6 Times a Day

Chapter 1152: Christine to be R*ped? Of course not!

Chapter 1152: Christine to be R*ped? Of course not!

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Meanwhile, several miles away, Christine was also in bed, already sleeping. When she had been drifting off she had two things on her mind: one, Alan's problems with the football players and how to solve them, and two, Alan himself. As a result, when she began having another one of her vivid dreams, both Alan and the football players were in it.

Christine was at school listening through the window of the boy's locker room. It was well after the end of classes and almost everyone had gone home, except for some athletes who were still practicing. However, some of the football players had stuck around to hold a private meeting. That meeting was the target of her investigation. The players were obviously discussing how to get revenge on Alan. She had her ear right by a slatted ventilation window, catching every word.

However, she was listening so intently that she didn't sense it when someone snuck up on her, until he grabbed both her arms and pulled them tight behind her. A rumbling low male voice said, "What do we have here? A peeping Tom?"

Another voice joked "Looks more like a peeping Tina," and grabbed her ear.

Christine turned as much as she could despite having her arms pinned behind her back. The firm grip on her ear had stopped her from using a lot of her martial arts techniques to break free at once, because she doubted that she needed to damage her ear just to handle whoever it


She attempted to drop and twist in a spiral motion by letting her supporting leg muscles go limp. That was partly successful for a moment, but then the big football player holding her arms realized what she was doing and simply lifted her off the ground, keeping her where she had been, facing the window. (In real life an attacker would have been unlikely to respond quickly enough to the sudden weight increase on his extended arms, so this tactic would have worked, but in her dream he had lightning-quick reflexes to counter all her techniques.)

Then she tried to kick backward at her assailant, but that was the one place where her legs couldn't strike with any force. Again her big attacker simply held her up, now at arms length so her kicks couldn't reach him.

She might have tried to tuck forward circularly, rotating around her shoulders to bring her feet up to where she could kick her main captor, but she was still so close to the window that there was no room for that maneuver. So all she could do was wait for his arms to tire, or for him to move her or do something else with her; any change in the situation would be likely to give her something to work with.

Then the guy holding her backed up, away from the window, and turned her around so that more of his buddies could get to her. The guy who had been holding her ear let go to reach in and pull her front-closing blouse apart, exposing her breasts, which for some reason were unrestrained (in her dream) by one of the industrial-strength full-coverage minimizer bras that she always wore to school in real life.

That was too much temptation for the big football player who was holding her off the ground while pinning her arms behind her. He moved out to her side to be able to see her humongous hooters. Finally, she was able to bring her feet into play, lashing out with her feet at the guy who was unbuttoning her blouse, who responded by reflex by throwing a punch at her head. As she ducked that punch she simultaneously twisted, trying to break free of the football player whose grip had loosened while he was peering at her chest. That left him holding her blouse as it slipped down her arms.

The guy who had grabbed her from behind realized his mistake and immediately shifted his grip back to her upper arms, again pulling them tight behind her back and lifting her off the ground. As she flailed helplessly with her feet, other football players rushed in from both sides and grabbed her thighs, lifting and tilting her toward the horizontal, which let two more guys grab her calves while still others came to take over the hold on her arms.

Each attacker grabbed a different part of her body, helping to immobilize her. She thrashed about but accomplished nothing. She was completely helpless, unable to get free because her attackers were too many and too strong. She knew that she could have accounted much better for herself if her feet had ever been on the ground, but that was the one thing that her assailants had not permitted.

She thought theatrically, as might only happen in a dream, Oh no! I can't let them take me alive! She tried to bite one of her captors. That pissed him off, so he hit her alongside the head and knocked her out.

The next thing she knew, she woke up inside the boys' locker room. She felt sore in a few places, where their tight grips and her thrashing about had caused bruising, but that wasn't what bothered her. She was bound tightly to a chair with thick bands and didn't have a stitch of clothing left on her. Her arms were bound behind her, to the back of the chair, and her legs were tied together just below her knees and again around her ankles. The bands holding her were so strong and so tight that she knew she had absolutely no chance of freeing herself from them.

But worse than that was her realization when she opened her eyes to see that there were nine big football players there. All of them were leering at her and angry. The one she had kicked seemed to be nursing a bruise.

Dear God no! It's all of Alan's enemies, together! I'm going to be gangbanged, if not worse! This can't be happening to me!

Because the real-life dreaming Christine was aroused and fantasizing, her captors were all real football players from her school, but they were all much larger, stronger and more handsome than in reality. Also, her dream was semi-lucid. Deep down she knew that she was dreaming, and knew that if something truly horrible began happening in her dream she could escape by waking up. That was somewhat similar to having a safe word during kinky sex to allow one to quit at any time. As a result, she was only in as much danger as she would permit herself to be in.

Ryan, the leader of the group, walked right up to her. He stroked his rakishly unshaven chin like a handsome movie villain come to torment the damsel in distress. "So. What do we have here? Christine Anderssen, all naked and bound, on display. Why, it's just like someone left us an early Christmas present, right guys?"

There were lots of rude comments and grunts of approval.

She might have been bested physically, but she still had her fighting spirit. (In addition, knowing at some level that she could quit the dream at any time allowed her to act boldly.) "Don't even THINK about it, you sick, twisted freaks! If you lay one hand on me, I'm going to scream 'rape' so loud the hole town will come running!"

Ryan pointed to the windows, which were really just a few small air vents such as the one Christine had been listening through. Every single one was covered with a sound-absorbing foam pad, making the room darker than usual. "What are you talking about? No one's going to hear you. Almost no one's even left in the school except us. Besides, WE didn't tie you up. Luckily, Rock and some of his friends just happened to be passing by, late for our meeting, when they found you all tied up at the door of our locker room. You were sitting in that chair all hot and horny with a big 'FUCK ME!' sign around your neck. We didn't tie you up; we just found you there and brought you inside, out of the wind. And now we're doing what you asked us to do with that sign. This is all completely consensual."

"That's a lie!" she protested. "It's all lies, and you know it! You thugs grabbed me, and now you're all going to try to rape me. But it'll never work. Unless you have the guts to kill me, I'm going to get out of this eventually and then let everyone know what you've done. I'll never stop until I've ruined you all. That is, unless you let me go RIGHT NOW!"

"Ha. Fat chance," Ryan said smugly. "You were spying on Rock and his boys, listening in on our meeting. Those guys would be in some serious trouble if you'd succeeded in learning anything and reporting it. They all want satisfaction. I think the only solution is to fuck you silly, with a video camera recording the whole thing. That'll ensure your silence, unless you want your parents and everyone else in town to know what a slut for jock cock you really


She was silent and fuming, considering her options.

As if reading her mind, he said, "Oh, by the way, we're not stupid enough to show our faces in the video. We're not going to say our names either, and if you say them we'll just edit those

bits out. It'll just be you and a bunch of random cocks."

She wanted to curse "Damn!" but she held her tongue.

Happy that he'd finally stunned her into silence, Ryan turned around and looked at the others. "Well, what are we all waiting for? We see each other naked every day in the shower. Let's strip and start feeding the 'Ice Queen' all the cock she can handle. Maybe that will warm her up. Just think about it; if she likes it maybe she'll become our slut, replacing Heather who her friend Alan stole from us."

The players all began to disrobe. High fives were slapped all around.

Ryan said to Rock, "Hey Rock, since it was your meeting that she was spying on, I say you should go first. I think you need to nail her some in return, if you know what I mean." Rock, however, was mindful of how small his penis was and didn't want to draw any more attention to that fact. (Christine had heard rumors about his small dick, so she'd worked that fact into her dream.) "Thanks, but I'm still recovering. How 'bout Ja- ... Well fuck, we shouldn't be saying names. We gotta get in practice for the camera. How 'bout these two guys here? He," indicating one of the guys, "did a good job holding her up, and she tried to bite him," indicating the other.

The two unnamed guys walked up to Christine. They were so excited they were practically

drooling. But one of them said to Ryan, "Hey Ry- uh, I mean, hey boss, what can we do with her bound up like that? I mean, there's no way to get at her pussy and I'm sure not putting my dick between her teeth when she's staring daggers like that. No telling what the crazy bitch will do. And I'm not willing to go down the Hershey highway either." "Good point," Ryan replied as he walked up behind Christine and reached over her to place his

hands on her breasts, palming them. "I suppose with nine on one she's not about to go anywhere. Let's untie her legs but leave her arms tied up. As fun as it is to see her tits all bound up like this, I think just having some rope around her wrists will do." Christine saw the first sliver of hope that she might get out of this.

By this point all of the football players were as naked as she was. While they stood close,

pawing at her and working to undo the bands that held her, she looked at them one by one. Her idea was to take mental photographs of each one to remember for later revenge, but in so doing she found herself admiring their bodies against her will.

I have to admit, they're all really built. Of course they're all assholes, but at least they're hunky assholes, in the body if not always in the face. And all these penises waving around! Holy Toledo. I've never seen one in the flesh, much less nine! I'm sure the statistical odds are that their penises on average are no bigger or smaller than any other nine penises, but damn, they all look so big! Well, all except for Rock's, hee-hee.

She found herself repeatedly gawking at the large erection on one of the black players.

God, that's so big. And so ... black. What would that look like sliding in and out of my blonde bush, between my pale white thighs? But there's no way it could fit. I mean, that's ten inches at least. And so is that one! And that one there is nearly as big. They'd split my poor pussy! Ryan's hands were still exploring her breasts, but he wasn't just crudely groping - he knew

how to arouse. He repeatedly twisted and pulled her nipples with just enough force to drive her wild. Other hands were wandering all over her skin now as well. I just wish they'd hurry up with the ropes and stop pawing me all over. I think they're taking their time so each one can play with my breasts. Damn those 'girls'; they're always causing back pain and get in the way of almost everything I do! Dammit, no! Not there! She managed to squirm her hips around until a finger that was trying to

poke into her vagina gave up the attempt. Thank goodness for small victories. I'm being prodded

and poked and fondled like some kind of animal!

She waited until they'd untied her legs, and then let out a great sigh of relief.

But then several burly players picked her up and effortlessly carried her to some sports equipment elsewhere in the room. They bent her over it, leaving her ass wiggling high in the air. She was now in an ideal position to be taken and mounted doggy style, or even to have

her backdoor plundered.

"Hey! Just what do you think you're doing?" she yelled angrily as she tried to kick her legs without falling down while trying to tug her wrist bindings apart. "This is completely immoral!"

One of the two guys who had been designated to fuck her first said, "Boss, I thought you said

she was some kind of brainiac. Duh! What does it look like we're doing? Stupid cunt!" He punctuated his opinion of her with a powerful swat delivered to her defenseless rear. Ryan's voice dripped with sarcasm as he melodramatically slapped himself on the forehead. "Hold it, everybody. We completely forgot that this is immoral. Let's let her go and then we can all play Parcheesi together."

He said to Christine in a condescending voice, "You stupid soon-to-be slut. We know this is

risky, but we took a look at your topless body while you were passed out and we all agreed it's

definitely worth the risk. Actually, I find the danger even more of a turn-on. Do you realize you're the school tit queen?"

"Oh joy," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Ryan reached out and gave each of her nipples a good squeeze. "Oh, look. Bonus. Check out

how hard these nips are." They'd been that way even before he'd started playing with them. Now he began playing with them in earnest.

She had to struggle not to moan in pleasure in response to his insistent squeezing and pinching. Stupid breasts! Doubly so, because if they weren't so big they probably would have just let me go. Now these assholes are going to line up one after another and pound my helpless pussy with

their huge dicks!

Realizing things had gone from bad to worse, she dropped her demanding tone and said to

the group in a pleading voice, "Wait a minute. You realize I'm a virgin, don't you? Please, please, I beg you, don't make me have my first time be a rape! I swear, if you untie my arms too, I'll jack each and every one of you off as best I can. I swear!"

Jerry, another one of the ringleaders in the plot against Alan, said, "Hey, that sounds like a pretty good deal to me. I mean, she's so hot. Look at that body and those impossibly huge tits just dangling there! I need to get off and get off now. I can hardly hold it in just looking at her!

Maybe we can start with handjobs and titfucks, and if she hasn't satisfied us we can decide on other things to do with her."

The others all leered and grinned at this suggestion.

She thought, Duh! It's obvious they're going to have me jack them all off, and then they're gonna

fuck me anyway. I'm no fool. But men are so stupid; all they can do is think with their dicks. She also

managed to finally stand up and turn around and no one stopped her. She hoped to get a better answer if they weren't all staring at her pussy.

But seeing that most of them were not completely convinced, she added, "Do all you guys

intend to just wait and stand there, getting blue balls for who knows how long, while only one or two get their satisfaction? Don't you want to take the edge off first? I'll do almost anything rather than lose my virginity - and willingly - if you free me first and give me some say.

Anyway, I'm not on any birth control and I don't see a condom in sight. Are all of you willing to take the chance of becoming a father?"

All their eyes lit up. She ruefully realized that she shouldn't have added that last part.

Rock said, "Sounds like a good deal to me. She said she'll do anything to not lose her virginity.

Think about that, guys. Handjobs and titfucks first, then we can double-team her mouth and her ass."

That brought so many cheers that she thought, Now I've really got a chance to get out of here!

Suckers! I just hope I don't have to touch any of these guys' pathetic peckers first. Ugh! I want my first everything to be with Alan!

Ryan, though, wasn't so sure. He said, "I dunno. It might be some kind of trick. Let me check."

With one player holding her bound arms in a strong lock behind her back to help ensure she couldn't squirm much, Ryan bent down before her. He slipped a finger into her pussy and then

pulled it out. Then, just to push her a little, he pushed two fingers in and then wiggled them about, bumping them up against her maidenhead.

Finally he pulled his fingers out and held them up. They were covered with her sticky juices. "Look, guys! I think she protests too much. She's hot to trot."

She moaned to herself, Why does my body betray me?! This can't be happening! If I'm going to be raped, why does it have to be by a bunch of muscular athletes who could pass for Chippendales dancers? I don't wanna be conflicted about it. Or even enjoy it. But how could I not feel something from

all that probing, not to mention the way this guy behind me keeps rubbing his big dick up and down my ass cheeks even as he holds me in this shameful, helpless position? Maybe I SHOULD just enjoy it and that'll reduce the trauma. No! I have to resist! I can escape; I know I can.

Rock laughed at Ryan's comments and the way Christine's hips were writhing in anticipation.

He said, "Figures. It's like I've always said: all women are horny bitches deep down. But this one is something else." He kneaded her breasts. "Look, these fun bags are real!"

So Christine was untied. She rubbed her wrists briefly. All the while, hands were brushing her everywhere. There were at least three hands on her ass. The two guys who were to take her first had taken up the spots right in front of her, but seemed fully occupied for the moment just with hefting her breasts and tweaking her nipples.


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