6 Times a Day

Chapter 1164: I am not gonna change

Chapter 1164: I am not gonna change

Susan said in a surprisingly authoritative voice, "Okay you two, that's good. You're almost forgiven. But you're going to wear Tiger's mark of ownership until tomorrow morning to remind your uppity asses who the boss is around here."

But Alan complained, "Mom, I was hoping to sleep with Xania tonight. A face full of dried cum would put a crimp in my plans and kind of gross me out. And how can Aunt Suzy go home and face her husband like that?"

Susan frowned, then changed plans. "Fine. You heard what our master has to say. That lesson will have to wait for some other time. You both will have to stay bound until I, or Tiger, say otherwise, though. Now, you two made a nasty, spermy mess so you have to clean it up."

Xania and Suzanne began licking each other's faces. Their friendly rivalry once again showing, both went out of their way to show off the length of their tongues, stretching them as long as they could to scoop up this and that cum gob. They were so enthusiastic that they made quick work of all the cum. Suzanne even licked Xania's glasses clean.

He was impressed by their sexy cleaning, but he knew there was nothing they could say or do at this point to get his penis to rise again. His member was definitely done for the evening and even felt a bit sore. He almost regretted this mutual cum cleaning, because it was far too arousing, and he was in no mood to be aroused.

Xania backed out from between Alan's legs, and remained sitting a short ways away since she couldn't stand easily with her arms bound.

However, Suzanne seemed unwilling to have the experience end. Although Alan's penis had gone flaccid and Suzanne couldn't use her bound hands, she still wanted to touch it. She rubbed one of her cheeks up against the side of his dick in a loving manner. It appeared she didn't want to arouse it, just cuddle against it. It flopped out of reach a couple of times, but she managed to trap it between her cheek and one of his inner thighs so she could keep caressing it with her face.

She finally spoke. "Damn, do I love this cock! But not just the cock, I love the man even more! Susan, I don't know about taming, but I know that I'm bonded to this man - heart, mind, body, and soul. If he were really attacked, I'd defend him to my last breath."

Her voice switched to baby talk, a tone she'd never used around Alan before. "He's my everything. My absolute everything. Love me, Sweetie. Love me." She still rubbed her cheek against his trapped penis.

Alan was loving everything, especially Suzanne's uncommonly tender words. "I love you Suzanne, you know I do."

"I know," she cooed. "And I love you too. I just love to hear you say it. Say it again!"

"I love you."

"Ooh! God! That's so good. It's like a hit of some powerful drug. Boy. What a lover. What a son. Susan, you really don't mind if I call him my son, do you?" She rubbed her lips against his dangling flaccidness.

"Mind? I expect nothing less." Susan leaned down and whispered in Alan's ear, "I love you too, you know."

He whispered back to her with a tired smile, "I know."

Susan then said to Suzanne, "And I even love you, dammit. I don't know why, with all your crazy schemes."

Suzanne exulted silently. She forgives me! Thank God! If my friendship with her took a big hit, I don't know what I'd do. She's so much more than just my best friend and lover. She didn't mind that her ass felt like it was on fire, she was just extremely grateful that no lasting damage appeared to have been done to their relationship. She said with utmost sincerity, "I'm so sorry about the misunderstanding."

Susan merely nodded, then looked expectantly to Xania, who was sitting and watching just a few feet away. It seemed that Susan was waiting for Xania to express her undying love and devotion too.

But Xania didn't love Alan; she just really liked him and especially liked having mind-blowing sex with him. Still, she came up with the kindest honest words she could come up with. "Alan, you're the most impressive boy, no, make that man, that I've ever met. If I were the settling down kind, well, who knows what would happen. But I sure do know that I'd like to come down here more often. That is, Susan, if I haven't offended you too badly."

"Me? No. I'm the one who should apologize. I offended you and I'm very sorry. You too, Suzanne. It's just that, well, I guess I never should have watched that spanking. Now I know better. That was like showing red to a bloodied bull. You know, I never get angry like that. Never, ever, ever. I think that was the first time."

Suzanne had finally pulled back from Alan's crotch. "I'll second that. I've seen you angry every once in a blue moon, but never THAT angry."

Susan started to get weepy. "It's just that... My Tiger means so much to me. If I were to ever lose him, if anything were to happen, then I don't know what! I know my reaction was irrational, but I can't help it! Tiger, please don't ever change! And don't leave me!" She was brushing away the tears now as she started to cry in earnest.

He swiveled around where he sat and pulled her face down to his. "Don't worry, Mom. I'm not going to change, and I'm not going anywhere either. I'll promise right now that I'm never going to leave this town, not unless you and Aunt Suzy and Katherine and Amy come with me. Brenda, too. We're a team!"

"Oh, son!"

They shared a very emotionally meaningful kiss.

But then suddenly Susan broke away and stood up. Successfully fighting off the urge to cry, thanks to those words from her son, she wiped away the last of her tears and said, "Okay, that's it. Tiger may be the man of this house, but until Suzanne lives with us, technically I'm the main mommy under this roof, and I say it's beddy-bye time. Come on, Son, I'll bet there are a couple of people here who'd like to have their arms freed."

Alan and Susan untied Suzanne and Xania.

As soon as Suzanne was freed, she wrapped her arms around Alan's shoulders and necked with him for a while. But the kisses were lazy and loving instead of passionate. Then she said, "I heard that promise you made to Mom Number One and although your back was turned, it brought tears to my eyes too."

He examined her face and saw the moisture still rolling down her cheeks.

She continued, "That makes me so happy that you'll promise never to desert us, you don't even know. It's not just the way you nailed me deep into the carpet just now; of course I love that. But now I have a son. Of course Brad has always been my son, but it's just never been the same. I hate to say this, but even before the sex in this house began, deep down I always considered you more of my son than him. I don't know why, I tried everything, but he and I just never connected. At least not once he hit his teens. There was always a distance, like he needed his father but not me. Even though we lived in the same house our family effectively split, and Brad chose his father."

She was very saddened thinking about that, but then she brightened. "But you! You're my son, my lover, AND my best friend. Well, one of my very best friends." She turned to Susan to acknowledge that friendship too, and gave her a heart-warming smile.

Susan smiled back, but then she clapped her hands. "Okay, enough mushy stuff for one evening. Xania, it goes without saying that you're staying here tonight. Tiger wants to sleep with you, and fuck you quite a bit, I'm sure. I absolutely insist that you do."

Xania smiled as if she had a special secret. "I'm delighted of course, but may I ask why you're so insistent about it?"

Susan replied, "To be frank, I'm still unhappy. I know, I know, Tiger says you have the right to sleep with other men, but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. The other women, of course no problem. But the men - grrr!"

Susan leaned into Alan, placing her hands on both of his shoulders again, but from his front this time. She let her nipples lightly brush against his chest. "Tiger, I want you to take this bosomy bountiful woman up to your bed and fuck her silly. Tonight, well, probably even you might not have anything left, but tomorrow morning, definitely! Fuck her good and hard and keep fucking her until she sees the light. She needs some serious pussy taming. At least one of the holes between her legs, and preferably both, need to be pumped full of your sperm before you bring her down to breakfast. I want to see her stagger to the dining room with lots of tasty sperm running down her thighs and still more leaking out of her holes. And that's an order!"

"Okay, okay. Geez, Mom. You're still so aggressive tonight."

"I know. Suzanne, too bad you have to go back home to your so-called husband 'cos

otherwise you and I could work off some of this energy together." Susan winked, "Who

knows, maybe Kat will get a surprise visitor tonight."

Xania did have a special secret. I was going to sleep with Alan anyway because I bet him early in the poke-her party that he'd come twice more before the evening was done and I won easily. Cuddling rights were the prize. Hell, it probably was going to happen even without that. But it's better

to be invited there by Susan. Hopefully that'll help put me back in her good graces. Maybe I'll tease him

about the bet tomorrow.

Everyone started to move towards the front door to see Suzanne off. But Susan took Alan aside and spoke quietly into his ear. "Son, promise me you won't ever try that submissive role play stuff again, okay? It sort of overturns my whole world."

"I don't know about never ever, but I was just curious, and I satisfied my curiosity. It was interesting, but I have no plans to try that again, believe me."



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