6 Times a Day

Chapter 1060 Hey, Don't Forget About Us!

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As soon as Christine stepped inside her house, her mother was right  there to intercept her and greet her. Olga asked, "Well?! How did it  go?"

Christine smiled and rolled her eyes. "MoooOOOOoooom! Please. What happens on my dates is private."

Olga said eagerly, "I know that, and you know that, but we both know I can't control my curiosity!"

Christine laughed. "True. But still, I can't kiss and tell."

"A-ha! So there was more kissing! Excellent!"

Christine rolled her eyes again. "Mom, really. If you must  know something, let me put it this way: I had a great time, like I  always do on my dates with him, but there were no new developments. We  didn't do anything that we didn't do last time." She added in her mind, Less, actually, but I don't want to disappoint Mom by telling her that.

"Oh. That's too bad. Well, what about going steady? Did he say anything about that?"

Christine gave her mother a typical annoyed-teenager look.  She was particularly bothered because she hadn't been honest with her  parents on that troublesome issue. "Mom, please. Don't pressure me about  that, okay? To be honest, Alan was already dating a girl before he got  started with me. He may not be that keen to give her up just yet."

That took Olga aback. "Oh, I see. I didn't know about that. What's her name?"

"I'd rather not say. Unfortunately for me, she's extremely sweet and nice, and all around wonderful. Beautiful too."

"Oh dear. Don't tell me he's two-timing her! I can't imagine an upstanding young man like Alan doing something like that."

Christine thought, "Upstanding young man?" True, except  for the fact that he's got a whole bevy of pretty girls at his beck and  call! At least I'm finally telling Mom about Amy - kind of. That's a  start. But she'd freak if she knew the full truth. She replied, "No,  he's not. She knows about me and I know about her, and we're both cool  with it. We're kind of friends, actually."

"Well, that's good at least. But don't worry; I have no doubt  that he'll be dating you exclusively before long. How could he not?  Look at your outfit, for one thing!"

That was an embarrassing reminder for Christine. She liked  wearing the skin-tight red outfit for Alan, but she dreaded having her  parents see her in it. She'd snuck out of the house with a coat on, but  she couldn't help getting caught on the way back home. She was grateful  that at least her father Lars wasn't to be seen.

Trying to sound optimistic for her mother, she said, "There's  no doubt he loved this." She waved a hand down her body, referring to  her revealing red outfit. She was grateful that most of it was covered  by her coat, but the coat only went down to her waist, so there was  enough showing below that to make clear her outfit was skin-tight and  very sexy. "I need to thank Aunt Kirsten yet again for her help."

Olga asked, "That's quite some outfit. Can I see the full effect?"

"I'd rather you didn't. Sorry. It was painfully embarrassing wearing this in a public place, but, well..."

Olga made a guess on how that sentence should finish. "You've  gotta do what you've gotta do to win your man. I completely agree!  That's why I have no doubt you'll be going steady with him soon. And  then... who knows? Maybe more! Maybe much more! Speaking of Kirsten, you  know she married quite young." She didn't mention that Kirsten's  husband had also died young in an accident.

Christine groaned and rolled her eyes. "MoooOOOOoooom! Please! Don't ever talk about that kind of thing! It's waaaay too soon!"

Olga held up her hands apologetically. "Sorry. I guess I'm being a little over enthusiastic."

"A little," Christine said sarcastically.

"It's just that I know you. You're not like other girls. It  doesn't surprise me at all that you haven't dated willy-nilly, or even  at all. You wait and wait until you find exactly what you want. Then you  go for it, all out! You're an all-or-nothing girl. So if you're willing  to date Alan, then he must mean a lot to you."

Christine knew there was a lot of truth to her mother's  analysis, but she was reluctant to admit the depth of her feelings.  Plus, she was painfully aware that there were complicating factors about  which Olga only had the slightest glimmer, now that she'd at least  mentioned that he was dating someone else. She said, "I don't know about  that. We'll see. Besides, it takes two to tango. Anyway, I really,  really want to get out of these clothes. Can I go now?"

Olga stood back, making way. "Please. Don't mind me. And  congratulations! Although you say you didn't make any progress on this  date, I'm sure you did in subtle ways. Each time you go out together,  you're bound to draw together ever closer."

"Yeah, well, we'll see." Christine walked off to her room.

Once she was alone, Christine thought, Sheesh! Mom is a  problem. She's got such high expectations. Way too high! I don't think  that my news about him dating someone else slowed her down much at all.  There's no way I could tell her about the rest. No way! I can't even  admit it fully to myself, and I know it for a stone cold fact! What am I  going to do when the weeks and months go by and Alan and I still aren't  going steady? UGH! Maybe I could ask him to lie to her about it? Argh! I  don't even want to think about that right now. Hopefully it won't come  to that.

— — —

Alan came home from his dinner in an unhappy mood. He thought, I  know I did the right thing with Christine tonight. Still, I can't shake  the feeling that my words were at least partly influenced by  spitefulness. Am I getting back at her for turning me down? I hope that  isn't the case, because if it is it means that what I consider a mature,  responsible, and selfless decision was actually quite petty. I do have  to admit that I got some satisfaction now that the tables are turned, so  I wasn't the one practically begging for a date. But I don't think that  was all of it, or even much of it. I hope not.

As soon as he walked in the front door of his house, he heard  a loud noise. He looked around and saw Amy standing directly in front  of him, about fifteen feet away at the foot of the stairs, blowing on a  whistle.

She was ostensibly dressed as a policewoman (the same outfit  she'd tried on at the sex shop earlier), but it was a bit difficult to  tell at first glance since the only things she wore were a police hat, a  gun belt, and black high-heeled boots that went up past her knees. The  gun in the holster on the belt was obviously a water pistol, but the  handcuffs looked plenty real.

One look at Amy's big, wobbling tits and clean-shaven pussy caused Alan's dick to grow hard immediately. Oh, YES! Hell, yes! Just what I need!

"Hold it right there, mister!" Amy said in a mock-angry  voice. But even when she tried to sound angry, she was still bubbling  over with joy and enthusiasm, and she couldn't stop smiling. "You're  under arrest for being too sexy and too well-hung!" She twirled a pair  of handcuffs around in her fingers.

Alan was overjoyed. After a couple of hours of blue balls  staring at Christine's wobbly breasts and heartbreakingly-beautiful  face, he needed some quick sexual relief. Watch out, Aims! I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you! I hope you're ready to get dicked within an inch of your life!

However, he was willing to play along, since he knew that  would ultimately lead to even more pleasure for both of them than just a  quick fuck. He held his hands up in the air, as if he was caught.  "Sorry, officer. I didn't know those were crimes."

She walked forward. "Technically, they're not. However, in  this house, keeping your sister-splitter all covered up and full of cum  is an extremely serious offense. And you're in clear violation of the  Cum Too Yummy to Be Believed Act of 1969. I'm afraid I'm going to have  to conduct a full-cavity search. And then you're gonna have to search  every inch of my body too, for some reason. And then we're going to be  forced to release the police cat on you."

He grinned, guessing what would come next. "Don't you mean the police dog?"

She grinned even more, as she reached him and began  unbuttoning his dress slacks. "Nope. Definitely a cat. She's really good  at sniffing out hard-ons." She whistled, but this time just by putting a  finger to her lips. "Oh, by the way, I'm confiscating your pants."

Katherine came bounding into the room. At first she loped  through the room, but as she got near to Alan and Amy she got down on  all fours. She'd been listening to them from the living room, but she  hadn't anticipated that Amy would call her in so soon to join in the  fun. As a result, she wasn't dressed in any of her newly-purchased cat  gear. In fact, she wasn't dressed in anything at all, except for a sexy  pair of high heels.

But she made the best of it. She sat up with her hands held  out in front of her as if they were paws and she was begging for food or  attention. She meowed, then briefly rubbed her face against one of her  brother's legs.

Alan was in awe. Man! To come home from a date with Christine to this! I'm such a luck son of a gun!

Amy quickly yanked down Alan's slacks.

Just as his erection bounced free, Katherine reached it and  began licking it all over. While her tongue got to work, her hands pawed  at it like a cat playing with a scratch toy.

He thought, Oh fuck me, that feels so good! Oh man! I could close my eyes and imagine it was Christine. He did just that, but quickly decided it was a bad idea, since it would  make him cum far too soon. But opening his eyes and looking down on  Katherine lapping eagerly on his shaft didn't exactly cool his ardor  either. Oh fuck! Too hot!

Still grinning widely, he asked Amy, "What's the police cat doing, exactly?"

"Oh, that? She's uh, checking for contraband. And terrorists."

He snorted with laughter. "Terrorists, huh?"

Amy stepped closer, putting herself within reach. "Yeah, you  never know where they might be hiding." She lifted her hands behind her  head and thrust her chest out, giving him an invitation to fondle her  big orbs that she knew he couldn't resist.

"So they might be hiding in your cleavage too, then." He reached forward and began groping her tits.

Amy giggled. "Yep! Thanks for checking. Make sure to do a  real thorough job." She said to Katherine, "Be sure to check his balls  thoroughly also."

Katherine meowed, then grabbed her brother's balls with both  hands. She tugged lightly on them and scratched her nails across them in  a surprisingly pleasurable way. All the while, she kept a tight  lip-lock on his erection while steadily bobbing up and down on it.

Amy smiled to see that, then turned back to Alan. Her voice  changed back to her mock-serious, angry one. "But hold on, mister.  You're still in a heap of trouble. Isn't that true, police cat?"

Katherine looked up briefly, meowing in affirmation while  never letting his dick out of her mouth. Then she went from repeatedly  sliding her lips past his sweet spot, while also tickling it with her  tongue, to diving down as deep as she could. She was unable to deep  throat him, but she repeatedly went down far enough to choke and gag on  his dick.

She actually liked that, because the choking was done carefully so that she wasn't ever in any real danger. I'm choking on my brother's fat cock! Yes! This is fuck-toy heaven, right here! She "choked" on him a couple more times before retreating back to his sweet spot.

While that was happening, Alan was staring at Amy's luscious  lips, angling for an excuse to kiss them that could fit in with their  role-play. He said, "Thank you, officer, for keeping us all safe. You do  such a good job that you deserve a big kiss!" He leaned forward and  pressed his lips against hers while continuing to play with her  fantastic rack.

It was a pretty flimsy excuse, even by the standards of their  silly role-play, but Amy responded eagerly, kissing back with all the  love in her heart. She continued to hold her hands behind her head,  because she loved having her big tits fondled while in that pose.

Alan groaned as a surprisingly strong wave of pleasure washed over him. Dang!  My sisters are just too much fun. I love them all up. And there's  something about Kat acting like a cat that's even more arousing than  usual. It's like all that talk of hers of being a fuck toy and a fuck  pet somehow becomes more real. She pleases me with pure animal instinct.

Amy, meanwhile, lowered her arms and got busy unbuttoning his  dress shirt. "So, mister, I'm warning you, you can't just go around  kissing officers of the law like that. If you do it to me again, I'm  liable to turn in my badge and become one of your sex slaves! And don't  think you can distract me by waving that big stiff tree trunk of yours  around. Are you trying to bribe a police officer with your thick,  delicious cock?"

"Yes, I am," he said with mock guilt as he fingered Amy's pussy and played with one of her nipples.

Katherine was being extra loud and slurpy with her  cocksucking to make sure he wouldn't forget what she was doing to him.  Of course there was no way he could overlook the tremendous pleasure she  was giving him, but the wet noises made it even more enjoyable.

Amy replied, "Well then, this is an open-and-shut case. I'm  ready to pronounce you guilty of bribery AND of being an excellent fuck.  You clearly have far too much cum in your dick and balls, and far too  little inside your fuck-hungry sisters!" She giggled again, finishing  unbuttoning his shirt as she said that and tossing it aside. Then she  got down on her knees next to Katherine.

Alan closed his eyes, trying to cope with the upcoming extreme stimulation that he anticipated. Oh,  man! Man oh man oh man! I've had such fucking blue balls all evening  long. Two busty and beautiful sisters loving my cock with their tongues  and lips is the perfect remedy!

Katherine pulled back to just sucking and licking the tip of her brother's stiffness, giving Amy a chance to lick at the rest.

Amy eagerly took advantage of that opportunity. But after a  few licks, she looked up at Alan's face and said, "Since you're such a  big, cum-filled criminal, I'm worried you may be carrying a loaded  weapon somewhere. I'd better check you more thoroughly." She smirked as  she reached behind him and stuck a finger deep in his asshole, then  began wiggling it around. "Hmmm. No loaded weapon in here. I don't feel  any terrorists in there, either. What do you think, police cat?"

Katherine was supposed to just reply with meows, but she  couldn't keep herself from talking. "Mmmm. I think I've definitely  discovered a big weapon. And it is extremely loaded; it could go off at  any moment!"

Alan strained to control his urge to cum, bearing down with his PC muscle. He mumbled, "You got that right!"

Amy crawled around to Alan's backside, leaving his pulsing  erection all to Katherine for the moment. She buried her face in his ass  crack, tonguing everything she could reach. She even made her tongue  into a spike and then tongue-fucked his asshole.

Her hands also reached around and kept busy fondling his  balls or his cock, depending on what Katherine left available at any  given moment.

Time passed. He thought, Man alive! This is such an  all-out assault. God knows my sisters love to suck cock, my cock, but it  seems like they're putting extra effort into it. Like the fact that  Aims is literally fucking my ass with her tongue at this very moment!

They know that I've just come from a date with Christine.  Are they jealous? Maybe this is their way of saying, "Hey, don't forget  about us!"

In fact, that was a spot-on analysis. It was a very subtle  thing though, since they always gave their all anyway when it came to  pleasuring his cock. There wasn't much they could do this time that they  didn't already do on a daily basis. It was mostly that they were being  more aggressive and possessive than usual.

After a while, Katherine sat up higher on her high heels and  began sliding her brother's prick through her cleavage. She made sure to  flick her tongue at his cockhead each time it got within range of her  mouth. She looked up at him, winked, and said, "I think you'd better  check my pussy to see if there are any terrorists in there. Do you have,  I dunno, some kind of tool or appendage that could probe all the way to  my deepest depths, just to be sure?"

He simply groaned at all this wonderful stimulation.  Katherine's tits especially felt delightfully soft and slippery, but the  way Amy was repeatedly trying to get her entire tongue inside his  asshole was not to be ignored, either.


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