6 Times a Day

Chapter 940 Everyone Is Fucking Crazy ['Janek Lehmann'Sponsored]

'Janek Lehmann' Special - [2/10] Chapters. 4K words


Amy, Katherine, and Susan went to the underwear cabinet and changed into more "comfortable" outfits for the spanking, which meant négligées and the like.

Then Susan opened the screen door leading to the backyard and called out for Suzanne to come back in.

Suzanne came back immediately. She was the only one still formally dressed. She said in a peeved and surly tone, "What is it, already?"

Susan explained as she led Suzanne to the living room, "We're about to give Brenda a spanking."

Suzanne sighed, and asked, "Are you doing it because she's been good or because she's been bad?"

"Good, of course."

Suzanne spoke testily, "At least you got that much right."

Susan said, "I thought you'd want to join in. Heck, I don't think we can do it properly without you. We need your help and expertise."

Suzanne looked over at the middle table. Brenda's almost-naked ass was high up over the table, ready and lightly jiggling with anticipation of being spanked. Amy and Katherine stood by, eager to watch or help with her "punishment."

But Suzanne said caustically, "Susan, it's a spanking, for God's sake. We're not building a nuclear reactor here. You don't need me for this. I think maybe I should go home. I've got important things to do."

Susan came close and looked very deeply into Suzanne's eyes, trying to figure her out. Finally, she said, "What's wrong? There's been something about you all day long. I thought you were just missing our Sweetie, but it must be something more. Did one of us upset you or something? Please tell us so we can fix whatever it is and do better. It hurts me to see you upset."

Suzanne sighed again and sat down on one of the sofas. Her surliness disappeared, only to be replaced by sadness. "No. It's not you. Sorry. It's me." She let out an extremely long sigh. "It's just that, well... I've been thinking. I'm happy to be part of the Plummer house, to be your sister and a second mother to Katherine and Alan. That means so much to me. You've always been much more to me than just a friend."

Suddenly, Suzanne's eyes started to tear up. She had to turn away and wipe her face for a second.

Susan sat down on the sofa next to Suzanne and touched her tenderly on the shoulder. "What is it, Suzanne? If you're so happy, then why are you starting to cry?" The tender touch turned to a firm and loving hold.

Suzanne looked at everyone one by one. The spanking was temporarily forgotten while the others tried to figure out what put Suzanne in this unusual mood. "I don't know. It's just that, on Friday I said some things, agreed to some things in the heat of the moment, and now I'm wondering if that was such a bright idea. I mean, no offense Brenda, but I was basically agreeing to be Alan's sex slave. Not only that, but I was actually loving it! I got all excited about it. Me! That's fine for the likes of Brenda, because that's what feels right for her, and Susan, you seem to be into that lifestyle too."

Susan nodded. "If it's my son."

Katherine wanted to chime in that she preferred that lifestyle too, but she decided to stay quiet. She figured it was good if Suzanne didn't fully realize how submissive she was feeling.

Suzanne continued, "But I'm an independent and even domineering sort of woman. I like to be in charge. If you would have asked me even a month ago, I never would have agreed to become anybody's slave in a million years! I would have laughed out loud at the very idea. The euphoria of The Pact kept me buzzing for a long time after Sweetie left. But now that I've calmed down and come to my senses, it just doesn't sit right with me."

Susan just nodded and lovingly brushed the wetness away from Suzanne's cheeks with a light touch from her fingertips.

"But on the other hand, I'm still really glad about The Pact, and I wouldn't undo it. My long-held dreams have finally come true, and I love it. I mean, I dreamt of having..." She was going to continue to say, "one loving, sexual family with you all for years," but she stopped herself, for fear of revealing too much about her role in getting the whole thing started.

Instead, she continued, "Well, I've dreamt a lot of things, but this is even better than any dream. But I'm also kind of ashamed about the way I'm freely calling myself Alan's fuck toy and sex slave. That sure was never part of my original dream!" She thought about the term "fuck toy," and added as an afterthought, "No offense, Katherine."

A puzzled Katherine replied, "None taken." She didn't realize that the term "fuck toy" was particularly on Suzanne's mind, and that Suzanne and the others now closely associated that term with Katherine herself.

Susan held her arms open. "Awww. Come here."

Suzanne fell into Susan's arms.

The two best friends squeezed each other tightly. They rocked and hugged for a while. Susan consoled Suzanne much like a mother consoling a crying child.

Once Suzanne had calmed down and relaxed a bit, Susan asked, "Now, tell us what brought this on. You were so fine with everything yesterday, long after Alan had left. Didn't you agree yesterday morning you were so happy that you could die? So what's changed since then?"

"I don't know," Suzanne answered hesitantly. "Maybe there's something in the air, or should I say, not in the air. This house is usually filled with the smell of Alan's cum, but he's been gone nearly two days now and the smell has mostly dissipated. Maybe we've just all been drugged by his deliciously sweet cum and that's all there is to all of this."

Susan looked to her daughters. "Does anyone else feel that?"

Amy and Katherine both emphatically shook their heads no.

Katherine clarified, "God, no! With him gone for so long, I've never been more ready to suck on the Alan-sicle. I find myself salivating at the oddest times, wishing my mouth was stuffed dangerously full of cock. My tits actually ache because there's no hard brother meat thrusting in between them. And don't even get me started on how badly my cunt longs to be filled! Not to mention, I just miss seeing his face so bad!"

Amy added, "Me too on all that, especially the salivating thing. But don't forget the ass! Alan's going to FINALLY fuck me up the ass when he gets back!" She reached back with both hands and grabbed meaty handfuls of her plush posterior. "It's like waiting for Christmas morning. I can hardly even stand it! I love him and want him more than ever."

"I agree," Susan replied, amused and aroused by Amy's enthusiastic self-groping. "None of us are feeling that way at all. I don't know if I look like it on the surface, but on the inside I'm a total nervous wreck. I can't think of anything but how deeply he's going to plow me tonight. I've been more than daydreaming, I've been literally hallucinating about getting fucked by my son! I see visions of Tiger fucking me everywhere. When I look at a piece of furniture, sometimes all I can think of are the many ways Tiger can take me on it, and it becomes so real that it's like he's really there!"

Suzanne looked at her with concern.

Susan protested, "Don't look at me like that. We're not drugged or crazy. No. We're doing this because we love it! Come on, Suzanne. I know you're the same too. What's going on? What's making you doubt this perfect world we've created and say such ridiculous things? Wouldn't you love to suck on the Alan-sicle right about now?"

"Yeah, you got me there..." But Suzanne's fond vision of Alan's thick penis pumping in and out of her mouth was disturbed by a recollection of the conversation she'd had with Glory the afternoon before. She felt proud of the way she'd handled that situation, but at the same time there were things Glory had said that really rankled her. It had brought long-standing issues that she'd been mostly ignoring to the forefront of her mind, and they'd stayed there ever since. Yet she couldn't tell the truth about what Glory had said to the others, since her conversation with Glory had to remain a secret.

Suzanne thought for a bit, and then came up with a way she could tell the content of what was bothering her without naming names. "Okay. Truth be told, last night I had a dream. In the dream, I met a woman who was very smart and independent-minded, and actually much like myself. She knew everything I'd done sexually with everyone, and said to me, 'I shudder to think what goes on in the Plummer house.' Then she said, 'Have you no shame? Why would you all agree to such an arrangement? Don't drag me into that madness!'"

"And then when I think about that, it reminds me of the way I crawled on my hands and knees that one time, begging Sweetie to let me suck his cock. And then I wonder what's happened to me. I've pledged to be one of his sex slaves, for crying out loud! Where's my pride? Where's my dignity?"

Suzanne paused and sighed. "Alan is wonderful. There's no doubt about that. I love my Sweetie more than I love my own life. But I just feel ... strange. Lately, it feels like my entire purpose in life now is to please him and make him cum. And I love it, most of the time, but now that I've cleared my head a bit with his absence, I feel humiliated by it too. So I'm deeply conflicted. I don't want to change things, but I'm not really happy about things, either."

She looked around to all the others. "Do any of you understand how I feel? Am I the only one? I feel like my reaction is the normal one, and the Brenda reaction is not normal. No offense, Brenda. Again. Sorry. But don't any of you ever wonder about your dignity? Are you all so happy about this that you don't have ANY problems with The Pact we made? Like all these things Katherine says about living to serve as a fuck toy - there's so much more to life!"

Susan replied, "I know what you mean, Suzanne, and I know logically that I should react differently to the humiliation that my son effectively owns me now and that I'm merely one of his many big-titted sex pets, but I can't stay upset for long because thinking about that just makes me more aroused. I mean, my goodness! When my Tiger says 'Assume the position' and makes me get down on my knees naked as the day I was born and suck his magnificent throbbing cock until his sperm shoots down my throat, it just doesn't get any better than that! Well, it will tonight when he finally puts his motherfucking cock where it belongs, but that's another story!"

She sighed with longing, but didn't allow herself to get too distracted. "I guess that's the difference between dominants and submissives, and you're in a house full of subs. The fact is, I love The Pact. It's perfect."

Katherine and Brenda both nodded.

Brenda, in fact, still remained lying naked on the table with her ass up high. She couldn't be in a more humiliating position if she tried. She felt sad that she hadn't been included in The Pact, but she reminded herself that being the Plummer "house slave" could be even better.

Katherine felt the need to defend herself. "Look, Aunt Suzy... Mother. A person can have complete devotion and even submission to their partner and still get on with the rest of their life. Pleasing Brother makes me feel good AND gives me an endless number of mind-blowing orgasms, pretty much on a daily basis. But of course I still have ambitions to go to college and much more beyond that. I'm just determined to be near him from now on, is all. Maybe calling myself a 'fuck toy' is just one way I express my love for the man I know is my soulmate."

Suzanne nodded thoughtfully and turned to Amy to see her response.

Amy said, "Mother, I don't think I'm a domme or a sub. I just love sex. The way I figure, it's all gravy. Sex talk, like calling yourself his 'sex pet' or the like, doesn't that make you hot? It does for me. That doesn't mean I literally am one, like Brenda apparently is now. Sheesh! Yes, I've submitted myself to him, but we're part of a harem, and a harem has to have one undisputed master or else there will be chaos. That doesn't mean I think I'm less valuable than him. We all have our roles in this new kinda sex family life."

She added, "What is pride all about, anyways? I thought you told me pride is not a virtue. Why not just do whatever feels good instead of worrying about how other people would think about it? Because isn't that what pride and dignity is all about, looking good to others and holding your head up high? I don't see the point in that. We should just have fun and forget about all those fuddy-duddy bozo brains."

While Amy was surprisingly articulate, her mindset didn't gel with Suzanne's, so her comments didn't help much. Suzanne couldn't let go of her pride that easily.

Susan saw that and groped for something more useful to say. She started, "Now, according to the Big Tits Theory, women like us are made-"

Suzanne interrupted and said brusquely, "Please. Spare me your Big Tits Theory for once... Sorry. I know it means a lot to you, but..."

"No problem. Okay. Let's put it aside for a moment, even though I think we can learn a lot from it." Susan was going to explain why she enjoyed loving and serving her son, but she belatedly realized that was the last thing Suzanne wanted to hear at that moment.

She tried to find a more diplomatic yet still honest approach to take, and then said, "Let's look at The Pact and see what you've actually agreed to. The way I look at it, I may be my son's fuck toy and sex slave from now on, but he's just as deeply tied to me. Is there anything he wouldn't do for any of us? No. It's a cliché, but he would climb the highest mountain. Literally."

She added, "And who's pleasuring who? He lives for our sexual pleasure just as much as we live for his. The fact is, we're all one big happy family now. It's a communal thing. We talk about harems and being his sex slaves and fuck toys because some of us find those words sexy and arousing. But if you don't, we don't have to use those words around you. We already agreed yesterday to cut back on using the 'slave' word so his ego doesn't grow too big. Of course, that doesn't count for Brenda since no other word does her justice. But the important thing is, we all love each other, and we're all a team. We ALL gain from that, not just him. Don't you see that?"

That argument really hit home for Suzanne. She just stared for a few moments, and then answered, "Yes. Yes, I do see it. God, Susan, that makes me feel so much better." They hugged and kissed.

But Suzanne's feelings weren't completely mollified, and when the hug ended she said, "But there's more to it than that. It's not really a completely equal exchange, is it? Lately, I feel like, well, like the only thing that matters is to please him. It's like we've all joined the cult of Alan and we've all been brainwashed. My own needs mean nothing, even in my own mind. It doesn't matter if I cum, the only thing that matters is if a tasty load explodes out of his big, thick, juicy six-shooter. And I don't even have to be the target! I'll actually go around and find him someone to fuck, instead of me. Sometimes I look at a beautiful woman walking down the street and imagine how much more beautiful she'd look if her face and exposed tits were covered in his magnificent seed. My cunt starts to throb thinking about my Sweetie fucking HER! That's just weird! It's completely nonsensical."

"But is it really, Suzanne?" Susan asked with surprising confidence. "Look at Brenda. Would you have more or less sexual fun if Brenda wasn't a part of our group? Less, obviously. Sure, your holes are filled by Tiger a little less than before, but you more than make up for that with a remarkable new sex partner. And admit it: isn't sucking him off with someone else helping even MORE fun than doing it all on your own?"

Suzanne grinned as she thought about that, and some of the recent double blowjobs she'd been a part of. "Yeah. Most of the time, at least."

Susan nodded. "That's how I feel too. Besides, it seems the only types of new women coming into our harem are bisexual friendly, anyway. I don't think that's just a matter of luck. It's all part of God's plan. And the more you think only of making him cum, the more you end up cumming yourself. He's not going to be happy if you don't cum as much as possible, so you don't need to think of your own needs. You know I'm right!"

"Besides, Mother," Amy blurted out, "when was the last time your high and mighty pride and dignity made you, and everyone around you, deliriously happy and gave you great orgasms? I know it's not all about sex, but doesn't the sex make everything that much better? Look at Alan and me. Before we got sexual with each other, we were close, yeah, but we didn't talk to each other that much. We'd kind of drifted apart for a while. But now, not only is he my official boyfriend, but we're totally soulmates! We can talk about anything! Sex just makes EVERYTHING better!"

Susan grabbed her best friend's face with both hands, forcing Suzanne to look her in the eye. "Don't listen to me or to your rational mind; listen to your cunt. We all know that just as I have extra sensitive tits, you have an especially needy cunt. So what does your cunt think about The Pact?"

Suzanne directed her mental focus down towards her pussy. As if on cue, she felt a surge of tingly feeling coming from deep inside, quickly followed by a throbbing pull and an inner spurt of wetness. "She likes it," Suzanne admitted, blushing heavily, the way Susan used to. "She likes it a whole lot."

Susan smiled knowingly, stroking Suzanne's cheek lovingly with a single finger. She slipped her other hand inside Suzanne's clothes, heading for her slit. "Of course your cunt likes it. It's just like Amy said: it's all gravy. Look at Brenda. Her needs to serve and be spanked are going to make her, and all of us, much happier in the end."

Amy said, "Don't say that. You're getting me too excited!" She was lightly bouncing up and down on her toes, a ball of energy. "I just wish Alan would make ME happier in the end."

The others laughed at that play on words.

Susan pushed Suzanne's panties aside as she continued, "The more Brenda helps others, the more pleasure she has herself, and that means we all have more. Call it luck or whatever, but we really have a beautiful situation. It's gravy for everybody."

Susan slipped a finger into Suzanne's vagina and pumped slowly, creating some rather obscene squishing sounds. "When in doubt, listen to your cunt. That's what I do now, except that when I'm in doubt I listen to what my tits have to say."

Suzanne griped, "Hey, I know what you're doing: you're seducing me with your sneaky fingers."

Susan grinned impishly. "True, but so what? You're the one that taught me I need to listen to my body to fully understand my feelings. I'll bet you're feeling pretty frustrated right now, but wouldn't you feel better after you've spanked that tempting ass of Brenda's hanging in the air over there? My nipples in particular are thinking about that ass right now, and they haven't been wrong yet. Don't worry about if things add up to be exactly 100 percent equal. The point is, we'll all enjoy life so much more as a team. And I'm not just talking sexually. Look how many hands are ready to catch you if you fall. We're here for you, Suzanne. Always."

Suddenly, Suzanne broke down. She fell back into Susan's arms and began crying. "You're right. You're so right! I love you all!" She cried a little bit, but then quickly dried her tears.

Then she stood up. "Look at me. Pride has always been an issue with me. I can never even have a good cry because I have some crazy notion ingrained in me that crying is a sign of weakness somehow unbecoming for a modern woman. So I stop myself from crying even now, when I want to just let it all out. But I do feel much better anyway, thanks to you. I feel so loved, by all of you."

As she talked, she began taking off her clothes. "I'm going to work through my issues. This whole harem thing, it's so intense that I've shied away from the full implications of it. It's like the fear of standing at the top of a steep mountain slope and hesitating to ski down it. But I'm going to dive down, full speed ahead. I don't care about the words we call things. The important thing is, let's all love each other to the fullest!"

Amy hooted "Yeay!" and started a "yeay" cheer.

The others joined in, clapping and hooting while Suzanne finished undressing with an increasingly dramatic flair.

The sultry redhead threw off the last few items like a stripper and then flung them across the room. She thought, Everyone in this room is crazy, but what the hell. That's one reason why I love 'em. We do have so much fun!


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