6 Times a Day

Chapter 1158: S & M

Chapter 1158: S & M

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-[3.5K words]

Back at the Plummer house, Alan and Suzanne walked down the stairs together while Xania and Susan followed some ways behind.

Suzanne grumbled, "I'm so upset at Susan right now. By forcing us to come upstairs, she ruined the whole effect of our outfits. We were going to have a big 'Ta-da!' moment."

Alan grabbed Suzanne's hand with one hand while covering his eyes with the other. "Help me down the stairs, Mother, I can't see where I'm going."

"Okay, but why?" She helped him down the last few stairs.

With his eyes closed and his hand still over them for good measure, he said, "I can't see a thing. Why, it's so dark that I can't even remember what any sexy ladies have been wearing in this house for the last few minutes."

An understanding of his intentions hit Suzanne. She hugged him all over then kissed his lips. "Aren't you just the sweetest? You're trying to give me my 'Ta-da!' moment back. No wonder some people around here call you Sweetie."

"I know one smart, beautiful, kind, and loving mother in particular who calls me that."

Suzanne was so overwhelmed by his gesture and kind words that she didn't know what to do. "Good Lord! Sweetie, you are going to get soooo lucky tonight! I can't even put into words..." She suddenly went from nearly teary-eyed to laughing. "Of course, you get lucky every night."

He just grinned. He couldn't deny that.

Then she turned business-like. "Okay, here's the plan. You stay here since you can't move around with your eyes closed like that, and when you hear me say 'Ta-da!' you open them up."


Less than a minute later, Alan heard the words and opened his eyes.

There was Suzanne, strolling into the living room from the dining room, with Xania and Susan following right behind, one on each side. Actually, it would be more accurate to say they were all strutting, not strolling. While Suzanne was mostly naked, with just black leather gloves and thigh-high boots, Xania and Susan were mostly covered in shiny black. However, the amount of covering didn't matter: each one looked sexier than the next.

Alan whistled appreciatively and said, "Dang, I'm speechless. Have there ever been three more beautiful women? You're like the Amazon triplets. But what I want to know is, who's the lucky guy?"

All three had stopped in front of him and began striking poses as if they were models in front of a dozen cameras. But Susan said excitedly, "You are! You're going to fuck all three of us, over and over! Why, I'll bet in the next twenty-four hours you'll have your sperm sloshing around inside each of us, multiple times!"

Alan laughed and continued to admire their posing. I'm the luckiest fuck on Earth! Man! This is fuckin'... Damn! Super boner time!

Even as his erection throbbed insistently, he thought bit more calmly, You know, in a way it's not that shocking to see Xania or Suzanne like this. I mean, you spend five minutes with them and it's obvious that they're both man-eating seductive vixens. But my Mom dressed in black latex and flashing her pussy at me? I don't care how much of a nympho she becomes, it's still shocking because she's still fundamentally a soccer mom at heart. The way she tells me to fill all my women up with my sperm until their pussies are full and sloshing is exactly the same earnest and encouraging voice she uses to tell me to go do well on a test at school.

He didn't want to get too excited too soon, and his heart was already pounding wildly. So he said, "I've got to hit the can and then get a drink. Then we can get started, okay?"

After going to the bathroom, he found himself in the kitchen.

Suzanne was there too, sitting on a counter stool while the other two waited in the living room. She said, "Thanks for that, Sweetie. You know how to make a woman happy. It may sound cliché, but it really is the little things that count. Heck, you know how to make three women very happy all at once. You should have heard Susan go on about you while you were in the toilet. She would give her right arm to you if you just said the word, you know."

Alan replied, "I can imagine. But out of curiosity, what did she say exactly?"

Suzanne grinned. "Oh, you know, the usual stuff. How impressive it is that you've turned three women with 38Gs, and now larger, into your sex slaves, and make them shamelessly pose and perform for you. Xania took offense, but she let that slide."

"And you didn't take offense?"

She blushed. She was going to say that it was incorrect to say that he'd forced them to pose and perform, but then she realized that she was taking for granted the fact that she was one of his sex slaves. That made her blush even more.

Sensing her discomfort, he quickly changed the topic. "Hey, speaking of Mom, why did you send her up to bring me downstairs, by the way?"

"Ah. Good question. We had a kind of a situation downstairs. Amy and Kim passed through on the way out."

Alan was briefly stunned about that. "What? Oh yeah. I totally forgot they've been down in the basement with Brenda this whole time! Wasn't Brenda with them?"

"No. Apparently she passed out cold after what I can only imagine was yet another particularly powerful orgasm that just about set the whole basement shaking. They couldn't wake her up for anything after that, so they just put a blanket on her and a pillow under her head. We'll deal with it tomorrow. I literally just got off the phone with her maid Anika to tell her and Adrian not to worry, so everything's all right. That's why I was in the kitchen." She nodded to the phone next to her.

"So... But that doesn't explain why you sent Susan upstairs. I mean, you know how excitable she is." Alan had gotten a glass for himself and was rummaging around for something to put

in it.

Suzanne leaned across the counter and said quietly, "Just between you and me, Kim has a huge crush on Susan. I'll bet she's got a crush on Brenda by now too, 'cos she loves big breasts nearly as much as you do. But still, it's the mention of Susan that really lights up Kim's eyes. I had to send Susan away to stop anything from happening. My mistake was trying to kill two birds with one stone and get her to bring you downstairs."

Alan said in a low voice as he searched the refrigerator, "But why all the secrecy and hush- hush voice?"

"Because Susan, the naïve woman she still is, has no clue about Kim's feelings towards her. And I want it to stay that way. Before you ask why, think about it. Kim blasted into hyperdrive today. The poke-her party plus getting to play with Brenda was a lot for her. Probably too much, in fact. I hate to toot my own horn, but while Kim's a very pretty girl, Brenda, Susan, Xania, and I are in a completely different league. Even if Kim's been with the likes of Heather, Amy, or Katherine, that didn't prepare her for the experience of a fully mature and really busty woman. You should have seen her when she came up from the basement. She looked like she was stoned out of her gourd, she was that high on life. I fear Brenda may have just about broken the poor girl."

Alan replied, "So you need to space her encounters out for her to give her time to adjust, and Susan wouldn't necessarily understand that. I see."


Just then, Xania walked in the kitchen. "Hey, what gives? Are we gonna get this show on the road or what?" Her black leather outfit was completely unzipped in front. She stuck her bare chest out, laced her fingers together behind her, and gave the best pleading look she could give. She swayed slightly like a child wheedling a treat out of a stingy parent. Suzanne turned and said to her, "Just a minute. I finished my call to Brenda's place and now we're getting a drink. Alan, Sweetie, why don't you have some of that chilled white wine? For what we're gonna do next, the looser you are, the better."

Then she said to Xania in a tone that indicated she wanted Xania to go, "We'll be there in a minute, so everybody needs to chill out. I'm just giving my Sweetie a little liquid courage

first. You want some?"

Xania shook her head no while continuing to stand there in the most wanton pose she could think of, with her chest thrust out and her arms behind her back.

Alan hardly seemed to notice her, though. He picked up the wine and asked Suzanne, "Okay, but should I? What about tomorrow? Thanksgiving's a big day and I've got a lot of things planned." He was mindful that he'd already had a couple of drinks.

"Sweetie, with everything else that's happened and is gonna happen tonight, I think your having a few drinks will be the last thing on your mind tomorrow."

Xania got tired of waiting. She said huffily, "I know just what you're doing, Alan. This is all some kind of fiendish plot, isn't it? You say you're just getting a drink when what you're really doing is just building up the anticipation even more until I'm ready to cream in my pants just thinking about what we're going to do. You're ignoring me to impress me and make me want you that much more. Damn you and your self-control!" She returned to the living room with frustration clearly written all over her face.

As Xania left, Suzanne said to her, "And tell Susan to sit still and be patient too!"

Susan in fact was just getting up to see what was going on, but she froze and went back to her seat feeling extremely frustrated.

Suzanne wiggled her eyebrows leeringly. "Kinda nice to have a woman like that so horny for you, isn't it? I'll bet it gives you a sense of power."

"Yeah," he nodded. "To say the least. Having so many women want me definitely makes my 'bad Alan' side flare up. But the funny thing is, my reputation grows by leaps and bounds without me actually doing anything, or deserving it. I mean, I'm really just thirsty and getting a drink, and somehow that drives Xania mad with lust. It's so draining, living up to all these expectations without a let up. I just know that tomorrow I'll sleep past noon and this alcohol won't help matters."

Suzanne chuckled. "If you're tired, it'll be because of all the bombshell babes you nailed

today, not to mention all the gallons of cum you shot into their tight slits and down their throats. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Remember that sex is largely in the mind. One of the plusses of having such a reputation is that if you just do a good job, the hype will make it seem great. Xania right now was a great case in point."

Alan poured himself a glass and one for Suzanne too. A part of him wished there would be

school tomorrow because he briefly imagined how much fun it could be if he could really tell all his classmates about his unbelievable poke-her party exploits. Sadly, he wouldn't even be able to tell Sean, because of the incest factor.

Suzanne noted, "You did pretty much ignore her though, and nobody ever ignores a bombshell like her, much less when she's thrusting her luscious, squeezable, big tits out at you. That makes you very intriguing and desirable."

"Yeah", he said blandly. He was pretty amazed that he'd reached a point where he could

ignore something like that, but sometimes, like now, he was so overstimulated that he needed a break.

He knew Suzanne was trying to get an erotic rise out of him with her "bombshell babes" and

"gallons of cum" comments, and it was working (not that it was necessary though, with so much other erotic stimulation all around him). But he switched gears and asked, "So why did Kim and Amy leave already, though? I didn't even get to say goodbye."

"They were utterly destroyed, even after taking clean up showers down there. Sure, they

wanted to say goodbye too, but I purposely kept them away from you because I figured that lately around here a two minute goodbye kiss has a habit of turning into a ten minute goodbye blowjob, which turns into a twenty minute goodbye fuck. Look what happened to your goodnight kiss with Kat, for instance, and I REALLY want to turn the tables on you already! Xania's not the only antsy one around here." Suzanne started bouncing up and down impatiently like a child that had to pee.

"Okay, okay," Alan laughed, trying not to stare too much at Suzanne's crazily bouncing

breasts. Taking his wine, he headed towards the living room, but then stopped. "Wait. One

more question. Why, after they left, did you AND Xania come upstairs? You said you didn't want to ruin the costume surprise, so why not just send one?"

Suzanne smiled. She acted as if she was speaking into a hidden camera. "He's not just a hunky teen with a cute butt and jackhammer dick. The boy asks some smart questions." Then she said to Alan, "That's because I was afraid that if either of us went alone, we'd get sucked into your sex games too, like Susan did."

He laughed, especially because he could see she was serious about it. Finally, all four of them were gathered in the living room. Alan wore his usual generic T-shirt

and shorts, while the other three were still decked out pornographically in black leather. Xania found the latex body suit too stiff and uncomfortable, so she'd stripped down

to stockings, long leather gloves, and nothing else.

Alan let out a low whistle as he admired the dominatrix-themed outfits on the three of them.

He said, "I'm still not sure about this whole submission experiment thing, but I do know I

love the apparel for it."

Susan chuckled, and said, "My thoughts exactly."

As Alan sat down on a sofa with his wine glass in hand, he commented, "You know though, I

still don't feel worthy. I mean, why me? Why do I get to play with three of the most beautiful women in the whole friggin' universe? Just look at you. What did I ever do to deserve all this?"

Xania looked at Suzanne, and said to her, "That's good. Maybe we should exploit that." Alan was puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Suzanne explained, "We're going to try a role-play. Xania and I were thinking that might be the best way to bring you into exploring your submissive side. We're going to punish you and we need things to punish you about." She laughed as she added, "The problem is, you're such

a good kid that I'm having a hard time thinking of some way to get righteously angry at you." She continued more seriously, "But I also want to say that it's when you feel worthy of us all

that I'm going to worry. That's when 'Bad Alan' is on the prowl. Your continuing modesty and goodness in the face of such fortune is SUCH a huge turn-on for me, personally." "Me too!" Susan said enthusiastically. "He's such a good kid! My heart just wants to burst with pride whenever I think about it."

Alan joked, "Is that why you always have such trouble keeping a top on, because your chest

keeps swelling with pride and ripping all the seams?" He further joked to himself that she must have had some pride swelling recently, because she'd already taken her top off. Xania said dryly, "We've got us a regular comedian. I still say we get this show on the road. In

fact, I'm going to start right now. Kiddo, here's the plan. Suzanne and I are going to pretend to be teachers in your school. You will call us Mrs. Pestridge and Dr. Goodleigh. Susan, since she's not the domineering type, has promised to just sit quietly and watch."

Susan spoke up. "Tiger, I worry. I'm a kind of referee to make sure they don't go too far. To be

honest, I'm against this whole thing as a matter of principle, although I put up with it since you seem to want it. After all, you're the master of the harem." "You mean master of the house," Alan corrected.

"Yes, that too." Susan giggled briefly. "But you should be dominating them, not the other

way around. You should be taming them with your cock more thoroughly. You should fuck Xania in the face and mark her with your sperm. You need to claim her just like a dog marks out its territory."

Her voice grew incredulous. "Do you realize that she's still not willing to give up having sex

with other men? I mean, Suzanne's bad enough thinking she's too good to call you 'Master,' but Xania really needs some serious pussy taming." She flashed Xania an annoyed look. Alan laughed. "Mom, thanks, but variety's the spice of life and I want to try something different tonight. This may well be a one time thing only. I like that Aunt Suzy doesn't call me 'Master' because I want Suzanne to be true to her Suzanne-ness, if you know what I mean. As for Xania, that's her choice. If she wanted to be part of the core group that would be another

matter, but she's happy with her life in L.A. So as long as she is extremely careful about using protection, I don't have a problem with who she sleeps with up there. It's none of my business."

Susan shook her head slowly. "Alan, you're far too tolerant of your big-titted nymphos. The

Big Tits Theory says she'll break if you just tame her with your cock a little more. Physically, she's So Alan-worthy that it absolutely breaks my heart she's not worshipping your cock as much as she should. When have you ever REALLY pounded her pussy into oblivion? Has she had enough of your cum to get hooked on it like a junkie gets hooked to crack? Is she-" Suzanne coughed to draw attention. "Enough of that. Susan, what did I say about mentioning that silly theory of yours? Sweetie, let's get going. I want you to imagine this is a school office. Walk out of the room, and then walk back in as if you've been sent for punishment after

school. Then we'll just wing it. Remember that a little bit of pain can heighten the pleasure. Oh, and as you've practiced with me and others, having someone delay your orgasm can heighten your pleasure in the end. So just keep those things in mind and you'll do fine."

Alan nodded. But before he left the room, he walked to the stereo. Suzanne's classical music

was still playing, but he turned that off. He said, "If nobody minds, I really enjoyed the Beatles song on endless loop earlier. I'd like to do that again."

He pulled out a Led Zeppelin CD and put the song "When the Levee Breaks" on endless loop.

He wasn't really sure why he picked that song, he mostly just thought it would be hypnotic to hear it over and over. Then he walked back towards the kitchen.


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