6 Times a Day

Chapter 972 Alan, Heather And Simone Ctd

Alan stood, and began to back away from Heather and Simone until he was about ten feet away. "Now, let's see if I have full cooperation from both of you." He pointed at his very erect dick and said, "Look at that. You could hardly call me fully aroused."

He snapped his fingers. "Both of you, blow me together. Now. And Heather, you'll be calling me 'sir' from now on, so the correct response from you is, 'yes, sir.'" He remembered that she'd used that term in some of their sex play before and she'd seemed to get off on it.

Still staring at Heather, he added, "Plus, the correct way for you to approach my dick is crawling on all fours."

Simone looked at Heather to see what her friend would do. While Simone thought blowjobs were okay, she knew Heather hated them. But more than that, she couldn't imagine her haughty friend following the other part of his orders.

Heather shot Alan a dirty look, but in fact, she whispered "Yes, Sir," and got down on her knees.

Simone's mouth hung open and she stared in complete disbelief as Heather started to crawl towards Alan. What the FUCK?! First the ass-licking and now this! Is he blackmailing her with incriminating photos or something?! No way! Especially since I know she's doing it of her own free will!

Even Heather had a disbelieving look, as if her brain couldn't understand why her body was being so subservient. But she was aroused beyond belief by being treated this way. She thought, God dammit! I vowed to Simone that I was going to wrap him around my finger today. I wish she wasn't watching. This is so humiliating! How am I going to explain this?! Why the hell am I even doing this?! But it's like I can't stop myself; it's just too fucking HOT!

Alan said, "Simone, what has Heather done wrong?"

"I could barely hear her."

"That's right. Let's hear you, Heather. What do you say?"

Heather looked up, and shot Alan an even more hateful look. She said, "Yes, Sir," but spat it out.

Alan said to Simone, who remained still, "What did Heather do wrong there?"

"She's got a bad attitude."

"Yes, she does," he replied with a sagacious nod. "Let's see you crawl some more, Heather, but do it like you mean it. Like the shameless cock-hungry slut that we know you really are."

Heather closed her eyes and clenched her teeth. Her blush had faded, but that caused her face to begin turning red again.

She thought, FUCK ME! What the FUCK is his deal?! It's like he's trying to push me and push me until I break! But I'm not going to break! I can take whatever he dishes out!

Strangely, with that logic she somehow turned obeying his every whim into an act of strength and defiance. She didn't completely believe her own analysis, but she clung to it in order to retain some shreds of dignity.

She said, "Yes, Sir." Then, with her eyes still closed, she proceeded to crawl in a large circle around the room.

Simone simply couldn't believe what she was seeing. No way! No fucking way! I wish I had a camera right now. I'd KILL for a working camera! Damn, this would be better than taking a clear picture of a real UFO. The mighty Heather Morgan, crawling on her knees!

She looks so fucking HOT! If that doesn't get one's blood boiling, than nothing will! How does Alan have the willpower not to just up and fuck the living daylights out of her this very second?! My heart is pounding hard from just watching and thinking about him fucking her! It's crazy!

Heather was getting more aroused by the second. Her entire body started to tremble as she blindly continued her crawl. She thought, as if cursing Alan out loud, I HATE you! I hate you so much! Fucking DIE, you fucking motherfucker! Do you know who you're dealing with here? I could destroy you with the wave of my hand! I'm just doing this because... Hell, I don't even know why I'm doing this. I need your cock so bad, Sir! Please! Please! Fuck my face! My ass! My cunt! Anything! Everything! I'm yours!

She completed her circle and wound up near his feet. She opened her eyes and gave him a pleading look. Clearly she was hoping that was enough.

He just stared at her with a poker face. The silence stretched out uncomfortably. By that point he was definitely on his A game.

Finally she broke the silence, asking him, "Sir? Did that please you, Sir?"

Simone had begun masturbating without even realizing it. As she fingered her slit, she thought, Unfuckingbelievable! And to think that yesterday she vowed to turn him into her "boy toy" today. No way is that ever gonna happen. She gets off on this. Her whole body is trembling with fuck need. Hot damn!

He looked over to Simone and said, "Simone, I think she deserves a spanking. Give her ten."

Heather gasped out loud. She'd never let Simone spank her before. The idea was almost unthinkable, and yet she realized that she would let it happen if Alan ordered it. Somehow, that aroused her even more.

Simone was slightly embarrassed to be caught fingerfucking herself, so she stopped as casually as she could. Her eyes lit up at his suggestion, but then she said, "Okay, but, uh, how am I supposed to treat you? Do I need to call you 'sir' too?"

"No, you don't. You haven't displeased me and I like you just fine the way you usually are, so please just act like you normally would. However, if you agree to be my assistant, I will demand complete and utter loyalty and obedience from you. You will be one of my women, and I will treat you any way I like. I will have access to your body twenty-four hours a day. I don't mind you having sex with others when I'm not around, but only if they're completely cleared for STDs. If you cross me or disobey me, you will face punishment until your attitude is corrected. You can quit at any time, but as long as you're with the program it's all or nothing."

Simone thought about that and considered her response. Fuck me all over again! No wonder Heather's fallen for him so hard. I'm not even into that BDSM stuff. But he's so casual with his dominant, confident attitude that it's totally intoxicating. It's actually kind of scary, 'cos I don't want to end up on all fours like her!

She asked uncertainly, "Did Heather agree to those terms?"

"No, she doesn't get a choice. She doesn't deserve to choose since she's a female dog, a bitch. Heather, fuck yourself like a dog in heat."

"Yes, Sir!" Heather immediately slumped the rest of the way to the floor and began fingering her pussy. She was powerfully turned on by his command to do so, so fucked herself eagerly. Dammit! This is so fucked up! But the way he just took control of Simone with a few comments is so fucking arousing that it's INSANE!

Alan looked upon Heather almost with pity. "You see what I mean? If people at this school realized that she was just a sex-crazed manipulative bitch, what would they think? My goal is to use her powerful sex drive to turn her into a worthwhile human being. But since you're already one, you get to choose."

"Hmmm. All right," Simone answered, surprising herself. "I've give it a try, for Heather's sake. But I'm not like her. And I still don't know about you."

"That's understood." He softened his tone and closed the distance between them to reach out with his hand and caress Simone's cheek with his fingers. "But I assure you, you will. And before long you won't even think about quitting because you'll be enjoying yourself so much. We're gonna have a lot of fun together." He brushed his fingers lightly over Simone's lips, which reflexively parted. Before he even realized what he was doing, he was gently fingerfucking Simone's mouth.

Simone was both surprised and very pleased.

Heather, though, looked on with obvious envy in her eyes while she kept on masturbating as instructed.

Alan continued, "With Heather though, sadly, it's mostly punishment." He pulled his hand away from Simone's nursing lips and sensuously traced the curve of her jaw and neck with his wetted fingertips, which excited her tremendously. "Get behind her and spank her please. Give her ten good, solid whacks. I want her ass to be as red as her face."

He turned to glare his disapproval at the blonde cheerleader writhing on the floor. "Heather, after each one, I want you to look me in the eye, say the number of the strike out loud, then give me a 'Thank you, sir.'"

Heather got back on her knees, which left her tits swaying and dangling delightfully and her cunt dripping with her arousal. She raised her butt into position to get spanked. But at the same time, she complained, "Fuck that!"

He had gotten erect again from seeing Heather crawl and frig herself, not to mention thinking about all the things he could do to her and Simone. He stepped forward, closing the distance between himself and the head cheerleader. His long erection bounced in front of her, nearly hitting her on the nose.

She seemed transfixed by the sight. She gulped, knowing that she was about to receive a spanking.

He asked her, "What did you say?"

She grew nearly panicky. "Um, nothing. Sir!"

He thought about Susan and how she said she thought with and was controlled by her breasts, and then he thought about Suzanne and how she had a similar relationship with her pussy.

He said in a calm, collected voice, "Heather, your problem is that you think with your selfish and haughty brain. Look at my cock and imagine how that's going to feel in your ass. Let your ass do the thinking. If you want this in your ass ever again, you will obey everything I tell you to do and never betray me, or I'm not going to bother with you. Believe me, there are plenty of other women I could be fucking at school, and I'm only bothering with you out of a sense of pity. Understand? So what's it going to be? If you're going to obey, you know what to say, and you know how to say it."

Heather tried to look to her friend for guidance and support, but Simone was directly behind her, so she couldn't make direct eye contact. Her focus was magnetically drawn back to his lightly bobbing stiff pole instead. Just the strong scent of his exposed cock-meat right under her nose was incredibly tempting to her. Even though she didn't like blowjobs, she loved this dick above all others she'd had in her life, and found that her mouth was watering for it, just by having it so close. She listened to her ass, and her ass screamed, "YES! GIMME!"

She closed her eyes in defeat, and said in her normal voice, "Yes, Sir."

He smiled and thought, I can't believe this is working! It's like what Simone said earlier: "He seems to know what he's doing." I have to maintain the illusion of control and toughness. He barked, "I will forgive your closed eyes for now. But Simone, make it twenty for her 'Fuck that!' insolence. As hard as you can, please."

Simone seemed very eager to spank Heather, and was already in position to do so before Heather even gave her answer. Her hand came down extremely hard on Heather and made a resoundingly loud slapping sound.

Heather had her teeth clenched, but she couldn't help but let out a loud moan. She thought, This is wrong! This is a major injustice! Nobody treats a Morgan woman like this. Okay with Alan; I could see letting him spank me. But Simone is my lackey. She has no right to do this to me! I will get my REVENGE!

Then Simone stopped, and all three of them just remained where they were for some long moments.

Finally, Alan said, "Heather, aren't you forgetting something? Should I add ten more to help you remember? Oh, and you're not allowed to cum without my permission."

What was expected suddenly came to her. "Oh shit! One! Thank you, Sir!" She thought shamefully, Revenge will have to wait. For starters, I have to get through this damned spanking! I can't cum? That's fucking cruel!

He stood back about five feet, then said, "Simone, you may continue." He watched while Simone spanked Heather over and over with great gusto.

Heather didn't forget to count again, and she behaved as obediently as Alan could have hoped for.

As he watched the spanking continue, he thought, It's incredible what she's willing to endure to get a good assfuck. And Simone seems to be enjoying giving the spanking far too much. Even though they're obviously very firm friends, Simone must have a huge store of resentment for all the times Heather has treated her shitty.

But what's really disturbing is how much I'M enjoying this! For one thing, it's just such a wonderful sight to see one completely naked girl on her knees getting spanked by another completely naked girl standing behind her, and watch both of them getting off on it. And somehow, the fact that Heather is blonde and white while Simone is such a dusky dark ebony just makes it that much more visually appealing. The fact that it's taking place during lunch in the middle of my school day is just extra gravy. Mmmm.

There I go, getting carried away again. I really need to watch myself, because Heather brings out the "Bad Alan" in me in spades. Am I really helping her, or am I corrupting my own soul, or both? What's scary is that both Mom and Sis would probably love it if I'd treat them like this. But I can never ever call them bitches and treat them coldly. Never! If I do, then the "Bad Alan" will have completely won.

Finally the spanking was over. Simone had been vicious with her spankings, never letting up, showing that she had a great amount of resentment indeed.

But Heather had her huge pride, and she had taken it as a challenge not to cry out or disobey. Plus, she'd used all her willpower to suppress a cum.

Alan was impressed with her self-control. He said, "Nice work, both of you. Heather, you've redeemed yourself a tiny bit in my eyes with the way you took that. At least you have some self-discipline. We'll work on building up and improving on that as you progress."

Heather asked with undisguised eagerness, "Sir, may I please cum now?" She was so primed that she knew she would merely have to stop suppressing it and it would happen.

"No. Not yet. Both of you come here and give me that dual blowjob. Simone, you can walk over here. Heather, you need to crawl like the obedient bitch that you are. And if you do an excellent job, I'll consider letting you cum."

The two girls were sweaty and nearly breathless from the spanking. Both were also surprised at how aroused it made them. Heather's thoughts of revenge were completely forgotten, at least for now, because the spanking had made her more aroused than she could ever have imagined.

Heather and Simone practically attacked his cock with wild abandon, even while they attacked each other. And "attack" was the right word to describe it, because both of them fought over his erection, pushing, clawing, and scratching each other (but not Alan) to be in the best position. Yet at the same time they never ceased to finger each other's pussies and do everything they could to keep his boner pulsing with pleasure.

Heather was very torn about Simone fingering her. She was very afraid of cumming without permission, and she knew she was far too aroused to hide it if she did. But she was so very turned on that she couldn't tell Simone to stop. She was flirting with danger, and therefore loving every second of it.

Alan was entertained as he watched three competing desires operating in both girls all at once: their desire to best each other, their desire to suck, lick, and jack off his cock, and their desire to sexually please each other.

For instance, one minute Heather seemed content to lick one side of his erection while Simone licked the other, but then all of a sudden she'd shoved Simone away and swallowed the whole thing, nearly deep throating him in the process.

Simone seemed resigned to that, and went to work squeezing his balls instead, but then, out of the blue, she grabbed Heather's long, blonde ponytail, yanked her friend's head back, and began frantically beating Alan off with her fist.

It kept going round and round like that. The whole time, their hands rarely left each other's pussies or clits.

Another factor was the way they climaxed over and over. Alan had originally intended to wait until he was ready to cum before giving permission for Heather to do the same, but he correctly guessed that she was way too horny to last that long. So, when he unexpectedly gave her permission to cum, she did so right away. But once she started, it was as if her body couldn't stop; she just kept cumming every few minutes.

Simone might be quiet for a minute or two after a climax, letting Heather dominate, but then as another climax began to rapidly well up inside her, her desire for more of Alan's cock-meat would practically drive her berserk and she'd forcibly take control of the most sensitive top part of his dick. Then she would cum and be mostly quiet again, leaving the "best bits" of his erection to Heather for a while. The only problem with it all was that it was rather dangerous for Alan's dick. He worried about an overly enthusiastic accident, especially one involving teeth, but he found it too stimulating to stop.

Alan had originally just meant for the dual blowjob to get him aroused so he could fuck Heather in the ass, as well as having it serve as a test of obedience for both girls. But it had taken on a life of its own, thanks to the strong emotions caused by the spanking, and he was too weary to hold out for long. He could tell they were both having a great amount of orgasmic fun from the process. Besides, their lunch period was too short for this to go on much longer.

So he suddenly grabbed both girls by the hair and shouted, "Stop!"

Heather happened to be sucking him off at that moment, which wasn't too surprising since she was generally the more aggressive one and had the upper hand over Simone more often than not, even though Simone kept fighting for her fair share. Even after he yelled "Stop," she kept on bobbing and licking.

He slowly pulled Heather's head back by her ponytail until his cock swung free of her reaching lips. He said, "That was good. Simone, I think you're beginning to see the rewards you can get if you experience sex my way."

Simone was breathless and amazed. "Yes! Holy cow! I can't stop cumming, and just from sharing a blowjob!"

He tightened his hand in Simone's hair and moved her face in towards his cum-soaked hard-on. He kept pulling her head into his crotch until he felt his cockhead stroke at her tonsils. He barked, "Suck on it!" He belatedly added, "Please," remembering that he was only supposed to be harsh with Heather. But once "Bad Alan" got going, he was hard to stop.

Then he looked to Heather and said, "Heather, you're not yet worthy of my cum, and won't be for some time. Tomorrow, if I'm feeling generous and you act obediently, I may choose to fuck your ass as we begin your inner bitch training in earnest. But if I do, Simone will be the one to take my cum, just as she will now. You'll have to prove your worthiness before you get that reward."

Simone gleefully cocksucked with total abandon. Her mouth kept puckering over and over around his cock, kind of like a fish. It seemed to be her favorite move. She also liked looking up at him and making eye contact the whole time she had his cockhead in her mouth, something his other women did only rarely.

He relaxed his PC muscle and began shooting his long, thick ropes of semen into her hungrily sucking mouth.

Heather thought as she watched Simone, FUCKING BITCH! Some best friend she is! That cum should be MINE! Just look at her gulp it all down. But she can't take it. HA! Look at how his flood of cum is spilling down her chin. What kind of way is that to treat my Sir? If it were me, I'd swallow every last drop!

Had she thought about it, she would have been surprised to realize how quickly she'd internalized the use of the word "Sir." Somehow, she found it perfectly fitting, as if she'd been calling him that all along.

He looked down and watched his relatively light-skinned dick going in and out of Simone's still-pumping mouth, even while he buckled and shivered all over. He let out a contented sigh as a great orgasmic peak hit him and then slowly passed.

He thought, I'm not sure what this says for race relations and if this is politically correct or not, but Jesus, I really love watching someone so dark taking me deep. She loves it so much, and she's got such a talented pair of lips! God, life is good!

He was even more tanned than Katherine (though nowhere as tanned as Heather); nonetheless, his cock practically seemed pale by comparison while surrounded by Simone's dark nursing lips.


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