6 Times a Day

Chapter 929 Brenda To The Mix [HYPERION SPONSORED]

HYPERION [ 1 / 10 ]


Suzanne thought, Wow! I've kind of created a monster! Way back when, when I selected her to join us, I could tell she was submissive, but I never thought she'd be THIS submissive! But hey, if it makes her happy, why not roll with it? I'll bet Susan will love spending her days working with Brenda instead of alone. We could all exercise together, tan together, and make love together. And that's all before Sweetie even gets home! Yeah, this could be an excellent development, as long as she doesn't hog too much of his time.

That's why I need to make sure she's busy with Adrian most of the time Alan is home. Also, that'll help burn up a lot of her sexual energy. She can be really overwhelming if taken in large doses.

Brenda struck a more provocative pose, with her arms stretched out, and then looked down on herself. "Look at me! Look at my body. I love being naked like this in front of all of you, even though it's constantly humiliating for me. This is who I am. It's damn obvious to me that I was never meant to live a normal life. By chance or fate or whatever, I have a body that's built for sex! And I have a mindset made for total submission. I can try to fight that, like I did for most of my life, and suffer for it, or I can give in and live a life of total bliss! It's not even a close contest. My only worry is that my master and the four of you won't understand, won't want me, and won't let me live my dream."

Suzanne wanted some clarification. "So what are you saying, exactly? Are you making a proposal?"

"Yes, I guess I am. Now that you've signed The Pact, I crave a pact of my own. Something without the family part, but with even MORE of the enslavement part! I want my enslavement to Master Alan to be permanent and irrevocable. I know I can't be true family like you four are, but I hope I can kind of become part of the family by being the house slave."

Susan asked, "But what about your seduction of Adrian? I've had my doubts about that plan, but I've come to believe that he has a vital psychological need for that, or else he'll just keep on spiraling down and down. He's not my son, but you've talked a lot about him and I worry about him."

Brenda said, "True, that's a concern. Obviously, I'm highly conflicted. My devotion for my master grows by the day, it seems, but I also love my son and would do absolutely anything for him. The key for me is that Master Alan approves of me having sex with Adrian and has kind of ordered me to do it. So, in that way, even as I fuck Adrian I'll be obeying the wishes of my true master. Besides, the way I look at it, sex with Adrian is a kind of therapy for him. Eventually, he'll develop the skills and confidence to be with a girl close to his own age. Then they'll fall in love, allowing me to move on."

Suzanne said, "That sounds good, in theory, but I'm sure it's going to be a lot trickier than that in practice. For instance, what if Adrian gets so hooked on you that he refuses to show any interest in anyone else? Or what will happen when Alan goes to college next year, probably in the Bay Area?"

Suzanne was going to ask more hypothetical questions, but before she could, Brenda responded, "Regarding your first question, we'll just have to work hard to help him see the light. It's a must, because I won't be able to split my sexual energies between two men for long. It's not natural. A slave cannot serve two masters! Even though Aidy isn't the master type, you know what I mean, I'm sure. As for your second question, time will tell. We'll need to see if we can come to an arrangement that will benefit and fulfill all of us. I'm confident that we will, and that I'll find a way to become a part of your group without actually being a part of your immediate family."

Amy prodded, "And?"

"And what?"

Amy asked, "And if everything is hunky dory, then what'll you do when Alan moves to Berkeley? 'Cos we both know the odds are pretty good he'll end up going there."

Katherine said heatedly, "He's not going alone, that's for sure! What about me?! If he's moving, I'm moving too!"

Amy continued, "M'kay, point taken, Kat. Me too." She shared a loving smile with her best friend. "But still, Brenda, what about you?"

Brenda responded carefully, with great consideration. "I'll admit that's a difficult situation, since Aidy still has school here. But he doesn't have any good friends, and a change of scene would do him good. He could start all over, with a blank slate, free from the bullies and his reputation as a wimp. I'd have to talk it over with him, but in my mind at least, it's a no-brainer that we'd move. How could I not follow my master wherever he may go?!"

Suzanne narrowed her gaze and stared intently at Brenda. Hrm. Interesting. She acts sincere, and I believe she really is. She hasn't been devoted to Sweetie for long, but her feelings for him are strong, very strong. The submissive urge can be a very powerful force, I'm starting to realize. She's not just a flash in the pan in his life, that's for sure!

Suzanne pointed out, "You know, those are just a couple of questions. What you're asking is fraught with difficulty. We still don't know you that well, and you don't know us that well."

Brenda said, "That's not exactly true. You're right that I don't know most of you well... yet. I'm sure that'll change soon. But Susan and I have gotten VERY close. We talk on the phone every day, and they're not short calls. Because of the sexual intimacy we share, we talk about everything. We discuss all our deepest desires and greatest secrets. Already, I feel closer to her than any other friend I've ever had, by far, and we're getting closer all the time!"

Suzanne knew that Susan and Brenda had been bonding with their phone calls, but she hadn't been keeping close track of how often or for how long they talked, or what they talked about. She looked to Susan. "Is that true?"

Susan replied, "It is. Suzanne, you're my very best friend, and you always will be. But aside from you, I've never felt as close to any other woman around my age than Brenda since, well... ever! We think alike on so many levels that it's almost uncanny. It's true that most of the time, heck, probably 90 percent or more of the time, Brenda and I talk about extremely sexual things. But even so, we talk so much that I already know more about her than any of my other friends except for you."

Suzanne was somewhat surprised, but not that surprised. She knew that Susan and Brenda did make for natural friends due to all their similarities, especially their shared submissive lust and love for Alan. That had been one reason why she'd encouraged their friendship from the very beginning. She just hadn't realized how fast things had developed. I'm a bit jealous, but that's a good thing and a healthy thing if they've become really close friends. They can relate on submissive matters in a way I simply cannot. Susan really needs someone to support and validate her lifestyle by living the same way. Angel comes close, but it's different having an outsider feel like you do.

Suzanne asked Susan, "So, would you want her here with you much of the day, nearly every single day? Think about what a massive change that would be for you. For all of us!"

Susan nodded gravely. "I know. Brenda and I haven't talked about this before, so I'm as shocked by her proposal as the rest of you. But, frankly, I would welcome this with open arms. Remember that I grew up with five sisters, one brother, two parents, and other various extended family members coming and going. I love a house full of loved ones. I've hated being alone while the kids are at school. Now, with Tiger's growing harem, I feel that things are moving back to the hustle and bustle of a house full of love and family. I couldn't be happier about it!"

She concluded, "I think Brenda will fit right in with that. If we have trouble, well, that's when I can use my authority as her mistress and tell her 'not today' or whatever the case may be. So, although this is a bold experiment, I think it has a high likelihood of success."

Katherine asked, "Mom, what about your boob size jealousy? Everybody knows about that."

Susan responded, "True, that's still there, but I'm not a petty person, or at least I don't think I am. That's a pretty small issue in the grand scheme of things. The more Brenda and I get to know each other and bond about all sorts of other things, the more that'll fade into the background. To be honest, I hardly think about that anymore."

Susan added, "I know Brenda has only been a part of what we're doing for about a month. That's not long. But she knows about our incest secrets and totally approves. In fact, she knows all our secrets and is in complete agreement with everything! How amazing is that? The truth is, she's already faced every major challenge with us due to our harem lifestyle, and she's just grown closer every step of the way. Frankly, I don't see how things can go wrong at this point, after we overcame all those major hurdles."

Katherine commented to Suzanne and Amy, "She makes a pretty strong argument. What are the odds of finding someone else who fits into our world as well as Brenda does? Physically, mentally, emotionally... it all fits."

Suzanne asked Katherine with an intense gaze, "So, you're in favor of her having a big daily presence in our lives? And even having her submit herself fully to Alan and call him 'Master?'"

"I am." Katherine looked to Brenda. "I don't know you well yet, but I like what I do know, and I trust Mom's judgment about you. Plus, you've impressed me with your dedication and passion for serving Brother's cock. And yeah, I get jealous too, but that's petty stuff, just like Mom says. Besides, I'm hoping you can lead the way."

Seeing the others didn't understand what she meant by that last statement, she explained, "Brenda, if you call Alan 'Master' and he comes to accept it, then it'll be much, much easier for us to call him 'Master' and have him accept that too. With you pushing the submissiveness envelope, it won't be long before he REALLY accepts me as his fuck toy. Not just as a sexy term or a prolonged game, like he thinks it is, but as a way of life! That's my great hope, anyway."

Suzanne looked to Amy. "What about you, Honey Pie? You've been pretty quiet."

Amy replied, "Well, I'm in favor, pretty much. It's kind of a weird thing. Brenda, I never saw you in my overall... Well, just, you know... You're kinda all unexpected-y. None of us really knew you a couple of months ago, and Alan still doesn't really love you. But... I think he will. And that's the key thing. We do have a genuine harem here, I think, and the only way that kind of thing is gonna work is if we're all bound together by love."

She continued, while staring deeply into Brenda's eyes, "Do you fit in with us? I don't know. I don't really understand you yet. There just hasn't been time for me to get to know you well. But, that said, I have a good feeling. I think it's worth a try." She smiled her usual winning Amy smile. "It would be cool to have one more in our gang. Not just anybody, mind you, but a special kind of person, someone we can have sexy fun with, someone we can all love like family, whether we call it 'family' or not. I really hope it'll work out and that you do find your special place with us!"

Brenda beamed. "Thanks a lot, Amy. That means a lot. Believe me, there's nothing I would love more! Right now, my true family is basically Adrian, Anika, and me. But that's a small family. In a couple of years, Adrian will become a man and go off to college. Anika's already reaching her retirement years. I still love them both more than words can say, but there's plenty of room for more love in my life, more special friends and loved ones. I can't think of a better group of people than you all right here - plus Master Alan, of course. It would be a dream come true for me to become 'one of the gang!' And to have that, AND be sexually enslaved to Master Alan? That would be like Heaven on Earth for me, for real!"

The five of them continued to discuss the issue more, much more. They went at it for two solid hours. It was clear from the start that all of them were in favor of Brenda's general idea, but there were a lot of factors and possible problems to consider. Additionally, Brenda explained her dream lifestyle to them in much more detail, that of spending as much time as possible as the Plummer house slave. From there, she wound up explaining her motivations and way of thinking. That led to her explaining much more about her life, personality, and background for those who didn't know yet, which was basically everyone other than Susan.

All the while, Brenda stayed naked. She preferred it that way. She explained that was exactly the sort of thing she craved in her life, being treated in a manner that Alan and Suzanne especially seemed to have a natural knack for.

Ultimately, they decided to give Brenda's proposal to be the "house slave" a try. However, they agreed she should start slowly and take things day by day before making any firm commitment. As a result, they chose not to attempt to codify anything into a signed document like The Pact. The situation was still evolving, so such a codification was premature. It would be much safer to wait a few weeks and see if Susan especially was happy with having Brenda around so much.

Furthermore, it was decided not to tell Alan about this development yet. That was a heated debate amongst the four women (with Brenda sitting it out). However, in the end, they felt that the group was steadily and inexorably heading towards becoming a true harem, with Alan as master and the women as sex slaves, even though he was still in denial most of the time. They figured it was best to keep moving in that direction and make it a fait accompli instead of trying to argue with him about it. Bringing up the issue of Brenda as "house slave" might cause him to address the whole master and slave issue prematurely, before he had come to accept what everyone else wanted in that regard.

Brenda left the house in time to have a late dinner back at her own house. Curiously, there had been no sexual activity in Chez Plummer, even though Brenda stayed naked the entire time. She didn't mind though, because she was mentally and emotionally exhausted after the extensive, serious discussion. Besides, nobody was in a very frisky mood with Alan gone.

Brenda was very satisfied. As she drove home, she thought, That went much better than I had any right to hope for! I'm not completely surprised, since those women are such wonderful people. Gaawwwd, I think I'm falling in love with all of them! Seriously! I love absolutely everything about that house and all the people in it, especially Master Alan! I've been hanging on by my fingernails, hoping against hope that I could become part of Alan's sexy world, and now it's happening, for real!

God! I can't even breathe, it's all so exciting! Sure, there are going to be problems, big problems, but I'm confident we'll overcome them all. I think those ladies, as wonderful as they are, don't understand the depth of my commitment to this lifestyle and to my master. This is my foot in the door to live the life of my greatest dream. I'm not going to screw it up for anything!


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