6 Times a Day

Chapter 1006 Aunt Suzy-'Shut Up And Kiss Me'[ReaperCrew Sponsored]

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Alan woke up with no idea of where he was or what time it was. He looked around and saw Suzanne sitting up against the headboard, leaning back on a big throw pillow, and it all started to come back to him.

She'd thoughtfully remained as far away from him on the bed as she could so he could sleep, and she left him with all the covers. Altruistically or not, that left her completely naked.

He looked her up and down, from head to toe, as if staring at her for the first time. He thought, There's no doubt about it: Suzanne and Susan represent the perfect female form. Well, at least in my eyes. I don't know if that's because my concept of beauty comes straight from them or if there's just no way to improve upon them, or what... Probably both, now that I think about it. Sweet Jesus! I could stare at Suzanne forever. If I don't fuck her every single day for the rest of my life, then I'm certifiably insane.

"What?" Suzanne was puzzled by the way he was staring at her. "Do I have a bug on my nose or something? Maybe some cum?" In fact, she'd managed to pretty herself up a bit with a towel. She was still far from looking her best, but she wasn't nearly as cum-spattered, bedraggled, and sweaty as before (although he still was).

He sat up. "No, Mother. I was just thinking how I don't possibly deserve you. You're far too beautiful. And I'm thinking that if I don't fuck you every day for the rest of my life, then I must be crazy."

She laughed and held her arms open. "Come to Mama."

He scooted into her and dropped his head onto her chest. He thought out loud, "'Mama.' I like that. 'Mom' and 'mommy' are taken by Susan, but both 'mother' and 'mama' can be Suzanne words."

She cradled him as if he was a baby instead of a six foot tall man. She said, "That's what I was thinking." (She'd actually gotten the 'mama' idea overhearing Brenda and Adrian talking during dinner, and kicked herself for not thinking of it before.) "Now, as for your waking thoughts, I have to pretend to be modest and object to your 'far too beautiful' comment, but secretly I'm loving it."

"Some secret," he laughed.

She was rocking him gently, and stroking his hair.

It felt soothing and wonderful. He was happy to just stay like that for a while, relaxing and recovering after the storm of sex slowly passed and his head cleared.

She teased, "I think I'm the one who doesn't deserve you. Especially if you're serious about that 'fuck Suzanne every day for the rest of my life' plan. Suzanne approves. Wholeheartedly."

He was all grins. "I am, as much as my body will let me."

They just rested there for some time, enjoying each other's presence, feeling very content. She thought placidly, I should be upset about using the word 'master.' But I'm not. Fuck it. Fuck the whole political-correctness thing. Fuck my ego and always wanting to be number one. If a little master-slave talk gets us both really hot, then why the fuck not?

Finally, without looking up into her face, he asked, "How long have I been out?"

"Oh, I don't know. Who cares? Fifteen minutes maybe. I passed out too, so I don't know exactly."

There was a long pause, and she continued to cradle and caress him. Eventually, he said, "Wow... Wow. That was great. You're amazing, Mother."

"You're the amazing one, Master."

Alan did a double-take, extended his head to look directly into her green eyes. "Master? What's with this master stuff? Even now when we're resting, no less. Since when have you called me that?"

"Well, I just feel like it at the moment. Indulge me with my whim. I'm still kind of enjoying the used-and-abused sex object feeling, believe it or not, and wondering what that means. I'm enjoying just doing and feeling whatever the hell I want, and my pride and dignity and all that political correctness crap be damned. Look at all the scratches on you, and on me. I love it! But like you said before, what happens in this room stays in this room. You really showed this cunt her place tonight, but next time the shoe is going to be on the other foot. I'm gonna tie you up and have YOU begging. How would you like that?"

He smiled. He was actually relieved, as that sounded more like the Suzanne he knew and loved. "I look forward to it, actually. Even when I call you a slave and stuff, I'm still kind of in awe of your power, your charisma, and your many talents. I'd like to see what new devilry you can come up with in that kind of situation. Just please don't scare me like Glory did with the whole Michelle thing. But on another note, what we did isn't going to just stay in this room."

"Uh-oh. Why not?"

"Well, for one, your screams of 'My master, my love' could probably be heard three counties away. Oh shit. I hope to God your husband doesn't overhear you yelling one day! I mean, he's just right next door, just a couple hundred feet away. I've never really fully thought about that! You've never been the loud screaming type before. You think he heard us?"

She patted him reassuringly. "Don't worry, these walls are pretty thick, and so is his skull. Maybe I have a mean streak, but I rather like the idea of committing adultery right under his nose." Under her breath she muttered, "The asshole. Eric, you deserve a lot worse." The mention of him was like the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard for her. She blamed their marital woes primarily on his greed for both money and other women, so she preferred to simply not think about him any more than she had to.

She resumed in her normal voice, "I didn't mean to be that loud, but I've never completely and utterly abandoned myself to the moment like that before. I've come close a couple of times, but I realize now I was always holding back a bit. But this time, there was no holding back. You reduced me to pure animal lust." Her face simply glowed with her appreciation and love.

"I noticed! Actually, I've always thought you were walking and talking pure lust in the first place. You could make picking your nose look like the most sexy come on imaginable."

She laughed. Then, as a joke, she deliberately picked her nose.

He laughed even harder than she did. "See? I knew it. If anyone else did that it would be gross, but you make it look like your finger is fucking a little hole. Phew. Too sexy!"

They giggled a bit, and rested some more.

Then he continued, "So I guess the difference is adding the 'animal' part to the pure lust. We were wild! The only problem is, you know what you were saying about learning new sexual techniques, breaking new boundaries, and redefining the very meaning of pleasure as we ride a giant wave of pure joy into total Nirvana?"

"Yeah? That's still my plan." She chuckled at that.

"And a good plan it is, too. A great plan. The only problem is that you're going to kill us all with your sexual talent. I mean, Jesus, I probably burned off a couple thousand calories in those last five minutes alone. That was beyond a full-on, to the death, wrestling match. You know you punched me a bunch of times. Kicked me real good, too."I think you should take a look at

She kissed his forehead apologetically and said, "Oops. Sorry. But you got me pretty good, too. Especially that time you body slammed me into the side wall."

"Oops! Sorry. But my point is, this isn't sustainable! I mean, between last night and this night, my greatest thanks on Thanksgiving this Thursday will be that I managed to live a few more days."

She smiled widely. "Wait. You mean that this evening compared to yesterday's for you?"

"Well, I've only shared one of my climaxes with you and I had what? Nine? With Mom just in that evening, so it's hard to compare. But this one matched any of those, even the whole body orgasm, if I can compare apples with oranges. You turned me into a pure animal, too. That was so much fun. Such a high. My goal was to make you completely let go and-"

"Mission accomplished!" She was tickled pink that she'd matched the best of Susan's big night. She didn't feel so resentful at Susan anymore. And she loved that she really had completely let go for the first time in her life.

He continued, "Yeah, but at the same time I totally let go, too. You know, I think I've been having issues of letting go, too, but I haven't really been thinking about it in quite that way. The problem is, the more I let go, the more the 'Bad Alan' comes out. So I try to hold back. But tonight I just let it all fly and said and did whatever the hell I wanted. I hope you weren't offended with some of the things I said back there. I'm sorry."

She pondered that, and what he'd said, then said, "Nah. Like I said, I like to role-play. I know that it wasn't exactly role-playing, since you really do have those feelings, but it's okay because those are hardly your only feelings for me. Sometimes I want you to just let it all fly. We can turn that mode on and off in the bedroom, just like we turned into animals for a while." She thought about his behavior for some moments, then commented, "You really, truly get off on imagining me brought low, don't you? A mere harem slave, crawling on all fours, all that kind of stuff. You sure do have a thing about seeing me crawl like that."

"Yeah, I do." He grinned mischievously as he reached out and playfully tweaked one of her nipples. "But you have to admit that you started it first, all those weeks ago. I was just thinking about that very memory earlier today. You surprised the hell out of me when you crawled naked across my room. Do you remember that?"

"Of course. What you said and did tonight is perfectly okay with me, because I know that it's done in the context of a totally loving relationship. The truth is, I get off on those ideas too, sometimes. Obviously, tonight shows beyond any doubt that submissive talk and treatment can be an incredible turn-on for me. Maybe my crawling back in October shows that you didn't even need to coax it out of me. But the key word is 'sometimes.' Let's act like that only some of the time, please! For one thing, the submissive talk doesn't seem to work to get me aroused, but once I'm aroused it can take me higher. And I feel obliged to show you just how strong my dominant side can be, too. I'm really going to put you through your paces when I tie you up tomorrow!" She playfully flicked her wrist as if flicking a whip, and made corresponding whipping sounds with her mouth.

He finally sat up and looked her in the eyes. They looked at each other with great love and affection. "You don't have to prove anything to me. I know full well you're a strong woman, and I love you for that. But like I said, I look forward to the rough treatment. Maybe not tomorrow, though. For one thing, it's Tuesday, and you know what that means."

She faked a cough. <Cough, cough> "Susan pussy." <Cough> "Susan blowjobs and titfucks up the wazoo." <Cough, cough, cough>

"Funny, and true. And you know how that is. Most intimately, I might add. But I seriously need to recover after something like this. I'm not just joking when I say you're going to kill me before long. There's just no way I can do anything like this on a daily basis. Or anything close to a daily basis! Jesus. Between tonight and last night... Phew! Can I even walk now? I don't know." He dropped his head back into her chest.

She thought, When Brenda asked me earlier today why I didn't use all my tricks to put my Sweetie under my thumb, I didn't really have an answer, even for myself. But this is my answer. I can't possibly feel any happier or more loved than I do right now. It wouldn't be the same if I were trying to control and out scheme everything. I'm so glad that I gave that up as far as he is concerned. I want to have a more honest and open relationship with him than I've ever had with anyone before. More than how I am with Susan, even! I don't know how a mere eighteen year old does it, but he sure knows what he's doing! It almost makes me half-believe her drivel about natural masters. I don't know about that, and frankly, I don't care. All I know is, I have my Sweetie and I'm happy.

They sat quietly for a while, still just recovering and enjoying each other's company. Though they were naked and all over each other, both were too tired to even contemplate any more sexual activity. He felt an urge to suck on her nipples, but couldn't even muster the energy to move his face over to reach one of them.

After a while, Suzanne said, "By the way, after you finished giving Amy your anal best, I went downstairs to the video room to check on Katherine, since she was the only one watching. Did you know she was crying? I had a good talk with her, but-"

Alan interrupted, "Wait. Before you say anything else, I got a little off track there. I was saying that what we did here wasn't a secret. Aside from the scary thought of your husband or the whole town overhearing, I should mention that when I stood up to get the whipped cream I also flipped the switch by the door when you weren't looking, on the way back to the bed."

A realization slowly dawned on her. "So you mean..."

"Yes. The whole thing was recorded. Well, the second part was. Your special thing from the first part wasn't." He was being deliberately vague about her secret technique now, knowing that this conversation was also being recorded. "However, since the first part wasn't, I doubt anyone was downstairs to catch the second part. So you might want to save that for yourself and delete it from the computer. The reason I turned it back on was, I had an intuition that something special was going to happen that we'd want to save for all time. I didn't know I would get so carried away with the domineering talk."

"Hrm. Thanks. Actually, I'm really glad. Your instincts were good. But I am going to make sure no one else sees that. I'm just not ready to be that open about my submissive streak, even if they already have a good idea from little things I've said and done before. Let's go check to see if in fact they were watching and what they heard. For all we know, they might be still listening to us talk right now. That would be ... awkward."

They made to go, but as he sat up and looked her in the eye, he saw something there he didn't like. He asked, "You good?"

She paused, then replied, "Yeah."

But the look was still there - a frown hidden by a fake smile. He said, "Wait. Let me guess. The sexual glow has worn off. You're starting to regret stuff like calling me 'Master', especially since the sex was already over."

She paused again, then again said, "Yeah." But it was so quiet and shy, it was very unlike her.

He responded with surprising assurance, "I understand. Look. You didn't suddenly turn into a Brenda today. Not at all. You just showed that you can run the whole range. You can be completely submissive, or completely domineering, or something in-between, or something else not even on that scale. You can do whatever the fuck you want. You're not all slave-y, as Amy would put it. In fact, I'd argue that you're freer than ever before, because you did that and you're still you. Does that make you feel better?"

She gave a truly warm smile now. "Yes. Much! I DO feel more free, now that you put it that way. You know what I was saying earlier about how I'm the one who doesn't deserve you? This is what I mean. With you, I can drop all my schemes and all my fronts and just be me. I'm still learning what 'being me' means exactly, but I want to learn it with you."

"Aunt Suzy! That makes me so happy! I love you!" He was overjoyed for her.

"Shut up and kiss me!"

They kissed and laughed all at once.

She felt as if a great burden had lifted. She'd always worried about falling into the harem role the way Brenda or Katherine did, but now she saw that she had another path. She could turn completely submissive any time she wanted, just to have fun, yet still remain unchanged when it was over. She didn't need to fear it anymore.

Feeling energized and liberated, she stood up, or at least tried to. She'd been awake longer and recovered somewhat, but he had "rocked her world" so much that even standing was a challenge. However, like two completely wasted drunkards, they eventually managed to both stand and walk, mostly by leaning on each other. Somehow, they made it down the hallway.

As they neared the door to Susan's bedroom, Suzanne asked, "By the way, how did you know what I was thinking? You're a natural genius when it comes to women."

"No, I'm only a natural genius when it comes to knowing you. That's because I've known you my entire life. And after all, you are my mother."

She smiled like a child about to open a big pile of presents on Christmas morning.


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