6 Times a Day

Chapter 995 Relocating To Bay Area?

Enough time had passed for Suzanne to return home and get herself ready to spend the rest of the evening with the Plummers. She and Amy didn't just want to go over to Alan's house and get fucked; they wanted everything to be just right and spent a long time preparing themselves. Amy normally didn't wear makeup, so Suzanne helped her this time with some very subtle touches here and there.

Suzanne and Amy arrived at the Plummer house together and let themselves in, just as they usually did. But when they walked in together, they both wore overcoats that covered everything up to their necks.

Alan was very confused, especially since he could see that Amy had put on some makeup. He was in the kitchen helping clean up, but he stopped and asked, "What's going on?"

Suzanne explained, "We have a special event planned for you, Sweetie. But just as we were almost ready to come over and get started, Susan called to remind me that we've got some important things to discuss first." She waved a hand over her covered body. "So consider this a hint of what's to come, once we get things sorted out."

Alan looked over to Susan, who was also cleaning in the kitchen, as was Katherine.

Susan looked guilty. "It's true. I called her privately when I left to use the bathroom. Remember what I was saying at dinner? We need to figure out what The Pact really means in practice."

Alan shrugged. "Okay, fine. Though you don't need the big secrecy. Why don't we go to the living room and get whatever it is taken care of?"

Susan smiled. "We'll see you there in a minute. Angel and I need to put some more clothes on too."

He was disappointed. "What? Why?"

Suzanne explained, "We're talking about some serious stuff that will affect all our futures. Lately, we've gotten into the habit of teasing and tempting you and tending your penis no matter what's being discussed. But this time it needs to be just talk, without any hanky-panky. We can't afford to be swayed on important decisions just because of momentary lustful urges."

His impulse was to complain, but then he realized that she was really being very sensible so he just nodded.

Alan, Susan, Katherine, Suzanne, and Amy gathered in the Plummer living room a few minutes later. Susan and Katherine both wore sweaters, which was unusual, because the house was kept warm all the time due to everyone's frequent nudity.

The sofas in the living room were arranged in a "U" shape with a central coffee table. Alan sat on one all by himself, while Suzanne and Susan sat on the nearer sofa at the middle of the "U". That left Kat and Amy to perch themselves on the distant sofa opposite Alan. The coffee table location, between the sofas, was fortuitous, as it would deter any spontaneous "penis tending" from breaking out.

As usually happened in such situations, Suzanne took charge. She said, "Okay, if I may, I'd like to get the ball rolling. Sweetie, while you were gone this weekend, we ladies have been doing a lot of talking about The Pact and what it means. I think we're all on the same page, more or less. But now we need to make sure that what you, our master, want is the same as what we do. I have a good feeling that we really all want the same thing."

Alan joked, "Okay, that's settled then. Moving on, let's get to the post-meeting fun."

Suzanne gave him a slightly amused look. "As if it could be that easy. First, I'd like to hear what being the master of a harem means to you." She glanced around at the other women. "And I'd like to remind everyone here that we're not allowed to get too horny, no matter what gets said."

Katherine grumbled, "Easier said than done. Just hearing the words 'master' and 'harem' is starting to get me wet."

Suzanne gave her a sharp look. "Please control yourself, at least for now." She looked back to Alan. "The floor is yours."

Alan fidgeted with his hands. Clearly he felt uncomfortable talking about the subject. "This weekend, since I was alone most of the time, I had a good chance to think as well. And not every single thought was about fucking my mommy. Just most of them." He grinned lovingly at his mother.

Susan beamed. She looked to Suzanne and whispered, "He called me 'Mommy!'"

Suzanne warned her in an answering whisper, "I know. But be strong." She took Susan's hand and gave it an encouraging squeeze.

Alan continued, "The problem is, I thought a lot, but I didn't really come to any decisions about the future. I was mostly just trying to come to grips with being a 'master' and having a 'harem.' How unbelievable is that? It's the very definition of unbelievable! Teleporting to Elvis Presley's secret hideout on Pluto seems more likely. I doubt I'll ever get used to it."

Suzanne said, "I know it's a lot to ask, but you can't just act as if you're staggered by good fortune all the time. Decisions need to be made about our collective future, and soon. For starters, what do the words 'master' and 'harem' mean to you exactly?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. I guess a harem is a case where one guy has a bunch of lovers and they all know each other and are okay with sharing him. And the 'master' is the guy in that situation."

Suzanne raised a curious eyebrow. "Is that it?"

He shrugged again. "Yeah, I guess so."

Susan seemed fit to burst. She leaned forward and exclaimed, "Fair enough, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. There's so much MORE! So many layers of meaning. There's even a long, rich history of sultans in exotic places with strange names like Kashmir and Samarkand, where there were dozens of nearly naked beauties writhing with need for their lord and master!"

He chuckled. "Okay. But we're in Orange County, and this is 2002."

Katherine was on the other sofa. She addressed Susan, "Mom, at least he's accepted that those words apply to us. That's a big step. You can't expect him to fully come around in such a short time."

"That's true," Susan said with a touch of sadness.

Alan said, "I don't get it. What do you want me to say? Amy, you haven't said anything for a while. What's YOUR definition of 'harem?'"

Amy said, "The way I look at it, Beau, we're a FAMILY. That's, like, the number one thing. We're not just kinda sorta a family; now we really are a family, totally and officially and everything! Kat is my sister for real!" She turned to Kat and shared a smile, which Kat returned.

Then Amy continued, "To me, 'harem' is basically the same as 'family,' except it's like you're the husband for us all. And furthermore, thanks to your big yummiferous cock, it's totally easy for the family to grow. All you have to do is find a really great woman and tame her with your cock, and... BAMMO! It's like... instant new wife-sister for me and everyone else. I think that's super cool."

Alan chuckled. "Yeah, well, I guess that's part of it too. Thanks, Aims." He looked to all four women at once. "That said, I don't feel like we're making much progress. What's so important that we have to talk about it right now?"

Suzanne decided it was time to move on. "Yes, well, we've been thinking about the future. Everything is hunky-dory right now; that goes without saying. But what happens when you 'young 'uns' go off to college? Thanks to The Pact, we've made a firm commitment to always stay together."

A plaintive Susan added, "Son, how can I - no, how can we - how can we serve your cock daily like it needs to be served if you're in a different city?!"

Suzanne stared into Alan's eyes and said, "Actually, she has a very good point. We're all basically committed to you now, Son. I agree with Amy. We're a family. We're a team. We're a harem. If you move somewhere else, we want to be right there with you."

Susan, Katherine, and Amy all nodded emphatically to indicate their complete agreement.

Suzanne asked Alan, "But what do YOU think about that? Do you want these four crazy broads trailing you wherever you go? Can we even make that work?"

Alan replied warmly, "But of course I do! How could I live without the four of you? I'd be terribly lonely in some college dormitory, hundreds of miles away from all of you. I wouldn't be able to stand it."

Susan purred, "Oh, Tiger!" She started to get up.

But Suzanne physically held her back, forcing her to remain in the sofa. She muttered, "Susan, behave."

Susan stayed in her seat, but she was antsy, seemingly on the verge of getting up to hug and kiss her son at any moment.

Alan said, "I haven't been thinking much beyond the immediate situation, but I have been doing at least SOME thinking. For instance, I've been wondering what'll happen if I go to college and it's not right around this vicinity. Sis, what happens to you? We can't have everyone move away but you. No way! Not in a million years!"

Katherine growled at him hungrily, "Brother, you are so fucking going to get fucked to death for thinking of me! Death by sister pussy!" She giggled. "But seriously, that's not a worry at all. If that happens, I'm gonna up and move right with you so fast that I'll be there before you can even blink. Probably before you can even close your door. There are high schools everywhere. I can finish my last year wherever. Who cares? All the friends I want or need are right here in this room. Besides, I'm sure that by the time that happens your harem will be even bigger. You'll probably take half the high school girls with you!" She giggled some more.

He replied, "Yeah, that's not gonna happen. There are limits to how big a harem can be, at least MY kind of harem. I understand those sultans and kings had dozens and dozens of women in their harems, and those old guys barely knew or cared about any of them. The women were basically kept there by force. But I don't want to force anyone to do anything. I want love to bind us all together."

Katherine chipped in, "Love, and lots and lots of mind-blowing orgasms. Am I right?"

He grinned. "That too."

Suzanne said, "That's all well and good. But we do live in the modern world, not in the Ottoman Empire, so there are a lot of practical considerations. For instance..." She stared alternately between Amy and Katherine. "I understand you two are serious about your sexual commitment to your brother, but you still need, and should want, viable careers. A person can't live on cum alone. And don't make any jokes about that, because I'm being serious. Yes, we're basically the 'idle rich' right now, but that won't last forever if we don't have any money coming in. Besides, a good career is a healthy thing to have to motivate and inspire you through life."

Katherine and Amy nodded dutifully.

Amy said, "No worries. I totally know what I want to do: I want to be an artist! I know that doesn't make much money, at least at first. Everybody knows about the 'starving artist.'" She made air quotes. "But it totally makes me happy! I really love drawing, or painting, or sculpting, or, heck, anything arty!"

Alan said firmly, "And I support that 100 percent. Amy is meant to be an artist like a bird is meant to fly. We need to find a way to make that happen, even if it doesn't turn out to be very profitable. Although I know that it will, because you're a really great artist, Aims."

"Thanks, Beau!" Amy flashed him a grateful and loving smile. It looked like she was going to jump up and give Alan an enormous hug, but then she remembered their instructions. She deliberately sat on her hands to control herself.

Katherine said, "I've been thinking about what I want to do too. I know it's not like I have to decide now, or even soon, but right now I'm liking the idea of becoming a teacher... for various reasons."

The others were all surprised by that, since Katherine had never mentioned any interest in being a teacher before.

Susan was practically bursting with joy and pride. "I think that's WONDERFUL, my sweet Angel! That's one of the most noble and rewarding careers, in my opinion. But what are these various reasons you hinted at?"

Katherine was basking in their approval, but she still turned her head shyly. "Let's not go into that right now. I don't want to make a big deal of it, because for all I know I might change my mind next week. But I am saying that I understand the importance of having a good career, and if I'm not a teacher then I'll be something along those lines. I know I can't just sit around at home and suck Brother's cock all day long, no matter how tempting that sounds."

In truth, she liked the teacher idea mainly because it tied into her great desire to have Alan's children, and lots of them. She knew he probably wouldn't impregnate her that many times, but between her and his other young women, she figured he was bound to eventually have many children. If she had a teacher's license, she could teach them at home, probably in conjunction with Glory, so she would be able to "sit around at home" and enjoy the harem life "all day long." However, she didn't want to tell the others that, for fear that Alan would freak out at the idea.

Suzanne said to Katherine, "I agree with Susan. That sounds perfect for you."

Amy chimed in, "Yeah! Rock on, Sister! That sounds totally cool! Maybe we could work together someday and do an arty-teachy thing or something."

Suzanne held her hands up. "Hold on, folks. Let's not get too excited. Remember, we're trying to keep this on an even keel so we can make sober, smart decisions." She waited for the group to calm down somewhat. Then she continued, "Now, as you know, moving isn't a problem for Susan or me. Susan loves doing her mother thing, which admittedly probably involves more cock-pleasuring than anything else these days. Once the grandkids start popping out, she'll have her hands full, that's for sure."

Alan cut in. "Hold on. I just want to say for the record that I like the kids idea, but not anytime soon. Not for another ten years, at least!"

Suzanne nodded. "Thank you. That's duly noted. Although I should point out that with the way you're NOT using condoms, you'll have your own little league baseball team before long. Now, as for myself, I can manage my investments, our investments, from anywhere. So I think our chief concerns need to be where Amy and Alan go to college. Amy, because there are only so many really good art colleges out there. Katherine, if you stick with teaching, you'll have ample opportunity for that anywhere. But art colleges, no."

Katherine nodded in understanding.

Suzanne continued, "And as for our favorite masterly stud over here" - she smiled knowingly at Alan - "you've been mumbling for some time that your number one college choice would be UC Berkeley. Is that still true?"

He replied, "Yes and no. That's my number one choice of schools where I have a good chance of actually getting in. Stanford would be awesome! So would something like Harvard or Princeton. But I have to be realistic. Those choices would be a desperate Hail Mary at best, especially with the way my studies have been nose-diving lately. Whereas Berkeley is one of the top ten colleges in the country, or close to it, and it's public and a lot cheaper to attend for California residents like me."

He continued, "I've heard they pretty much accept students on a point system, so you can tally up your points in advance and know if you're going to get in or not. Luckily, I took the SAT in June, before all this started, and aced it, so I don't have to take it again. Can you imagine how much my studying for that would cut into our sexy fun time? Phew! Anyway, from that, I can already calculate I'm well above the cutoff to get into Berkeley. I'd practically have to flunk a class or two before they wouldn't take me."

Susan said with great concern, "Don't do that!"

"Don't worry. Even if I were to stop doing my homework altogether, which I definitely am NOT planning on doing, I think I would at least coast to decent grades due to my 'teacher's pet' reputation, plus generally being able to think on my feet. So I'm counting on getting into Berkeley. What would you all think about relocating to the Bay Area next year?"

Amy said, "That would be awesome! My favoritest top choice would be the CCA, the California College of the Arts. They're in Oakland, which is like totally next door to Berkeley! We'd totally be able to live together, super easy! And it's a really good art college!"

"It is," Suzanne said. "It's one of the very best art schools in the country. People who graduate from there actually end up with high-paying jobs most of the time."

Katherine said, "Aims, I've heard you talk about wanting to go there. But do you think you'll actually get in? If it's that good, it must be really tough to get in."

Suzanne replied, "Let me answer that, because Amy is gonna be too modest. Amy is a really good artist! And I'm not just a proud mother saying that. Her art teachers and others in the know all say so. I think she has an excellent chance. And even if she doesn't, the Bay Area is like a Mecca for art students. There are lots of other options."

Alan said, "It sounds like we have a plan, then. If I totally luck out and get into Stanford, that's in the Bay Area. And if I get into Berkeley, as I probably will, that's right there too, and on the same side as Oakland. There will be plenty of college options for Amy and Kat no matter what, and the Bay Area has great California weather and all kinds of advantages. It's win-win all around."

The four of them were all smiling from ear to ear. Susan grabbed Suzanne's hand while Amy and Kat hugged each other.


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