if she’s making a move.

Translator Comment: I love the mother/daughter dynamic Rienne has with her old nanny. She needs more people on her side   Also sometimes I forget it’s only been like, four days since chapter one. I got reminded of that when Rienne mentioned the funeral as being ‘tomorrow’. Slow burn, anyone?


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