6 Times a Day

Chapter 1004 Continued Sex With Aunt Suzy! [ReaperCrew Sponsored]

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His body aflame with desire, he said, "Now, I want my slave to get on all fours on the floor and crawl for me. Do you think you can do that? I love to see you crawl. Then we can fuck."

She was off the bed in a flash. She held her ass up high and crawled around in a little circle at the side of his bed. "Like this? How's this, Master?"

He looked at her skeptically, while lightly stroking his overheated cock. "Tell me: what do you feel? Do you feel any shame? Do you feel any pride? Any restraint?"

She nearly yelled, as she looked up at him with abject desperation, "Fuck no! I feel lust! LUST! I need to FUCK! The only restraint is that I'm trying my best not to jump up and rape you! I MUST HAVE COCK!"

She yelled those last words with such force that he actually flinched a bit. He saw a fire in her eyes which seemed to burn with an equal mixture of lust and fury for being teased this long. Yet he narrowed his eyes and remained stoic. A part of him wanted to see if he could push her so much that she really would attack him. He asked, "How does it feel to be so controlled by your desires?"

"It hurts to want something so bad, but it hurts so good!" She twisted and writhed on her knees as her hands roamed all over her heated body, like her lust had become a second skin on her. She reveled in that thought, that she was now attired in nothing but pure lust and sexual hunger.

She growled, "I love it! I want it! I feel so free! Like an animal! A wild animal! Let's make love like wild animals! I need to fuck!" She whimpered, "You have me begging already; please don't make me cry!" She did seem on the verge of tears.

His passions had been steadily rising too. He tried and failed to remember a time when he'd ever been as aroused as he was now. It was almost like he was having an out of body experience and what was left of the rational Alan was looking on from outside while his base, primeval lust completely took control of his body. He patted a spot on the bed.

She leapt up to it like a flying tigress. She wasn't lying when she said she wanted to fuck like a wild animal: she was all over him as if trying to touch, kiss, and fuck every square inch of him. He hadn't even had a chance to put his cock in her yet.

He was forced to use his superior strength to wrestle her to the bed and hold her down.

Her whole body was on fire, and she burned with white hot passion.

He was on fire, too. In fact, it seemed like the room suddenly grew as hot as a sauna, and both of them began sweating profusely from so much exertion. But only after he shouted, "Fuck you! I need to fuck you! Let me!" did she calm down enough that he was able to line up his cock with her hole and slide it in.

As soon as he did, she cried out, "Cumming! I'm cumming!" That was the last coherent thing she said, but she screamed and screamed and screamed like he'd never heard her scream before. She let out all her passions the way Amy and Brenda liked to scream, except that Suzanne let out more of a feral roar.

Her body continued to thrash about, and she might have fallen off the bed except that he was on top of her, squeezing her tightly.

His cock rammed her pussy repeatedly, in time to their bodies' wild, herky jerky motion. They both were too overcome to be capable of making regular, rhythmic fuck thrusts.

He repeatedly clenched his PC muscle and just barely managed to hold back from a climax.

Somehow, eventually, after she had more climaxes than she could count, her body calmed down enough for them to fuck a little more like they usually did.

He thrust in and out more rhythmically. But the steady pounding only excited him more and made it harder for him not to cum.

Before long, her conscious mind began to take over from her purely instinctive frenzy. She began roughly running her hands through his hair and all over his body while still wildly thrusting and panting. She slowly regained her ability to speak, and alternately shouted and cooed, "Master! Master!" She realized that he'd ended up sitting on top of her, grasping her ankles above her head and pounding down with his whole body weight behind every thrust. She felt extremely vulnerable and helpless in that position, and she loved it.

Her body continued to shudder so much that he couldn't tell how much of it was from more climaxes, but he suspected that really the entire thing was one giant, non-stop climax for her. It must have gone on for three or four minutes like that, at the absolute peak of intensity. But then she somehow regained enough coherent thought to realize he still hadn't cum. She started to thrust her hips back with more intensity and yelled, "Cum! Cum for me, Master! My master! My love! Cum, dammit! Cum IN me!"

He was pounding her backwards down the bed like a jackhammer pounding in concrete. Sex with Suzanne was almost always extremely taxing - she had an exceptionally acrobatic body and was always moving about. They continued to claw and scratch and grasp at each other. In fact, just when they were both about to cum, they fell off the bed and tumbled to the floor. They wound up in a heap of tangled limbs. They had a good laugh about it.

As soon as they determined no one had been seriously hurt, they just rejoined and kept on fucking. He was amused that he'd fucked her clear off the bed, even trying to fuck her all the way across the room. She slid a little further away from the bed with each new thrust he made.

The unexpected delay brought about by the fall caused them to postpone their orgasms too, but that only made their last pinnacle of passion that much more incredible when the time finally arrived.

He came first this time. This was certainly no time to practice a second non-ejaculatory orgasm. He just let go of all restraint and yelled at the top of his lungs as his seed unloaded into her. He could feel from her even stronger than usual vaginal contractions that his climax stirred a yet more powerful orgasmic response from her, too.

Both lovers froze, as though time stood still, while his cock spewed slug after slug of white-hot cum deep into her, filling her up with his seed until his cock could spit forth nothing more and simply twitched within her body.

It was all so intense for him that he completely passed out.

Katherine was getting a drink in the kitchen when she thought she heard a noise coming through the wall from the den. So after she had gotten her drink, she walked into the den to check it out.

"Hey," she said to Amy. "I thought I heard someone in here. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just chilling." Amy was sitting naked on a sofa while drawing with charcoal on her easel. (She spent so much time at the Plummer house that she always kept some art supplies in Kat's room.)

Katherine closed the door and crossed the room. "Can I see?"

"Sure!" Amy moved back slightly to give Katherine space to look, while continuing to sketch. "I've just kinda started. But it's gonna be a sketch of O.B. fucking my ass."

Katherine whistled in appreciation. "Wow. It already looks great. You do that better than I could draw or paint or anything."

Amy shrugged modestly. "Yeah, well, I just want to capture the moment while I still feel it in me."

"But that was, um, well over an hour ago already."

"I know. But I can still feel it in me. Both emotionally, and, you know, literally." She stopped drawing, lifted up a leg, pointed to her asshole, and giggled.

Katherine smirked a little, mildly amused. "So, what else have you been up to since then?"

Amy sat down on the sofa. "Oh, not much. I just took a nap right here. Getting my ass fucked like that really wiped me out! What about you?"I think you should take a look at

Katherine frowned, and sat down next to her. "Also not much. I must say, a night like this can be kind of torturous for me. Everybody else is getting fucked half to death, and my room is right across the hall. I took advantage of the video feed to the basement to watch Brother fuck you, and that was fun for a while. But then, later, when I wanted to go back and see him do the same to your mom, Mother, it turns out the video feed was turned off! Does that suck, or what?"

"Who turned it off?" Amy asked.

"Mother, of all people! I went back to see the last bit that was recorded. You'd think she'd know better. I mean, these are historic events we're talking about here. Historic! Some day, after he's fucked her thousands of times, she's gonna want to go back and relive the very first few times. But this time? Whoosht! Blank. Nada. Nothing. It's tragic, if you ask me."

Amy nodded. "So, what have you been doing since?"

"I was writing in my diary off and on, but I never let my diary leave my room, and staying in my room at this point isn't just like torture - it IS torture! His door is supposed to be fairly soundproof, but it might as well be wide open, the way Mother was screaming her head off. So, I dunno... I was gonna watch TV, but I'm too amped up. Hey, can I hang here with you for a while?"

Amy smiled brightly. "Sure! Take off your clothes, cuddle up, and let's just hang."

Although Katherine immediately started disrobing, she said, "Is it okay if we don't do anything sexual? I'm not really in the mood. Actually, I AM in the mood, but I'm in the mood to be in Brother's room, helping Mother take care of his big fat cock! Mom and I kinda played around for a while just a short while ago, and I sucked a belly-full of milk out of her. That was fun, but when you hear Mother across the hall alternately begging for mercy and begging for more, it's just not the same. You know what I mean?"

Amy nodded. "I can imagine. That's why I took a nap down here. But look on the bright side. You act like having a room across from Brother's is a bad thing, but think about how many of his lovers would LOVE to have that problem. Including me!"

Katherine had finished undressing, so she lay down on the sofa, causing Amy to lie down next to her and cuddle. "Yeah, I hear what you're saying, but it's not as great as you imagine. You'd think he'd take advantage of having an eager, willing fuck-toy sister right across the hallway more often."

She sighed, then added, "But I guess that's the lot of being just one of his many sex slaves."

Amy had spooned into Katherine's backside, then reached around her to caress her big breasts with both hands. But suddenly Katherine rolled in place to look into Amy's eyes.

"Hey, Aims. You know what? I know we've talked a lot about our feelings for Brother in the past, but we haven't really had a good talk since The Pact happened. I've been meaning to ask you how you feel about that."

Amy giggled, seemingly because it was such a silly question to ask. "You know I love it! Gosh, just having you become my official sister and your mom my official second mother... Everything is just so great! What's not to like?"

"Well, I know that, obviously. And I totally agree... Sister!"

They both giggled in delight at being able to use that word. Then they shared a French kiss to further celebrate. By the time the kiss ended, their hands were all over each other. However, even though Amy was fondling Katherine's tits again while Katherine played with Amy's pussy lips, they weren't really trying to arouse each other. It was more like post-coital cuddling, just enjoying total bodily intimacy.

Katherine finally continued, "Given that, sometimes you can be pretty hard to read. I mean, I know how much you love Brother, and I know you love our de-facto family coming together even more than before, but how do you REALLY feel about this master and slave stuff? I mean, really, honestly truly."

Katherine suddenly sat up and disengaged, because she wanted to be completely earnest and focused on this specific topic. "Look. I know we started off kind of kidding about that sort of thing. And it's still meant to be something we say in the heat of the moment, to get everyone that much hotter. I know Brother keeps acting like he doesn't really like it. But it's slowly become more and more real, if you know what I mean, at least for me and Mom. And the truth is, I can totally tell that Brother loves it!"

Amy grinned. "Yeah, I noticed. If we use certain words, it's like... boing! Instant boner."

"Exactly. And I don't have to tell you how useful that is."

Amy's grin widened. "No, you don't." She licked her lips and winked.

"Right. So anyways, now that we've all agreed to The Pact, it's pretty much official that the four of us - you, me, my mom, and your mom - are his de-facto sex slaves. You remember the words, don't you?"

"Sure!" Amy cheerfully recited the relevant part of The Pact, "'Alan is the head of the family, and master of the family harem. We trust him to lead us in sexual matters, and we pledge to obey his every desire. Alan has the right to sleep with any other women he chooses, within reason, but his first priority is with his harem. The women of this harem pledge to avoid any physical intimacy with other men, without exception, and to devote themselves fully to pleasing Alan and his insatiable cock.'"

"Very good." Katherine nodded with approval. "You see? It says right there that he is the 'master.' And that makes us his de-facto slaves. The only question is whether we should stick with the 'de-facto' or not. And that ultimately comes down to you."

"Me?!" Amy pointed at herself, right between her large breasts. "Why me?"

"Think about it. Mom and I are totally pro-slave. We both get a huge thrill out of calling him 'Master' and serving him in every possible way, especially sexually. We all can see that Brother loves it, but he's too modest to admit it, so he's kind of out of the equation, funnily enough. But Mother, she's torn up about it. When she's horny, she can get into it just as much as anybody. Most of the rest of the time, though, it rankles her, rubbing the wrong way. So, if it rubs you the wrong way too, then Mom and I will just have to try to cool it as best we can. But if you're really into it, then I'm sure your mom will get used to it, by and by."

Amy frowned. "It's not that easy. I know only the five of us signed The Pact, but it's not just us. What about Brenda, for starters? With her sexy, super busty body, and her attitude, she's gonna be a big part of the family for a long time. Probably forever."

"That's true," Katherine considered.

"And she tilts things in the slave-y direction in a big way," Amy pointed out. "in a super duper ultra slave-y way."

Katherine nodded. "You can say that again."

"In a super duper ultra slave-y way." Amy repeated herself, mischievously apparently misinterpreting what Katherine had meant. "Anyhoo, it's not just her, either. The harem is designed for expansion. The Pact even says, 'Any new women wanting to join our harem must be approved by us all.' I kinda assume the harem is gonna grow until Brother has a teeny tiny little more than he can handle. Don't you?"

Katherine chuckled. "Yeah." The she added sardonically, "Poor him."

Amy went on, "And if you're gonna join our harem, you pretty much have to be the submissive type who's into harems, 'cos, well, it's a harem. Duh!" She giggled. "So I think it's not just you and Mom on one side and Mother on the other. My Mom, God knows I love her, but she needs to get with the program. We're sex slaves. We have a master. That's just how it is."


Upcoming Schedule:

24-July-2023 - 'ReaperCrew' Sponsored - 6 Chapters

27-July-2023 - 'ReaperCrew' Sponsored - 2 Bonus Chapters


Once again Much Thanks to ReaperCrew for his generous donation.!! 💕


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