6 Times a Day

Chapter 1062 No Barriers Between All Of Us !

Alan passed from the front entrance into the living room.

Susan headed back to the kitchen before him, and Amy and Katherine followed in his wake.

He looked across the room and saw Suzanne stretched out in a casual yet seductive pose. She wore an open robe and held a glass of wine in her hand. She looked like a classic seductress in every way.

He admired her for a few moments. He sniffed the air, realizing that the whole room had an uncommonly strong pussy smell. Then he said, "Hey, Mother. How are they hanging?"

Suzanne gave a wry grin and she traced a finger along the rim of her glass. "I'd ask you the same, but I can see the answer well enough from here. In your case it's hanging very nicely."

Naturally, his dick was still very aroused and erect. His stiffness lightly bobbed in front of him.

He chuckled, then queried Suzanne, "Mother, how come you didn't join us in the front?"

"I thought that if you got any more sexed up, it would probably kill you, and I don't want you to miss the big show. Plus, it was fun listening from a distance and guessing what was happening." She parted her legs as she said this.

With her legs deliberately spread, he was able to notice just how much the sexy redhead had enjoyed listening by the obvious glistening wetness of her crotch.

Her eyes darted to the center of the room after she finished talking, which caused Alan to look where she was looking.

He noticed an extremely big mattress in the middle of the living room. It was bigger than a mattress made for a king-sized bed. He didn't even know they made mattresses that big. Clearly, the room was fully prepared for the Amy and Suzanne lovemaking event to begin.

She noted, "Clearly, you can see we came prepared."

As Alan and Suzanne continued to talk for some moments about the mattress and where it came from, Amy and Katherine stood on either side of him and began to gently fondle and stroke his body, focusing mostly on his arms, buttocks, and chest. They deliberately ignored his dick because they figured it needed some rest.

That made him feel even more like a lord than before. But he tried to act casual about it, and said to Suzanne calmly, "Looks like you're ready to begin."

"Yeah," she replied, adjusting herself on the sofa and striking a new sexy pose in the process. "We've been waiting for days, so I'm eager to get started at any time. That is, if your cock is up for it. By the way, we're all dying to find out how things went with Christine. Did you introduce her to Alan Junior? Is he tired out after hours of fun?"

"Nope," he replied. "It was a purely platonic dinner. We just talked."

Everyone, even Suzanne, seemed very surprised by that.

Alan found himself confronted by four silent open-mouthed stares of disbelief.

Amy seemed particularly surprised. She reached around and grabbed his erection as if to check that it was still working, and that naturally and instantly turned into a handjob. Her other hand and Katherine's two hands continued to fondle him all over as if he was some kind of pampered sultan.

She asked, "What? O.B.? No fucking? I told her it's okay with me if you give her a good plowing sometimes. It seems like she really needs it." That clearly wasn't an easy thing for Amy to say, since Christine was the potentially most serious challenger to her Official Girlfriend title. But she was trying hard to avoid being jealous.

"I know. And thanks for your generosity. But it didn't seem wise."

"Huh? Did she at least give you a blowjob under the table during dinner?"

"Nope. Like I told you, we just talked. I didn't even kiss her."

Katherine said with surprising certainty, "I believe him."

"Damn," Amy continued, as she fondled his shaft lovingly.

Alan was surprised to realize that Amy actually appeared disappointed that nothing had happened between him and Christine. "I thought you're not too psyched about me getting it on with her?"

"Yeah, but I know you do really love her. And if you did bang her, it would be a super nice coup. Everyone would know that my boyfriend's the best lover in the whole school! Just so long as you, you know..."

Alan could guess her concerns, and made it easy so she didn't have to spell it out. "Don't worry, Aims, no matter what happens, I won't let her or anyone else take away your official-girlfriend spot."

"Cool! You mean it?" Seeing him nod, she broke into a huge smile. "Super ultraamazingwonderificallyfantasmotasticallymegadoubleduple cool!" She would have kissed him on the lips, but since she'd just dropped to her knees to better work on the handjob, she kissed his cockhead instead. Within seconds, that kiss turned into a full-on blowjob, as she swallowed more than half of his shaft with each long pass down.

Nobody blinked an eye at her sucking. This was the new normal in the Plummer household.

Susan though, was disappointed about the news regarding Christine. She asked from where she stood out of sight in the kitchen, "So you sat and ate dinner for a whole hour without even a furtive handjob?"

"Yep." Alan had sudden visions of Christine kneeling under the table while he was talking, and that only got him more aroused than before. He grasped Amy's head with both hands and started bucking his hips a little.

"Not even a quick titfuck in the bathroom or something?" Susan pressed. "I know how much you're a tit man and how long you've been admiring her rack."

"No, already," he answered with growing irritation. He spoke normally, as if he didn't even notice the way that Amy was loving his cock with her mouth.

Susan was genuinely disappointed. Drat! Those tits need a good fucking!

He added, "All I did was kiss her when I told her good-night."

Susan responded, "By 'kiss her,' I assume you at least mean half an hour or more of heavy necking and petting, with lots of titty play? Please tell me you at least did that!"

He rolled his eyes. "No, Mom. All I did was kiss her cheek, once. Honestly. Like I said, she's just a friend."

Annoyed, Susan walked from the kitchen so she could look at him. "Tiger! Please. Don't break my heart. You French kissed her and fondled her lovely tits last time, so why on Earth didn't you at least do that?!"

"We had a serious talk and confirmed that things were better if we stayed just friends."

Susan groaned unhappily. "Son, that's just wrong! A pair of F-cup tits like that on a girl that beautiful absolutely need a big Alan cock plowing through them. The Big Tits Theory means that it's predestined that she'll be one of your big-titted fuck toys. I don't care if it was a Tuesday; those kinds of tits need to be taken care of with a good spermy paint job!"

Amy had been happily bobbing on Alan's shaft, but she pulled back, switching to just licking so she could speak. "Yeah, that's weird. I know she's totally got the hots for you, Brother, and she's totally Alan-worthy, so what's the problem?"

She nibbled on his cockhead while she said, "As long as she doesn't want to be your official girlfriend, everything's cool with me. I know you can handle a few more hotties, no problem-o. I don't know her very well, but she seems pretty neat as a person too, though she can be a bit scary sometimes. I kind of figure she's gonna become one of your playthings before long."

Having said her piece, Amy engulfed his thick cockhead and resumed her contented bobbing.

Suzanne shucked her robe and spoke up. "That all may be. But let's talk about that later. I'm getting pretty antsy over here. Susan, can you come in?"

Susan came in from the kitchen, bringing some raisin and oatmeal cookies that she'd just baked.

Amidst all this activity, no one paid much attention to Katherine. Had anyone looked at her closely, they might have been surprised to see that ever since the topic of Christine had come up, she was looking glum and disengaged. She had even pulled away from Alan's side somewhat.

Suzanne stood up and prepared to make another one of her little speeches. "Everyone, please. Let's get this show on the road. Everyone paying attention? Amy, stop sucking your brother's cock for a minute so you can hear me and he can have a strategic break." She dropped her head and waited patiently for Amy to comply.

Amy did stop sucking, by and by, but she switched to a handjob instead. But because of how she began pressing hard against his sweet spot, the handjob was actually more orgasm inducing. Not only that, but she was lightly blowing air on his cockhead too.

Suzanne saw all that, and complained, "Honey Pie, you think he's gonna get a rest like that? At least slow down a little, please... No? Play with his balls instead then for a little while, can you do that?"

Amy more or less complied and even pulled back to face her mother instead of Alan's crotch.

Suzanne went on, "Okay, that's better. Now, where was I?"

Susan sat down on one of the sofas arranged around the central bed, while Amy and Katherine were on each side of Alan. They all paid close attention to Suzanne as she launched into the heart of her speech, even though they began jointly fondling his erection.

Suzanne went into her take-charge mode. "Okay. We've all grown quite close to each other physically, these past two months. We've become a loving family bonded much closer than most families through frequent, mind-blowing sex. I think we can all agree the result has been like we're living a wonderful dream that never ends."

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

Suzanne continued, "However, Amy and I have always held back from doing more than kissing and groping each other, due to the fact that she's my real biological daughter. But clearly, it's time for that final barrier to be crossed. I don't think anyone minds true incest in this family when there's no possibility of a genetic disaster."

She looked around. There were no objections at all. In fact, it was well known that Susan fantasized about her two children being her real offspring so much that it had almost become fact in her mind.

Suzanne nodded with approval. "Good. Then there should be no barriers between any of us. Do you agree, Amy?"

Amy replied while lightly stroking Alan's erection with one hand and her clit with her other hand. "Uh, yeah. Sure. As a matter of fact, I love you so much I would have been totally into being with you years ago if you'd only asked. But I didn't want you to think I was some kind of weirdo."

"Hmmm. Well, live and learn, my darling Honey Pie, although to be honest I wouldn't have been open to the idea back then. I was denying my feelings, just like Susan did. Let's make up for lost time. Can you come here?"

"M'kay. Just a sec, though. Let me give Alan a big huggy-wuggy first." Amy hugged Alan with one arm over his back, while he put two arms around her. She made sure to keep a hand on his erection the whole time.

She hugged and French kissed him for some long moments, but then slowly slipped down his chest. She giggled. "Oops! Alan Junior needs a special huggy-wuggy too!"

Katherine groaned as she had to let go.

Amy wound up with her mouth around his thick shaft again. For a good measure, she began titfucking it while continuing to suck on the tip.

Alan squirmed in his seat and fought off the urge to climax. He didn't want to lose a load right before the main event. He squeezed his PC muscle tight and felt the urge to release his cum slowly pass.

Suzanne raised a chagrined eyebrow. "Okay, Honey Pie. I think that's enough quote hugging unquote." She chuckled, "You're definitely pushing the definition of a hug."

"M'kay." Amy finally pulled her mouth away while the others laughed at Suzanne's comment. Amy muttered into Alan's ear as she stood up, "I love you so much, Brother!"

She leapt across the room and quickly wound up standing next to Suzanne. Then, just as soon as it seemed she'd finally stand still, she turned and hugged and French kissed her natural mother too.

Standing buck naked next to her daughter, Suzanne said to everyone, "Now, in the recent past, this last Friday in fact, we all had a special ceremony and agreement binding all of us to Alan. I'm sure I don't need to remind anyone, but I'll say it anyway: the four of us pledged to belong to him and no other man, and to serve him sexually to the best of our abilities for the rest of our lives. Although he's only a teenager, he's the head of the family and the master of the harem. We four are all his nymphos and harem girls now, and we're proud of it, aren't we? Is there anyone who regrets that pact we made?"

Suzanne waited for a while, but no one made any sound. In fact, the only sound in the deathly quiet room was a sticky slurpy sound coming from the vicinity of Alan. Everyone turned his way to look, and they discovered that Katherine had taken over from Amy and was surreptitiously suckling on her brother's erection.

Suzanne raised a disapproving eyebrow and put her hands on her hips. When that didn't get a reaction, she coughed impatiently.

Katherine reluctantly pulled her mouth back and mumbled, "Sorry."

Susan meanwhile had fallen to her knees and was trying to angle for a spot next to Katherine so she could share in the cocksucking.

But Suzanne said to her, "Hold on, Susan. You too, Angel. I know we're all excited, and Susan, I'm well aware that it's your turn for some cock-tending. However, his poor pecker does need a break every now and then, and now's a good time for it. Can we do something other than suck on his cock for a few minutes?"

"Oh, poo," Susan pouted. "It's just that it's so tempting, bobbing in the air like that all covered with my daughters' saliva. My tits are telling me to suck. How can I resist him?"

Suzanne said, as if speaking to a child, "Just tell your tits to wait a little while. I'm trying to have a serious moment here. Now, let's see. Ah, yes. The Pact. I like that pact very much. It's helped me come to terms with my new relationship with my favorite sexy son."

She winked at Alan from across the room, giving him a warm smile. "I'd like to make a similar pledge to Amy, to officially wipe out any last lingering distaste over committing real incest. Amy, will you take me not to be just as your biological mother, but as your sex partner and lover in every way, now and forevermore?"

"I will," Amy said, in a surprisingly solemn voice. She understood the importance of ceremony. She'd carefully remembered every word, and said back, "Mother, Suzanne, will you take me not to be just as your biological daughter, but as your sex partner and lover in every way, now and forevermore?"

"I will," Suzanne said. She gripped her daughter's hand tightly. Though the words were simple and straightforward, they carried a lot of meaning for Suzanne in particular. She appeared to be on the verge of tears.

Amy spontaneously added, "Mother, I love you so much. But this pledge doesn't lessen our love or commitment to Alan, right? Or our love for Susan and Katherine? 'Cos we're all family now, and all our bonds need to be strong. I love everybody here a super big bunch!"

Tears began to fall from Suzanne's eyes. "Right. I agree completely. We're all such a great, loving family. I love you so much, my sweet Honey Pie. How could a mother be any happier and prouder with her daughter? You're such a kind girl. Love just pours out of you all the time. Total, unconditional love. You're too good for me." Her tears flowed faster. "Oh, gosh! I'm just getting all weepy here. Sorry."

She tried to wipe her eyes. She didn't like to cry, as she felt it a sign of weakness, and she quickly recovered. "Sorry about the waterworks there. Before I lose it altogether, Amy, let's seal our love with another kiss."

They French kissed again, while Susan, Katherine, and Alan all clapped and cheered.

When the heartfelt kiss finally came to an end, Amy began feeling up her mother's body. "That was so nice, Mother. I love you just so absolutely much! But rather than getting all talky, let's seal our love another way."

She slowly pushed Suzanne back to the big bed.


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