6 Times a Day

Chapter 932 Good Lord! [HYPERION SPONSORED]

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While no one wanted to ruin the sexy mood with talk about Ron, Amy very much did want to talk about her father, now that the mention of Ron reminded her of him. "Mom, what about Dad? I'm talking about Eric. What's going to happen to him? It's weird. You and I practically live here now. And I hate to say this, because it's really mean, but..."

Suzanne completed Amy's thought. "You're not all that fond of your father."

"Well, I wouldn't go that far, exactly. I mean, that sounds mean. He's my dad and all, and I should love him, and I do, but..."

Again Suzanne elaborated, "But he's never there for you. He hasn't been for years. He's been married to money for ages, now. His company is his family more than his real family is. It's almost as if someone were to ask him about his kids, he'd have to stop and try to remember how many he had and what their names are. No, Amy, don't feel bad. He's been lost to us for years now. It's just a matter of... your... of our..."

Surprisingly, Amy interrupted, anticipating Suzanne's next thought. "Brad. I love my brother. I mean, he is a bit weird, but then so am I. He'd be totally bummed if the family split up." She put her hand on her chin and pondered.

Thanks to the weighty topic, all four females remained physically disengaged from each other.

"'Bummed' is an understatement, Honey Pie. Yeah, that's the problem. Brad. What to do about him? He's an innocent bystander in all of this. In fact, I've done him wrong and I feel terrible about that. I haven't been there for him these past couple of months. Heck, years. It really hurts me to think that I could be failing him as a mother and even hurting him."

Susan noted, "But not enough to spend more time with him. You could turn that around any time, you know."

"I know." Suzanne sighed heavily. "But what would he and I say to each other? We have nothing in common anymore. Plus, the lure of this house is far too strong. It's like a drug. Literally! The scent of sex in the air here hooks me just like a drug, and whenever I'm here I feel so free, so high, so happy. Liberated! Loved. Brad's off in his own world. He doesn't want the family to break up, but he doesn't make any effort to keep it together. I feel like I've lost him."

The subject of including Brad in their sexual world had come up before and been rejected. The idea of involving him in their incestuous fun wasn't even considered anymore, because The Pact expressly stated they would touch no other man. They all remained lost in thought for some moments, considering other options.

After a long pause, Amy said, "I know what you mean, Mother. I love my brother, but he's kinda so distant lately. I can't get into his stuff, like football, cars, and fishing, like, at all! And he can't get into my stuff: art, cheerleading, dolphins, nudity..."

Katherine humorously completed Amy's list: "Getting fucked by Alan, getting titfucked by Alan, sucking Alan's cock all day long, bending your sweet ass over so Alan can fuck it..."

"Oh yeah," Amy agreed, as she started to rub her own ass cheeks. "You totally know my favorite super special hobbies!" She giggled. "Hey Sis, tell me more about what it's like to get your ass fucked by our brother's raging butt-stuffer. Tell us all again how he took your anal cherry!"

The group was extremely easily distracted by any sexual thought or action, but Suzanne played the responsible one as usual and completely ignored Amy's last comments to keep the conversation on topic. "Obviously, I have to divorce Eric. The only man for me is Alan. Hell, I wasn't even kissing Eric before... this whole thing started with Alan. But should I divorce him now, or wait until Brad has graduated from high school? That's my big dilemma."

"That's only six months or so away if you wait," Susan pointed out. "That wouldn't be so bad."

"No, it's not so bad, in theory. But in reality I don't know how much longer I can stand it. Amy and I should move in here right away. Otherwise, it's going to drive me crazy, sleeping in the same house with Eric - although thank God we have separate bedrooms - while knowing that the man I love is over here sleeping with you, Susan, and you, Katherine. Or more to the point, NOT sleeping with you while he's sharing your beds, fucking you all night long with that rampant, ever ready, penis of his. Amy's free to spend the night here whenever she wants to."

She went on, "But the worst thing is the danger. We all should move away from here as soon as we can for that reason alone. What if Brad or Eric were to stumble upon us one day? It's so easy just to walk over here and wander in though the side gate between our houses. Even as we speak, one of them could come home unexpectedly and peek through Amy's window to see if we're over here. And what would they see if they look down onto the pool area? All four of us naked and the two teens sucking on Susan's boobs! That would raise some eyebrows, to say the least. Jesus!"

"But we'd hear the car come up first," Amy pointed out, still ever so slightly massaging her own tingly ass. "I'm always totally listening for the car."

"Yeah, but in six months there's bound to be at least one unlucky break. Honey Pie, maybe I should divorce him now and you and I can find a place of our own. We have to protect our new family."

"No," Amy answered. "That could be worse. I mean, in the movies, people hire private detectives and stuff during messy divorces. It would be even more dangerous to do that than to keep going. He might even think you're divorcing him because you have a thing for Aunt Susan, and get all snoopy about that. Or maybe he'd think and wonder about other reasons why you're over here, like 24-7." Amy had obviously given these issues a lot of thought, which Suzanne found somewhat surprising.

"You're right. I've lost my analytical and scheming edge lately. My cunt seems to do all my thinking for me. Damn. He could do that even if I don't bring up a divorce. I really should put in more face time at home, and especially be with Brad some more, but it's just so hard to stay away from here. I'm such a bad mother."

Susan consoled her friend, "No, you're not. It's just fate has it that your children are more Amy, Katherine, and Alan than they are Brad. Brad was the one who withdrew from you, long before all this sexual stuff started. You've been complaining about how he's been lost to you for at least a solid two years now. Anyway, we should really hear from Tiger on the divorce idea. He is the man of the house now, after all."

Suzanne sighed again, but more of a fond sigh, as she thought of Alan. "You're right. My Sweetie is more of a mature man than my husband ever was, even though Sweetie is still in high school. You know what it's like? It's like he's a husband to all of us, and we're all his dutiful wives."

Susan really liked that. Her eyes lit up and the arousal was plain to see on her face. "His wives and mothers and nympho sex slaves, all in one," she corrected, a bit breathlessly. "Or sisters, for Amy and Angel. Oh, and pretend I didn't say 'slave.' I can't even follow my own rules. But you're right. I feel like he's my husband. Oh God, that makes me so hot! That, and your fingers."

Suzanne also had gotten so excited by the thought of being Alan's wife that she couldn't help herself and pushed a finger up Susan's still sopping pussy again. She tried not to show it most of the time, but many of the same things that excited Susan often excited her.

Susan held very little back. "Can you just imagine? I'm getting divorced now. What if Alan wants to marry me?! Fuck, that's a turn-on. Marrying his own mother! I could wear white and he could fuck me in my wedding dress!"

"God, that makes me so hot!" Katherine shouted. She immediately dove back into Susan's chest and rubbed her face all over her mother's ample bosom. Then she resumed sucking with fervor.

Amy waited until the other nipple was free and then dove in, too.

The idea of marrying Alan obviously was extremely arousing for all four of them.

"Like mother, like daughter," Suzanne chuckled, amused that Katherine unwittingly used Susan's new catchphrase. But she answered truthfully, "You're totally turning me on, except that I'm imagining him marrying ME instead!"

The mothers both laughed while the daughters sucked. "And why not?" Suzanne added, a bit more seriously. "Once I get a divorce, my Sweetie and I could get married and we wouldn't even have to keep it a secret."

Katherine and Amy pulled away from Susan's massive mammaries and spoke at once. "Hey!" Then they said in tandem, "He's going to marry ME instead!" Looking at each other, they laughed at their identical reactions.

Amy cried "Jinx!" and then they started tickling each other. Their heads repeatedly bounced into Susan's pillowy boobs in a bumper-car style as they joshed around.

Suzanne spoke to Susan, since she was the only one now paying serious attention. "I know he isn't going to marry someone so much older when there's so many tasty younger vixens for him, especially these two, but it's a great fantasy anyway. But let's not just imagine. Instead of sitting here feeling horny, why don't we dig out our wedding dresses and do some role-playing?"

Susan put her hands on the heads of her two daughters, stilling them a bit. "Oh, you know I'd love to, but I feel obliged to refrain from anything sexual today, well, not counting inducing my lactation. I think we all should. You hear that, girls?" Her hands on each of their heads gently tapped them to better get their attention. "Remember how we said last night that we'd take it easy while he was gone? I think at least one sex free day would do us all some good. For me it'll be the first time in ... well, I don't know how long. But a long time."

Amy moaned, "Awww. Party pooper. I've been on the verge of like a really, really, REALLY big climax for like ten minutes already." She and Katherine stopped their tickle attacks on each other. They turned their attention back to Susan's tits and began licking, hoping to talk Susan out of this new "no orgasms" idea with some skilled tandem nipple stimulation.

Suzanne smiled wryly. "Meet the new Susan, same as the old Susan. Always stopping us from having sex. But I'll go along with you on this one, and we all should. Especially Susan. My dear friend, think how horny you'll be by Sunday night. Going two days without an orgasm for you will be like going two years without for most normal people. It'll make your first time even more incredible."

"God willing, it'll be Sunday night," Susan pointed out. "But he could be tired out, or even sick. Or hurt! Oh dear. I worry about him so. What if I have to wait until Monday? Or even later?! I pray not. But I'll definitely abstain until he's ready." She cried out loud with glee, nearly orgasmically, "My next orgasm is going to be with my son's magnificent penis thrust deep inside me!"

After a few more licks on Susan's nipple, Amy reluctantly said, "M'kay. No more orgasms. After I have this one. I'm so close to bursting! Kat, will you go down on me?"

"Now, girls," Susan chided. "Think of Alan. He's out there right now on some lonely, windswept island. Those Channel Islands don't even have trees. He's going to have to go the WHOLE DAY without a single fuck! Not even a single handjob! There isn't a single woman on the island to even flash her bouncy tits or show him a beaver shot, for God's sake. My heart goes out to him. The way he must be suffering, with his balls building up with such a huge load of cum until they're ready to burst and no one to help out... It's almost more than I can bear to think about! If he can endure that kind of hardship, so can we. Are we in this together, or not?"

"Mmmmm'kaaaayyyy..." Amy agreed reluctantly. "No more lactation help for you then, at least not till I can take a cold shower. Grrr." That gave her an idea. She stood up, took off her wire half-bra, and dove into the pool.

Katherine showed no sign of talking, but just kept on suckling on her mother's nipple while watching Amy swim.

Finally Susan asked, "What about you, Angel? Are you with us on this one?"

Katherine eventually pulled off the nipple to talk. "Of course, Mom. My sole sexual purpose is to love and serve my brother. That's what fuck toys do." She bent forward to resume sucking, but then pulled back as a new thought hit her. "But Amy is right that we should stop for now, or both you and I are going to break our vows as soon as we've made them... Hey Mom? I know you're gonna want Sunday night all alone with Brother, right?"

"Yes," Susan replied dreamily. "Him. Me. The bed. All alone. Candlelight. Soft music. Incense. Making slow but insistent, deep, overflowing love..."

Katherine lazily traced shapes on her mother's tits while she imagined the scene. "Mom, it'll definitely be special, but I was thinking. What are the rest of us going to do? Are we going to just sit and twiddle our thumbs in another room? I mean, WE'RE going to be all worked up too! It's going to be cruel waiting. You get him all evening while we're still going to have to wait a whole 'nother day. And it's been days of deprivation already!"

"Hmmm. I never thought about that. I'm sorry, Angel."

"Yeah, but I was thinking. What if we record the whole thing? Isn't it something you'd want taped for posterity? Ten years from now, you're going to want to look back and fondly relive your first real fuck. I'm thinking we can set up video cameras all over the house, and record all kinds of stuff! Wouldn't that be great?"

"It would," Susan replied hesitantly. "But it is kind of unethical..." She turned to Suzanne for guidance. "What do you think, Mother?"

Suzanne had moved away from the others to get out of the bright sun and protect her pale skin. She seemed to be frowning and staring off into space, and didn't give a quick reply.

So Katherine continued, "Mom, just think about Alan taking a shower. Imagine that you can't be in there with him, but you can watch the shower any time you want. Imagine him covering his cock with soapy suds, stroking it over and over with his hands. But then, wait! Who's that walking into the picture? That's me! We can't allow him to touch himself there when there are soft, feminine hands always at the ready. Not to mention, hands are never enough when there's eager lips and tongues! Before long, he's fucking my face, and you can get off watching it, live, even while you're getting dressed up in your bedroom!"

Susan was obviously getting into Katherine's scenario, as her bare breasts were starting to heave and tremble.

"But wait! Who's that?" Katherine paused for dramatic effect. "Is there someone else walking into the picture? Why, yes... It's you, Mom! You got so excited in your room watching that yummy fuck stick getting ready to splooge all over your daughter's face that you want a piece of that load for yourself! So you come on over and join in. Together we show Alan how his cock needs to be treated. We're a mother-daughter cocksucking team! Then, instead of explaining to Suzanne later what you did and masturbating over it like you always do, you two can watch the video!"

"Wow. You sold me," Susan answered, her eyes glazed over with lust.

Katherine was getting into her own fantasy. She sat up on her haunches and spoke as if she were really in the middle of getting her face fucked. She looked around and saw Susan's breasts heaving. Amy was bouncing up and down excitedly as she frigged herself in the shallows of the pool, and Suzanne watched everyone else with thinly veiled amusement. Life was very good.

Katherine returned to lightly stroking Susan's breasts, while her own swayed all over in their size-enhancing half-bra cups. She correctly assumed the tits she held were her mother's most sexually-vulnerable spots, so she knew her stroking would help seal the decision.

"But wait. There's more," she went on. "There's one special place we all know Alan's cock belongs. Your cunt! Our mutual sucking and licking has turned him into a wild man! He throws you against the shower wall, and with water pouring all over you he invades your cunt with his mommy-loving monster tool! Wham! Wham! Wham! He's fucking you into the wall!"

Susan's body twitched violently with each "wham" that came out of her daughter's mouth. She was fully living the moment.

Katherine sped up her description, growing more excited every moment. She bounced up and down on her heels as if she were the one getting fucked. "You're helpless! We all are! There's nothing you can do except experience the fucking of your life! He tosses you around like a rag doll with each powerful, cum-filled thrust! His cockhead is going to explode with fertile seed at any moment! He's gonna drown you in his life-creating sperm! It's all so hot that I can't just stand by and watch, so I have to attack your lips with kisses and maul your tits like I'm gonna tear 'em off! I squeeze 'em so hard that milk is squirting everywhere, covering Alan in your white, creamy love! But he's gonna fill you up even more with his own thick white cum!"

Susan's only response was a series of little happy squeaks that arrived faster and faster.

Suzanne couldn't help but get swept up in the excitement as well, but she felt obliged to walk over and tap Katherine on the shoulder, distracting her. She made a frown that indicated Katherine should cut off her story before Susan climaxed. After all, Susan had vowed not to climax while Alan was gone. Then she retreated ten feet back to her spot below a tree, slightly annoyed that she'd had to be the orgasm police.

Katherine's voice had been getting increasingly ragged, but she calmed herself down a bit. She'd had Susan right on the edge. But then she looked at Suzanne's stern face, turned back to Susan and calmly asked, "So. Wouldn't you like to capture all of that on video?"

"Yes! Yes! More!" Susan screamed. "Somebody get the dildos!"

But again Suzanne rained on the parade, much to her own annoyance. She waved her hand in the air and snapped her fingers to get Susan's attention. "No. No orgasms until our Sweetie gets back home, remember? That was your idea."

"Wha...? Oh. Yeah? Damn." Susan just panted for a while until her close encounter with ecstasy had passed. "Fuck, Angel. That was good. You know all my buttons. Bottom line is, a BIG thumbs up on the video recording idea!" She thrust both of her thumbs up into the air to show how enthusiastically she approved, even as her chest heaved while she panted for air. "Is everyone else with me?"

The others all thrust their thumbs up too. Even Amy had her head above water and gave a thumbs up from the middle of the swimming pool. There was happy laughter all around.

Once Susan was fully off her sexual high, she said, "Suzanne, thanks for saving me from breaking my abstinence vow. What a great friend. Where would I be without you?"

Suzanne thought to herself, Where indeed? You certainly wouldn't be having sex with your son, and none of this would have happened if it wasn't for me. But that's a secret I'll never be able to tell. And yet I worry about these three beauties. Why do I always have to be the responsible one and keep their excesses in check? I wish I could be the one to cut loose and have someone else catch me, just for once.

Suzanne realized that bringing up the idea of mutual help would actually be a good response to Susan's question. "No problem, but please do the same for me. I have my weak moments, just like everyone else. We can be strong for each other and police each other, but we also have to police and discipline ourselves too. And that goes for you two young vixens as well, my daughters."

"M'kay!" Amy easily agreed as she splashed around in the water.

Katherine asked, "Life is going to be so much fun, don't you think, Mom? Even more than before."


"I wonder what Alan's doing right now," Amy said out of the blue. She swam to the side of the pool closest to Susan and looked up at her with worry.

"I'm sure he's doing fine," Susan said reassuringly, although wrinkles appeared on her forehead.

"I hope so," Amy replied uncertainly. "He's probably worrying a lot about what's going to happen with Glory on Monday, though." Then she brightened. "I hope he found my picture in his bag and liked it!"

Katherine laughed. "Aims, you only told us that a thousand times already today!"

Susan laughed too, because it was true. Amy had put a picture she drew of herself in his backpack, and was dying of curiosity to find out if he'd found it. And certainly Alan had Glory on his mind, though no one wanted to bring up that delicate topic at the moment.

Susan went on, "Now, here's a plan. I'm going to take a dip in the pool to cool my libido a bit. But then, what can I do to get you two kids to suckle on my nipples some more?"


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