6 Times a Day

Chapter 987 Call Me - Akami [5/5]

Alan woke up to the sensation of Susan lightly shaking his shoulder. "Tiger, Tiger, wake up."

"What is it?" He reluctantly opened his eyes because she seemed very insistent with her shaking. He saw her leaning down over him, beaming a peaceful and loving smile at him.

"Did you have a good nap, my baby?"

"Yeah, actually. In fact, between this nap and the earlier one at school, I feel practically normal. I may even have slept TOO much, 'cos I feel all groggy." On closer inspection he was a bit disturbed to see her decked out in a formal outfit like a normally dressed woman. He even noticed a glimpse of a bra, yet a couple of the front buttons on her sleeve-less blouse were unbuttoned. He was a bit confused as to why she'd look like that.

"That's good, my love." She bent forward and kissed him on the lips. Even though their tongues dueled a little, it was more of a quick friendly hello kiss than something passionate.

As it ended, Alan asked, "Hey! What time is it? Don't we have the Dr. Fredrickson thing to take care of?" He looked at the clock by the bed and exclaimed, "Oh shit! It's almost five! Katherine's appointment with him was at four!"

He bolted up in his bed, but Susan's hands calmed and restrained him. She lovingly stroked his arm. "Don't worry, Tiger. It's all over. We didn't want to wake you, so the rest of us took care of it. He's been totally defeated."

Alan blinked owlishly as he processed this news. He was both elated and disappointed - he'd rather fancied himself playing a heroic role in the doctor's defeat. "He has? No way! How did that happen? No way!"

"Way." Susan grinned. "If you don't believe me, why don't you get dressed and ask him yourself? He's sitting in our minivan in the driveway with the others."

"He is?! Oh my God! How did that happen?" He jumped up and started to dress.

"Well, everything went great and he crumbled like a cookie. But there's one minor complication. It turns out he was recording as well as watching."

"A-ha!" Alan exclaimed while he pulled his shorts up his legs. "What did I tell you? Men are hopelessly amoral when it comes to anything sexual and can't be trusted any further than you can throw them. As a male, believe me, I know these things firsthand!"

"Tiger, in your case, what you call amoral behavior is what I'd call you taking what naturally belongs to you. You are a natural dominant-type, meant to possess and control big-titted nymphos such as myself. But a lowlife scumbag like Dr. Fredrickson doesn't deserve to own even one pussy, much less one like mine. In any case, he seems completely cowed and defeated - you should see the giant stain on his pants where he peed on himself! But we need to go to his house to check if he has other videos there. We'd feel safer with you along."

"Of course! Let's go. I feel bad that I couldn't help earlier." He finished dressing and they walked out of the room together.

Susan said, as they headed down the hall, "Tiger, not only were you physically exhausted, but you were mentally exhausted, too. I should know, since last night nearly destroyed me as well. But I got to sleep the day away while you had to go to school. So you've really had it the worst. We're going to do more from now on to make things easier on you. It was Katherine's idea to take him on by ourselves. She's concerned that you're overtaxed. All we did was follow your plan to the letter, so really you deserve the credit as much as anyone."

"Thanks! You're the best. And I'm going to thank her, too. But really, don't make a big fuss over me." He kissed her briefly on the lips, and then they hurried down the stairs.

Susan finally buttoned up the front of her blouse as they reached the front door.

— — —

Their time at Dr. Fredrickson's house was surprisingly anticlimactic. The fight had completely gone out of him ever since Susan sprayed him with mace. As Suzanne commented to the others, "It's funny how people suddenly get so ashamed about what they've done, but only AFTER they've been caught." That was what was happening to the doctor, as he belatedly rediscovered some of his professional ethics. In fact, he cried so sincerely and profusely for so long that by the time they reached his house everyone was wishing he'd shut up.

The fact was, they had him over a barrel. He'd been caught red handed, and seemed resigned to losing his license to practice medicine and probably going to jail.

Furthermore, since he didn't realize Akami was in on the plot to get him, they could play "good cop, bad cop" on him. Suzanne had one worry that she'd discussed in private with Akami, and once they arrived at the doctor's house, Akami was given some time alone with him as "good cop" to sort this issue out. The truth was, the doctor did have one card he could use, but only if he was smart enough to use it: his knowledge that Alan's six-times-a-day diagnosis was false and that Suzanne had been the one to set it up.

Akami discussed this with him in his den while the others waited outside. She argued that the Plummers seemed inclined to let him off fairly easy, but if they found out that he'd been duping them on Alan's diagnosis, too, they'd throw the book at him. She vowed to secretly help him as much as she could in her talks to the others, and that he should come clean with her and let her take care of everything.

He was so desperate for any hope or help that he followed everything she told him to do almost without question.

The others searched his house, but there wasn't much need. He was able to go on-line and show credit card transactions proving that he'd bought the video camera only a few days earlier. That was about the only initiative he took to help himself. Otherwise, he generally sat around crying, confessing, and apologizing over and over. After a while, even Susan began to feel sorry for him.

Everyone gathered in his living room and listened to Suzanne dictate the terms of his surrender. She said, "Doctor, if I should even call you that, normally we'd send you straight to jail for your despicable behavior, and you know we have the evidence and witnesses to do it. However, there are a couple of mitigating factors. One, Akami has pleaded that she has huge student loans to pay off. Two, we have your innocent wife and three children to consider. Akami tells us that apparently you also are having financial hardship and we don't want to see your family thrown into the street. And three, Akami has been guiding Alan's unorthodox but extremely effective medical treatment, and we're afraid that if she were to go, all that we've achieved in overcoming his tiredness problem would be lost."

She smiled. "So, as long as Akami is happy, we're happy. Therefore, you will give all legal and financial control of your business to her, and from now on, you will be working for her. If, for any reason, she gives us the word, we will turn over our evidence to the authorities. The statute of limitations on your crime will eventually expire, but there's no expiration on the damage we can do to your medical career and personal reputation. But we're not mean people and don't like blackmail. We trust that Akami will keep your criminal urges in check."

Since Dr. Fredrickson thought Akami was his secret ally, he readily agreed. He nearly wept with joy that his life hadn't been completely ruined.

But what he didn't know was that Akami planned to take full advantage of her new position. He also didn't realize that his sexual relationship with her was over, too. She'd contemplated keeping him as some kind of boy toy, but she was so disgusted by his craven, defeated behavior that she didn't find that prospect appealing. Currently their practice consisted almost entirely of elderly people from a nearby retirement home. But now that she controlled Dr. Fredrickson's practice, she could find other handsome, young males and give them the same "diagnosis" and "treatment" she'd given Alan.

Thanks to Brenda's money, not to mention Susan and Suzanne's upcoming and probably quite generous divorce settlements, the Plummer family was amply financially secure. All they really wanted Dr. Fredrickson to do was get out of their lives and keep quiet. Thus, the real winner in the whole debacle was Akami. But that, too, was deliberate, mostly thanks to Suzanne. The wily redhead figured that if Akami was given a sweetheart deal, she would be foolish to ever try to cross or blackmail the Plummer family herself, and would be sure to keep Dr. Fredrickson in line for them. Suzanne could finally rest assured that her role in the six-times-a-day scheme would be kept secret forever, so long as Glory and Xania, the only other people who now knew, didn't blab it to others.

Alan hadn't seen Akami in what seemed like a long while, though it seemed much longer than it really was since his days had been so eventful lately. With all the excitement he didn't get much of a chance to speak to her one on one. But after Suzanne's speech, he did get a few minutes alone with her in the dining room to personally thank her.

He was surprised by her appearance, and it showed in his face although he didn't say anything. While Susan woke him up, Akami had taken the time to change from her typical nurse gear into some very casual clothing. Alan hardly recognized her dressed in a sleeveless light yellow T-shirt and muted orange Dolphin shorts. She looked like a teen headed to the beach or going jogging. He found it very sexy. It made him wistful for the time when she played a bigger role in his life and his fantasies.

They necked for a little while, but that was all they could do given the others were waiting in the next room. As Alan pulled away, Akami complained, "You never call! Promise me you'll call. If you really want to thank me, please promise that I can see you again sometime before the weekend. Okay? Please?"

Alan smiled. He knew that he was busy in the near future, but Akami still had a special place in his heart as the woman so instrumental to his sexual awakening. He was always happy to make time for her. He looked back over his shoulder and said, "I promise."

As the Plummer family drove back home in their minivan, Amy said, "Boy, that was kind of a let-down. I almost wish Dr. Fredrickson had put up more of a fight. He was sooooo pathetic! Geez, Louise!"

"I know what you mean," Suzanne nodded. "He looked like a big, tough, authoritative guy, but inside he turned out to be just a little crybaby. I was kind of hoping to clue in his wife and destroy his marriage, but I'm all revenged out."

Susan said, "I still think we should tell his wife about his cheating. Akami says Dr. Fredrickson sleeps with dozens upon dozens of women, and of course as his mistress she should know. I saw all those pictures of his wife - what's her name? Diana, I think - scattered all over his house. They really reminded me of myself, meaning the old me. She even looks a lot like me, except for her flaming red hair. Forget revenge for a minute - we should do it as a favor to her. Imagine how much better my life would have been if, ten years ago, someone told me my lousy husband was secretly gay."

Suzanne thought about her own many affairs and briefly contemplated if her life would have been better or worse if her cheating would have been exposed ten years ago. She wasn't sure. "Maybe you're right, but we can worry about that another day. We'd need some other evidence of his cheating that doesn't point to Akami or us. Actually, Diana was pretty damn hot, now that I think about it. I'll bet she's great in bed. A rich, young, handsome doctor like him with access to so much pussy surely must save the sweetest piece of ass for himself. Wouldn't it be deliciously ironic if we had Alan plow her fields a bit?"

"Oooh! Great idea!" Katherine enthused. "She looked totally Alan-worthy!"

Alan complained, "Come on! I have way, way, way too many lovely women here in this car to please. Anyways, I'm also feeling a little bad for the doctor. After all, if it wasn't for him and his unorthodox diagnosis, I would have never started my voyage of sexual discovery. Maybe we should just call it even. In a way, we kind of owe him."

"Don't be so sure, Sweetie," Suzanne said confidently. She knew that if it hadn't have been Dr. Fredrickson, she would have just picked someone else to help implement her scheme. "Something tells me that what happened between us all was fated to happen. But we can save Diana for another time, once your life settles down. I wouldn't mind a piece of her, myself. Anyway, we have much more important things to do tonight. How are you feeling, Sweetie?"

Alan turned around in his front passenger seat and smiled at Suzanne, Katherine, and Amy sitting in the backseat. "I know what's on your mind, Mother, and all of your minds! It's been too many days, hasn't it? Don't worry, I'm feeling a LOT better. I'm up for a victory celebration, and we all know how the Plummer household celebrates!" He'd been told a bit about how Akami and Katherine had teased the doctor, so he joked, "I know one 'vaginal thermometer' that's going to be very, very busy!"

Amy joked, "Don't forget to bring your rectal thermometer, too!" She paused a brief second, as though in thought, and then quipped with a lopsided grin, "Oh. Wait. They're one and the same, aren't they?"

The others laughed merrily at her small joke.


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