6 Times a Day

Chapter 943 Alan Is Back ['Janek Lehmann'Sponsored]

'Janek Lehmann' Special - [5/10] Chapters.


Suzanne looked around and sized up the situation. Keeping a sex-crazy house in order actually took some time and effort, and such tasks usually fell on her shoulders.

She was pleased at the debauchery she saw, except for the fact that Susan was frigging herself and clearly getting too excited as a result. "Susan! Stop that right now and go take a shower. A COLD shower. Remember your vow and save up your orgasms for tonight. Save yourself for him. It's almost like he'll be taking your virginity."

Susan nodded. It IS like he'll be taking my virginity! I need to save myself until then!

Suzanne turned to the others. "Amy and Angel, nice work on Brenda, but when you're done here and Susan's done with her shower, I want to see you both suck Susan's nipples some more. We haven't sucked or pumped them for a couple hours now, and that's unacceptable. Susan wants to lactate for her cutie Tiger tonight, but all we've gotten so far is a couple of drops. We have to do better!"

The two teens nodded.

"Oh. And you remember how we all agreed that it would be more fun to play with Brenda's pussy if it was bald? So don't forget to shave her bush off at some point today, probably when you both do your own smooth little twats. Maybe you can include her in your daily afternoon cunt shaving and cunt licking ritual from now on."

"Yes, Mother," Amy and Katherine said with the frustration in their voice as if they'd been needlessly reminded to do their homework. Then they promptly resumed spanking and fondling Brenda.

Susan had meant to listen to Suzanne's instructions to go take a shower, she really did. But then she'd heard Suzanne discuss lactation, and all the talk of her nipples being sucked and pumped sent her mind off into thoughts of Alan sucking on her nipples. Her hands drifted down to her own boobs, and she spaced out completely.

Susan wasn't paying even the slightest bit of attention to Amy and Katherine playing with Brenda, because her mind was on an empty chair. She was daydreaming again, and saw a fully dressed Alan sitting in the chair in front of her. In her vision, she walked over, unzipped his fly, sat in his lap, and then impaled her pussy down onto his hard cock. (She liked it when he wore clothes because it made her own nakedness seem that much naughtier.) There was no need for either of them to say anything, because it was just understood that she would do something sexual whenever she got near him. The only question was, how would she use her body to drive him mad with lust, and what hole would his jackhammer cock fill to similarly push her over the edge?

She sat in her chair, fondling both tits, trying hard not to cum. She knew she shouldn't go anywhere near her pussy with her fingers, but even just hefting up her breasts nearly pushed her over the edge. She thought, I'm the luckiest mommy in the world. Tonight my son's gonna fuck me, and then he'll own me completely! As it should be! Nothing else matters, but serving him!

As she imagined Alan sucking on a nipple, groping her tits just as her own hands were, and shooting countless ropes of thick cum into her vagina, she mumbled nearly inaudibly, "Love me, Son, love me..."

Meanwhile, Suzanne had stepped out to the back patio to get a breath of fresh air. She felt that everything was in order now, and she wanted to think without the ever-present scent of sex that fogged her brain.

She thought, What Susan said about my enslavement made me feel better, but it still isn't the whole story. The fact is, one can easily go overboard with this whole sex-slave / fuck-toy thing. My cunt is so insistently demanding that I can hardly think straight anymore. But on the other hand, it is great to just let go and think of nothing but pleasuring others. And especially to think of coaxing a hot load out of my Sweetie's boner and feel his jism splash all over my face. Mmmm...

The fact is, I need to learn how to let go and surrender to the moment. I still have so much room for improvement on that. But at the same time, it's clear that I'll have to be the responsible one. Someone has to take charge of this gang. The others couldn't have spanked their way out of a paper bag without my advice and direction. They need me as a leader.

Maybe something like regularly spanking Brenda is exactly what I need. I couldn't deal with being in Brenda's shoes (or should I say high heels?). I can't be at the bottom. But I can better deal with the fact that I'm helplessly enslaved to my Sweetie and his mouthwatering cock if I have someone else to lord over. And telling the others what to do helps my ego even more. It's prideful and vain, I know, but it's true.

I just wish Glory could understand everything. The Pact is probably the best thing to ever happen to me. I've found my true family. I've found true love, four times over. Maybe even five with Brenda, if she grows into the family. If only Glory knew the joy and love we share, she'd forget all her pride and join us in the harem, all the way. I just know it.

You know what Glory's problem is? She isn't true to herself. She hides behind conventional morality and won't admit what she really wants. I need to be more honest with myself too. The fact is, if I'm in the right mood, crawling naked across the floor begging for cock can be incredibly arousing! Standing there in line on Friday and being inspected by Sweetie like I was just another piece of fuck-meat was damned demeaning, but God did it get my motor running! I was leaking like a ... well, like Brenda!

The Pact is a good thing. Damned good. It's what we make it. I don't have to look at it the exact same way Susan does. I'm not gonna let Glory make me second guess everything. What does she know, anyway? The poor woman actually thinks she broke up with him. Talk about dumb! There's no breaking up with him, no going back. She'll learn that soon enough.

Suzanne decided to head back to her own house and spend some time with Brad for a change. They had some hours to kill before she had to start worrying about cooking dinner for her old family, the Pestridge family, and getting ready for Alan's arrival after dinner.

It was eight o'clock at night. The sun set early at this time of year in Southern California, so it was quite dark out. Susan, Suzanne, Katherine, Amy, and Brenda sat around in the family office (a room at the front of the house), nervously waiting. Susan was naked except for high heels, while the others wore various skimpy lingerie outfits.

Brenda considered herself lucky to be there at all. Earlier in the day, Suzanne had ordered her to go home before dinner. But Brenda was so sad to miss out on Alan and Susan fucking that when the time came for her to go, she wore her most forlorn, puppy dog face. The others, all basically softies at heart, caved in and let her stay. She did have to hurry home to feed Adrian, but now she was back.

Alan was expected home at any time, but no one knew exactly when he would arrive. No one had remembered to give him a cell phone to carry on his trip. He did call from a pay phone in Los Angeles just before the scouts started for home, but that only seemed to make the waiting and anticipation worse. There had been many arguments in the last hour over how many minutes exactly the drive would take, including time for dropping off the other scouts at their houses.

The tension was so thick one could cut it with a knife. Amy, in an attempt to lighten the mood, said, "Is he here yet?" Then she waited a few seconds and repeated, "Is he here yet?" She paused even longer, and then asked again, "Is he here yet?" She giggled a little.

Susan spun around on her high heels and glared at where Amy was sitting. "Amy, normally that would be funny. But if you say that one more time, I'm going to have to kill you."

"Geez, Louise! Okey dokey, I get the picture. Boy. But if we just sit here in silence, we're all going to go mad."

An awkward silence ensued. Amy gamely tried to fill it with the comment, "I wonder if Beau found the picture I drew and put in his bag." But that was hardly the first time she'd said that this weekend, and the others just ignored her.

Amy appeared quite disappointed that her efforts to help weren't appreciated. She was supposed to be dressed so she could go outside to greet Alan when he arrived, but after the others ignored her, she pulled her top off to expose her breasts. She always cheered up when she was able to expose her chest. She said, "Hey guys, let's get happy!"

But Susan just sighed and gazed out the window. Their house was quite a ways away from the street and no one ever actually walked around this neighborhood at night, but it was theoretically possible for someone to see her.

She said, "I'm getting so hot, just thinking about him cumming... Uh, back. I mean coming back. I can't wait another minute!"

Amy pointed out, "Mom, I'm all for nakedness, but do you really want any old weirdo guy to see you like that? At least sit down."

"I don't care! I want to be the first to see my Tiger when he comes. We've been waiting for nearly two hours, for God's sake! He has to be here any minute. He has to!"

Suzanne suggested, "Come on. That's mad too, to stand there like that. Just sit down like the rest of us."

Susan pondered for some moments, then said seriously, "Madness. Who's to say I'm not mad already? Suzanne, tell me. Am I crazy to want my son so badly, in a carnal way? Is this just a mad, vain attempt to recapture my youth by having an affair with a teenager?"

Suzanne rolled her eyes. "Anyone who thinks Susan is crazy, but only if she actually believes that nonsense, raise your hand."

Everyone raised their hand, even Brenda, who was generally trying to remain inconspicuous.

"But Suzanne," Susan asked urgently, as she briefly turned to her friend. "I know my Tiger loves me, but am I forcing him to go farther than he wants to? Maybe he put true intercourse off for so long because deep in his heart he knows it isn't right. Maybe it's a sin after all. Or maybe he's not really attracted to me, and he's just putting up with my pathetic attempts at romance. If I were him, I wouldn't want to sleep with a thirty-seven year old hag when I could sleep with you or so many other tempting and much younger women, like all of you standing here!"

Susan stood before the window bathed in little more than the moonlight and dim mood lighting. She raised her arms up high. She lifted up her long mane of dark, straight hair and held it up for a few moments, then let it fall. Essentially, she was preening, hoping the others would find her attractive and say so.

Suzanne said with a touch of worry, "Okay, if you're so keen on being crazy, you're officially insane now. How could you possibly even think for a microsecond that you're not just about the most beautiful woman on the planet? And you know Alan loves your body as well as your soul. Hell, he probably loves you in every way more than all the rest of us combined." She didn't actually believe this last statement, but she was laying the compliments on thick to help her friend get over her butterflies.

Susan turned and looked at Suzanne with a mixture of hope and disbelief. Tears started to fall from her eyes. "Do you really mean that?"

"Of course I mean it! Help me out here, everybody. If Alan doesn't take one look at you the way you are right now and get the hardest erection of his life, not only is he not male, he's not even an organic life form! Why, even granite boulders are going to get a little harder when you come near."

The others all laughed a little and said similar things in agreement.

Susan held out her arms. Everyone but Brenda rushed into her embrace for one big group hug. The nervous mother gushed, "Oh, thank you all so much! I guess I'm just fishing for compliments with my silly words because I'm so nervous! My heart is pounding, pounding, pounding! Of course I know he loves me in every way, but I'm just so tense and uncertain. Am I going to be good enough for him? What if I'm a big disappointment in bed?"

Suzanne's face was now inches from Susan's. She looked her in the eye, and said, "You're fine, already! How many times have you asked that this evening? I taught you all kinds of special tricks, didn't I? Did I not show you how to squeeze your cunt muscles just like I do? I taught you breathing exercises, endurance techniques, penis stimulation tricks, anal sex secrets - heck, you've just about tapped me out of everything I know. To be completely honest, I was going to keep a lot of those secrets for myself, at least for a while, to give myself a slight edge with our man. But I love you so much that I can't help but share."

Susan's heart soared. "You're so good to me!"

"You can't possibly be a more ready or perfect lover for him. So stop talking nonsense and just relax. It'll be great!"

"I know, I know. And thanks. But still... What if my cunt isn't tight enough? I mean, how could my cunt ever measure up to yours?"

"Susan, trust me. My fingers have come to know your cunt quite well. It's just the right size for his big dick. He'll love fucking you. Trust me."

Suzanne was glad and gratified she could help, but she couldn't help but grumble in her mind, I must be the truly crazy one for giving away all those secrets. Grrr. I just can't say no to her, though. She's just too innocent and loving and emotionally worked up. But it's also crazy to be a member of this harem, sitting here, like I'm waiting for the sultan to come back from a great military victory. Yet I can peer through my sexual fog enough to see that he's just a not so unusual teen coming back from an ordinary hiking trip. But I started this whole thing, harem included. I've made my bed, and I'm going to lie in it. I have to quit second guessing the pact we all made already!

The others broke away so Susan and Suzanne could share a more intimate hug. "Oh, Suzanne, what would I do without you? You're the best friend I could ever possibly have in this life. I know how much it meant to you to keep those techniques secret so you could please him in extra special ways. But you shared your best secrets with me, because you love me. I appreciate it so much. I promise I'll find a way to return the favor." They hugged and kissed some more.

Suzanne blushed with unusual modesty, very pleased. "Awww, it was nothing."

Susan got quite serious as she wiped away more tears. "Promise me that no matter what happens, we'll always be best friends. You have to swear on it."

Suzanne replied with deep, genuine feeling, "Susan, I'm not going to promise that, because we aren't best friends anymore. We're so much more. We're sisters now. Once you become a sister you can't really ever undo it, so I'm afraid you're stuck with me for life."

This only caused Susan to cry more, as she was overwhelmed with intense emotion.

But Suzanne stopped her quickly. "Susan? Sister? Think about what you're doing. If you cry, your eyes are going to look all red. You don't want to look like that when he arrives, do you?"

"Oh dear God! No!" She stopped crying immediately and frantically wiped away her tears.

Suzanne suggested, "Quick, someone tell a joke."

Amy piped up. "At the risk of my own death, I'm going to say it: is he here yet?"

That was just the right thing to say, this time. Everyone broke out into hearty laughter.

More hugs ensued. Susan smiled and said, "Oh, you're all so great. I love each and every one of you."

She turned to Brenda, who purposely sat a small distance apart from everyone else. "Even you, Brenda. You may not be family yet, but I hope someday you will be. At the very least, you and I will always be slave sisters, bound together by our love for our master and our devotion to serving his cock."

Brenda nodded emphatically. "I'd love that!"

"I may have felt some ill will for you, maybe a little jealousy about your massive boobs, but that's all in the past now. I think Tiger's harem really is a natural kind of extended family, even though we may not even know each other yet. We should all stick together and help each other."

Brenda was very happy to hear that. "Oh, thank you so much, Mistress Susan! I'm truly not worthy to even think of someday being part of the great Plummer family. But I agree about helping each other. If we all stick together as a team, we can make sure that Alan will always be loved and cared for and his penis will stay just as hard and constantly-"

She was cut off with a shriek from Amy.

"Wait! Hold on! Yes!" Amy jumped up and down. "The van! It's here! Alan is back!"


Upcoming Schedule:

23-4-2023- 'Janek Lehmann' Special - [6-10] Chapters.

26-4-2023- 'Jason Judes' Special - 3 Chapters

30-4-2023- 'Brian Zhao' Special - 3 Chapters

03-05-2023 - 'William Behena' Special - 2 Chapters


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