6 Times a Day

Chapter 1154: Christine's Dream Continued!

Chapter 1154: Christine's Dream Continued!

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-[3.7K words]

In Christine's dream, her joy at finding herself seemingly safe in the theater room with Alan was short lived. In fact, it turned to outright horror because the person who pulled her in wasn't Alan at all; it was her arch-enemy Heather.

Heather was just as naked as Christine, standing with her hands on her hips and a great big shit-eating grin on her face as she looked at the person she'd just rescued. Joy and Janice, equally naked, stood behind her. The three of them had obviously been in the middle of some lesbian sexual romp when Christine interrupted them.

"Oh My God," Heather crowed. "Who could have imagined Christine the Ice Queen streaking naked across the school grounds? I've never seen anything so funny in all my life! Ha! This is really rich! The school bitch has some kind of exhibitionist fetish!" She cackled some more, not at all unlike the typical evil mastermind "Bwa-ha-ha-ha" laugh found in corny B- movies.

Christine tried to cover her breasts and groin with her hands as she blushed, all the while protesting, "It's not like that!" She was so winded from running that she found it took her a while before she could say any more. "I... was... being... chased..." She was forced to stop speaking and bend over just to catch her breath.

Heather said mockingly, "Being chased, eh? You were just happily walking around the campus, minding your own business, completely BUCK NAKED of course, when some people started chasing you? That's a laugh! You expect me to believe THAT? Hell, you look so delicious I'd chase you too if I saw you strutting your stuff in the buff. So what really happened? This I gotta hear."

Christine moved into the room a bit further while still doubled over. With her chest heaving wildly, she looked up at Heather. This is bad. I don't know why, but I've never been so horny in all my life! Was it all those bouncing cocks? I mean, penises? Their probing hands? The sheer exhilarating joy of running for my life in the nude? I don't know what exactly, but it's bad because Heather's actually looking pretty good right now. Of course, I mean that strictly as one female sizing up another, not as a lesbian attraction. I definitely can see why Alan finds her attractive. She's like some kind of Playboy centerfold, more mature than a mere high school student. And Janice and Joy are looking pretty good too... Wait! What am I thinking?!

Finally, she collapsed on the nearby couch and managed to gasp out, "Can I... have... some clothes?"

Heather laughed some more. "Yeah. Sure. You can put on whatever you brought with you, ha ha ha!" She gave Janice and Joy a sharp look to make sure they understood that they'd better not loan Christine any of their clothes.

Christine looked up and saw the way Heather was looking at her. For the first time that night, she knew real fear. Oh no. Out of the frying pan, into the fire. She's sizing me up too, but in a blatantly sexual way. Which is worse, getting raped by the football team or by Heather and her flunkies? I am NOT a lesbian!

She knew that it wouldn't be easy to get past Heather. She could use her martial arts skills to physically overpower them all with ease and leave. However, if she did that to Heather, there would be severe consequences later. Since Heather really ruled the school social structure, Christine realized that pissing her off that badly was a suicide option. I'll have to play along for the moment and think up some other way out. I'm not only stronger than her, but I'm smarter too, so I ought to be able to do this.

Heather sneered, "Come on, I don't have all day, virgin queen. Oops, I mean Ice Queen."

If there was one thing Christine hated more than anything else, it was being reminded of her virginal status. It was far and away the touchiest issue in her life at the moment. Finally breathing a bit easier, she looked up at Heather again and said with determination, "First, I think you just called me the school bitch. Sorry, but someone else here holds that title. Someone else right around here, in fact." As soon as she'd said that, she realized that it had been a stupid thing to say, but it was too late to take it back.

Heather's smile turned to a murderous scowl. "You're not exactly in a position to drop insults, prude! Somebody, or more likely a lot of somebodies, are out to get you. They must be hot on your trail; I can see the fear in your eyes. I'm your only hope. In fact, I think you'd better get down on your knees right now and beg for forgiveness."


"Beg! Now! Then we'll talk."

She's mad! Certifiably insane! Christine thought. But if I leave here, the football players will probably get me again, and that IS worse. She really has me over a barrel.

As luck would have it, as if to confirm her thoughts, at that moment there was a loud knocking at the door. But it was only a couple of knocks, then silence. The room in fact was so soundproofed that little more than knocking could be heard from the outside, unless one put one's ear to the door.

It was nearly impossible for anyone on the outside to hear them, but everyone in the room became as quiet as a mouse and stayed that way for long moments, just to be on the safe side.

Then Heather said to Christine in a near whisper, "A-ha! I was right. You're in trouble and I'm your only hope. So, are you going to beg or do you want us to yell for them and let them in?"

With a heavy heart, Christine fell to her knees. "I'm sorry, Heather. I'm sorry for observing that you're the biggest bitch in the school."

If Heather was upset before, she was beyond livid now. "WHAT?! Did I hear you right?" Joy said a bit morosely, "Christine, that was dumb. Please stop before you dig yourself in any deeper. Believe me when I say that you don't want Heather as your enemy."

Christine replied defiantly, "I know that was dumb, but Heather, you piss me off so much. You don't even know what kind of trouble I'm in yet, but all you can think of is humiliating me. Where's the 'Hey, let me help you in your moment of need?""

Heather replied sarcastically, "That's probably in Disneyland, right next to the 'It's a small world after all' ride. Fucking get real. You need my help, and that makes you my bitch. End of story. Don't think I don't know how you and your little "Goody-goody" goon squad has been doing nothing but saying nasty things about me all year. And now you want me to play the Good Samaritan? Yeah. Right. I'm dying to know what kind of trouble you're in. But first I want you to lick my pussy. No, make that a sincere apology first, followed by licking my pussy."

In Christine's sexually overheated state, a part of her didn't seem too upset by that idea. She found herself staring hungrily at Heather's moist blonde pussy, but then turned away. She thought to herself, I can turn away now all I want, but I can just tell that before I leave here I'm gonna be worshipping that hot little box... Oops! Did I really just say that? This is Heather we're talking about. Heather! I'm still so aroused from before that even Heather looks good! I need to buy some time so I can get my lust under control.

Christine barked with anger, "What? Heather, you're completely mental."

Heather had a shit-eating grin. She was holding all the cards, and she knew it. "Am I? I'll tell you what. There's only one group that I can think of that would be chasing you naked. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I know you've been snooping around Ryan and his gang, trying to figure out their plans."

Heather walked towards her backpack and her clothes. She picked up her cell phone as she talked. "You know what? I've actually slept with Ryan in the past. He's not a bad fuck, as football players go. In fact, I have his number programmed in my phone. I think I'll just give him a call and ask him if he's looking for any stray buxom blondes that are streaking around

the campus."

"No! Don't!" Christine said reflexively, even grabbing in vain for the phone, but it was far out

of her reach.

"Ha! God, you're pathetic. So I was right about that. I'm usually right about everything, which is why I rule this school. I think you should reconsider my offer. Apology. Then pussy. Otherwise, there's the phone and then the door. Your choice."

Christine considered her options. Maybe I should just take out these three. Take them all down, tie them up and gag them, and hole up in here for a while. I'll take Heather's phone and call for help. No. i couldn't do that, especially since Janice and Joy don't look too happy to be here; they're obviously being blackmailed or coerced by Heather in some way. However, the phone. There's an idea. If I could call Alan, he'd be able to do something about Heather. The word is that he can control her, and I'll bet his way has something to do with filling her well-used pussy with steaming hot cock! ... What's with my language? I'm too horny! I need to calm down.

Christine knew or could guess a lot about Heather's sex life, but she was still unaware of Heather's growing need for anal sex, so her dream reflected that.

She concluded, I just have to stall for time until I can get that phone! Alan will save me. It'll even be


She fell down on her knees. "Sorry, Heather. Really. My bad."

Heather just raised an expectant eyebrow.

Christine looked up plaintively and said in a desperate voice, "Please, Heather. Please! Please

forgive me. I'll do anything to make it up to you. Anything!"

Heather towered above her, reveling in her dominant role. "Acceptable. Barely. Of course I

know you don't mean it, but it's a good acting job. You have no idea how accurate your words are, though. You will do anything for me, now that I have you. In fact, let's see you start with

some licking."

"Heather, why? You have Janice and Joy here to command. I'm not even slightly into girls. I won't enjoy it at all."

Heather cupped Christine's chin with her fingertips. "Why should I care about that? If YOU

don't enjoy it, I'll enjoy it that much more. You've been a real loose cannon around school. You're a force to be reckoned with, what with all those loser 'Goody-goody' prudes who follow you around, and all the guys whose tongues are hanging out, hoping to fondle your huge hooters. It's time I bring you into line."

Seeing no way out, Christine scooted forward and began hesitantly licking Heather's pussy. She tried to close her eyes and imagine it wasn't happening, but it was. I have to imagine I'm doing something else to make this more bearable. I could be licking Alan's armpit... Yes. That's better. "Alan, how am I doing? You like this? I love you so very much I'll even lick your armpit."

Heather displayed an evil smile for Janice and Joy, who were watching closely. But of course, Christine wasn't really licking Alan's armpit; she was licking Heather's pussy,

and there was no way to completely deny that reality. She felt like she was having some kind of unreal, out-of-body experience as her tongue slid up and down and all around Heather's slippery pussy lips. Not realizing that she was dreaming, she thought, This CAN'T be


She kept on licking. She was doing a pretty good job too, considering she'd never done it


After less than a minute though, Heather said, "Good. You seemed to actually be getting into

it. Am I wrong?"

"Of course you're wrong!" Christine replied hotly, letting her anger show. But her thoughts

were different. It's not fair. I'm not supposed to like it, but I do! ... No, I don't like it. I really don't! Heather's beyond cruel taking advantage of me like this when I'm weak and winded and so hot and lusty. All this nakedness. Just knowing that I'm naked and have been streaking around the school is such a turn-on. It's downright unjust that her pussy juices actually taste good. They ought to be as rancid and bitter as her black heart, but they're not. I'll have to get my revenge later! Heather commanded, "Now lie down on the stage and prepare to get fucked. Janice, see if you can find the strap-on in my backpack. Joy, start to warm up Christine's pussy while she tells

me about her recent travails. As for me, I'm gonna check out Christine's knockers for myself. I've heard that they're completely real, but that can't be true."

Again seeing no choice, Christine lay down as directed. Once again she tried to imagine it was Alan who was ravaging her. Only this time she had to imagine two Alans. She pictured one licking her pussy while the other one groped at her breasts. She found it didn't feel half bad. In fact, she could almost enjoy it, but only so long as she was imagining it was Alan. Every now and then she remembered that some of the touching was coming from Heather, and that nearly made her ill. It was especially hard to forget that fact because Heather kept talking.

Heather was using both of her hands to try to cup Christine's breasts, but there was more mammary flesh there than her hands could hold. "Damn. Well I'll be. They do feel real. And they feel pretty good too. Janice, you've gotta check out these puppies; I think they're even bigger than mine. I could play with them all day." Christine could feel a third and then a fourth hand on her chest as Janice apparently was taking Heather's advice. Stupid breasts again! Everyone's taking turns feeling me up, like my boobs are some kind of community resource or something. Imagine that: what if I had to go to school topless

every day and all the other students could play with my chest all day long? Not to mention teachers! Or better yet, what if I had to go to school completely naked like I've been today? Christine could scarcely believe how arousing these thoughts, and all the hands vying to play

with her nipples, were getting her. In a way she hoped Joy would join in the groping, so that thirty fingers could wander over her big breasts all at once, providing even more stimulation. After happy groans and moans from everyone involved, Heather said, "As much fun as this is, it's time to hear your tale of woe. What did you do to piss Ryan off and get him after you?"

So Christine told her story. She was so smart that she could talk about one topic while thinking about a completely different one if she willed herself to do it. Even more impressive, she continued to talk and think coherently while Heather suckled, licked, teased, and tormented her outrageously erect nipples.

As she talked, she was thinking, I wonder how long I'm going to have to put up with this horny bitch. Why won't she just leave my breasts alone? If I can't get to a phone, how long are those thugs going to search the school for me before they give up? One hour? Two? I don't see them as patient types, but Ryan is pretty conniving. I don't think he'll give up easily.

Let's say I have to put up with being Heather's plaything for another hour. The key is, I have to turn into such a raging lesbian slut that Heather will pass out from all the huge orgasms I give her. Then I can steal her clothes and make my getaway. Oh, that'll be fun, leaving her here naked, hee-hee. Maybe a few of those guys will still be scouting the school and they'll find her in the buff! That'd be poetic justice, if they give her the punishment they'd intended for me.

She paused and considered, That wouldn't be so bad, would it? One hour of having to put up with

Heather? Two, maybe, on the outside?

While she was playing with this idea, Heather reached down to Christine's groin and began

playing with the blonde virgin's clit.

Waves of pleasure surged through Christine's body. She thought in surprise, Heather's not ALL

bad. It could have been a lot worse sucking and stroking all those big hard cocks, then getting fucked at both ends over and over, climaxing and screaming so many times, just taking so many long, hard cocks until I couldn't walk.... Actually, that doesn't sound so horrible either! God, I'm too horny!

Maybe I could even learn something from Heather, like how to be a good kisser, or how to be sexy like she is for Alan. Then he might want me instead...

Or is this just another pathetic justification? I can't deny the way my pussy is throbbing and my heart is pounding even though I've recovered my breath. She's all over me like an octopus, and the way she's making me feel as she fingers my clitoris and keeps up that damn nibbling on my left nipple... Oh God, I have to be strong...

She tried to recall just what a bitch Heather was, but her mind was focused more on what Heather's hands and mouth were doing to her. Everything else seemed increasingly hazy and irrelevant. Maybe I should just resign myself to doing whatever Heather tells me to do, because everyone knows there's no way to best her at her own game. She's too ruthless. She's actually a lot more scary than the whole football team. I'll just let her get me off with her fingers... Someone else's fingers, even another woman's, sliding in and out of my pussy lips feel so much better than my

own! This doesn't make me a lesbian; it's just like I'm masturbating except with someone else's hands.


However, no sooner did Christine finish thinking that than she caught Janice waving at her behind Heather's back.

Janice was sitting on a couch behind Heather, fishing through Heather's backpack. She had

pulled out the strap-on, and then she'd pulled out Heather's phone. Janice opened the phone and started scrolling through Heather's address book. Then, apparently finding the number she was looking for, she dialed.

Christine watched Janice whisper a word into the phone. Her heart leapt as she surmised from Janice's lips that the word was "Alan."

Then, giving the thumbs up, Janice left the phone on, pointing its microphone towards

Heather and Christine. Then she flipped the bird at Heather's back, picked up the dildo, looked with sympathy and understanding at Christine, and rejoined the group. Christine was overjoyed at Janice's actions; they strengthened her resolve to resist Heather.

That's almost exactly what my plan was! But I couldn't get to the phone without Heather suspecting.

Good thing I kept her occupied so Janice could do it. Now, knock on wood, I'll only have to put up with another ten or fifteen minutes of Heather's orgasmic fondling and kissing before Alan comes to rescue me! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Janice!

Even as Christine was thinking this, she was explaining to Heather what had happened to her.

She didn't want to go into too much detail for fear that the more Heather knew, the more Heather would eventually use against her. She also didn't want to relive her recent trauma, particularly the part about being held helpless by the football players before she'd managed to escape. However, she found herself more aroused than anything thinking about those nine dicks constantly brushing up against her naked body. As she talked, she made sure to casually slip in the facts that she was in the theater room, and that Heather was doing things to her against her will. She hoped Alan was listening on the phone and would take quick action. After she finished explaining her escape, she found herself describing her "sexual torment" in more detail in response to some questions from Heather. Before long, she was breathlessly describing all of the "big cocks" that had brushed all over her. Her descriptions quickly turned

purely pornographic.

Heather joined in, describing from personal experience how good it felt to be fucked by some of the dicks Christine was describing. She began pistoning her fingers in and out of Christine's slit in a manner that more obviously mimicked the fucking she was describing. (Christine by contrast wasn't doing much with Heather's body except running her hands all over it, but Heather knew that would change the hotter she was able to get Christine.)

As everyone began to pant louder from all the arousing talk and touching, Heather suddenly

stopped completely. She said, "Enough talk! Christine, we don't have to just talk about how good you'd feel getting seriously fucked; we can show you. Have you ever seen a strap-

on dildo? Lucky me; I've got one here. I've always wanted to do you but I never thought I'd get

the chance. I'm gonna relish this! Janice, where's that strap-on?" "Right here," Janice muttered. She had no choice but to hand over the strap-on. She grimaced an apology at Christine when Heather's back was turned.


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