7th Demon Prince Jilbagias’ Chronicle of Demon Kingdom Toppling

Chapter 103: 4th Demon King's Child

Chapter 103: 4th Demon King's Child

103. 4th Demon King's Child


Reinforcement arrived from behind the green haired demon race.

Armed to teeth. Leading the other demon race. And then, though they were incomparable to the demon prince, their magical power was fairly powerful.

(――Dammit, the elite troops appeared!)

The face of the elf spellcaster became rugged as they pressed the wound on their face. They were in a completely different class compared to the small fries demon races who lost their balls.

「Leave them to us. All others back down!」

The female warrior by Emergias' side announced that as the wind carried their voice. She also had green hair―― Most likely coming from the same clan as the prince.

The small fries happily stepped down upon receiving that 『Order』. Even though they couldn't afford to back down for the sake of their honor no matter how scary the sword saint was, they were left with no choice since it was an 『Order』――

Replacing them was the elite of the demon race, they readying their spear with the prince in the center.

(… This is lifetime opportunity!)

The hero on the other hand was really elated. The reason being their subjugation target voluntarily appeared right before them――

It saved them time finding him.


That moment, everyone exchanging signals with their eyes――

「【 Hi Yet Lampus, Sut Hyel Mo(O Holy Light, Come To This Hand)】!」

The hero who preserved his strength went all out immediately.

「【Aigia Armatoras(Hero's Holy armor)】!!」

Applying powerful blessings to his allies.

The sword saint, and the fist saint whose body was now clad in a shining garment, felt as if their limbs were filled with strength.

Time to go all out――

「Hah. Futile resistance.」

But, the demon prince Emergias didn't seem to be perturbed, he was sneering at them instead.


His magical power ballooned in a moment to the point that even humans could sense it.


The wind was blowing.

The wind that contained a lot of magical power was swirling around, and just as expected, not even the hero and co were stupid enough to step in.


The elf spellcaster chanted an aria without a moment of delay to offset the cursed wind with purifying wind… Or more like…

(It tore the purifying power to shreds!)

The elf spellcaster felt a chill running down his spine. They barely managed to offset the curse but they realized that the other party just released a terrifying curse.

If that wind hit the hero and co, it would instantly strip the hero and co of their ward and holy attribute, and keep eroding them with the curse.

When that happens, they would have literally become sitting ducks.

As a spellcaster, the elf realized that the wind from a while ago could instantly wipe them out――!

「I see. So you're the cornerstone huh.」

Emergias looked at the elf spellcaster with a malicious smile on his face.


The hero who sensed the impending danger shouted while raising his sword that was clad in holy flame.

The dazzling, silvery flame was fired at the demon races―― Naturally, it was somehow offset by the defensive ward of the demon races but it was enough to momentarily blind them.

The sword saints started charging ahead using that as a cue. Fully prepared to become a target for magic barrage. They were willing to do anything and everything to take down the demon prince――

「【 Aposalosi(Weathering)】」

「【O Wind, Become The Power of Purification!】」

The elf spellcaster countered the curse of the demon prince again without a moment of delay. Powerful vortexes of magical power clashed and canceled each other out.

As long as the elf spellcaster was still breathing, none of Emergias' magic would reach the sword saint. But at the same time,it also means that the elf spellcaster had to focus on Emergias.

「【Cripple and Petrify】」

「【O Wind, Stagnant, And Twine】」

The guards around the demon prince had also fired off their hexing one after another.

The hexing hit the sword saint who was closing in the distance.

But, the shining holy cloth that took the hexes in their place vanished.

But―― They definitely did their job in protecting the sword saints.

Thus, allowing the sword saints to reach the target.

The next moment, a loud metallic sound resounded. The elite of the demon race had somehow managed to block the sword saints' slashes. Though some had their spear severed, their chainmail or armor cut, none of them were mortally wounded――

The wounded demon races didn't force themselves to fight, they stepped back and were replaced with the next one.

(Damn, we got outnumbered.)

(And they're really skilled too!)

(Doesn't matter, press forward!)

The sword saints kept pushing forward toward Emergias despite the imminent danger.

「【 Megali Prostasia(Grand Blessing)】!」

The hero mustered his power to bless the sword saints again, barely managing to give them some resistance. They still had the advantage in simple close combat.

The other party was trying to protect the demon prince, that's why they became more reckless. Though some demon race got fatally injured by the sword saints―― They had to finish it as soon as possible, this was a race against time――!!

(Great, let's keep this u――)

The elf spellcaster had felt an uplifting feeling while maintaining the circulation of their magical power.

「Wonderful. You're really strong.」

But then, that voice resounded right beside their ears.

They were startled even though there was no one beside them.

Rather, that voice was――

「You ain't your average forest elf. Have you come from a high elf lineage?」

The demon prince Emergias was dozens of meters away from them.

But, they could still recognize the movement of his lips.

「【So Jealous】」

His voice resounded in their ear――

As if he was whispering from right beside them

「【So Jealous. I'm So Jealous of Your Inborn Power】」

His viscous murky eyes were locking at the elf spellcaster.

「【A Talent Strong Enough to Withstand The Great Me】」

His dark cunning eyes――

「【So Envious. So Jealous. I Want That Kind Of Power Too..!】」

They looked like two dark, bottomless holes that sucked even the light itself.

Those eyes that were filled with madness sent a shiver running down the elf spellcaster’s spine.

――OH CRA*P!!

That moment, they finally snapped out.

――Why am I listening to that voice carefreely!?

This must be a curse!! The kind that seep into one's mind,

In that case, I mustn't hear it.

「【Give It To Me】」

――The wound on my cheek due to his magic feels like it's on fire.

「A… Rgh.」

The elf spellcaster who felt as if power was leaving their body barely managed to not buckle onto their knees by leaning on Dogajin who stood by their side as their escort.

They felt as if―― The world lost its color――


Emergias smile became even more sinister, his presence had also ballooned.

「【 Aposalosi(Weathering)】」

Then he released a hexing wind toward the sword saints immediately.

「――O Wind, Become The Power of Purification!」

The elf spellcaster shouted immediately in desperation.

Alas, their words, their aria―― Contain no power.

I can't――Use… Magic?


The elf spellcaster's scream turned into a wail.

The hexing wind mercilessly swallowed the hero and the sword saint.

The holy light that protected them―― Got shredded to pieces along with the wind.


Amidst the hero's dumbfounded voice――




The hexing from the elites was raining down like rain.

The sword saints who fought like fierce gods lost their momentum immediately. Maybe because their body was suffering from the hexing――


The sword saint with twin swords whose abdomen was torn by a wind blade cut down the demon race standing on his way and quickly was closing in to Emergias despite vomiting blood from his mouth.

「【Spassimo(Tear it up)】」

Yet, that desperate last attempt was crushed the moment Emergias muttered that word.

His body got shredded by a wind vortex, his arms chopped from their base, as he then sank into a pool of his own blood.


The sword saint with a curved sword grit his teeth in frustration but, he used his comrade body as a shield and closed in on Emergias.

The moment his curved sword closed into the prince's neck, he heard the sound of wind along with a cold feeling on his neck.


But, Emergias wasn't completely reliant on his magic either. He intercepted the sword saint's attack with his spearcraft and trained body.

He easily stopped the slash from the curved sword with his spear that was loaded with his magical power.

And twisted the sword that could cut through everything, the sword that was loved by the logic of the world with his sheer strength(Power of magic).

「【Spassimo(Tear it up)】」

With another word. The sword saint with a curved sword then sank into a pool of his own blood with a "Thud".


The hero mustered the rest of his magical power to the limit with an exhausted look on his face.

It wrapped the remaining sword saints in a faint, glowing cloth.

「I'm not done yet!」


The ex soldier sword saints bellowed together, the one with a shield raising his buckler forward and slashed forward.

「I respect your unwavering spirit.」

Emergias spoke casually as he finished off the bag of meat under his feet with the spear in his hands.

「――But, I'm not jealous of you.」

Sneering at his opponents.

「【 Aposalosi(Weathering)】」

The holy light which could be said was the last ray of hope was once again――

Scattered far too early.


After overusing his magical power the hero―― Fell.

「Well then, I've earned my trophy. You can take the rest.」


「As expected of His Highness. You're so generous!」

Emergias stepped back generously.

His subordinates were smiling joyfully, and when they started to talk as if the fight had ended――

「Don't screw with me.」

「Dammit right!」

The enraged duo raised their shield in front of them as they rushed forward.

「【Spassimo(Tear it up)】」


Against the rain of hexing,


The duo somehow managed to withstand the hexing. But then, spears were coming toward them from all directions.



The sound of speartips pierced meat resounded――


There was a dry sound coming from behind. The fist saint dogfolk launched a pebble with his punch while gathering pebbles around him.




It was a surprise ranged attack that no one expected to come. Except for the unlucky one who spat blood due to his own carelessness, the rest of the pebble bullets were either dodged, or deflected.

The fist saint dogfolk quickly turned around and ran into the forest.

「… Uhm? Where's that elf?」

Emergias asked with a puzzled look on his face.

The elf spellcaster and the elder beastfolk that were supposed to be there were nowhere in sight when he only took his eyes off them for a moment.

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