90,000 Years of Longevity

Chapter 535: Eighty Years

Chapter 535: Eighty Years

The gate of the restricted area was opened.

This could be regarded as a breakthrough development.

But in the following time, no one dared to cross the restricted area for half a step, let alone break into that room.

As for Kitamura, after he opened the gate of the restricted area, he seemed to have disappeared from this world directly, and never appeared again.

Some people thought that he opened the door without authorization and was killed by Ye Bei at that time.

Some people thought that he must have discovered an anomaly when opening the gate of the restricted area and felt dangerous, so he retreated immediately. He found a new unknown place and improved his strength with a peace of mind. 

Then, time began to flow again.

In a blink of an eye, another six months passed.

Still, no one stepped into the restricted area.

Similarly, in the restricted area, there had never been any abnormality.

Ye Bei and the Holy Judge seemed to have completely disappeared in these mortals' view. But they did not know that those two were actually watching them from above.

The courtyard was full of dust and fallen leaves. After the twelve people regained their new powers, they were busy integrating the power of their churches. Moreover, because this restricted area was too abnormal, they did not dare to go in at all.

Over the past year, no one dared to clean this courtyard at all.


The four seasons intertwined each other.

Two years passed in a flash.

In the past two years, it was no exaggeration to say that it was the golden stage of development after the arrival of the new era.

The whole world had completely changed.

The first was the power of nations all over the world.

Because of the resources, some small countries had basically surrendered directly to large countries in the past two years.

Because of skin color, the whole world had directly become three large federations, or to put it simply, it had become three huge countries.

One was the yellow-skinned race federation dominated by China, called the Asia-Pacific Federation.

One was a federation dominated by white-skinned people, called the European Federation, and its leader was the United States.

The last one was the dark-skinned federation, called the Africa Federation, and its leader was Egypt.

The three major federations checked and balanced each other.

Of course, in the beginning, the Africa Federation was not competitive.

But over time, countless black Chancers sprung up like bamboo shoots.

Then, their overall development speed had also been massively improved. All countries in Africa now were very prosperous and shining brightly.


Time was still flowing.

Before long, it had been three years since Ye Bei entered the forbidden area.

These three years, big figures began to appear brightly all over the world one after another.

In China, several super families had surfaced one after another. But on top of these super families, there was another force. Everyone knew that it was left by the Old Immortal of Kunlun Mountain. 

The ruler of that force was Cheng Shou.

With the forces under his control, Cheng Shou repeatedly surfaced, vying for opportunities and rushing to gather resources.

His organization was so powerful to the point that it could become an independent nation.


In the blink of an eye, five years passed.

This year, in the new era, the strength of almost everyone had been unprecedentedly improved.

Some more people were able to fly in the air and swim in the sky with the help of their flesh alone.

Of course, science and technology were also advancing, and the speed of progress was hundreds of times faster than before.

The three major federations and Cheng Shou's power had united and, with the assistance of some Chancers, had created a spacecraft with a speed equivalent to the speed of light.

After the spacecraft was built, a lot of power Chancers took the initiative to sign up and ask to explore the depths of the universe. At the same time, they built brand new space gates on the major planets in the universe.

Then, in just a few months, in the Milky Way, the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and the likes all had space gates built.

Human beings on the earth only needed to cross that gate to go to those planets.

The energy that was once scarce, during this period of time, was almost sufficient to the extreme.

The vast majority of human beings had already begun to get rid of the need for work.

What they had to do every day was to stay at home and cultivate their power. Because after the country had built the space gates on the major planets, the continuous resources were completely available for every single citizen.

Not just that, in order to make their own Federation stronger, the supreme powers of the Earth Federation had used all kinds of methods to inspire the people of the country to have children and increase the number of human beings.

Because the space gate opened the prelude to mankind's march into the universe.

Compared with the vast universe, the number of humans at this moment was really too small. Like a small colony of ants in the super vast ocean.

Even if a hundred times, ten thousand times, or even a million times, the number of human beings were still small.

After all, after the space gates of the major planets in the galaxy had been built, there had never been enough manpower to develop on those huge planets, which made it extremely uncomfortable for the Earth Federation that guarded huge resources.

Moreover, the interstellar voyage continued.

After every spacecraft reached a place, the people inside would build the space gate, so the territory controlled by mankind was increasing frantically almost every day.

With this, the resources for humans were too much to the point that every human could be said to be very rich.

Once, the major countries in the world could easily start wars for some resources. But now, even if the resources were placed in front of everyone, there were no people to snatch them.

Fortunately, with the hard work of the Earth Federation, the physical fitness of all mankind had been extremely improved, and the increasing number of humans had also begun to double.

Of course, it would obviously take a long, long time for this kind of growth rate to catch up with the expansion rate.

In a blink of an eye, ten years passed.

Almost all human beings were discussing which planet they had recently occupied, and what characteristic ores and resources were on that planet.

For what happened in the Holy Land, very few people mentioned it.

Basically, everything had been forgotten.

And just in this year, Kitamura, who opened the gate of the restricted area, suddenly came back!

Just right after he opened the door of the room, he laughed frantically like a madman.

However, the thing that shocked people the most was that in that room, no one could be seen. It was only a simple decoration of a bed, a table, and two chairs.

Ten years ago, Kitamura used his ability to go inside the room without opening the door. Ten years later, he became insane.

No one knew why he became like this.

Later, the authority took him away and tried every method to calm him down.

Finally, he stopped laughing and told what happened to everyone.

"After I went inside at that time, a wormhole was presented in front of me and sucked me in directly. But for the whole ten years, hahaha, for the whole ten years, I kept falling infinitely inside that wormhole. Until today, I fell back to earth. But strangely enough, I was not hungry, I did not need to sleep"

Everything he said was broadcast to people all over the galaxy. Finally, everyone came to the conclusion that because he was alone and could not sleep for ten years, his spirit collapsed and became crazy.

However, Kitamura also said that he did not see Ye Bei or Holy Judge along the way. He was all alone inside that infinite wormhole passage.

Time still continued to flow.

In a blink of an eye, five years later, the courtyard in the restricted area of the Holy Land had become a world-famous tourist destination. Almost every day, countless tourists from all over the world came here.

But those tourists who came here, after every real tour, cursed speechlessly.

"This horrible place is so famous?"

"It's not worth it."

"Yeah, isn't it just a broken yard? But there is a charge for entering?"

"Fortunately, there is the space gate. It is said that in the old days, airplanes and cars were used for transportation. It would take several days to visit the Holy Land from our planet!"

"Tsk, don't mention it. Although it only took more than an hour this time, I don't think it's worth it! Usually, at this time, I cultivate my power at home"

"Hehe, the most deceptive thing is that after coming here, the room was still blocked by a red line. At most, you can only look outside. You can't see what's inside."

Even so, the tourists on the Holy Land and the restricted area still showed no signs of decreasing.

There were still full of people who came here every day.

The only thing that had changed was that over time, more and more people had forgotten what happened in the Holy Land. Those who traveled here were basically just following the trend.


Before long, twenty years had passed since Ye Bei and Holy Judge disappeared.

In the new era, the pace of humanity had expanded to several nearby star regions, and the number of humans had doubled several times, but this number was still not enough.

This year, the Earth Federation had done a great thing.

Part of Ye Bei's legend was written in the history textbook. In that, Holy Judge also played a role.

Every newly born member of humans had to learn that period of history.

Then, the topic of Ye Bei and Holy Judge had once again become lively in this era.


Thirty years later.

A spaceship claimed to have seen two young people in white outfits in the void twenty light years away from a planet called Hoza.

The two people's hair fluttered like immortals.

After the news was sent back to the earth, countless people analyzed that they were Ye Bei and Holy Judge.

But the spacecraft, apart from sending back news, did not have any photos as evidence.

Soon, the heat dissipated.


Forty years later.

The territory expanded by mankind had increased again.

The life span of human beings had reached more than 300 years at least.

This year, for the first time, human beings began to come into contact with alien creatures.

This year, all mankind was in a battle with alien life. No one mentioned Ye Bei and Holy Judge anymore. His existence was only in the history books of the Earth Federation.


Fifty years later, in the war between humans and the first alien life they came into contact with, mankind won.

This year, all mankind was holding a grand celebration ceremony.

In the celebration, some people said they saw two extremely beautiful teenagers in white, but after a while, someone came forward and claimed that it was a piece of fake news.


Time was still flowing.

Although there were very few people mentioning Ye Bei and Holy Judge's traces, every few years, someone publicly claimed to have seen them.

Every time, it more or less would cause a sensation.


This year was the 80th year since the start of the new era.

The entire Milky Way had undergone tremendous changes.

In the originally deep, gloomy, and lifeless universe, single-person spaceships could be seen rushing through it everywhere. Behind the spaceship, a long silver tail was dragging.

In addition, some Chancers who wandered in the depths of the universe without relying on any tools also appeared.

This year, the number of Chancers and the development of science and technology had become more brilliant and outstanding.

Although everyone's physical fitness became stronger and their life span had also doubled, there were so many things that time could obliterate.

The person who had experienced Ye Bei's era at the time would not remember unless he had met Ye Bei in person. Those who had always watched the news had completely forgotten Ye Bei.

2098, Holy land, restricted area.

Eighty years had passed, there were only two or three tourists who came to visit here.

For decades, the wooden door of the room that did not move finally made a "creak" sound and faltered under the breeze blowing.


Another breeze passed. Suddenly, the wooden door was broken.

The entire door panel was decayed and fell to the ground with a bang.

In the courtyard of the restricted area, those tourists who heard this voice and saw this scene were all taken aback.

But then, their pupils shrunk sharply, and they were stunned.

In front of them, they clearly saw that two young men dressed in strange white clothes, with their hands on their backs, appeared out of thin air from the empty room at a leisurely pace, walking towards the courtyard.

These young men were extremely handsome.

They looked like they were only seventeen or eighteen years old.

However, the one in the front was somehow more attractive than the one with blond hair in the back.

These two had one thing in common. It seemed like no matter how long the years passed, it still couldn't leave any trace on them.


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