6 Times a Day

Chapter 1048 Katherine X Amy

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Upstairs, Katherine and Amy had been happily engaging in their daily  pussy shaving ritual. It was something they'd started a month ago and  still managed to do almost every day, although on some days other  events, usually involving sex with their brother, took precedence. The  actual shaving of their pussies was only a small part of the ritual. The  "cleaning" and "testing out the new pussy" parts of the ritual usually  took much longer, and that's what they were busy with at the moment.  They were sitting on Katherine's bed, grinding away pussy to pussy, when  they heard horrific screams from the floor below. But they weren't  concerned.

"Sounds like Big Brother is really giving it to Mom good," Katherine pointed out calmly.

"Yep," Amy nodded. "It's kinda frustrating though, don't you think?"

"I wish I had my own day! Geez, Amy. This Tuesday thing has  gotten to be such a big deal. I get all excited when I hear the word  'Tuesday' now, and I'm not even involved in the ritual!"

"Well, you are a bit. Mom gets even hornier than usual, and  we all benefit, if only from the smell of a cunt in serious heat all day  long."

"True," Katherine conceded as she continued to grind her wet pussy against her sister's.

Just then, they heard yet another blood-curdling scream. It went on and on, and they waited until it was done.

"Jesus!" Katherine exclaimed. "And to think, these walls are  supposed to be soundproof. Imagine how that would sound if we were in  the same room."

"Do you think they need our help?" Amy asked as she casually  fondled Katherine's boobs and rubbed her soaked pussy against her  sister's equally drenched box. "They've been going at it like that for a  while."

"Yeah. The term 'fucked to death' comes to mind. Even if  they're okay, curiosity is getting the best of me. I wanna check it  out!"

Amy giggled. "Curiosity killed the Kat."

Katherine really liked that joke, and giggled too. "Let's go!"


When the two girls got to the kitchen, Susan and Alan looked  like a couple of corpses piled on top of each other. Alan's face was  mostly pressed against the floor tile while Susan stared glassy-eyed  nowhere in particular. The only way they could tell she was alive was  the occasional blink and the slight rise and fall of her chest.

Amy and Katherine just let them be for a while. They got a  pitcher of orange juice out of the refrigerator and sat at the counter  stools, waiting for their two fucked out lovers to show greater signs of  life.

Finally, Susan seemed to snap back into full consciousness and managed to roll off her son. But she still couldn't get up.

"So Mom," Katherine eventually said. "Was it a good fuck?"

A Cheshire cat smile slowly spread across Susan's face. She  replied with pride, "My son fucked me. Do you have to ask?" She paused,  and then added, "It was the best! The best! He did me in the ass..."  Exhaustion overtook her and she had to stop talking.

But as she lay there, her overall feeling of intense satisfaction was slightly marred by guilty thoughts. As  good as that was, it was selfish of me. Tiger was so tired, and I must  have drained his last reserves of energy... But he's just too handsome  and too sexy! How can I not want to fuck him until we both die of  exhaustion?! This is how I want to go, with my son buried in me to the  hilt. What a way to live and die! ... I'm a fully responsible,  completely sane, mature adult, and I want to be fucked by my son until I  die!

And to think, there are millions of people out there who  go the whole day without a single good orgasm. Heck, they go for days on  end without seriously steaming, sweaty, sticky sex. Weeks, even! So  sad. The only problem is, this whole thing Amy was talking about  earlier, with Tiger gaining more and more control of our very souls. I  should be helping, but I think I'm only making things worse. The problem  is that he's only been fucking me since Sunday night. Maybe I'll kind  of calm down after a while. I was far too demanding and pushy earlier. I  get so carried away! The things I just said, like "This pair of big  tits must obey you in all things." That's not exactly helping his  problem, is it? But it's so true! He gives me so much pleasure I want to  worship his cock and every other last inch of him. I can't get over the  fact that my own son is such a MAN! Brenda's right. He's a real fuck  lord!

I just hope Suzanne and Amy and the others have more  willpower than I do. After a fuck like that, I not only wouldn't mind  being called a "pair of big tits", I'd proudly legally change my name to  that, if he wanted me to! I'm so endlessly ecstatic that he loves my  big tits so much. I wish they were even bigger, like Brenda's. She began groping her breasts with both hands, lifting, pulling, and pinching them in every way.

I could just imagine being at a shopping mall and hearing a  voice over the loudspeaker: "Attention, Pair of Big Tits Plummer.  Paging Pair of Big Tits Plummer. Please report to the white courtesy  telephone. Pair of Big Tits Plummer. If anyone sees Mrs. Big, er, I mean  Mrs. Plummer, please notify security immediately. There's a family  emergency as her son immediately needs her in a quote biblical way  unquote. For those on the lookout, Pair of Big Tits Plummer is said to  have, well, quite an impressive pair of tits. And also a saucy and firm  ass. Paging Pair of Big Tits Plummer, please report to the white  courtesy telephone..." Hah! That would be so much fun! She began laughing out loud.

Susan looked up and realized Katherine was standing directly over her, looking down into her eyes. "What's so funny, Mom?"

She reluctantly stopped playing with herself. "Oh, nothing.  Just fantasizing. I think you can roughly guess who I'm thinking about  because I can't get him out of my mind. But I really need to get up. And  we have to get Tiger up. He's supposed to have dinner with his friend  Christine in what? Less than two hours, I think, and I don't think he's  had his afternoon nap."

She rolled over and looked at her son. "Tiger? You up?"

"Yeah." His voice sounded beyond weary. "Barely... Kind of drifting in and out..."

Susan, though beyond weary herself, took charge. "My  daughters, can you give us both a hand? I need to get him to his bed. I  think I'm too fucked to walk, and I think he's feeling the same. Maybe  you can kind of drag us along."

So Amy took Susan while Katherine took Alan, and somehow they  got them up the stairs. Alan and Susan partly walked and were partly  lifted along. They stopped at the bathroom along the way because Susan  finally noticed Alan's many scratches from falling down the stairs  earlier in the day. As a typical worried mother, she insisted on  applying antiseptic immediately even though his minor wounds didn't  really need it. But the application process woke him up some.

Then Amy said dreamily, "The ass. Did you hear that, Sister?  He did her in the ass? Isn't that just the superest?" One of Amy's hands  languidly wandered around to her own naked behind.

That didn't help Katherine's mood, and she replied grumpily,  "The ass isn't all that. I'll take it in the cunt any day of the week."  She was horribly jealous at how thoroughly fucked Susan was, but she  kept quiet about that.

When the group finally arrived at Alan's bed, Katherine asked  Susan with some suspicion, "Okay. We made it here somehow. It's obvious  why we had to carry Alan here, but why you? Don't you want your own  bed?"

"I do, I do. But my role as my son's big-titted sex toy is  not yet done. My breasts are simply bursting with milk, and someone's  got to help drain them. I was thinking Tiger could fall to sleep with  his lips on my nipples, if he's up for it."

Alan was too tired to even reply to that, but Susan sat up  against the bed's headboard, and he was planted with his face in her  chest. Unthinkingly, he closed his eyes and began to suck.

Katherine was miffed, especially since she wasn't allowed to lactate.

But her anger was mollified a bit when Susan said, "Angel,  you realize I love you very deeply, as much as a mother can possibly  love a daughter. You know that. My other nipple is needy. Won't you  help?"

Katherine helped. Within seconds, she had her face on a big  pillowy boob and was happily sucking away. But she was still irked. She  knew that what her mother said was true: Susan did love her as much as a  mother can love a daughter. But she also knew what was unsaid: a mother  can love a son even more than that, when that mother literally lives to  get fucked by that son's penis.

Amy just stood there, naked as usual. She asked, "What about me? No more nipples for little ol' Amy..."

"I'm sorry, Amy," Susan said apologetically. "Why don't you  join us on the bed and play with Katherine's body, since Alan and I are  all fucked out at the moment."

Amy happily did so without further thought. She curled up  behind Katherine and was content for the moment to just hold her and  nuzzle her face into her neck. She knew that now was a restful time and  not a time to get into anything heavily sexual. Alan would undoubtedly  fall asleep in a few minutes and then the rest of them would go.

Susan continued, staring at the ceiling with dreamy eyes,  "It's just that I want to share a moment with my two original children.  I'm feeling nostalgic. Katherine? Alan? Do you remember how life used to  be just a couple of months ago?"

Both of them mumbled "Mmmm-hmm's".

"When I look back on how I used to be, I don't know whether  to laugh or to cry. I'm so glad that we have our new video monitoring  system because now we can save our memories forever. For instance, I  know I'm going to watch my royal assfucking from today over and over  again. But I'm not thinking back all the way to my previous prudish  existence, but more to how things slowly changed. I wish we had some  video of those first days. Tiger, do you remember how this all started?  Why, there were days when you actually had to masturbate many times to  reach your six-times-a-day treatment! I mean, the very idea of you  masturbating. It's so absurd. If you ever masturbate again, some sadly  underfucked girl somewhere is going to cry."

Katherine and Amy giggled at this, but Alan just kept  suckling away. He was already starting to lose consciousness, and  Susan's words seemed more like a dream than reality.

Susan continued, "Maybe I'm feeling so nostalgic because I  said 'so very improper' to my Tiger today under some pretty unusual  circumstances, and I got thinking about all the times I'd said that  before. There were times when I said that and actually meant it! I truly  thought there were sexual limits. But now I know there are no limits.  None at all. Some people might look at our family and be horrified,  wondering if we're collectively insane to be sucking and fucking all the  day long, but I don't care. I've never been happier in my life! I don't  think it's even possible to be any happier than I am right now. What do  you all think?"

She looked down at Alan.

"I think he's asleep," Katherine whispered from her vantage point on Susan's other breast.

"Hmmm. I think you're right," Susan murmured. "Can you two  finish my tits off in your room, Angel? You can drink some mommy milk  too, Amy, and then I'm going to take a nap myself. I think I'm going to  sleep for hours."

Everyone carefully disentangled themselves and quietly left Alan sleeping on his bed, dead to the world.

"Wait a second," Katherine said, once they were all in the  hallway and Alan's door was closed. "Don't sleep too long after we  finish milking you. Amy and I were talking a little while ago during our  shaving session, and we both are thinking it would be really good to go  to a sex shop tonight." They all headed into Katherine's room as she  talked.

"That's right," Amy seconded as Susan lay down on Katherine's bed. "There's so much we need to buy right away!"

"Like what?" a skeptical Susan asked.

Her daughters lay down beside and on top of her where they could start sucking on a nipple each.

"Like, some serious bondage stuff for Brenda," Amy suggested.  "We have to make her unveiling tomorrow night super duper special, and  she's way into bondage, but we hardly even have a pair of handcuffs in  the whole house! That's just not right."

"True," Susan noted, "but that can wait until tomorrow during the day. We've got a lot to do tonight and I'm pooped."

Katherine stopped suckling long enough to look at Susan  pleadingly. "But Mom! I need my cat gear. To be honest, I'm feeling a  little bit unloved lately. I so very much want Alan to take special  notice of me and I'm hoping cat-themed clothes will help. Can't we do it  tonight? Please? Please?!"

Susan smiled. "Hrm. Well, let's see what your mother thinks.  Your other mother, I mean. She should be back from visiting Glory in a  little while. She's more of a planner than I am, and much more  responsible and realistic. I'm just a big softy. If she thinks we can  fit it in without cutting her and Amy's official sexual consummation  short in any way, then I'm all for it. I'd have some things I'd want to  buy, too."

She thought to herself, If I can't give my children the  discipline they need, at least I can recognize my failings and hopefully  Suzanne can pick up the slack. Things like that are what make the two  mommy system so great. Or I should say, the two big-titted nympho  sonfucking mommy system, hee-hee! She finished off with, "All right,  but we shouldn't disturb our favorite cum-filled boy with our shopping  chores. Let's surprise him with some of our new purchases later  tonight."

"Good idea! Thanks, Mommy!" Katherine said happily, though  quietly so as to not disturb Alan. She was so delighted that she'd  probably be able to buy cat-related sex products soon that she wanted to  jump up and down.

Alan was finally left all alone. He slept with a very  contented smile. As exhausted as he was, he had no regrets about fucking  Susan over the kitchen counter. Perhaps they were all heading to ruin  with their sex obsession, but if so, he was going to go there smiling  all the way.



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