6 Times a Day

Chapter 1130 Kim at the House Party

Chapter 1130 Kim at the House Party

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Just then, Xania and Suzanne strolled into view.

Suzanne was wary about Kim's presence at the party, due to her fear of the family's incestuous secret possibly spreading, but she figured it was way too late to do anything about it. So she put up a good front and said with great friendliness, "Welcome, Kim! I've heard a lot about you. Don't mind Susan; she's just rightfully wary about strangers being in the know about things around here. She warms up a good deal once you get to know her."

Kim was stunned. She simply couldn't believe what she was seeing. She knew that Suzanne was Amy's mother, and she'd heard some classmates josh Amy about having a centerfold-worthy mother. She'd even seen Suzanne at a distance a couple of times, for instance sitting in a car in the school parking lot as she waited to pick up Amy after cheerleading practice. But to see Suzanne up close like this completely blew her mind. It seemed like Suzanne's body was a near duplicate of Susan's, which was like lightning striking twice. Suzanne towered over Kim's short stature, just as Susan did, but was nonetheless as voluptuous as a woman could be.

And then there was Xania. Her body was so much like the other two that it was uncanny. If it weren't for the fact that their faces were quite different, Kim would have assumed the three were siblings, possibly even triplets. It was like lightning striking three times to have such impossibly curvaceous beauty together at once.

She blurted out, "No way!" Then, gaining confidence, she practically screamed, "No fucking way! This is, this is... Valhalla! ... Olympus! ... It's like... like Heaven!"

She was amazed enough at the physical beauty of the three older women, not to mention that they were all so big without being in the slightest bit fat. But she was also quite impressed by what they wore. Complementing Susan's blue dress, Suzanne wore a red one and Xania wore a dark green one. All were low cut and looked fantastic. Amy stood to the side in a white dress. Kim considered them some kind of basic-colors gang; she half expected to see yet another ravishing woman come strolling out dressed in yellow to complete the picture.

The four women now standing around Kim laughed, pleased that Kim was so stunned by their looks.

Suzanne said, "My, my, what a flatterer we have here. I'm Suzanne, Amy's mother, by the way, and this is Xania, a family friend from out of town."

Kim wasn't thinking but simply blurted her thoughts again in Xania's direction. "Oh my God, has Alan fucked you too?"

Xania jutted a hip out provocatively and said, "What do you think?" Her proud look left no doubt that the answer was yes.

Kim was so shocked and aroused that she continued to speak without thinking. "Holy Toledo! If Alan sleeps with the likes of you three, then what on Earth is he doing with the likes of me at school?! Next time I see him, I swear, I'm going to bow before him in awe. Then I'm gonna blow him like it's the greatest honor to do so! If he's with you all, and more, he's got to be some kind of sex god!"

Susan couldn't help but smirk a little bit. My sentiments exactly, all around! Okay, he's not a god, but you just try to have a son like that and say 'no' to his fat cock. It can't be done! I do like her attitude about blowing him though. It IS a great honor and privilege! That's why i always thank him and clean his cock and balls afterwards.

Suzanne modestly ignored Kim's question and replied instead, "No, he's not a god; he's just very, very, very, very, very lucky." She said each "very" slowly for extra emphasis. "Did I use enough very's? Because he's a damn lucky guy and I hope he never forgets it." Since Suzanne was the one who'd essentially given Alan the sex life he now enjoyed, she knew better than anyone just how lucky he was.

Xania said, "I think you need a couple more 'verys'." This was both a joke and her honest opinion. She added, "At least, though, you can say he's played his lucky hand very well."

"True," Suzanne nodded. "But in any case, Kim, I understand that you've known about the incest for over a month and you haven't told anybody. I sure hope that's true and that you'll continue to use discretion. You can be trusted with anything that might happen tonight, can't you?"

Kim was seized with fear. She figured that if she answered incorrectly, she might not be allowed to walk amongst these Earthly goddesses. So she pulled herself together enough to answer, "Uh, yeah... Of course! ... In fact, Alan said something about how my being invited was a 'thank you' for being such a good sport and so tight-lipped about things. You can trust me! Definitely!"

Suzanne reached out and patted Kim on the shoulder. "Relax. You look like you're about to hyperventilate or something. Don't worry. We all know you're bisexual, and that's cool. We're all bisexual to various degrees also, except for Alan, of course."

Suzanne pondered the situation for a long moment, and then asked Kim, "Actually, can I speak to you in private for a minute?"

"Um, sure." Kim was practically trembling with nervousness. She feared that she'd done something wrong already and Suzanne was going to give her a private dressing down or even discreetly send her home.

Suzanne walked Kim into the dining room so they could sit at the table there. She thought Kim might be intimidated by her size and height, so having them talk while sitting could help Kim relax a bit. To her consternation, Susan walked to the kitchen at the same time to check on some cooking task, leaving Xania with only Amy to talk to. Suzanne was careful to speak in a quiet voice to make sure Susan couldn't hear.

She said, "Kim, I must admit I'm a bit concerned about you being here, for one simple reason: secrecy. Katherine told me just a little while ago that you'd be coming to the party. She's also told me about how you've known about Alan's intimate relationship with both her and Susan. She assures me that you can be trusted about this, and the fact that you haven't shared our secrets for over a month now is proof of that."

The wide-eyed and frightened Kim just nodded.

Suzanne continued, "As a result, I decided that there's no reason to keep you away. That would be pointless, since you already know our most important secrets. But, that said, I want to take a moment to stress to you just how VITAL it is that you keep those secrets secret! Since you go to the same school as Alan and Katherine, if you were to tell even ONE close friend anything in the strictest confidence, that friend almost certainly wouldn't be able to resist telling at least one other close friend, and so on, and before you know it, that secret is out there! That would be a complete disaster! Our lives would be ruined. We'd probably have to move far away. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that you don't tell a soul about ANYTHING that happens here, or anything about our sex lives, period!"

Kim nodded very obediently. "Yes, ma'am! You can trust me completely!"

Suzanne stared hard at her, with a narrow gaze. "I sure hope so. We have a lot of fun at parties like this - a LOT of fun. Alan and Katherine both like you and vouch for you. If you can keep completely quiet about us, I have no doubt you'll be invited to more events like this. But if anything gets out at all, you'll never see us again! Furthermore, although I'm not the vindictive type, if you ruin our lives I'll make sure that you pay a big price as well! Do you understand me?"

Kim bowed her head, trying to be as meek as humanly possible. "Yes, ma'am!"

"Good." Suzanne smiled. "Now, with that out of the way, I'm sure you have many questions about our lifestyle. I'd like to help you answer them, but later. I can see Susan is still fiddling around in the kitchen, and I don't want to keep our other guest Xania waiting with only Amy to keep her company. Come to me later if you want to know about anything. The way I figure, you already know our biggest secrets, and the rest are just details, so I don't mind additionally sharing that part. Okay?"

Kim nodded. She was incredibly relieved that she wasn't going to be sent home or something like that. She had no intention of ever telling anyone else about the Plummer incest, but after what Suzanne had just told her she redoubled her resolve to keep her lips zipped shut about the whole subject.

Suzanne walked Kim back to the living room and apologized to Xania and Amy for leaving them alone for so long. Then she started a discussion so that Kim and Xania could get to know the basics about each other.

Susan rejoined the others a minute or two later. She just sat and listened, since she already knew the basics about both Xania and Kim (having been told all about Kim by her own children). But she didn't realize that whenever she looked Kim's way, she scowled disapprovingly.

However, Suzanne soon noticed that. When there was a lull in the conversation, she said, "By the way, I'll bet you're wondering why I talked to Kim in private. I was just stressing to her the need to keep all our secrets secret. With that out of the way, I also made a point of reassuring her that she's very welcome here, since she's an invited guest. Isn't that true, Susan?" That question was said in a tone of voice that left no room for argument.

Susan was looking at Kim's chest with a disapproving expression. Due to the long silence, she finally looked up and answered, "Oh, sure. You're very welcome here, Kim. Anyone who is a friend of Alan's or Katherine's is a friend of mine."

Kim looked like she was going to cry. She looked down at herself and exclaimed, "Thanks so much, but, but, look at me!" She waved a hand over the ordinary blouse and jeans she had on. "I thought this was, like, a normal party. You know, not like a..." She was at a loss for words.

Xania rushed to the rescue. "Amy, can you help her out? Why don't you take Kim upstairs to Katherine's room and see if there's something there Kim can borrow that'll fit the occasion?"

"M'kay!" Amy grabbed Kim by the hand and led the bewildered teen up the stairs.

As soon as the two teens were gone, the three remaining women took a seat around the coffee table in the living room. Xania was looking a bit irate. She leaned forward towards Susan and said, "Shame on you!"

"Shame on me? What for?"

"The way you treated that poor girl, just because she was so tongue-tied and awed by our looks. You should be flattered, but no, you were brushing her off. I thought it would be a good idea to hustle her upstairs before she got hurt."

"What did I do?" Susan complained defensively. "I didn't brush her off. I was polite enough, wasn't I?"

Suzanne spoke up. "Susan, you were polite but distant. Luckily you didn't say much, but non-verbally you were cutting her down. Also, luckily, Kim doesn't know you well enough to realize there was something strange in your manner. But I do, and I know what was really bothering you. You don't like her because you don't think she's Alan-worthy."

Suzanne positively impaled Susan with her steely gaze. "Aren't I right?"

Xania harrumphed in agreement.

Susan gave her answer with a guilty expression instead of words. But then she said defensively, "Did you see her chest? I mean, really! And she's just all around small and skinny. I actually feel bad for Tiger that he would have to resort to-"

Suzanne cut in. "Susan, Susan, Susan. I love you dearly, but you've let this whole Big Tits Theory go to your head. I'm sure Kim is a very wonderful person and a perfectly fine Alan fuck. Get a grip! It's not all about tit size. Sweetie fucks our pussies, not our tits! Well, okay, he fucks our tits too sometimes, but you know what I mean."

Susan and Xania chuckled at that slip-up.

Suzanne gave a chagrined look, then continued, "The chest is just one part of the body. For instance, a woman might have tremendous tits but be a dead fish in bed. Or think about Akami and Glory. Sweetie loves fucking them, yet they're not that much more stacked than Kim. Susan, my dear, you're so caught up in your chesty superiority that you're likely to crush that poor girl's ego if you aren't careful. It's so unlike you to be a bad host."

"A bad host? Me? Oh dear! God, I hope she didn't notice anything. It's just... Well... Let's face it. I know this isn't the polite thing to say, but Kim simply is not Alan-worthy. There, I said it. She's attractive, yes, but not stunning. Tiger deserves nothing less than completely stunning big-titted nymphos, on their knees, naked and begging for his cock! He's my son, and dammit, he shouldn't settle for anything less than the best!"

Suzanne could tell it was futile to try to talk Susan out of her beliefs, so instead she attempted to use Susan's way of thinking to help win the argument. "Susan, hold on. Is it not the case that he is our master and we have to obey his every whim?"

"Yes, of course. Except when we have to step into our parental shoes and crack down if he's not doing his homework or something like that. He's our master and we're his sex slaves, and I love it! I mean, we love it. So what's your point?"

Xania added, "Yeah, what IS your point?" She was greatly puzzled at Suzanne's atypical use of the word "master," and didn't see where she was going with this line of thinking.

Suzanne replied, "My point is, Sweetie is the one who chooses who he wants to fuck and when and where he wants to fuck them. Sure, if we can find him top-notch fresh pussy, that's great. But he obviously likes Kim. He invited her here. If he desires her, who are we to disagree? Is it not our role to help him fuck whomever he wants to, and join in if need be? He's chosen to fuck her a number of times already, so she's obviously Alan-worthy right there. End of story. If you insult Kim, then you insult the tastes of our master. YOUR master."

That hit Susan like a body blow.

"Furthermore, I'll have you know that Angel told me she's very into sucking his cock. She simply can't get enough of it. And that's one thing where size doesn't matter."

Susan had already resolved to change her attitude, but hearing that made it a lot easier, since cocksucking was so near and dear to her heart.

Suzanne went on, "You need to start over with her and make her feel welcome. You know how girls are at her age. It's clear that she's in awe of your body. Luckily, she was so stunned that she didn't really notice your disdainful attitude. If she were to know your real feelings about her appearance, she would be absolutely devastated. Don't you remember being a teenager with self-esteem issues and the way a careless insult could seem like the end of the world? I'm sure you were, because everyone goes through that phase."

"Oh my gosh! You're so right. I'd better get up there right away and fix things!" Susan kissed Suzanne and Xania on their cheeks, and then hurried up the stairs.

After she left, Suzanne shook her head and sighed at Xania. "That woman. God, I love her to death, but she can be so silly sometimes. Xania, before you head back to L.A., can you talk some sense into her? As you know, I put a lot of crazy notions into her head to get her excited about Sweetie, and now they've stuck. And mutated and grown. I don't know how to bring her back down to Earth even a little bit."

Xania nodded. "Ah. Now I get what you were doing there. I was beginning to think that you'd gone off the 'master' deep end as well. Sure, I'd be glad to help."

"Well, I'll admit I do get off on the 'master' thing, but only in bed, when I'm really horny. For Susan, there's no 'off' button. Speaking of going off the deep end though, I should get you up to speed on what's happening with Brenda tonight. In her case, she's so far gone into some kind of submissive mindset that I've decided we just have to take her as she is and go with the flow."

Suzanne and Xania launched into a discussion about Brenda's planned unveiling, which was scheduled to take place later in the evening.

Xania was disturbed by Suzanne's description of Brenda, and wondered if she might have another counseling project on her hands eventually.

But Suzanne seemed convinced that any attempt to change Brenda would emotionally harm her without having any chance of success. She still recalled Brenda's complete freak-out when she'd idly suggested not having Brenda work at the Plummer house so much. She didn't want to repeat that experience.

She explained, "Susan and Brenda are similar in their extreme submissiveness. But I know Susan as well as I know myself, and I know she can dial back some. I hate to say this, but she's very malleable if you know the exact buttons to push. I don't know Brenda as well, but let's put it this way: it took me weeks and weeks of spending many hours each day with Susan to get her to change her morality from a prudish one to a sexual one. But with Brenda, I hardly had to do anything. It's like she took one look at the possibility of a submissive lifestyle, and eagerly dove in head first. She's a natural submissive, if anyone is, and it was just a matter of time before she found the right trigger into this lifestyle. There's no way she'll ever go back, and I doubt she'll even mellow out much. She actually makes Susan look moderate at times, if you can believe that. She is who she is, and we've got to live with that."

"Well, if you say so," Xania concluded reluctantly. "You're the expert on manipulation, so if even you can't get her to change, there's no way I'd have a chance."

Suzanne commented, "I'm not saying Brenda can't be changed at all, and she certainly has her problems and issues that you might be able to help with at some point. But her submissiveness runs so deep that I doubt you or I will ever fully understand it, and woe betide the person who tries to take that away from her. So that's why I've agreed to her ceremony tonight."

Then she started to explain what she meant by that.


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