6 Times a Day

Chapter 1176: Fucking Xania!

Chapter 1176: Fucking Xania!

As i had a work related trip, i couldn't update for the past week. Sorry for that. Here's the chapters for your enjoyment.!!

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Alan did take a strategic break, and an unusually long one. But he was so aroused from everything that his horny mood hardly lessened at all. He had to laugh out loud a couple of minutes into his break when he heard a series of loud screams from within the house. Both he and Xania knew exactly what that was: Susan and Brenda were getting worked up as Susan revealed how Alan was fucking his sexy history teacher.

He muttered to Xania, "There's no going back on that now. I sure hope I did the right thing."

Xania replied, "You did. Keeping such a secret from her would have been increasingly untenable, and you know it. I applaud your intentions, but you also need to face facts. Brenda is going to be a big part of your life from now on. A big, big part. You really should get to know her a lot better."

He grumbled, "There is that, too. Man, I really need to clone myself. There aren't enough hours in the day."

When he signaled he was ready to end his break, Xania resumed right where she had left off before Susan's arrival, kissing and fondling him while sitting in his lap.

Xania was enjoying this playing around, but she wanted to take the sex to a much more serious and intense level. It took some cajoling, and a lot more fondling and kissing, but eventually she talked him into having a go at anal sex with her, if only for

"educational purposes."

It took yet more minutes to get her ass lubed-up to her satisfaction and his thick erection firmly implanted within her back door, but eventually they managed to do it.

Finally, Alan stood with his legs spread and his hands on Xania's lower back, thoroughly aroused against his will, although still weary from too much sex. "Okay, I'm literally balls- deep in your ass, just like you wanted me to be. Now, can you please tell me how this is going to help relieve my sense of being sexually overwhelmed, and not just make it worse?" There was a strain in his voice as his erection adjusted to being in her buttery yet tight hole.

"Sure, Sweetie. I like that name by the way. 'Sweetie.' It fits you so well, 'cos you're a nice guy all the way. Even your 'Bad Alan' episodes aren't that bad."

"You haven't seen me with Heather."

"True. Anyway, do you remember last night when you were really getting into that Beatles song you kept playing, and do you remember the line you liked so much?"

He had to take a few deep breaths before answering, "Yep. "Tomorrow Never Knows' was the song, and the line was 'Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream.""

"Exactly. Now, tell me why-"

He interrupted her with a surprised cry. "Wait! What's that you're doing?" He'd noticed that her ass didn't appear to be moving externally, but inside suddenly there was a party going on. "Oh, you mean my cock milking?" she asked nonchalantly while grinning mischievously. "Bet you didn't think she had it in her, eh? Kid, my ass is a non-stop butter churner. Actually, it's a technique I learned from Suzanne in college, but I like to think that I've made my own unique improvements to it since then. Doesn't she do this for you?"

He panted and worked his PC muscle. "Not enough! Ugh! You're so fucking good at that!"

"Thanks." She started milking his erection with even stronger squeezes, just to show what she could do. Then she did something that he had only ever experienced with Susan. Starting at the root of his cock, her internal muscles somehow rolled a massaging grip along his length in a wavelike motion, before reversing and then smoothly rolling back from the head to the root.

He couldn't quite manage to stifle a small cry of pleasure. He grabbed her hips and strained his PC muscle, trying desperately not to cum. Oh no! Not "The Wave" too! Too fucking... GOOD! "Oh, you like that one, do you?" she asked, way too calmly. She did it again, just to feel and hear him struggle against an untimely ejaculation. "This is something that I understand even the mighty Suzanne can't do, by the way. Of course, that's probably 'cos she's so cunt focused. I tried teaching this to Susan the other day, but I haven't had a chance to check on her progress yet."

He groaned as she did it again. "Mom can do i-it t-too, but not as good as yo-ou can!"

Good for Susan. She must be practicing those exercises I taught her religiously. But I should calm things down a bit. I don't want him to have TOO much fun too soon, hee-hee. She said, "I'm going to ease up on you for a while, okay?"

"Thank fucking God! You've got me sweating like a pig already, and I haven't even started thrusting yet."

They waited a minute or two. Even just remaining motionless with him fully impaled in her ass felt very pleasurable for both of them. Finally, he was calm enough to ask, "So. Sean really spent all of yesterday in your ass, eh? I'm glad to hear that."

"Oh yeah. He was great. He didn't want to fuck my ass at first, spouting all kinds of nonsense about stupid reasons he had to stay 'pure' for his angel, da da da. Well I wasn't going to have any of that idiocy, so I threw him on the bed and practically raped the poor boy with my hungry ass. I was so fucking horny by then, there was no way he WASN'T going to do me back there. Then I gave him a little bit of this." She did her milking motion again.

Alan gasped.

"And some of this one." She repeated "The Wave" move. "That sure changed his tune in a hurry."

He groaned loudly, his eyes bulging out. "I c-can't imagine w-why!"

She chuckled. "Neither can I," she said with mock cluelessness. "But once he got over his hang-ups, he really cut loose on me. I think you did a bang-up job picking an apprentice. He's handsome, nice, and a natural at sex, just like you. Of course he was completely out of his league with an experienced lady like me, and his technique lacks finesse, but that will come in time. He's certainly not ready for Heather yet, but he's making quick progress. What I liked best is that he seems to have a 'bad Sean' streak just like your 'bad Alan' one. You can see it in his eyes when the nasty takes over."

"Oh good," Alan sighed with relief. That'll help big time with Heather. I'm glad that devilish streak he shows sometimes when we play games comes out in sex, too.

He was going to think about Sean's situation some more, but just then Xania's talented asshole seized him in a strong grip. He was struck nearly catatonic with pleasure.

As intense as the experience was for him, such anal squeezes were almost effortlessly easy for someone as well practiced as Xania. She continued talking casually, "But as I was saying before, tell me why you have to be tied up before you can follow my advice about letting go? Just start fucking me, but with a devil-may-care attitude. Don't think about my pleasure or if I've cum yet or not. There's no need for elaborate role-plays, either. I'm not saying I didn't love the Dirk Dudley role-play, 'cos I did, but you don't have to do that every single time. Sometimes you just need to shut up and fuck the hell out of a hot, tight ass to get your stress


"All right. Okay! I think I can see what you mean, now." He snorted with laughter as he said, "You're saying I should take a load off."

She laughed too. "Exactly. That should be easy for you by now, Mr. Six-Times-a-Day Man."

His attitude brightened as he warmed to her idea. "I should just let go of everything, like I did last night. It's like... Last year, I went on this ski trip. And when I got to the top of the mountain and I was hanging there at the top of a ski run, I just blanked my mind and just did it, I dropped over the edge and flew down the mountain. Completely on instinct. And it felt so



He started slowly thrusting in and out of her, partly to stop her milking motions before they made him cum too soon. Ironically, thrusting was actually less arousing for him, since it limited her internal undulating massaging of his shaft, but not for her, because it increased the exquisitely sexy friction she'd been longing for as he pumped her rear.

"By jove, I think he's got it!" Xania enthused. "And there's no need to feel guilty about not paying enough attention to the woman's needs or worry you're not living up to your reputation, because if you really let go, you're gonna pound my ass into the ground so good I'm gonna lose all count of my orgasms anyway."

Hearing that, he began thrusting in and out with even more gusto. Ironically, his very weariness at so much sex made him better at it, because he was too tired to overanalyze and worry. His mind was happy to shut off and just get lost in the moment, like Xania wanted

him to do.

"There now," she cooed, trying to look over her shoulder back at him but not quite making it. "Doesn't that make you feel soooo much better?" She grunted with pleasure as her hips started rocking back to meet his thrusts. "You're such a good fucker, kiddo. How many women have you tamed so far with that big beautiful prick of yours? Oh boy! Ugh! Doesn't that just feel- ugh! Right? You belong- hnnnggg! Fucking, oh! Fucking machine! Yes!"

Fuck me! He IS a natural! Sean's good, and their erections are close to the same size, but there's just

something extra with Alan. This idea he has to hand Heather off to Sean is going to be a really tough sell, 'cos I'm sure she feels that same special spark with him that I do.

Alan was pushing faster and deeper, really into it now. And just like Xania predicted, he not only loved the experience, but he felt a great weight of stress lift from his shoulders. He thought, This is great! What's really great is that if I can do this once, I can do it again and again. I

need to learn how to master different kinds of sex. There's tender making love, attentive sex, pile- driving freak outs, imaginative role-plays, this kind of mindless stress reducing sex-

Just then, he heard a woman scream.

A voice said, "Oh God! Eric, you have to come and see this!"


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