6 Times a Day

Chapter 7 The Plan

Akami put Suzanne in the other examination room, the one that Alan and Susan had not just used. She said "The doctor will be with you shortly." Then she went looking for Dr. Fredrickson, finding him in his private office.

"Wilt," Akami said, using the doctor's first name in a quiet, polite voice, "there's a Suzanne Pestridge in room two, waiting for you. But before you go in there" - her voice suddenly changed to a pissed-off tone even as she lowered it - "will you tell me just what the fuck is going on?" ----**Image in the Paragraph Comments**----

The doctor looked up at her, but not in surprise, since he'd known that this was coming sooner or later (and probably sooner).

When he didn't respond immediately, she continued, "We're next to a nursing home, so almost all your patients are old. But then suddenly you have this young man, and now this unbelievably sexy woman, scheduled back to back. You've got them scheduled the day the receptionist left early, and they're here after hours to boot. Not to mention, rubbing a penis is hardly normal procedure for an ENT specialist like you! You warned me to 'roll with the punches' but I wasn't expecting something like THAT!"

She asked with increasing indignation, "What the hell is this? Don't tell me that was a normal check-up you just did. Some bizarre story about how that young man has to orgasm six times a day, which I've never seen in any medical literature, and then you have me rub his penis in a blatantly erotic manner for such a long time! Not that I minded that last part at all. But you've never done anything remotely like this before!"

The doctor replied, "You're right about all that. And you're a pretty smart woman, so can you figure out what it all means?" He sat back, steepled his fingers under his chin in a thoughtful pose, and watched Akami.

"Hmmm," said Akami, still in an angry huff. "This woman, Mrs. Pestridge, she seems to know the other two quite well. I overheard that they're going to let her know about his secret, which surprised me. It seemed like she already knew something though. Her reaction was strange, and ... too happy. I guess ... maybe ... maybe she got you to make up this whole story in the first place. And you agreed, because... I guess, she is pretty damn hot, and doubtless she promised you sex in return."

"You've got it wrong," said Dr. Fredrickson. "That young man really does have extremely low thyroid and testosterone levels. You're a smart cookie. You know his diagnosis is accurate. It's just his treatment that bothers you."

"There ARE meds he can take for hypothyroidism," Akami pointed out crossly.

"Yes, and they aren't a CURE." Dr. Fredrickson continued, "Nearly every patient that comes in here is already taking so many meds, for so many different problems, that they belong in a hospital. They all suffer from lots of side effects. It seems that side effects are all I treat anymore."

He paused a moment, then continued, "With this kid I can at least TRY to fix the problem. You've worked with me long enough to know I would never harm a patient. Think for a moment. You've seen his charts. What do you think his body is going to do if he starts having a lot of sex? How will it adapt?"

Akami thought for a few seconds, "Okay, okay, you're right. It'll raise his heart rate and blood pressure. You're even right that he'd produce more testosterone." She paused again, "AND, I guess that could have an effect on his T3 and T4 levels." She looked at him sharply, "Still that doesn't make it ethical. Somehow, I think this has more than a little to do with how that woman who referred him to us, Suzanne Pestridge, looks. She's ridiculously beautiful and curvy."

The doctor couldn't help but grin a little upon being reminded of Suzanne's outstanding looks. He was practically salivating over the prospect of fucking her.

Akami noticed his grin as he hungrily stared off into space. "A-ha! I'm right!"

He tried to cover for his mental lapse. "So I'm recalling how she looked. Is that a crime?"

"You're not just recalling. Clearly, you're putty in her hands."

He shrugged, trying to play it off. "So I want to please a beautiful woman. Guilty. I would hardly be the first man on Earth to be affected like that."

Akami huffed in frustration. "I suspect it's more than just being impressed by her looks. You have some kind of sordid deal with her, don't you?"

Dr. Fredrickson tried to play innocent without explicitly denying the charge. "What do you mean?!" He suspected Akami would learn the truth eventually, so lying outright would only be digging a deeper hole for himself.

She sighed. "A classic non-denial denial."

That was met by conspicuous silence, which only further confirmed her suspicions. She sighed again. "I'll go along with this, especially since I enjoyed the hell out of it, but you owe me big time."

Relieved, Dr. Fredrickson said, "About Suzanne, you don't mind, do you? You know you're far from the only one I have sex with. Amongst others, there's the little matter of my wife. That woman will get what she wants from me, and then move on."

"Yeah, I realize that," said Akami. "But I can still be pissed off about it! Especially because this is such a violation of your professional ethics. You've never done anything like this before! In spite of your sleeping around on your own time, we've been running a very professional outfit here."

The doctor replied in a chagrined tone. "I know. I'm kind of shocked myself that I agreed to do what she wanted. But can you show me any straight male who would turn down a request from that woman? Think about it. I figure no one is being hurt here. Consider why Mrs. Pestridge would want this story spun in the first place."

Akami thought about the case some more. "Let's see - he has to ejaculate six times a day. No one will know, probably, except the mother and her. So the mother will have to get the other woman to sexually assist the son sooner or later, given the way you presented the whole situation."

"Bingo," said Dr. Fredrickson. "The young man is shy and has never even kissed a girl. So he'll be extremely happy. He'll get to have sexual fun with an incredibly beautiful, sexually experienced woman. If he knew what I was doing for him, he'd probably name all his children after me, ha-ha!"

Akami frowned skeptically.

He continued, "Mrs. Pestridge, Suzanne, says she's had a long series of unsatisfying affairs and is in love with Alan. So she'll be happy. It's win-win for everyone. And it will be done in such a way that his mother Susan not only won't be upset, but will be positively appreciative of her friend's help. The odds of getting caught are nearly zero, because Suzanne is in on it and can influence whatever the other two think. I have to admit, it's a pretty brilliant plan. So why not? No harm, no foul, right?"

"But will those two really buy it? Are they that naïve?"

"Apparently. I'm told that Susan is about average in intelligence but that Alan's pretty smart; he's in the gifted track at his school and all that. However, Suzanne says not to worry because they're both very moral and trusting. And extremely naïve! Also, don't underestimate how much people implicitly trust doctors. But if all else fails, she says she's got it covered."

"Hmmm," Akami huffed. "It's a good thing you're not as scheming as that wily woman. Otherwise you'd get yourself a young clientele and be fucking every patient that came in the door before long."

"Be careful about giving me such ideas!" he chuckled, amusing himself.

Akami replied, "I want you all to myself today; this has got me all hot and bothered." She came around to his chair as she said this, wrapping her arms around him. "Actually, I find the whole idea of what you're doing to this kid kind of hot. Especially when you let me jack him off. However, if you want my silence and cooperation, there's one thing you'll have to do."

"What's that?"

"I enjoyed teasing that boy today, especially in front of his mother. It made me want to do all kinds of nasty things, and right away. So send that redheaded schemer away! Tell her you'll do her some other time. That's one thing. There are actually two things. The second thing is, I want to play with the boy some more. Tell them that I've taken charge of this case, and allow me to have fun with them in the future. And we'll have lots of appointments! That'll be another win-win. I saw how uncomfortable you were with the idea of having to touch him down there." She grabbed his penis through his pants as she said "there" to emphasize the point.

The doctor was pleased at her relatively minor demands, as she really had him over a barrel. "Okay, as long as you can keep it cool, okay? No fucking him in front of his mother or anything like that. We don't want her to snap and call the authorities, right?"

"No problem," she replied as she ran her hands over his chest. "I just like torturing and teasing him, especially with her watching. I've never done that before. I promise you, I'll be as cool as a cucumber."

He ran his hand over her face and down her arm. "No you won't! You're a sex maniac."

As if to prove his point, she stepped back and began unbuttoning her clothes. Curiously, she took off her lab coat and blouse, then unhooked her bra and put her lab coat back on. (She figured correctly that the doctor would get off on the lab coat as a reminder that she was a nurse.)----**Image in the Paragraph Comments**----

"So what if I am?" Akami said defiantly as she grabbed at one of her boobs.

The doctor was aroused by the beauty of his tempting nurse. "Cucumbers certainly aren't cool by the time you're done with them. But okay, we'll be in on this together. This is so much more interesting than all those old women with their runny noses, don't you think?"

He got up and went to talk to Suzanne and send her away. He had a hard time getting his boner not to show.

Akami finished taking off her bra and began masturbating before he even left the room. That was smoking hot today! Alan was so innocent that teasing him couldn't be more devilishly fun. It'll be great to do it again, plus a lot more. And Wilt is a cad, but he's my cad, at least for today. I can't wait for the good doctor to come back here and give me the beef injection I so desperately need!


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