6 Times a Day

Chapter 1045 Susan Begging Alan To Fuck!

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Danial Haxton, Tangents, Carlos Heredia, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, VoidStar, WendigosArk, Jester Smash


Alan felt bad. Horrible, actually. Physically, he was a wreck. First,  he'd pretty much fucked the afternoon away, and that was only the  culmination of a very busy sex-filled day. His body was exhausted. His  penis was lifeless and sore. Not only that, but now he had to bicycle  back home from Kim's house, and it was a long and hilly ride.

But worse than all that, he felt bad mentally and  emotionally. He knew that he'd screwed up. The plan for the SA-Club had  been to surprise Sean with the display of anal sex with Heather, and  then leave not long after that, leaving Sean and the remaining girls to  have fun with each other. But he'd gotten sucked in and completely  forgotten that it was a Tuesday.

Now that he was bicycling home alone (Sean having soon split  off to go to his own neighborhood), all he could think about was the  fact that Susan was undoubtedly waiting for him, waiting to play. But he  was sure there was simply no way he could get sexually aroused. He'd  come to know just what his penis could and couldn't do, and there was no  doubt that it would need a few hours of rest at least before it could  show any signs of life again. He needed a couple hours of rest generally  speaking, thanks to his body's continuing energy problems. He prayed  that Susan would be understanding and allow him a nap. Then he'd do his  best to sexually pleasure her in the time remaining before his planned  "non-romantic" dinner date with Christine.

He cycled home as fast as he could to have more nap time, but ironically that only left him more in need of a nap.

Alan parked his bicycle in the garage and dragged himself  into the house. He was sweaty from the ride and so tired that he could  hardly put one foot in front of the other. He heard clanging sounds in  the kitchen and knew that had to be Susan.

He considered going straight up to his bedroom and avoiding  the kitchen altogether, hoping not to see his mother until after he woke  from his nap. But he knew that would be cowardly and unfair. He needed  to apologize for his current state and promise her better things for the  evening and the night. After all, tonight would be the first time he  was officially scheduled to sleep in the same bed as his mother the  whole night long. He knew he was going to need a lot of energy for that  big event.

He shuffled into the kitchen and looked around.

Susan was over by the dishwasher, standing with her back to  him, putting clean glasses away in the cupboard. She was wearing her  French maid uniform for a change, the skirt of which barely concealed  her behind, and her high heels. She was standing almost ramrod straight  with her feet together, presenting him with a perfect view of her long  shapely legs from behind, as she transferred the last few clean glasses  from the upper rack of the dishwasher to the cupboard. She was even  whistling a happy little tune that he had heard before somewhere, but in  his current state of exhaustion he was too tired to try and place it.

Ordinarily, the sight of his mother in her French maid outfit  would have gotten a quick rise out of his penis, but he was in no shape  for that. He coughed to clear his throat and said, "Hi Mommy. I've got  some bad news. I'm soooo tired. So very tired. Some things kind of came  up that I couldn't get out of. I know it's a Tuesday and everything, but  would you mind if I take a nap first? I promise I'll make it up to you  tonight. Everything has just hit me all at once and I literally can  barely even stand on my own two feet."

To his surprise, Susan didn't turn around, say anything, or  even give the slightest sign she'd heard him. In fact, the only thing  she did was to close the cupboard and dishwasher, and then continue  standing there silent and erect, with her back to him.

He felt horrible. This morning before he'd left for school,  he'd promised Susan that there would be some motherfucking when he got  home, and instead he'd gone and exhausted himself in an orgy with a  bunch of cheerleaders. If there was one overarching guide for his  behavior his entire life, it was to always do his best so he'd never  disappoint his loving mother. But he tried to justify himself by the  fact that sometimes his penis had its limits.

He knew he could walk over and fondle her ass cheeks with his  weary hands, and maybe even rub his completely flaccid penis up and  down her labia and butt crack. He might even somehow rouse up enough  energy to eat her out. But he knew that would be disappointing for both  of them. She wanted a deep and profound filling of hard throbbing cock,  and anything less wouldn't do.

He turned and began to walk back out of the kitchen to his  room, but he kept his head turned back, looking at the hinted curves of  her ass so temptingly peeking out from under her skirt, and looking to  see if she'd turn and react. She didn't.

He'd almost left the room when Susan said in a very  disapproving and disparaging tone, without turning to face him, "So.  Very. IM-proper."

Alan instantly halted in his tracks. On one hand, he almost  felt like laughing at Susan's reference to her notorious tag-line, "so  very improper," which evoked the seemingly ancient days when she'd  actually resisted his advances. But more seriously, her words hit him  like a slap in the face. It was no laughing matter at all. This was no  mild or half-hearted protest; this was an angry, scathing rebuke. He  almost felt like bursting into tears. On one hand, he would rather chew  off his own leg than disappoint her in any way. But on the other hand,  he'd been fucking for over two hours, nearly non-stop, and his penis was  sore and lifeless. He was so sleepy he was nearly swooning. He didn't  know what to do.

He turned back and tentatively asked, "Um, Mommy?" But there was no answer forthcoming.

He'd been about to walk out of the kitchen through the living  room rather than through the hallway he'd come in from. That happened  to put him near the counter that separated the kitchen from the dining  room but on the other side of the kitchen from where Susan was still  standing, perched tall and stiffly straight on her high heels with her  back to him. He thought that she'd say something to him now for sure.  She seemed to be seething with a barely controlled anger from the little  he could glimpse of her face. But still, she didn't say a word.

She had been standing at the counter with her feet together,  but now she took a step back without turning. In complete silence she  slowly spread her ankles apart until they were about two feet from each  other. Then, ever so slowly, she bent over, keeping her legs perfectly  straight and her upper body completely stiff as she rotated at the hips.  She came down until her body was bent at a perfect ninety degree angle  and her bountiful breasts were pressed hard against the cold counter  top, the pillowy soft flesh spilling out on either side of her torso for  lack of anywhere else to go.

Her French maid uniform was cut so that half of her ass  cheeks were exposed if she was standing up perfectly still. But as she  bent over, all of her firm round globes came into view. As she slowly  leaned over onto the countertop, her skirt rode up over her backside and  her pussy rotated into view. This revealed that she wasn't wearing any  underwear.

When her breasts were finally supporting her upper body, her  hands slid around, behind, and then up the backs of her thighs until  they reached her buttocks, moving any traces of her skirt aside in the  process. Her fingers took a firm hold of the inviting flesh there, and  she pulled her ass cheeks apart as wide as they could go, all without  uttering a single sound.

Alan felt his mother's silent anger; clearly, she was still  seething. But even more than that, she was aroused. He looked at her  pussy beneath her spread open ass cheeks: it was soaked and leaking.  Furthermore, even from across the room he could see her asshole was  glistening with lube, and silently clenching and relaxing before his  very eyes. In fact, both of her holes were shaking. Actually, now that  he was paying attention, her whole body seemed to be shaking.

In a flash, he realized that despite everything he'd said and  his obvious exhaustion, she wasn't deterred in the least. She had full  confidence that he was about to give her the fucking of a lifetime, so  much so that her whole body was trembling in anticipation and in mute  invitation.

He practically staggered at her confidence in his sexual  abilities. He felt a stirring in his loins and looked down. To his great  surprise, he saw that his penis had gone from a flaccid little thing to  fully erect and throbbing for action in a matter of seconds. There was a  huge tent in his shorts threatening to tear them right off. In a daze,  he silently pulled his shorts down and stepped out of them.

His brain was still trying to play catch up when he found  himself moving silently forward, as if sleepwalking on autopilot,  towards her. It was almost as if her exposed ass was reeling his penis  in like a fish on a hook, pulling the rest of him along behind.

He was still completely baffled by what seemed to be  happening to him, until a memory of Susan talking to him the week before  floated to the surface of his tired mind: "I want you to violate my  boundaries more often! From now on, whenever you want to or need to  really 'get my attention,' there's one way that's the best way to do it.  Push your penis all the way into my ass and flex it around! Don't tell  me you're going to do it or ask for my permission, just bend me over and  stretch my asshole around your big, fat, hard, manly cock-meat any time  you feel like it. You know my ass is always ready for you now, so  there's no need for words whenever you stuff my butt with your humongous  prick. This will henceforth be the proper way to 'get my attention' in  the future and I will expect you to do it properly at each and every  opportunity that presents itself, from now on. Do I make myself clear?"

As he came out of his trip down memory lane, his hazy fog of  exhaustion seemed to disperse slightly, to be replaced by a rising tide  of lust. He thought, Dang! This just shows that I'll never get tired  of fucking my mom, never! She has such a power over me. She's the most  sexual creature on the face of the Earth, more than Suzanne, more than  anybody! To get tired of her bombshell body would be like getting tired  of eating or breathing. My God, am I going to FUCK her! And she clearly  wants me in her ass and not her cunt; otherwise she wouldn't be holding  her ass cheeks open like that, silently begging me to take that hole.

He looked down and saw his throbbing, rock hard erection  hovering just a few inches away from her mouthwateringly luscious  backside, aching to penetrate the hole being so selflessly offered. He  realized he too was trembling with excitement as he stepped forward  towards her hungrily clenching anus.


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