6 Times a Day

Chapter 922 Alan And Suzanne [Victor Setelo Sponsored]

Victor Setelo Special [9 / 15]


Then Alan turned to Suzanne. "So that leaves you. We should call you ... what? An independent woman. A nympho. That's a good word we all like. You know, Aunt Suzy, that I'll love you just as much as ever, no matter what I call you. I like Amy's take. Words are just words. Let's not get hung up on them."

Suzanne was feeling the heat now. She still wanted to be as close to Alan as everyone else, but now she felt like she was being put in a position with an asterisk next to her name. She felt the others were all establishing relationships that she couldn't be a part of because of her objection to terms like "fuck toy" and "sex slave." But she didn't want to be left out. Her mind frantically scrambled to think. She said, "Wait a minute. Hold on a second, here."

Alan stood silently and waited, but some moments passed and Suzanne didn't say anything more. He finally prompted her, "What is it, Aunt Suzy?"

She said, "I'm not crazy about your terms, but I hold a similar commitment in my heart. To all of you. For instance, I'm willing to say that starting from today, as long as I have you to love, I'll never touch another man. Not even my husband. I don't care! We're already sleeping in different beds and haven't had sex for years and years, but he'll have to understand that he's not even to touch me! Hell, I haven't touched another man since I got involved with you in any case."

Alan pressed, "Will you divorce him too, if I ask you to?"

She found her heart suddenly pounding wildly. "I will, but only if it's my SON who asks me. So I'll do it, if you're willing to really call me 'Mother.' Your second mother. If you'll agree to be my son, I'll be happy to be called 'fuck toy' or 'sex slave' or anything else."

Suzanne said these words resolutely, but she didn't know where they were coming from. It was as if they came straight from her subconscious. She was completely surprised. But in fact, this had been her secret deep desire for a long time. She hadn't allowed herself to consciously think such thoughts because of fears it might mean she was trying to usurp Susan's place. Yet now that she said them, it was like a huge load was lifted from her heart, much like an emotionally tortured, closeted gay person feeling tremendous relief upon confessing his or her homosexuality.

She panted with relief and anticipation, and stared at Alan with hope and fear. There was nothing she wanted more in life than for him to agree to this idea. She held her breath.

Alan pondered the idea, and looked back and forth between Susan and Suzanne. Then he looked over at Katherine and Amy. All of them were very anxious to see what he would say, but he couldn't really make out their feelings on the matter from their facial expressions.

Finally he looked back to Susan. "Mom, Aunt Suzy's idea is in no way meant to be a replacement for you. She's talking about being a second mother. You're my number one mom and always will be. But Aunt Suzy has essentially been my second parent for years. Don't you agree?"

Susan thought about that. My goodness! Suzanne as his second mother? That would make her my sister, wouldn't it? ... YES! It's so right! We're all meant to be family! God must be shining His love upon all of us today!

She gave him a great big smile that lit up the room.

He turned his eyes back to Suzanne. "I think it's time that we formally recognize that fact... Don't you agree, Mother?"

Chills ran up and down Suzanne's spine to hear Alan call her "mother." She jumped at him and gave him a huge bear hug. "Yes! Oh, yes! Son! My son! Did you hear that? Did everyone hear that? He called me mother!" She showered him with kisses, and he kissed back.

Their lips locked in a barn burner of a kiss.

But he pulled away faster than he would have wanted to, because he had to confirm that this was okay with the others, especially Susan and Amy. With Suzanne still draped around him in a loose hug (and happily holding his erection), he asked, "What do you think, Mom? I won't agree with this unless you approve. Are you ready for Aunt Suzy to be your sister?"

Susan was looking uncertain, but her eyes lit up at that. "Sister? I was hoping it would mean that. Sister! I love the sound of that!" She turned to Suzanne and went forward and took Alan's place in an embrace with her best friend. "Suzanne, of course you have my permission. You're his second mother, now. And my sister!"

The two women hugged and giggled like overexcited schoolgirls. Alan was temporarily forgotten while both of them thought about taking their best friends and lovers relationship to an even deeper level.

As Susan ran her hands down Suzanne's bare back, she reached the top of Suzanne's skirt. Annoyed, she yanked it down and then clutched her ass cheeks with both hands while they continued to kiss and gab excitedly.

Suzanne looked over where Amy and Katherine were standing. "And that makes me Angel's second mother, too! Is that okay with you Angel?"

The topless teen girl walked up to the two nude mothers, and hugged them together. She said to Suzanne, "Of course! Call me 'Daughter' now, Mom!"

Katherine felt so euphoric that she had to fight back tears of joy. She wanted to whisper to Suzanne that she'd always felt like Suzanne was her second mother, even back when she was a little girl, but she felt a bit awkward doing that with Susan close enough to even hear a whisper.

Alan looked over at Amy who was feeling left out, and along with him the only ones not in on the hug. He said, "Aims, what are you waiting for? Join the hug. If your mother is our mother, then that makes our mom your mom too. And now Kat and I have a new sister!"

"Oh! Cool! M'kay! Wow!" She ran forward and hugged Alan, and then went and hugged Katherine.

Soon Amy and Katherine were jumping up and down about being sisters in the exact same way that Susan and Suzanne were a minute before.

But as she hugged, Amy asked Alan, "But if I'm kind of your sister, can I still be your official girlfriend, even though we're committing incest?"

"Of course, Aims. We'd have to kind of keep the sister thing secret from kids at school. But in my mind, you're not just kind of my sister, you really are my sister and Aunt Suzy is my mother. One of them, I mean. It's been that way all along, hasn't it? We're just making it official now."

"Oh Beau!" Amy gushed as she pulled Alan into the hug she was sharing with her new sister. She squeezed him so tight that he could hardly breathe. One of her hands naturally went to his stiff erection, but she discovered Katherine's hand had beat her to it. Happily, Katherine made room so they could both stroke it.

Everyone seemed to be bouncing between this and that hug, but finally all five of them merged into one great big embrace.

A big group hug went on for a minute or two. There was a lot of kissing going on, and a few more items of clothing fell by the wayside somehow. Now, all four women were buck naked except for their high heels, while Alan was still fully dressed in T-shirt and pants, except that his pants had slid down and his hard-on and balls were completely exposed. Or they would have been had it not been for all the hands. It seemed like a dozen different hands were trying to hold on to Alan's erection at the same time, and yet more were on his balls, that wasn't so far from the truth. But the hug slowly broke up.

Alan was the first to pull away. He looked around at the four women now standing happily before him. He chuckled as he realized that he was the only one wearing any clothes. He found it strangely empowering.

He was still conscious of the time, and gave another short speech as his four nude beauties stood right before him. "I'm so happy and in love with all of you. I can't tell how much it means to me to get this kind of support and love from all four of you after everything that's happened lately, especially considering what went down with Glory today. This just feels so right, doesn't it? We should have done this years ago, because this is really our natural family! Aunt Suzy, OF COURSE you're our second mother! That's why I was calling you Aunt Suzy all these years, because on some level I knew you were really family. But now I don't have to call you that anymore. Now you're just 'Mother.' Try it out, Sis."

Katherine smiled at Suzanne. "Hey Mother, how ya doing?"

Suzanne rushed at her and hugged her, then stretched her body out and pulled Alan into the hug. "Hi, daughter! You two are great!" She was too emotionally overwhelmed to say more, and fought back tears of joy.

Alan turned back to Susan to reassure her some more. "Remember, Mom, Aunt Suzy is in no way a replacement for you; she's a replacement for Ron. You're my number one mom and always will be. But every child should have two parents." He said with a big grin, "I'm just really lucky that they're both amazing, kind, and loving women who also love having sex with me."

Susan nodded in understanding.

Alan noticed that she was crying tears of joy, just like Suzanne was. In fact, he looked around and saw that everyone was crying now. He started to get choked up himself, when he realized how strong the love in the room was.

Suzanne happily thought to herself as she pulled back from the hug, I didn't know I was creating a monster when I started this whole scheme, but I'm so glad I did! I thought I was in control and directing events, but now I'm one of four women in his ... harem. That's right! I'm a fuck toy in his harem. In my son's harem! My son! I don't care if it sounds demeaning; words are just words... And frankly, 'fuck toy' kind of turns me on. Well, sometimes, anyway. The important thing is that my dream has come true! We're all one family now. It's actually happened! My dream of one giant, endless orgy of love and sex is really, truly here!

She felt so giddy with delight she thought she would faint. The tears of joy poured down her face.

Alan felt more than joyous; he felt full of love. Yet he also felt greatly aroused, and the whole thing was a big power trip too. Of course, he couldn't forget that his penis was stiff as a steel bar, and there were four naked women in the room eager to pleasure it. But that hardly mattered at all compared to the important words being spoken and decisions being made.

He thought, I'm going to have these four beauties in my life forever and ever! As my loves, my family, and my sex slaves! These perfect bombshells are totally sexually devoted to me, and yet I can still go out and fuck anybody I like. Hot damn! Does it get any better than that?! Just like Suzanne, he was so overwhelmed that he felt like he was on the verge of passing out.

Then he thought, But as great as that is, the even better thing is the love. It's true I'd love them all even if they were butt ugly. They're just all so lovable! I don't know what I'd do without them. I just couldn't take it if anything happened to any of them!

Now he started crying without restraint. He had to sit down to recover.

Katherine appeared by his side and leaned into him with a supporting hug. "What is it, Brother?"

"I'm not sad, not at all. I'm just so overwhelmed. This is the greatest day of my life!" He fought back the tears and then dried his face.

"I know what you mean. Hang in there though. You're doing great." She kissed the top of his head and stood back to give him space.

Speaking more generally to everyone as he remained sitting there with his dick poking out, he said, "Wow. I'm so overwhelmed. I don't think there's ever been anyone as lucky as me. I'm just glad to know how much you all love me."

Suzanne said, "It's not luck. Trust me. Some luck, yes, but you're more responsible for this than you'll ever know. You're just so damn handsome and lovable!"

What she meant was the fact that the six-times-a-day scheme wasn't a complete accident of fate, but brought about by her lust and love for him. But she couldn't say what she wanted to say any more directly than that without giving that secret away. She knew there was a lot of luck involved, but she also felt that he'd handled the cards he'd been dealt extremely well.


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