6 Times a Day

Chapter 1170: Fun with Xania

Chapter 1170: Fun with Xania

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Xania had a problem: she wanted to have a lot of great sex with Alan before she left, but he'd cum recently and furthermore he wasn't "in the mood" at all. She also didn't know how much time she'd have him all to herself, but she figured it couldn't be that long.

She considered how she could get him going again. She dressed in a see-through gown in the hopes that would inspire him. (He wore a long T-shirt but nothing else.)

However, when they went downstairs together, he seemed a lot more interested in eating breakfast than fooling around. Worse from Xania's perspective, he remained deep in thought, ruminating over the many things they'd just discussed.

Xania decided that a change in scene might be helpful. Remembering the great sex she'd had with Alan by the pool the last time she was here, she waited until he finished a bowl of maca porridge and orange juice, then suggested, "Hey, why don't we go out back? Maybe take a swim?"

"Okay," he replied, but without much enthusiasm.

Xania went outside first, removed her gown, and sat up in a lounge chair in a very provocative pose. She rested her hands on the high slopes of her huge breasts, visually all but shouting "Come fuck me now!"

However, in Alan's hyper-sexual world, her pose wasn't that unusual. He followed her to the lounge chair, but he just stood near her and stared into the distance.

Trying to engage him, Xania asked, "What are you thinking about so heavily?"

He considered her question for some moments then said, "Well, I hate to say this, but I will since I feel like I don't have to play games with you. I hope you're not insulted, but I'm thinking about my vivid dream. And particularly, Glory in it. I really miss her."

But Xania didn't mind that much if he was thinking about another woman as long as she could find a way to use that to get him aroused again. So she began applying suntan lotion to her fair skin and asked, "What is it you like about her?"

He looked at her and smiled for the first time in a while. "What's not to like? She's great. In the dream she was getting all carried away about some arcane history stuff, and that's just like her in real life sometimes. She's passionate AND smart. Both book smart and wise. Kind of like you, actually."

Xania saw no need to disabuse him of the idea that she was book smart; in fact she'd struggled in college and hadn't done much that could be called an intellectual pursuit since.

But Alan was on a roll. "And as if that isn't enough, she surfs and is so all around athletic and fit. Of course, that makes for some great sex. You should see her blowjobs and deep throats. Wow. And she's FUN. Whenever we used to get together it seemed we were always playing some kind of game, usually a sexual role-play. I sure do miss her, but she's probably better off without me." His face started to turn sad and wistful.

Trying to keep him in a happy mood, Xania said, "Role-plays are great, aren't they? What if we try one right now?"

Alan finally turned to Xania and fully focused on her. He looked into her eyes, and then watched her hands applying the lotion to her curvy figure. "Okay. Maybe later though, 'cos I'm not really feeling creative at the moment. But you know, before I forget, I've been meaning to ask you something for a long time now: what's it like to be a porn star? Is it all it's cracked up to be?"

Xania smiled. Finally he's starting to come around. "Well, kiddo, first off, you have to remember that I'm not actually a porn star. I'm just an actress who happens to get a lot of roles in sexy B-movies. My breasts are just too big for anyone to take me seriously in the more popular stuff." She sat up and pressed her arms underneath her rack to make her point, causing her boobs to push up and out.

"I know, I know, you keep saying that, but come on, humor me here. You do full on nude sex scenes, don't you? That kind of makes you a porn star."

"Well, in the movies I'm in, things sometimes do get pretty hot and heavy, but there's no penetration... Except for this one film I made when I was just starting out. I guess you could call that one a full on porn flick."

His face lit up. "A-ha! I knew it! I DO have a famous porn star lying naked in my backyard. Sweet. What's that one called and how do I get a copy?"

"Famous? Hardly. I'll bet you've never heard of my screen name, Dawn Starr. Did you hear of 'Southbound'? That's the best known film I have a big role in."

"Sorry, no. Dawn Starr? With two R's? How cheesy." He groaned.

"I know, but my agent said you have to have a name that's distinctive and easy to remember. And now I'm stuck with it, for better or worse."

"I like you as Xania much better. But now I'm seriously going to be checking out your work at the local video store. What's your porn flick called?"

She sat back in the chair, bummed he didn't know her work (even as she knew the odds of that were extremely low). "Oh Gaawwwd. Let's not talk about that. It's so embarrassing."

"Oh, come on. Pretty please?"

"Well, if you must know, it's called 'Lesbian Spank Inferno.""

He was growing increasingly engaged. His dick was starting to revive now that he was looking at her rub the suntan lotion on herself as they conversed. "Really? How cool!" His face broke into a wide grin. "We could use some more spank inferno action around here. What's the plot?"

She though back to her role. "Plot? Ha! Please. Well, if you insist, the 'plot' is that the head nurse at a hospital, that's me by the way, is upset that the nurses under her keep drinking all the male patients dry of all their cum. She 'punishes' them with a lot of spankings and lesbian sex, using a lot of strap-ons in the process. But the male patients stage an uprising of sorts, and spank and fuck me and all the other nurses pretty thoroughly. Everyone ends up well and truly fucked. The end."

Alan laughed. He was tickled pink by the over the top plot and actually started clapping. Her description helped him finish regaining his erection. "Bravo! Woo-hoo! That sounds great! I'm so gonna get a copy of that. Ooh, and I should give a copy to Akami since it's about nurses. Did it win any Oscars?"

Xania laughed at his good-natured joke of a question. "Cute." She decided to play along. "Actually, it was nominated in the Best Lesbian Spanking Film category, but lost out to

'Thelma and Louise.""

Alan laughed. "Nepotism and intrigue, no doubt. Especially since 'Thelma and Louise' didn't even HAVE a lesbian spanking scene. Those bastards!" He playfully shook a fist in the air as she laughed. "By the way, how did you get your role in that? Is it true what they say about the casting couch? I have so many questions now that I have my own porn star to interview." "Interview? Kid, what are you thinking? Us porn stars are good for a lot more than just talking. Get your ass over here so Alan Junior can 'interview' my pussy!"

He was still standing a few feet from her, but he quickly rectified that situation. As he came close he saw a tempting and exposed ass cheek, and gave it a good slap.

"Owww! What was that for?"

"I'm just trying to start my own spank inferno." He began running his hand up and down her magnificent body, paying particular attention to her tummy and hips. "So tell me about the

casting couch."

"Sorry, I don't kiss and tell." Sensing the time was right to resume intimate contact, she poured heaping helpings of suntan lotion on her hands and stood up. Then she seized his protruding erection and began stroking it with both hands. Ah! Now this is more like it.

Alan made no move to stop her; he loved the way the coconut scented oil was assisting her fingers to slide around his throbbing shaft. But he complained about her secrecy. "Oh, come ON! I confess to fucking my mother and sister and you're still keeping secrets? I thought we were becoming close friends."

"All right. Fine. Let's just say that I wasn't immune to using sex to get ahead. But on the other hand, I could have gone a lot farther if I didn't keep some scruples. For one, I didn't go the full porn route when I could have gotten a lot of big roles there, given my curvy and all natural figure. I wouldn't have to act a lick; I could just stand there and wiggle my tits and ass. Needless to say, that wouldn't be very artistically challenging, and I get plenty of sex at home in much more enjoyable conditions. But since you're so curious, why don't we role-play a casting couch situation?"

She sat back down on the lounge chair and then went straight back to jacking him off with both hands. "This can be our casting couch, right here. You can be the evil director and I can be the innocent, wide-eyed kid just off the bus from, say, Kansas."

"Excellent! But aren't you a little, uh, underdressed for the role?" He eyed her naked body

from head to toe like a dirty old man.

"Never mind that. Both Susan and Suzanne's clothes fit me perfectly. I'll be back in a jiff." She

let go of his erection and made to go.

"Awww," he complained as she left his hard pole alone. He was really getting worked up now

and didn't want her to leave, even though she would only be gone a couple minutes. He put on

a sad puppy dog face.

She laughed gaily, and then sat back down on the lounge chair right before him. "Don't worry, you're such an evil director that I'm sure there will be a lot of happy stroking and more. But here's something to make sure you don't miss me while I'm gone."

She grabbed his erection with both hands, leaned forward, and slowly fed it into her mouth.

Inch after inch went in. But she didn't stop when it hit the back of her throat; she kept feeding his entire big dick down her throat.

He was amazed. He grunted in surprise and arousal when she got the very last of it in and pressed her nose into his pubic hair. "Dang, you're deep throating me!" He put his hands on her head and began face-fucking her with vigor.

She wasn't gentle or timid about it - she allowed him to slide in and out of her throat to a

surprising degree. He could plow so many inches back and forth that it was just like fucking a vagina with slow, deep strokes. But she wasn't finished yet. As his cock went slowly in and out, she used her tongue to tickle and tantalize it as it went back and forth. Her hands, no longer having room to hold his erection, focused on fondling his balls instead.

He exclaimed, "Oh! Yeah! Like that! God, that's just like how Glory does it, except your tongue

is way longer. I'm down your throat so deep! Oh man! Man oh man oh man! You really know

what to do there!"

They went on like that for another minute or two. Both of them were having such a good time that all thoughts of Xania putting on some clothes for the role-play were at least temporarily


He kept shouting things to encourage her. He'd been shouting fairly loudly since he figured that the backyard was completely protected from the neighbors, due to all the high greenery.

So he was completely taken aback when he heard a strange voice say, "Frank, come here. You have to see this!"

He looked around frantically to find out where the voice was coming from.

Xania heard the voice as well and froze in mid-suck. She wanted to pull back and find out who was speaking to begin with, and then get clothed and decent as fast as possible. However, Alan's hands kept her head firmly in place. She disengaged her hands from his balls and began frantically but lightly punching his thighs with her fists to get his attention.

But Alan had no intention of letting her go just yet, since he already had a sneaking suspicion about the voice. His eyes quickly focused on the one part of a neighbor's house where one could look into the backyard, namely, Amy's upper-floor room in the Pestridge house next door. He could see Amy standing at her window, wildly waving at him. He'd tensed up

upon hearing the voice, but his whole body relaxed when he confirmed it was just Amy playing


However, Xania couldn't see what he was seeing, because she couldn't turn her head while Alan had his shaft down her throat. She remained freaked out.

He took one hand off her head.

She breathed a sigh of relief (through her nose), thinking that he was going to let go of her

completely. However, he was only doing that so he could briefly wave at Amy and let her know that he

approved of what she was doing. First he made the okay sign, and then he waved his hand in the air like a third base baseball coach waving a runner in to score. Then he rapidly dropped his hand back to Xania's head to prevent her from pulling herself free and seeing


Amy understood his intent. She was playing the part of a disapproving yet secretly aroused neighbor to better get into a convincing mood.

Trying to disguise her voice as she had before, she said in a loud voice, "Frank, come on! Look

at this! It's that Plummer kid. He has some kind of busty centerfold in his back yard and she's deep throating him. I've never seen anything like it!"

At that, Xania resumed punching Alan's thighs, only harder this time. She was also trying to speak but her mouth was so stuffed full of cock that she could do little more than make muffled moans.

Alan bent down and whispered, "Xania, relax. That's just the Ritters. They're cool, a nice older

couple. That must be Martha talking; she gets pretty loud. I don't think they're likely to call

the police. They seem to live such boring lives; can't we give them a little show? Come on. Please?" Xania tried to shake her head no, but he was using his hands now to push her head forward and back, causing her to repeatedly take his dick in as deep as it could go. She sighed and resigned

herself to her embarrassing fate of deep throating him before strangers, since she had no good way to communicate.

Once Alan felt Xania's resignation by the way she resumed wrapping her tongue around his

erection and sucking with her lips, he let up a bit on the way he was forcing her head back and


Xania, though not into bondage per se, did love the excitement of public exposure, and she

loved being "forced" to be so exposed. So her resistance was brief and now her enthusiasm was doubled. Let go of me, you motherfucker! she thought. Oh no! I'm cumming! Alan's hands and dick felt Xania's body trembling in orgasm. Seeing how much she was

getting into it, he madly nodded his head up and down at Amy to encourage her to say more. He could see Amy scratch her head as she thought of what to say. He also noticed that she was

wearing a very revealing nightgown. (Amy naturally slept in the nude but had thrown the gown on in case another neighbor actually was looking.) He found himself even more aroused watching Amy's bouncing boobs while Xania continue to deep throat him.

Then Amy's disguised voice shouted, "Frank, I KNOW! Look at that; she's buck naked! God, what a total slut!" After a pause, she added, "I know, I know! She took all eight fat inches down her throat. How did she DO that?! I mean, his dick is so big and so thick! That has to be


Xania, listening closely, happily straightened a bit, proud that she was doing the "impossible."

Amy knew that she wasn't good at deep male voices but she paused as if "Frank" was answering inaudibly. Then she said, "Never mind how I know that, everyone around here knows that. It's common knowledge. The scuttlebutt is the Plummer boy has his own harem

of jaw-droppingly gorgeous women, if you can believe that! ... I know, I KNOW! I'm starting to believe it now too!"

Amy had recently watched an episode of the British comedy "Fawlty Towers" and was trying

to imitate the voice of the character Sybil (the role of John Cleese's wife). Xania was getting increasingly aroused with each passing moment - she felt like she was having one never-ending orgasm, even though she wasn't. Throwing caution to the wind, she was really going to town on Alan now. One of her hands was tugging on Alan's balls while the other had snaked between his thighs and was toying with his asshole.

She didn't know where the "Ritters" were, but hoped to give them a show on Alan's front and

back to make sure they could at least see something from any direction. She thought, If a show is what they want, that's what they're going to get! I'm gonna completely rock their world! Alan felt confident enough she wasn't going to pull off from her deep throating that he removed one hand and brought it down to her breasts. He wanted to play with her clit to make sure she got off but since he was standing up it was out of reach. So he whispered, "Xania, play with yourself! Go all out slut! The Ritters probably have sex eight times a year. Shake 'em up

and turn 'em on!"

Xania immediately took her hand that had been poking at his asshole and brought it down to her crotch. She was so turned on that she began cumming hard again as soon as she touched her clit. But she wasn't content to just touch it, she really worked it, taking her orgasm to an even higher level.

The great orgasms that ripped through her were more than she could take. She screamed out

as best as she could. Even though her mouth was absolutely stuffed with cock, she did manage to make some noise.

Amy yelled in her old woman voice, "Frank, did you hear that? I think that's what they call a

female orgasm. This is so educational. Quick, get your camera! Oh, and your video camera too! I can't wait to show this to Bonnie! Oh, and the Mitchells too!" That alarmed Xania greatly - eventually. She was in such orgasmic bliss that she was literally

seeing stars. But as she came down from her peaks of ecstasy, those words were fully digested and she panicked. She wasn't worried so much for herself, but feared for the reputation of the Plummer family in their neighborhood if a video got out.

Alan was still using a hand to help in the deep thrusting while he stooped a bit to fully enjoy Xania's big dangling breasts. He was getting extremely close to his own great climax.

So he wasn't prepared when Xania suddenly squeezed his balls tightly and at the same time

yanked her head back and away from his rampant erection.

She was free. She was good at breathing through her nose due to a lot of deep throating experience, but just the same she took some moments to recover her breath. However, as she was recovering, she happened to look up and see Amy at her window. She

recognized Amy standing nude, but she was still too breathless and excited to do anything but

incredulously point in her direction.

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