
Chapter 347 (2): True Teacher

Chapter 347 (2): True Teacher

The first attendant of the water god temple was a woman whom the water goddess had saved from drowning. After being rescued, the woman had become a devout follower of the water goddess and even abandoned her life of riches to become the temple attendant of the water god temple.

She had stayed in this role for fifty years, starting off as a young woman and eventually becoming a gray-haired old lady. Due to her lack of cultivation aptitude, she had ultimately passed away at eighty years old.

It was this temple attendant who had diligently traveled around the area to attract followers and worshipers for the water goddess. Year after year, she would also set up congee stalls to help impoverished commoners.

Before passing away, the elderly woman had held the water goddess' slender and jade-like hand and chuckled in a hoarse voice that the water goddess was still as beautiful as always. However, it was a shame that the craftsmen weren't talented enough to capture one ten-thousandth of her beauty when making her gold statue. As the temple attendant, the fault lay with her.

At the very end, the teary-eyed old lady had asked the water goddess one final thing, "Have I made up for my sins?"

However, she had passed away before the water goddess could say anything.

The temple attendant had remained deeply pious all the way until death, yet in reality, she hadn't always been a good person, especially in the eyes of the common people.

When she was young, her husband was a merchant who would often be away from home and traveling outside. Unable to withstand the loneliness, she developed an illicit relationship with another man. After this was exposed, she worked together with her new lover to kill her husband. Then she successfully remarried and even seized all of her ex-husband's assets and wealth. She completely humiliated her ex-husband and lived a happy life for several years.

However, born from sinful karma, her new relationship also died with sinful retribution. While enjoying an outing one time, her new husband took a fancy to another woman and decided to beat her half-dead. He then tossed her into Burial River and left her for dead.

It was at that time that the measly water goddess of Burial River—a water god with an illegal temple—rescued her and gave her a second chance at life.

However, the water goddess had never understood the behavior and emotions of these mortal people.

It was only after she read the books and essays written by the Scholarly Sage that the water goddess had attained sudden enlightenment. Human nature was innately bad, so it was necessary to educate people and guide them to be good.

As the water goddess of Burial River, she could rely on the incense offerings to see through the thoughts of her worshipers. In the beginning, she had abhorred the hideous nature of the human mind. In fact, she had even felt a sense of repulsion toward the wafting incense smoke, feeling like she would gain an extra wisp of bad karma for each wish that she allowed to come true.

It was only after reading the Scholarly Sage's teachings that her mindset had started to change. She had started to rule Burial River with authority, using her might to suppress and deter sinister thoughts. At the same time, she had also joined forces with several city gods from the cities along the banks of Burial River, revealing their divine powers numerous times.

The water goddess had also spared no effort when it came to using her mystical powers when the imperial court prayed for rain, and she would fight to fulfill the wishes of the people even if it meant damaging her cultivation base and causing her gold statue to lose its luster.

However, after many hundreds of years, there would eventually come a time when one's patience was finally worn thin. The water goddess frequented her temple less and less, becoming increasingly inclined to stay in her Green Roving Residence where she would shut the doors and turn away all visitors. Putting all of her focus on that immortal mantra, she had concentrated on refining weapon after weapon, using this as a means to alleviate boredom in her life as a god.

There was a more important secret, and that was the fact that the ancient immortal mantra could be used for more than just refining tools and weapons. It could also be used for refining the water of Burial River as well as the incense offerings from the mortal world. This immortal mantra was genuinely a powerful mystical ability that could allow one to master a myriad of things.

The water goddess had initially had some thoughts about the little girl called Pei Qian. Since fate had brought her here, and her aptitude was so outstanding, perhaps it was the intangible and undetectable will of the heavens for Pei Qian to succeed her divine position and inherit this paramount immortal mantra. However, it was a shame that things hadn't quite worked out as the water goddess had imagined. Thus, she had no option but to keep waiting.

The passing down of divine positions was extremely similar to how Qi refiners recruited disciples. This was no small matter, and a single mistake could result in not only the disciple facing calamity but the master being killed as well. On the less severe end of the scale, the disciple might become an ungrateful wretch who betrayed their master and disparaged their ancestors.

For example, just how profoundly knowledgeable was the Scholarly Sage, the Confucian sage whom she admired the most? Yet, hadn't he also taken an ungrateful disciple like Cui Chan?

The first light of dawn shone through the window and scattered across the floor of the main hall. The water goddess retracted her gaze and heaved a soft sigh.

The old temple attendant was standing in the doorway, with tears of joy trickling down her aged face filled with wrinkles. This was truly a delightful occasion.

With the water goddess' divine status advancing to the next level, it was naturally the case that all of her followers in the water god temple could ride on her coattails and receive benefits as well. From today onward, that river demon would have to live with its tail between its legs. It wouldn't dare to cause trouble anymore.

Not only that, but it was very likely that all of the officials—from the officials in the state governor's manor to the officials in the prefectural overseer's residence and then to the officials in the various county offices—would need to show even more respect when interacting with the water goddess and her followers. In fact, even that haughty governor who was a benefactor to the old temple attendant might have to show more respect to the old woman in the future.

There was unease in the old temple attendant's voice as she asked, "Miss Water Goddess, almost all of the city gods, mountain lords, and minor river guardians from around Burial River have hurried over here to offer their congratulations to you. They understand your temper, so they won't dare to disturb you and linger in Green Roving Residence for too long. They've all prepared valuable gifts for you, and they're waiting for your reply outside your temple. Miss Water Goddess, are you going to grant them an audience? If you're tired, then I can help you explain the situation and turn them away. They won't dare to complain."

The water goddess' voice was calm and indifferent as she replied, "I still have some time, so it won't hurt to grant them an audience. Educating the nine hundred thousand people in my jurisdiction isn't something that the water god temple can do alone. We need to work together with the other deities."

The old temple attendant was deeply astonished by the water goddess' reply. She didn't understand why the lazy water goddess was suddenly changing her attitude. However, this was fundamentally a good thing, so she immediately turned around and left to carry out the water goddess' wishes.

If the water goddess was willing to spend some time and effort to gain support from other mountain gods and river gods in the various jurisdictions, then the water god temple would definitely gain much more influence and become the undisputed number one water god temple in the Great Quan Empire! People would definitely rally to its calls!

Since the death of that first temple attendant, the water god temple had already gone through numerous other temple attendants. From the beginning to the end, however, the water goddess had never developed an emotional attachment with any of them. The temple attendants came and left, the temple attendants lived and died. This was all there was to it.

Right now, the water goddess looked like she was speaking with an old friend even though she was all by herself. She smiled and said, "I heard that there are two clans in Mirage City who are the best at constructing clay statues of gods. The Zhang Clan Style specializes in plump but beautiful faces, and this allows the statues to appear even more stylish and elegant. On the other hand, the Cao Clan Style is known for its flowing clothes that make the statues appear ethereal like immortals. Which one do you think suits me better? Which style do you prefer more?"

The corners of her lips curled up into a wide smile, causing her eyes to become slightly squinted. She then waved her hand and announced, "There's no need for you to mull over this—just pick whichever clan is more confident and has a higher asking price. After all, there's no need for us to worry about money right now!"


Dawn sunlight shone down on the relay station located near the bank of Burial River, and Old General Yao discovered that Chen Ping'an still hadn't left his room to eat breakfast. He couldn't help but find this slightly strange. However, Zhu Lian smiled and explained that his young master was yet to return from a trip outside. Chen Ping'an had suddenly decided to visit the magnificent water god temple last night. That being the case, Zhu Lian suggested that Old General Yao and his convoy set off first. His young master would definitely catch up later in the day.

Yao Zhen smiled and joked that Chen Ping'an was truly a disloyal friend. Since Chen Ping'an had decided to visit the water god temple last night, he should have invited him along as well. After all, it wouldn't hurt to delay their trip by one or two days.

Zhu Lian remained silent, not saying anything to complicate the situation. He smiled and stepped back, returning to his table with Lu Baixiang and the others.

Lu Baixiang looked at him, but Zhu Lian shook his head with a smile and said, "There's no need to ask me anything. Young Master didn't tell me to accompany him last night, and he simply said that he would return as soon as possible. He asked me to return to the relay station to pass on this message."

Wei Xian didn't say anything, and his chopsticks were a blur as he lowered his head and ate congee.

As for Sui Youbian, she possessed the most unique aura out of the four so-called servants. This was the case in terms of both her posture and her manner of eating.

Even the most clueless member of the Yao Clan's convoy felt like this stunningly beautiful woman with a sword on her back was definitely no ordinary person. Not a single young master in the Great Quan Empire was worthy of having her as a subordinate.

Lu Baixiang furrowed his brow.

Zhu Lian smiled and asked, "What's wrong? You don't trust me? Even if I have ulterior motives, do I look like I have the ability to act on them?"

Zhu Lian's smile grew even wider when he saw that Lu Baixiang was unwilling to speak with him.

Sitting at the corner-most table in the relay station, Yin Miaofeng and Shao Yuanran exchanged a glance. However, the master and disciple Daoist priests didn't make any comment on this topic.

Even so, their voices were already sounding in each other's minds.

While drinking a small bowl of rice congee, Shao Yuanran asked using his mind's voice, "Is it possible that this person was related to the phenomenon that appeared in the water god temple of Burial River late last night?"

"Perhaps," Yin Miaofeng replied. "Logically speaking, however, the likelihood isn't very big. After all, the phenomenon of heaven and earth attracted by the water goddess was a sign that she was forming a golden core. However, even Noble Scholar Zhong Kui might not possess the ability to help the water goddess advance to the Golden Core Tier.

"In saying this, I have to admit that Young Master Chen possesses a mysterious background and can't be viewed through ordinary lenses. In any case, there's no need for us to worry about this. As long as this matter doesn't complicate the situation and cause additional trouble, we've already completed our mission and we can report back to the Imperial Liu Clan of the Great Quan Empire.

"Whether Green Roving Residence is promoted to the level of palace or not, it's already won the promise of the noble scholar from Great Subduing Academy. This is a huge blessing for the water goddess. Now that she's advanced her divine cultivation base relying on her own abilities, we can actually take advantage of our visit last night and talk about this as well. We can bask in her glory, and I might even be able to obtain some benefits for you."

Shao Yuanran nodded in understanding. He glanced at Yao Jinzhi out of the corners of his eyes and didn't say anything else. The stunningly beautiful woman from the Yao Clan was wearing her veiled hat again.

Even though Yao Xianzhi and Yao Lingzhi were direct descendants of the Yao Clan and the clan had especially high hopes for them, they still didn't have the right to sit at the same table as their grandpa, Yao Zhen. The three other people sitting with Yao Zhen were all veteran soldiers who had fought alongside the old general for half their lives. This had nothing to do with their military ranks. Yao Zhen viewed this as natural and justified, while the three veteran soldiers didn't see anything wrong with it either.

Yao Xianzhi winked and made a face at Yao Lingzhi.

"What are you doing?" Yao Lingzhi asked.

Yao Xianzhi lowered his voice and replied, "Say, do you think Young Master Chen came across some foolish evildoers last night? Do you think he's gone off to vanquish demons and slay fiends? Just think about it, Chen Ping'an might be relying on his own strength to pummel those hundreds of kilometers of demons in Burial River until they're wailing in despair and agony. Just how mighty and gallant will this scene be?"

"You're not fully awake yet, are you? Are you truly that fond of daydreaming?" Yao Lingzhi huffed in reply.

Yao Xianzhi raised an eyebrow and asked, "Do you think Young Master Chen is unable to do this?"

"No, I feel like there aren't that many ghosts and spirits in Burial River," Yao Lingzhi replied. "After all, there's the water god temple to suppress them."

Yao Xianzhi laughed and exclaimed, "Just as I thought. In reality, you also believe in Young Master Chen's ability, don't you?"

Yao Lingzhi scowled at him and snapped, "Eat your congee!"

Yao Xianzhi smiled happily and remarked, "Today's congee is extra delicious!"

Which young boy didn't admire and look up to genuinely gallant individuals?


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